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No.001 那些杀不死你的终将使你更强大!




  1. The eagle does not respond or fight with the crow, it simply opens up its wings and begins to rise higher and higher in the sky.


  2. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it is for the crow to breathe.


  3. When the “crow of life” appear, they won’t stay around for long because they will not be able to breathe at your level.



  1. moral /ˈmɒrəl/

    adj. 道德的;精神上的;品性端正的

    n. 道德;寓意

    n. (Moral)人名;(德、法、西、葡、土)莫拉尔

  2. pod /pɒd/

    n. 蚕茧;豆荚

    vi. 结豆荚

    vt. 从豆荚中剥出

    n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德

  3. soar /sɔːr/

    vi. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;(树木、建筑物等)高耸;(情绪)高涨

    n. 高飞;高涨

    n. (Soar)(英、葡)索尔(人名)

  4. come across

    v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

No.002 再黑暗的隧道也有出口!




  1. Behind every moment of adversity in your life, there is a blessing and a lesson.


  2. The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success.


  3. It takes a lots of guts to pick yourself up when you experience setbacks and people don’t see the vision.



  1. turbulence /ˈtɜːbjələns/

    n. 骚乱,动荡;[流] 湍流;狂暴

  2. setback /ˈsetbæk/

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  3. gut /ɡʌt/

    n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠

    vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部

    adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的

  4. laugh at /læf æt/


No.003 人生的每一步都算数!




  1. Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness.


  2. I realized that there are two ways to see the world: some people see the thing that they want, and some people see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want.


  3. Once they hit their targets, they simply reset and go again.



  1. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

    n. 遭遇;偶然碰见

  2. virtue /ˈvɜːtʃuː/

    n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效

    n. (Virtue)人名;(英)弗丘

  3. incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/

    adj. 无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的

    n. 无能力者

  4. a bunch of


No.004 相信自己,一切皆有可能!




  1. Humans lead with belief, that may be the single most important thing to understand.


  2. Some people aren’t waiting to be cut, some people are moving on their own.


  3. There is a believing that every red and yellow light turns green eventually in life.



  1. sandpaper /ˈsændpeɪpər/

    n. 砂纸

    vt. 用砂纸擦光

  2. sticky /ˈstɪki/

    adj. 粘的;粘性的

  3. hairy /ˈheəri/

    adj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的

    n. (Hairy)人名;(法)艾里

  4. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/

    vt. 实行;执行;处死

No.005 对不起,这次我一定要赢!




  1. Start working and developing yourself now, and prepare yourself for what it is that you want because you expect to get it.


  2. And you have got to learn how to tune out the critics outside and the critics inside.


  3. I wanna fight for my family, I want my mom and dad proud of me, I want my kids proud of me, I want me proud of me.



  1. dude /duːd; djuːd/

    n. 男人,小伙子

    n. (Dude)人名;(德、塞)杜德

    n. (非正式)花花公子;纨绔子弟

  2. harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/

    n. 马具;背带,吊带;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作

    v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;将(两只动物)拴在一起

  3. posture /ˈpɒstʃər/

    n. 姿势;态度;情形

    vi. 摆姿势

    vt. 作…的姿势

  4. stack up


No.006 敢于乘风破浪,方可风生水起!




  1. This can be easily avoided by noticing the peak rush hour periods and starting your commute a few hours prior to that.


  2. This life that has been just given to you for temporary reasons has more meaning than you can ever imagine.


  3. They repeat the same mistakes over and over again without taking a queue from their previous mistakes.



  1. embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/

    v. 上船(或飞机);(使)上船(或登记);从事

  2. turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/

    n. 混乱,骚动

  3. engulf /ɪnˈɡʌlf/

    vt. 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽

  4. push back


No.007 自律是你真正强大的开始!




  1. You really have to ask yourself what you want from life.


  2. Not many people are willing to sacrifice for years to live a better life in the future, but the great ones are.


  3. Self-discipline is not usually fun in the moment, but that self-discipline leads to a higher quality life later.



  1. consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/

    adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地

  2. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  3. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  4. in terms of


No.008 没人能打败你,除非你自己!




  1. Failure teaches you your limits, it makes you realise what you did wrong.


  2. Turning a want into a crushing need is one of the most useful processes that you can master.


  3. If there is no value proposition at hand, then you have no meaning to justify the difficult conditions of your life.



  1. duck /dʌk/

    n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分

    vi. 闪避;没入水中

    vt. 躲避;猛按…入水

    n. (Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克

  2. brutally /ˈbruːtəli/

    adv. 残忍地;野蛮地;兽性地

  3. unabashedly /ˌʌnəˈbæʃɪdli/

    adv. 不害臊地;不怕羞地

  4. predicate /ˈprɛdɪˌkeɪt/

    n. 谓语,述语

    v. 使……基于;断言;暗示

    adj. 谓语的,述语的

No.009 人生不设限,未来尤可期!




  1. We have negative thoughts running around our minds.


  2. It’s absolutely possible for you to jump at least two grade levels within the next 30 days.


  3. A lot of us haven’t tapped into our full potential yet, we are living in our own bubbles.



  1. malleable /ˈmæliəbl/

    adj. 可锻的;可塑的;有延展性的;易适应的

  2. capability /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/

    n. 才能,能力;性能,容量

  3. fraction /ˈfrækʃn/

    n. 分数;部分;小部分;稍微

  4. shake off


No.010 全力以赴,不留遗憾!




  1. I left everything and started doing it because I was fully committed, the world responded to that commitment.


  2. What you are trying to do is do what you have done on this level and get the next level.


  3. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.



  1. hustle /ˈhʌsl/

    v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃;(非正式)拉客

    n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力

  2. lifeguard /ˈlaɪfɡɑːd/

    n. 救生员;警卫

    vt. 护卫,保护

    vi. 当救生员

  3. scratch /skrætʃ/

    n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写

    adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的

    vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂

    vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛

  4. soundtrack /ˈsaʊndtræk/

    n. 声带;声道;声迹;电影配音

No.011 愿一切努力终有收获!




  1. They are in bigger hurry to get to their destination.


  2. Time and focus are the most two valuable tools we have as people.


  3. You can be whatever you want to be as long as you want it bad enough.



  1. genetic /dʒəˈnetɪk/

    adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的

  2. sprinter /ˈsprɪntər/

    n. 短跑选手;短程赛选手;短跑运动员

  3. specimen /ˈspesɪmən/

    n. 样品,样本;标本

  4. max out


No.012 挫折也许就是下一个转折




  1. Accepting the reality that we will never ever have things just on an even keel all the time.


  2. When things go wrong, they always seem to happen at once and they just compound on top of each other and it’s pretty easy sometimes to feel beaten.


  3. These hard stress-filled, anxiety-filled moments that unexpectedly hit us.



  1. compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/

    n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词;有围栏(或围墙)的场地(内有工厂或其他建筑群)

    adj. 复合的;混合的

    v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协

  2. circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  3. warpath /ˈwɔːpɑːθ/

    n. 敌对行动;征途;敌对情绪

  4. ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/

    n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵

    vt. 埋伏,伏击

    vi. 埋伏

No.013 梦有多大,舞台就有多大!




  1. Her parents raised her to always believe in herself and never doubt her value.


  2. If things are not going according to your plans, don’t worry about it, it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


  3. You can’t just sit in your room and think your way to passion, some things require you to get out of your comfort zone.



  1. babysit /ˈbeɪbisɪt/

    v. (孩子家长外出时)临时代为照看婴孩

  2. sabotage /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/

    v. 妨害;蓄意破坏

    n. 蓄意毁坏;刻意阻碍

  3. flip /flɪp/

    vt. 掷;轻击

    vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳

    adj. 无礼的;轻率的

    n. 弹;筋斗

  4. self-discipline /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 自律;自我修养;自我训练

No.014 把握生命每一刻




  1. But you can see how much time there is available if you organize your day


  2. There was not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I‘m standing here today.

    我没有浪费过一分钟, 这也就是我今天为什么能够站在这里。

  3. It drives me crazy when people say they don’t have enough time.



  1. composer /kəmˈpəʊzər/

    n. 作曲家;作家,著作者;设计者

  2. schmooze /ʃmuːz/

    v. 闲谈;拍马屁,扯关系;亲密交谈

    n. 闲谈,聊天;亲密交谈

  3. nuts /nʌts/

    adj. 发狂的;热衷的;狂热的

    int. 胡说;呸

    n. 坚果;螺母(nut的复数);核心

    v. 采坚果;用头撞(nut的三单形式)

  4. work out


No.015 不到最后,不见分晓!




  1. Are you surrounding youself with people that can nourish you?


  2. It is necessary that you develop some new relationships where you can learn from people.


  3. It’s possible that you got some talents,some ideas in you,your ability to do some stuff that you haven’t even discovered yet.



  1. evade /ɪˈveɪd/

    vt. 逃避;规避;逃脱

    vi. 逃避;规避;逃脱

  2. spectator /spekˈteɪtər/

    n. 观众;旁观者

  3. tunnel /ˈtʌnl/

    n. 隧道;坑道;洞穴通道

    vt. 挖;在…打开通道;在…挖掘隧道

    vi. 挖掘隧道;打开通道

  4. be supposed to


No.016 C罗的成功经验,速来围观!




  1. Because I really like to put myself in the pressure to see what I can do.


  2. If you want respect, you should respect the other people, and this is what I always put in my mind.

    如果你想要别人的尊重,你应该尊重别人, 我把这句话记在脑海。

  3. For the future, I will try to maintain the same, I’m going to push myself until my body give me a good answer.



  1. skinny /ˈskɪni/

    adj. 瘦骨嶙峋的;紧身的;(非正式)低脂肪的

    n. 瘦骨嶙峋的人;机密情报,内幕消息

  2. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/

    n. 奉献;献身;赠言

  3. athleticism /æθˈletɪsɪzəm/

    n. 崇尚运动,积极参与运动;运动能力,运动才能

  4. in good shape


No.017 成功者决不放弃!




  1. No one has become successful while staying within their comfort zone.


  2. It is not easy to continue studying when every part of your body is telling you to give up.


  3. If you can push through the suffering, there are some great things waiting for you on the other side, but you don’t get to see them if you give up right now.



  1. battleground /'bætlɡraʊnd/

    n. 战场

  2. mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈəʊkər/

    adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的

  3. bother /ˈbɒðər/

    vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒

    vi. 操心,麻烦;烦恼

    n. 麻烦;烦恼

  4. propel /prəˈpel/

    vt. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策

No.018 告别拖延,改变自己!




  1. People who succeed stick to the plan regardless


  2. Become someone who does instead of someone who just talks.

    成为做事的人而不是只嘴上说说的人 。

  3. You have an incredible journey ahead of you and I wish you all the luck in the world.



  1. smash /smæʃ/

    vt. 粉碎;使破产;溃裂;使猛撞;撞击;搞垮(政治集团或体制)

    vi. 粉碎;打碎

    n. 破碎;扣球;冲突;大败;十分走红的歌曲(或电影、戏剧)

    adv. 哗啦一声

    adj. 了不起的;非常轰动的;出色的

  2. complain /kəmˈpleɪn/

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  3. deserve /dɪˈzɜːv/

    vi. 应受,应得

    vt. 应受,应得

  4. carry on


No.019 突破万难,勇攀高峰




  1. When you don’t know the truth of who you are, you will believe the lies of what the world says you are.


  2. But if I fail, I try again and again for as long as I try, there is always a that chance of getting up.


  3. If you didn’t go what you have gone through, you wouldn’t be who you are today.



  1. surround /səˈraʊnd/

    vt. 围绕;包围

    n. 围绕物

    adj. 环绕立体声的

  2. survive /səˈvaɪv/

    vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长

    vi. 幸存;活下来

  3. miracle /ˈmɪrəkl/

    n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例

    n. (Miracle)人名;(英)米勒克尔;(意、西)米拉克莱

  4. come up to

    v. 达到;等于

No.020 不忘初心,方得始终




  1. When I was a kid, I was so captivated by imagination that I wouldn’t even want to go to bed.


  2. The excitement and mere possibility of the world around me kept me awake.


  3. I hadn’t learned to settle down or go with flow, I hadn’t yet learned to weigh the opinions of others or the pressure of the conformity.



  1. contemplate /ˈkɒntəmpleɪt/

    vt. 沉思;注视;思忖;预期

    vi. 冥思苦想;深思熟虑

  2. scenario /səˈnɑːriəʊ/

    n. 方案;情节;剧本;设想

  3. detach /dɪˈtætʃ/

    vt. 分离;派遣;使超然

  4. gravitate /ˈɡrævɪteɪt/

    vi. 受引力作用;被吸引

No.021 不要让生活压垮了你




  1. Tragedy and trials come to everybody, only the strong survive.


  2. You have the opportunity to show the world what you are really made of.


  3. I need you to look at that sickness that’s going on in your life right now.



  1. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/

    adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的

  2. grumble /ˈɡrʌmbl/

    vi. 抱怨;嘟囔

    n. 怨言

    vt. 喃喃地说出

    adv. 抱怨地表示;嘟囔地说

  3. retreat /rɪˈtriːt/

    n. 撤退;休息寓所

    vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾

    vt. 退(棋);使后退

  4. fall apart


No.022 当你想放弃的时候看看这个!




  1. The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.


  2. Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you ask God for.


  3. The beautiful things can come from your broken pieces when you give your broken pieces a chance.



  1. jack /dʒæk/

    n. 千斤顶;[电] 插座;男人

    vt. 增加;提醒;抬起;用千斤顶顶起某物

    adj. 雄的

  2. rejection /rɪˈdʒekʃn/

    n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽

  3. relentless /rɪˈlentləs/

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  4. cut off


No.023 假如生活欺骗了你




  1. Everybody in your life will have a turn back moment.


  2. No matter who you are,you are gonna have such a period in your life where it seems like it’s not working, you are gonna have doubts.


  3. There is a power in you that can enable you to be stronger and better than anything that is out here.



  1. trial /ˈtraɪəl/

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

    adj. 试验的;审讯的

  2. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  3. devastate /ˈdevəsteɪt/

    vt. 毁灭;毁坏

  4. shamble /ˈʃæmbl/

    vi. 蹒跚地走;摇晃不稳;摇摇晃晃地走

    n. 蹒跚;摇晃的脚步

No.024 做坚持到最后的那个人




  1. Opportunity like a curtain that must be pulled back and an ocean that must be crossed or a toll that must be paid.


  2. Because the difference between average and exceptional is the ability to make a single decision.


  3. Your job is not to make a finish line appear, it is to say yes to the step in front of you.



  1. faint /feɪnt/

    adj. 模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;[医]衰弱的

    vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力

    n. [中医] 昏厥,昏倒

  2. inadequacy /ɪnˈædɪkwəsi/

    n. 不足,不够好;能力不足;缺点,弱点;不适当;不完全

  3. spectacular /spekˈtækjələr/

    adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的

  4. grandiose /ˈɡrændiəʊs/

    adj. 宏伟的;堂皇的;浮夸的;宏大的

No.025 我命由我不由天




  1. Champions stare at the things that make them uncomfortable until uncomfortable bow to them.


  2. One must not only get used to pains but become immune to it.


  3. You can either serve tomorrow or you can make tomorrow serve you.



  1. complacency /kəmˈpleɪsnsi/

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  2. vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/

    adj. 易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的

  3. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    vt. 拥抱;欣然采纳;信奉;包含

    vi. 拥抱

    n. 拥抱;采纳

  4. slack up 减退,减弱

No.026 别再为自己找借口!




  1. Pocrastination, it’s to avoid doing something.


  2. Assigning yourself discipline is essential in your life and in my life.


  3. If you can believe in it, you can achieve it.



  1. procrastinator /proʊˌkræstɪˌneɪtər/

    n. 拖延者,拖拉者;因循者

  2. interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/

    vt. 中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍

    vi. 打断;打扰

    n. 中断

  3. recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/

    vt. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏

    vi. 确认,承认;具结

  4. conjure /ˈkɑːndʒər/

    vt. 念咒召唤;用魔法驱赶;提出,想象;恳求

    vi. 施魔法;变魔术

No.027 优秀的人从不止步!




  1. Therefore excellence ought to be a habit.


  2. You are in a fight between will and skill.


  3. Maybe you don’t realize it yet but you future self is counting on you to study hard.



  1. grind /ɡraɪnd/

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

    n. 磨;苦工作

  2. scroll /skrəʊl/

    n. 供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰

    v. 在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动

  3. mindlessly /ˈmaɪndləsli/

    adv. 不费心思地;愚蠢地

  4. prioritize /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/

    v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑

No.028 打破阻碍你的束缚!




  1. Or at least I don't have the same problems that she has, or you know, well how am I doing relative to my siblings, to my brothers my sister?


  2. We see the amazing qualities in other people, and we look at our skill, and then we say, like, well, I don't have that. And then we just naturally feel inferior.



  1. relative /ˈrelətɪv/

    adj. 相对的;有关系的;成比例的

    n. 亲戚;相关物;[语] 关系词;亲缘植物

  2. sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/

    n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员

  3. amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/

    adj. 令人惊异的

    v. 使吃惊

  4. inferior /ɪnˈfɪəriər/

    adj. 差的;自卑的;下级的,下等的

    n. 下级;次品

No.029 一站到底,问鼎巅峰




  1. Many choose to turn around, They feel a little pain, then they run away. But there is a small number who decide that the pain is worth the prize.


  2. It got harder, and it got harder, and it seemed the further I climbed, the harder it got.



  1. seem /siːm/

    v. 似乎;像是;装作

  2. further /ˈfɜːðər/

    adv. 更远地;远非(如此);进一步地;

    adj. 更多的,附加的;更远的;进一步的,深一层的

    v. 促进,增进,助长

  3. run away


  4. turn around

    转向反方向;(生意或经济) 好转;船只留港

No.030 勤奋成就生活之美




  1. Well, They know how their brain works, and they take advantage of their brain wave states and brain chemistry.


  2. The brain produces electrical patterns, often referred to as waves.



  1. wave /weɪv/

    v. 挥手;挥手示意;挥舞;飘扬;使(头发)略呈波形

    n. 海浪;心潮;涌现的人(或物);挥手;波;

  2. chemistry /ˈkemɪstri/

    n. 化学;化学过程

  3. refer /rɪˈfɜːr/

    v. 参考;涉及;提到;查阅

    v. 涉及;委托;归诸于;使…求助于

  4. take advantage of


No.031 向困难,做出最有力的回击




  1. But to win fights you've got to have stamina, fight, counter punch, jab back.


  2. When you're about to fight, you know the fight is coming, adrenaline begins to pump, heart begins to race.



  1. stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/

    n. 耐力,持久力,毅力;雄蕊

  2. punch /pʌntʃ/

    n. 冲压机;打洞器;钻孔机

    v. 开洞;以拳重击

  3. counter /ˈkaʊntə(r)/

    n. 柜台;对立面;计数器;(某些棋盘游戏的)筹码

    v. 反击,还击;反向移动,对着干;反驳,回答

  4. adrenaline /əˈdrenəlɪn/

    n. 肾上腺素

No.032 苦难是动力的源泉




  1. You will come into obstacles, you probably already have whether it's procrastination.


  2. The most successful people on the planet have had to overcome catastrophic obstacles.



  1. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  2. procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/

    n. 耽搁,拖延;拖延症

  3. overcome /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/

    v. 克服;胜过

    v. 克服;得胜

  4. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

No.033 人生岔路口,择难还是择易?




  1. Your educational journey is going to be hard, I can promise you that, there are two paths you can take, the easy road or the hard road.


  2. It's when you decide that the grades you are achieving right now, are not representative of what you're able to achieve.



  1. journey /ˈdʒɜːni/

    n. 旅行;行程

  2. promise /ˈprɒmɪs/

    n. 许诺,允诺;希望

    v. 允诺,许诺;给人以……的指望或希望

    v. 许诺;有指望,有前途

  3. path /pɑːθ/

    n. 道路;小路;轨道

  4. representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/

    adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的;表现的,体现的;与表象有关的

    n. 代表;典型;众议员;销售代表

No.034 全力以赴,是最高的态度




  1. You have to do whatever it takes, however many hours of studying it takes, reading textbooks untill late at night, going to see your professor if you have questions, attending every class.


  2. I can see it in what they do, their passion, their drive, thier relentlessness.



  1. professor /prəˈfesə(r)/

    n. 教授;教师;公开表示信仰的人

  2. attend /əˈtend/

    v. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴

    v. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾

  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. relentless /rɪˈlentləs/

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

No.035 沉沦退缩,不如直面恐惧




  1. They're drowning, they're folding, under the weight of pain, and suffering, and misery and they ask me what I think.


  2. You control the narrative. You write the story that you wanna write. And make your actions nothing short of heroic.



  1. drown /draʊn/

    v. 淹没;把…淹死

    v. 淹死;溺死

  2. fold /fəʊld/

    v. 折叠;可折叠;包;倒闭,停业;结束;

    n. 褶层;褶痕;羊圈;(地壳岩石层的)褶皱

  3. misery /ˈmɪzəri/

    n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困

  4. heroic /həˈrəʊɪk/

    adj. 英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的

    n. 史诗;英勇行为

No.036 不要在困难前做被动的一方!




  1. What will separate you is how you handled it. When you're kicked down and tested by the world, what you do about it.


  2. So quit wasting time, complaining, moaning, snap out of it.



  1. handle /ˈhændl/

    v. (用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);

  2. kick /kɪk/

    v. 踢,踢腿;对(自己)生气;(体育中)踢球得分;

    n. 踢;(一次)踢球(动作);有特定踢球能力的运动员;

  3. moan /məʊn/

    v. 抱怨,悲叹;呻吟

    n. 呻吟声;悲叹

    v. 抱怨;呻吟着说

  4. snap /snæp/

    v. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上

    v. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上

    n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断

No.037 岁月可期,值得一搏




  1. We’ve all had that feeling, where you've had a productive day, you've studied well more than usual.


  2. If you have it in your mind that you don't want to study and you keep trying to fight it, eventually it will become too much, so instead of looking at it like it's a burden or a chore that you have to do.



  1. productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  2. usual /ˈjuːʒuəl/

    adj. 通常的,惯例的;平常的

  3. chore /tʃɔː(r)/

    n. 家庭杂务;日常的零星事务;讨厌的或累人的工作

  4. burden /ˈbɜːdn/

    n. 负担;责任;船的载货量

    v. 使负担;烦扰;装货于

No.038 你生来就是为了实现梦想的!




  1. I said, do you believe as a human being not N/A, bragger doshes way, but that you’re the greatest level of all creation.


  2. I need you to spend a considerable amount of time dreaming every single day, let me tell you why.



  1. bragger /ˈbræɡər/

    n. 吹牛者

  2. dosh /dɑːʃ/

    n. 钱

  3. creation /kriˈeɪʃn/

    n. 创造,创作;创作物,产物

  4. considerable /kənˈsɪdərəbl/

    adj. 相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的

No.039 那些难熬的岁月将使你更强大




  1. I didn't have motivation to study, my exam grades were far below average, and I just settled with that standard.


  2. It means doing what you've been struggling with, for the last few years, focusing on your studying, making it a priority.



  1. motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/

    n. 动机;积极性;推动

  2. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

  3. settle /ˈsetl/

    v. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷

    v. 解决;安排;使…定居

  4. priority /praɪˈɒrəti/

    n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事

No.040 不甘于平凡,才能超脱平凡




  1. You'll probably get D grades in your next exams too, and that's the problem most students are facing, that's the mediocrity most students are stuck in.


  2. They're sharpening these skills, they're training their brain to focus on the task at hand.



  1. mediocrity /ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti/

    n. 平庸之才;平常

  2. sharpen /ˈʃɑːpən/

    v. 削尖;磨快;使敏捷;加重;尖锐;变锋利

  3. stick /stɪk/

    v. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴;坚持;伸出;粘住

  4. at hand

    adv. 在手边;即将到来

No.041 少说多做,才是最有力的践行




  1. People want the glitz and the glamour, and the caviar, but they're not willing to eat.


  2. Everybody has the ambition or the thought process of living a 1% life, but the far majority have no interest in putting in the work ethic of the 1% that is required for that life.



  1. glitz /ɡlɪts/

    v. 使光彩夺目,使绚丽

    n. 浮华;炫目;闪光

  2. glamour /ˈɡlæmə(r)/

    n. 魅力,魔力;迷人的美

    v. 迷惑,迷住

  3. caviar /ˈkæviɑː(r)/

    n. 鱼子酱

  4. ethic /ˈeθɪk/

    n. 伦理;道德规范

    adj. 伦理的;道德的

No.042 求知若渴,虚心若愚




  1. If what you do is hard, approaching strangers, talking to people in shopping malls, get up dressed every day, going up prospecting.


  2. People that are hungry, no excuse is acceptable for not making their dream become reality.



  1. approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/

    v. 走进;与……接洽;处理;临近,逐渐接近(某时间或事件)

  2. prospect /ˈprɒspekt/

    n. 前途;预期;景色

  3. excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/

    n. 借口;理由;拙劣样品;假条

  4. acceptable /əkˈseptəbl/

    adj. 可接受的;合意的;可忍受的

No.043 世界不曾亏待每一个努力的人




  1. At the end of your feelings is nothing, but at the end of every principal is a promise.


  2. Don't give in to the immediate gratification, that is whispering in your ear. The desire to take the downhill path, the easy path.



  1. principal /ˈprɪnsəpl/

    adj. 主要的;资本的

    n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人

  2. promise /ˈprɒmɪs/

    n. 许诺,允诺;希望

    v. 允诺,许诺;给人以…的指望或希望

  3. whisper /ˈwɪspə(r)/

    v. 耳语;私下说,密谈;飒飒地响;造谣

  4. downhill /daʊn'hɪl/

    adv. 下坡;向下;每况愈下

No.044 不向拖延妥协,不向生活低头




  1. Don't negotiate with procrastinating, the mind is incredibly powerful if you learn to direct it and that means sometimes directing it.


  2. It takes a lot of discipline and determination to say I don’t negotiate with myself.



  1. negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/

    v. 谈判,商议;转让;越过

  2. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  3. incredibly /ɪnˈkredəbli/

    adv. 难以置信地;非常地

  4. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    v. 训练,训导;惩戒

No.045 保持行动力与专注力!




  1. And then you're staying in place in your life, or you're sliding backwards.


  2. So here's the biggest thing, you've got to eliminate the distractions and really restructure your life so that you have time.



  1. slide /slaɪd/

    v. 滑动;平稳地走;悄悄移动;逐渐恶化;贬值;衰落;

  2. backwards /ˈbækwədz/

    adv. 倒;向后;逆

  3. distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/

    n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

  4. restructure /ˌriːˈstrʌktʃə(r)/

    v. 改组;重组

No.046 遗憾比失败可怕




  1. Imagine if you will be on your deathbed and standing around your bed, the ghost of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, and talents given to you by life.


  2. Throughout history, we are the only animal that's conscious of our mortality and it's caused an incredible reaction.



  1. ghost /ɡəʊst/

    n. 鬼,幽灵

    v. 作祟于;替…捉刀;为人代笔

  2. conscious /ˈkɒnʃəs/

    adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的

  3. mortality /mɔːˈtæləti/

    n. 死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运

  4. incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

No.047 你只是优秀,并不是卓越




  1. Then we keep on doing it and it's an easy trap to fall into, that's why it so important to not miss even one class, because it can quickly snowball into something more dangerous.


  2. And it's funny because the more obsessed you get with your studying, the louder the haters will get.



  1. snowball /ˈsnəʊbɔːl/

    n. 雪球

    vi. 掷雪球;滚雪球般增大

  2. obsessed /əbˈsest/

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  3. louder /laʊdə/

    adv. 大声一点

  4. fall into


No.048 愿这黑夜,不负你攀爬的决心




  1. You just have not been able to work through the procrastinating, or putting it off, or justifying.


  2. I'm struggling, and I'm scraping and kicking, and clawing at those weaknesses to change them.



  1. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  2. scrap /skræp/

    n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量

    v. 废弃;使解体;拆毁

  3. kick /kɪk/

    v. 踢,踢腿;对(自己)生气;

  4. put off


No.049 战胜逆境,告别平庸的自己




  1. Greatness is no joyride, greatness is full of adversity and obstacles.


  2. They are going to throw sticks at you, they are going to try and pull you down and keep you on their level.



  1. joyride /ˈdʒɔɪraɪd/

    n. 驾车游玩;兜风;追求享乐

  2. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  3. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  4. stick /stɪk/

    v. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

No.050 战胜单调,化努力为习惯!




  1. The actual pursuit of success begins with a principal that is so uncool and so unsexy, but so absolutely indispensable.


  2. You have to master the monotonous.



  1. principal /ˈprɪnsəpl/

    adj. 主要的;资本的

    n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人

  2. indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/

    adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的

  3. master /ˈmɑːstə(r)/

    n. 主人;大师;硕士;男教师;原件;院长;

    v. 精通;控制;征服;制作……母版

  4. məˈnɒtənəs /məˈnɒtənəs/

    adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的

No.051 成功不易,努力即是捷径




  1. And when they have a day where they didn't perform at their best, at their full potential, they recognise it, take note.


  2. That’s all it is, there is no shortcut, there is no easy road to get good grades you have to be the best version of you possible.



  1. potential /pəˈtenʃl/

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

  2. recognise /'rekəɡnaɪz/

    v. 认出;承认,认可;识别

  3. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/

    n. 捷径;被切短的东西

  4. at one's best


No.052 不要给自己放弃的余地!




  1. It's hard to outperform everyone else in your class, very few people are willing to endure the pain.


  2. They settle for average, average is dangerous, average is for the weak, you can be great, you can get to the next level.



  1. outperform /ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːm/

    v. 胜过;做得比……好

  2. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/

    v. 忍耐;容忍

  3. settle /ˈsetl/

    v. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷

  4. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;

No.053 时不我待,只争朝夕




  1. That's the thing, success and failure are generally slow processes.


  2. Either slowly building things up, or gradually tearing them down.



  1. generally /ˈdʒenrəli/

    adv. 通常;普遍地,一般地

  2. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;

  3. tear /ter/

    v. 撕掉,扯下;撕破;拔掉;拉伤;(非正式)狂奔

    n. 眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝, 撕扯

  4. either...or...


No.054 别让借口成为你认输的理由!




  1. In this round of your life, you may be getting knocked down. You may be going through trials and tribulations. But I tell you once you get up you, you will be able to fight with strength you never had.


  2. When life knocks you down, and you don't see a way to get up, you have to find it deep down inside.



  1. trial /ˈtraɪəl/

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

  2. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  3. inside /ˌɪnˈsaɪd/

    n. 内侧;里面,内部;内心

    adj. 里面的,内部的;来自内部的

  4. knock down


No.055 生而不同,莫成为“大多数”




  1. Why is being different frowned upon by the majority? The majority aren't where they want to be.


  2. You have a mind of your own, to have the courage, to never follow a path that was paved for you, but instead choose to pave your own.



  1. majority /məˈdʒɒrəti/

    n. 多数;成年

  2. pave /peɪv/

    v. (用石板或砖)铺(路),铺砌,铺设;为某事物铺平道路,创造条件

  3. instead /ɪnˈsted/

    adv. 代替;反而;相反

  4. frown upon


No.056 带着信仰的翅膀,翱翔于天际




  1. Success is a war over the invisible, it's having the faith and vision to see what could be, can be and will be.


  2. The language of those who are truly alive soaring on wings of faith.



  1. invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/

    adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的

  2. vision /ˈvɪʒn/

    n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力;幻视

  3. soar /sɔː(r)/

    v. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;

  4. wing /wɪŋ/

    n. 翼;翅膀;飞翔;派别;侧厅,耳房,厢房

No.057 生命不息,探索不止




  1. It's time to rise and shine, it's time to be about that business, it's time to understand that if you want to get something out of your life.


  2. You've got to understand that it takes grit, passion and determination.



  1. shine /ʃaɪn/

    v. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;出类拔萃,表现突出;

  2. grit /ɡrɪt/

    n. 砂砾;勇气,决心;粗砂岩

  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. determination /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/

    n. 决心;果断;测定

No.058 生命不息,探索不止




  1. Many of you probably know who the Wright brothers are. The Wright brothers were evolutionaries. They changed and revolutionised flight.


  2. Your flops and your failures yesterday doesn't even matter.



  1. evolutionary /ˌiːvəˈluːʃənri/

    adj. 进化的;发展的;渐进的

  2. revolutionise /,revə'ljuːʃənaɪz/

    v. 彻底改变

  3. flop /flɒp/

    n. 彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作;扑通声;(非正式)廉价旅馆

  4. matter /ˈmætə(r)/

    n. 物质;事件

    vi. 有关系;要紧

No.059 送给处在绝境中的你!




  1. Because the idea isn't gonna execute itself and the book isn't gonna write itself and the weights out in the gym they're not gonna move themselves.


  2. Opportunities will come to you every day, it's either for you, you can remain scared of the opportunities or you can embrace them and take.



  1. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/

    v. 实行;执行;处死

  2. weight /weɪt/

    n. 重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性

    v. 加重量于,使变重

  3. scared /skeəd/

    adj. 害怕的

  4. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    v. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

No.060 与时间赛跑,争做时间的主人




  1. You will be who knows, how much more efficient 10 times more efficient, 20 times more efficient, that's the Pareto distribution.


  2. When I was broke, if you look at my schedule you'll see that I woke up whenever I felt like waking up.



  1. efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt/

    adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的

  2. distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/

    n. 分布;分配;供应

  3. schedule /ˈʃedjuːl/

    n. 计划(表);时间表;一览表;

    v. 安排,预定;

  4. wake up


No.061 成功无捷径,只怕有心人




  1. Be true to yourself you know some people can be so superficial, you know there's no depth, you know it's so dense.


  2. You got to be humble, you know and I think too many of us who've been blessed like we've been blessed people watch us and dont see.



  1. superficial /ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃl/

    adj. 表面的;肤浅的 ;表面文章的;外表的;(人)浅薄的

  2. dense /dens/

    adj. 稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的

  3. humble /ˈhʌmbl/

    adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的

  4. bless /bles/

    v. 祝福;保佑;赞美

No.062 保持饥饿,保持愚蠢




  1. I've not been put on this planet to have an average education, an average income, an average family, average health.


  2. I'm here to make a dent in the universe, you will never hear me complain that it's someone else's fault.



  1. planet /ˈplænɪt/

    n. 行星

  2. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;

  3. income /ˈɪnkʌm/

    n. 收入,收益;所得

  4. make a dent


No.063 携必胜的心态前行!




  1. Dreaming is good, having goals is good, but sooner or later there comes a time when you must act.


  2. Nothing can be achieved, conceived, until first it's believed.



  1. goal /ɡəʊl/

    n. 目标;球门,得分数;终点

  2. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/

    v. 取得;获得;实现;成功

  3. conceive /kənˈsiːv/

    v. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有

  4. sooner or later


No.064 告别过去,让一切归零




  1. Humility is the most important thing you can have for change, if you really wanna have a big change, a lot of people come to hear what they already want to hear, codify this into five principles I can then apply to my life.


  2. Action is the antidote for despair, action is the prescription for success.



  1. humility /hjuːˈmɪləti/

    n. 谦卑,谦逊

  2. codify /ˈkəʊdɪfaɪ/

    v. 编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典

  3. antidote /ˈæntidəʊt/

    n. [药] 解毒剂;解药;矫正方法

  4. prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/

    n. 药方;指示;惯例

No.065 沉淀自我,看清内心




  1. Mentorship and personal coaching is only for those seeking the very next level. It is for peak performers.


  2. With the right kind of coaching and determination, you can accomplish anything.



  1. mentorship /ˈmentəʃɪp/

    n. 导师制,辅导教师;师徒制

  2. coaching /ˈkəʊtʃɪŋ/

    n. 辅导;教练技术

  3. peak /piːk/

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

    adj. 最高的;最大值的

  4. accomplish /əˈkʌmplɪʃ/

    v. 完成;实现;达到

No.066 莫让他人的看法,成为羁绊




  1. Hundreds of years ago when we were on the savanna fighting the saber-toothed tiger and the cheetah, if we left the herd, we would be killed and eaten.


  2. So very simply, please take the passion that is pouring out of my face right now and run with, and go do something.



  1. savanna /sə'vænə/

    n. [生态] 热带草原;热带的稀树大草原

  2. saber /ˈseɪbə(r)/

    n. 军刀;佩剑;骑兵

    v. 用马刀砍或杀

  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. pour /pɔː(r)/

    v. 灌,倒;倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下;涌进,涌出;斟(饮料);纷至沓来

No.067 做你自己,坚强且温柔




  1. Being the most connected generation in the history of mankind has its upsides.


  2. So I mean aspiring to achieve great things is fine but aspiring to be our idols is dangerous.



  1. generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 一代;产生;一代人;生殖

  2. upside /ˈʌpsaɪd/

    n. (不利局面中)积极面;(股票价格)上涨

  3. aspiring /əˈspaɪərɪŋ/

    adj. 有抱负的;追求…的;高耸的

  4. idol /ˈaɪdl/

    n. 偶像,崇拜物;幻象;谬论

No.068 战胜自我怀疑,做自信的自己




  1. If you believe in yourself, the world will believe in you, because perception is reality.


  2. I wasn't insecure anymore, because the emotion that had the most dominance in my thought process was actually being paid attention to.



  1. perception /pəˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

  2. insecure /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə(r)/

    adj. 不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的

  3. dominance /ˈdɒmɪnəns/

    n. 优势;统治;支配

  4. believe in


No.069 用心奔跑,永不止步




  1. There are winners and there's losers and there are people who have not discovered how to win.


  2. All they need is some coaching, all they need is some help and assistance, just a little support.



  1. loser /ˈluːzə(r)/

    n. 失败者;遗失者

  2. discover /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/

    v. 发现;发觉

  3. coaching /ˈkəʊtʃɪŋ/

    n. 辅导;教练技术

  4. assistance /əˈsɪstəns/

    n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备

No.070 半山腰太挤,要去山顶看看




  1. And what keeps you from getting to that spot, is your inability to recognize that you are in control of that last 25%.


  2. What we're talking about here is you making sure that you leave your workspace spotless.



  1. inability /ˌɪnəˈbɪləti/

    n. 无能力;无才能

  2. recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/

    v. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏

  3. workspace /ˈwɜːkspeɪs/

    n. 工作空间

  4. spotless /ˈspɒtləs/

    adj. 无可挑剔的;无瑕疵的;纯洁的

No.071 我不允许任何人超越我!




  1. I'm fascinated by the game of opportunity. If you want to be an anomaly, you've got to act like one.


  2. They're not easily obtained, but one of the hardest things to do is to keep chasing.



  1. fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/

    adj. 着迷的;被深深吸引的

  2. anomaly /əˈnɒməli/

    n. 异常;不规则;反常事物

  3. obtain /əbˈteɪn/

    v. 获得;流行

  4. chase /tʃeɪs/

    v. 追逐;追捕;试图赢得;雕镂

No.072 想放弃时,想想为什么开始




  1. Would you still have the will and mental fortitude to work on your dreams.


  2. Sometimes, life hits you on the blind side, you don't see it coming, but you need the mindset to be able to continue.



  1. will /wɪl/

    n. 意志,决心;心愿;遗嘱;意旨

  2. fortitude /ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd/

    n. 刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气

  3. mindset /ˈmaɪndset/

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

  4. work on


No.073 失败不是一种选择




  1. One of the things that we have to do as we're pursuing out dreams and our goals is that we have to know that failure is not an option.


  2. Every single day when I come, I show up and I let failure know failure is not an option. You can't even let it sink into your brain not even a second.



  1. pursue /pəˈsjuː/

    v. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠

  2. option /ˈɒpʃn/

    n. 选项;选择权;买卖的特权

  3. sink /sɪŋk/

    v. 下沉;使(船只)沉没;倒下;渗透;

  4. show up


No.074 拼搏,让可能发生




  1. Most of us aren't defeated in one decisive battle, we are defeated one seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that clips away at who we should really be.


  2. Live in defiance of the weakness and in rebellion against the decay.



  1. decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/

    adj. 决定性的;果断的,坚定的

  2. insignificant /ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/

    adj. 无关紧要的

  3. surrender /səˈrendə(r)/

    v. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任

  4. rebellion /rɪˈbeljən/

    n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从

No.075 慢慢努力,悄悄拔尖




  1. The conscious is in control of forming habits. Everytime we are faced with a decision of whether to quit, slow down, and rationalize a reason, why that's okay, or keep pressing forward.


  2. The more time we choose to push on, the stronger that habit will become. It takes time and purposeful effort for these habits to become ingrained.



  1. conscious /ˈkɒnʃəs/

    adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的

  2. rationalize /ˈræʃnəlaɪz/

    v. 使……合理化;使……有理化;为……找借口

  3. ingrained /ɪnˈɡreɪnd/

    adj. 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的;生染的

  4. press forward


No.076 改变自己,创造更大的价值




  1. We have an entire section in the book shop called self-help and there is no section in the book shop called help others. We've become a very selfish society preoccupied with ourselves.


  2. Human beings thrive and succeed because we're social animals and we need each other and so we have to learn to actually take care of each other.



  1. section /ˈsekʃn/

    n. 截面;部分;部门;地区;章节

  2. selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/

    adj. 自私的;利己主义的

  3. preoccupied /priˈɒkjupaɪd/

    adj. 全神贯注的;心事重重的;被先占的

  4. thrive /θraɪv/

    v. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长

No.077 意志坚定,永不言败




  1. I often said a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.


  2. You are fighting for your finances, you're fighting for your faith, your joy, your marriage. You're in a fight.



  1. character /ˈkærəktə(r)/

    n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符

  2. celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/

    v. 庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺;宣告

  3. victory /ˈvɪktəri/

    n. 胜利;成功;克服

  4. faith /feɪθ/

    n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠实

No.078 唯有自信,才有可能




  1. I say self-discipline is winning the daily internal battles that should be won.


  2. And the only way to see and be the change we so desperately desire, it's supposed to make alterations to our lives.



  1. self-discipline /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 自律;自我修养;自我训练

  2. internal /ɪnˈtɜːnl/

    adj. 内部的;体内的;(机构)内部的;国内的;

  3. desperately /ˈdespərətli/

    adv. 拼命地;绝望地;极度地

  4. alteration /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 修改,改变;变更

No.079 你的对手其实是你自己!




  1. People have this recurring nightmare, that there's some thing, some force that's got a hold of them and it's holding them? down, and they can't break free.


  2. It's much easier and much more gratifying to your basis desires to blame someone else for your misery.



  1. recurring /rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ/

    adj. 循环的;再发的

  2. nightmare /ˈnaɪtmeə(r)/

    n. 恶梦,噩梦;梦魇般的经历

  3. gratifying /ˈɡrætɪfaɪɪŋ/

    adj. 悦人的;令人满足的;心满意足的

  4. blame /bleɪm/

    vt. 责备;归咎于

No.080 简单的事情重复做你就是赢家




  1. Success is like a quiet daily set of tasks.


  2. Doing 20 minutes of quiet meditation a day. over and over and over. Making the choice to eat food that enhance my brain neurotransmitters, over and over and over.



  1. task /tɑːsk/

    n. (困难的)任务,工作;(语言教学中的)活动

  2. meditation /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn/

    n. 冥想;沉思,深思;静坐

  3. enhance /ɪnˈhɑːns/

    v. 提高;加强;增加

  4. neurotransmitter /ˈnjʊərəʊtrænzmɪtə(r)/

    n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素

No.081 人生的价值不能用分数衡量




  1. And if you find yourself not willing to put in the effort, and not willing to get your hands dirty, and not willing to truly look at yourself and evaluate where you need to make the improvement, if you're not willing to do those things, then you're not gonna make it.


  2. Because that's what separates the people that become phenomenal human beings is that they endlessly pursuit.



  1. dirty /ˈdɜːti/

    adj. 下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的

  2. evaluate /ɪˈvæljueɪt/

    v. 评价;估价;求…的值

  3. improvement /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/

    n. 改进,改善;提高

  4. phenomenal /fəˈnɒmɪnl/

    adj. 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的

No.082 忍受短暂黑夜,才能迎接光明




  1. So you never said to summer soft it, and you're told no even after you pay your dues.


  2. You know being successful unquote the eyes of society, and the ones that didn't? oftentimes it's the ones that were successful loved what they did, so they could persevere.



  1. due /djuː/

    adj. 到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的

    n. 应付款;应得之物

  2. unquote /ˌʌnˈkwəʊt/

    v. (句、文等)结束(引文),表示“引文止”

  3. oftentimes /ˈɒfntaɪmz/

    adv. 时常地,经常地

  4. persevere /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/

    v. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见

No.083 不要否定消极情绪




  1. Denying negative emotions leads to deeper and more prolonged negative emotions and emotional dysfunction.


  2. Negative emotions are necessary and healthy or maintaining a stable baseline happiness in one's life.



  1. deny /dɪˈnaɪ/

    v. 否定,否认;拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求

  2. prolonged /prəˈlɒŋd/

    adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的

  3. dysfunction /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn/

    n. 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良

  4. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/

    v. 维持;继续;维修;主张;供养

No.084 领悟成功的真谛!




  1. In fact everything you dream of believe in, it needs to be carved into existence and the important thing worth nothing here is that it's not personal.


  2. The differentiator in life will always be one's ability to turn ideas into things, you have that power within yourself literally to change the world as we know it.



  1. carve /kɑːv/

    v. 雕刻;切开;开创

  2. existence /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/

    n. 存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物

  3. differentiator /,dɪfə'renʃɪeɪtə/

    n. [自] 微分器;微分电路;区分者

  4. literally /ˈlɪtərəli/

    adv. 照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

No.085 黑暗,是光明的暂时缺失




  1. When you find the courage you walk out your front door, and realize darkness is not a permanent state but the absence of light.


  2. You are what you need a piece of the infinite descendent of stars proof of the impossible.



  1. permanent /ˈpɜːmənənt/

    adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

  2. absence /ˈæbsəns/

    n. 没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意

  3. descendent /dɪ'sendənt/

    adj. 降落的;世袭的;派生的

    n. 后裔;派生物;后继型产品

  4. proof /pruːf/

    n. 证明;证据;校样;考验;验证;试验

    adj. 防…的;不能透入的;证明用的;耐…的

No.086 用辨证的眼光审视未来




  1. Sometimes the difference can be so small that it eludes the human eye. Yes and no, right and wrong, win or lose, even life and death differentiated by parameters so miner, that we don't even see their significance.


  2. We live in a world ruled by little things, just overshadowed by they're much larger consequences.



  1. elude /ɪˈluːd/

    v. 避开,逃避,躲避

  2. differentiate /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/

    v. 区分,区别

  3. parameter /pəˈræmɪtə(r)/

    n. 参数;系数;参量

  4. overshadow /ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊ/

    v. 使失色;使蒙上阴影;遮阴;比……更显眼

No.087 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇




  1. When you're up against a trouble, meet it squarely, face to face; lift your chin and set your shoulers, and take a brace.


  2. When its vain to try to dodge it, do the best that you can do.



  1. squarely /ˈskweəli/

    adv. 直角地;诚实地;正好;干脆地;正当地

  2. chin /tʃɪn/

    n. 下巴;聊天;引体向上动作

  3. dodge /dɒdʒ/

    v. 躲开;迅速让开;逃避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光

  4. take a brace


No.088 要勇敢,去战胜未知的恐惧




  1. There are so many people that could be extremely successful. I look around and I see potential everywhere.


  2. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal, but progressive realization means that you're doing things that you don't know how to do, you're being courageous.



  1. extremely /ɪkˈstriːmli/

    adv. 非常,极其;极端地

  2. potential /pəˈtenʃl/

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  3. progressive /prəˈɡresɪv/

    adj. 进步的;先进的

  4. courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/

    adj. 有胆量的,勇敢的

No.089 一日之计在于晨!




  1. They don't ever take their list of 10 things and focus it, to the one thing that matters most.


  2. Now became the moment, now became the time you made that personal change, now became the time you improved that drifting relationship.



  1. focus /ˈfəʊkəs/

    n. 焦点;中心;清晰;焦距

  2. matter /ˈmætə(r)/

    n. 物质;事件

    v. 有关系;要紧

  3. personal /ˈpɜːsənl/

    adj. 个人的;身体的;亲自的

  4. drifting /'drɪftɪŋ/

    adj. 漂流的,飘动的

No.090 克服焦虑,潜心前行




  1. I could say one thing that was uncool or accidentally offensive and then cringe for days, playing it over and over in my head.


  2. I would see a graph in my head, plotting time against catastrophe.



  1. accidentally /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/

    adv. 意外地;偶然地

  2. offensive /əˈfensɪv/

    adj. 攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的

  3. cringe /krɪndʒ/

    v. 畏缩;奉承;阿谀

  4. catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/

    n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败

No.091 强忍痛苦的人,才能笑到最后




  1. In the beginning, everybody's gonna conquer the world. But after a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years, they start to get tired, they start to get frustrated.


  2. When you start feeling that massive frustration, that massive anger, that massive stress, you are about to have a breakthrough.



  1. conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/

    v. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

  2. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

  3. frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/

    n. 挫折

  4. breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/

    n. 突破;突破性进展

No.092 做命运的主宰!




  1. And of course the other side of the coin reads, unless you change how you are, you will always have what you got.


  2. Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world, divided it up equally among everybody, it would soon all be back in the same pockets.



  1. coin /kɔɪn/

    n. 硬币,钱币;金属货币;(一枚)硬币;

  2. equally /ˈiːkwəli/

    adv. 同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地

  3. pocket /ˈpɒkɪt/

    n. 口袋;钱;容器

  4. divide...up


No.093 天赋,源于你看不见的努力




  1. It's not easy to become more talented, often, talent is something you're born with, it's not very malleable.


  2. If you woke up and you said to yourself " today I'm going to study harder and study an extra 3 hours than I normally do", now that's practical, you can control it.



  1. talent /ˈtælənt/

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  2. malleable /ˈmæliəbl/

    adj. 可锻的;可塑的;有延展性的;易适应的

  3. normally /ˈnɔːməli/

    adv. 正常地;通常地,一般地

  4. practical /ˈpræktɪkl/

    adj. 实际的;实用性的

No.094 今日耕耘,明日收获




  1. The question you have to ask yourself is: Am I willing to sacrifice today to get the results I want in the future.


  2. The successful people in this world are able to achieve great things because they are able to delay gratification. It's about having the courage to say no to the things that give you immediate pleasure, but also give you long term pain.



  1. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    v. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

  2. delay /dɪˈleɪ/

    v. 延期;(使)耽搁;推迟

  3. gratification /ˌɡrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/

    n. 满意;喜悦;使人满意之事

  4. long term


No.095 黎明即是新的开始




  1. It all come's down to the same choice, made over and over again.


  2. When you get up in the morning, two powers emerge, be aware of both one where you keep going through the motions, the other where you take each step with purpose.



  1. choice /tʃɔɪs/

    n. 选择;选择权;精选品

  2. emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/

    v. 浮现;摆脱;暴露

  3. motion /ˈməʊʃn/

    n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案

  4. be aware of


No.096 生活以痛吻我,我要报之以歌




  1. Although we know that life is short, like the many people in this world, they didn't realize that the next day they were going to be diagnosed with a cancer.


  2. Be the strength for others when they're weak, and maybe when you're at the weakest point in your life, someone will lift you up, we all struggle, no one is immune to it.



  1. diagnose /ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz/

    v. 诊断;断定

  2. cancer /ˈkænsə(r)/

    adj. 可怕的;令人敬畏的

  3. immune /ɪˈmjuːn/

    adj. 免疫的;免于……的,免除的

  4. lift up


No.097 不辜负生活,不迷失方向




  1. Whenever we feel lost, whenever we feel down, depressed, worthless or just a little off, often it is, in part because we have lost touch with our purpose.


  2. It’s impossible to feel dread when you have a compelling future.



  1. worthless /ˈwɜːθləs/

    adj. 无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的

  2. dread /dred/

    adj. 可怕的;令人敬畏的

  3. compelling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/

    adj. 引人注目的;令人信服的;非常强烈的;不可抗拒的

  4. in part


No.098 别让思想“禁锢”你的脚步




  1. You were born with wings, why do you prefer to crawl through life? Sometimes our thoughts are backed by so many insecurities.


  2. Our limiting beliefs come from our childhood, maybe we were bullied or put down, our limiting beliefs come from school maybe a teacher told us we were never good enough.



  1. crawl /krɔːl/

    n. 爬行;匍匐行进

  2. insecurity /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊərəti/

    n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

  3. bully /ˈbʊli/

    n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸

    v. 欺负;威吓

  4. put down


No.099 成功没有容易二字!




  1. Your reasons will be your rod and stuff to comfort you, to pick you up once again.


  2. I got a saying on one of my tapes, If life knocks you down try to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up.



  1. rod /rɒd/

    n. 棒;惩罚;枝条;权力

  2. comfort /ˈkʌmfət/

    n. 安慰;舒适;安慰者

    v. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和

  3. tape /teɪp/

    n. 胶带;磁带;带子;卷尺

  4. land on


No.100 比你优秀的人,比你更努力!




  1. People want have success in their life, people aspire to be accepted into top universities in the world, But they want to be easy without any challenges.


  2. Life has a way of pushing our dreams down, and in the words of Joel osteen, dreams can become buried under discourage, buried under past mistakes, there are dreams buried under failed exams, buried under low self-esteem.



  1. aspire /əˈspaɪə(r)/

    v. 渴望;立志;追求

  2. bury /ˈberi/

    v. 埋葬;隐藏

  3. self-esteem /ˌself ɪˈstiːm/

    n. 犹豫

  4. push down


No.101 你恐惧的,终将使你充满力量




  1. But let me tell you this, if you don't ever jump, your parachute will never open, you will never soar.


  2. The hesitation is the thing that really messes up the chance at having your dreams.



  1. parachute /ˈpærəʃuːt/

    n. 降落伞

  2. soar /sɔː(r)/

    v. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;

  3. hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/

    n. 犹豫

  4. mess up


No.102 成为自己的英雄!



  1. The mind of a champion, the relentless pursuit of always winning, always conquering, always thinking what to do next is instilled in all of us.


  2. The dream is the most valuable delicate gift you could ever have given to you.



  1. relentless /rɪˈlentləs/

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  2. pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/

    n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作

  3. conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/

    v. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

  4. delicate /ˈdelɪkət/

    adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;

No.103 打破消极思想,掌握积极情绪




  1. We all have people in our lives that believe that the whole world is against them. Something is always coming crashing down in their lives.


  2. When they call you, you know exactly what you're in for venting, complaining, comparing, criticizing - but they never even stop to ask about you.



  1. vent /vent/

    v. 表达,发泄(强烈感情感情,尤指愤怒);

  2. complain /kəmˈpleɪn/

    v. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

  3. criticize /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/

    v. 批评;评论;非难

  4. crash down


No.104 没有尝试,怎能轻易否认自己




  1. Fear is unacceptable, success never starts out impeccable.


  2. See what I need you to do for me today, it's come up out of your shell and unveil that champion that you keep buried deep in your soul.



  1. impeccable /ɪmˈpekəbl/

    adj. 无瑕疵的,没有缺点的,完美的;不会犯罪过的

  2. shell /ʃel/

    n. 壳,贝壳;炮弹;外形

  3. unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/

    v. 使公之于众,揭开;揭幕

  4. champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/

    n. 冠军;拥护者;战士

No.105 专注——通往成功的捷径




  1. Those are distractions that are going to come at you, but you get your goals, you can't go out partying every night.


  2. If you stick with it, stay with it, become obsessed without it, feed it everyday. I guarantee you, possibilities are going to just keep showing up.



  1. distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/

    n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

  2. obsessed /əbˈsest/

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  3. come at


  4. show up


No.106 靡不有初,鲜克有终




  1. How often do we procrastinate? How often do we say stuff like, "Yeah I really should do that, I don't know, I guess I'm just lazy."


  2. Although you may not end up in the profession, or in the area that you're starting out, you don't wanna go halfway.



  1. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  2. stuff /stʌf/

    n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料

  3. halfway /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/

    adv. 到一半;在中途

    adj. 中途的;不彻底的

  4. end up


No.107 用行动打破对现状的不满!




  1. And when you continue to move forward through hell, and move forward past your fear, and your insecurity, and continue to push through this wall, your brain becomes really calloused.


  2. I guarantee you if you finish that journey, and you don't fear and waiver, and go places that are very easy, the other end of that journey, it is a peaceful end.



  1. insecurity /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊərəti/

    n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

  2. calloused /ˈkæləst/

    adj. 变得无情的;变硬的;长了老茧的

  3. waiver /ˈweɪvə(r)/

    n. 弃权,放弃;弃权证书

  4. move forward


No.108 决心是一种无穷的力量




  1. Decision comes from Latin and it means, like incision, to cut off from, decision is when you cut off any possibility except the thing you've committed to.


  2. I'm talking about a real decision where you will not go back. You wanna take the island? burn the fricking boats.



  1. incision /ɪnˈsɪʒn/

    n. 切口;雕刻,切割;切开

  2. commit /kəˈmɪt/

    v. 犯罪;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;(公开地)表示意见

  3. burn /bɜːn/

    v. 燃烧;烧毁,灼伤

  4. cut off


No.109 自律即自由




  1. And it's doing just that little bit extra, putting that extra work in every day that snowballs into much greater things.


  2. As Jack Willing says, discipline equals freedom. Now think about that for a minute, discipline equals freedom, the more discipline you have to get your head down and study, the easier it becomes.



  1. extra /ˈekstrə/

    adj. 额外的;另外收费的;特大的

  2. snowball /ˈsnəʊbɔːl/

    n. 雪球

  3. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    adj. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

  4. equal /ˈiːkwəl/

    adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的

    vt. 等于;比得上

    n. 对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物

No.110 成功会迟到,但不会缺席




  1. You don't just suddenly become successful, or suddenly have this cataclysmic event that makes you fail.


  2. I don't view aggression as an outward attitude. I view aggression as an internal character trait.



  1. cataclysmic /ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk/

    adj. 灾难性的;极不成功的;大变动的

  2. aggression /əˈɡreʃn/

    n. 侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害

  3. internal /ɪnˈtɜːnl/

    adj. 内部的;体内的;

  4. trait /treɪt/

    n. 特性,特点;品质;少许

No.111 安于现状,是一种辜负




  1. Complacency is a sleepy, steadfast contentment with the status quo, it is based on past success.


  2. They say an alligator is so ferocious it'll kill a lion. But I can kill an alligator with my bare hands.



  1. complacency /kəmˈpleɪsnsi/

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  2. steadfast /ˈstedfɑːst/

    adj. 坚定的;不变的

  3. alligator /ˈælɪɡeɪtə(r)/

    n. 短吻鳄(产于美国及中国);短吻鳄皮革;

    v. 皱裂;裂开

  4. ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs/

    adj. 残忍的;惊人的

No.112 生活给你压力,你还之以奇迹




  1. Your happiness will never last as long as it's got expectation behind it.


  2. About two years ago, we were having a conversation and he said you don't even teach seek the life this peak state versus lousy state, or being an energy-rich versus energy-poor that a relationship you can love somebody but if the energy is low.



  1. expectation /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/

    n. 期待;预期;指望

  2. versus /ˈvɜːsəs/

    prep. 对,对抗;与……相对,与……相比

  3. lousy /ˈlaʊzi/

    adj. 讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏的

  4. peak /piːk/

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

No.113 潜心努力,拒绝外界影响!




  1. That's extraordinary, in athletics, in education, in technology, with the human body, there is always a trail! Because genius leaves clues!


  2. You'll get a boost of confidence, and pride instantly, because it's the most incredible.



  1. extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  2. athletics /æθˈletɪks/

    n. 竞技;体育运动;田径运动

  3. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/

    n. 天才,天赋;精神

  4. incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

No.114 既然无处可躲,那就迎难而上




  1. It's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't want to do, so you can be everything that you're supposed to be.


  2. That's how you start to callus your mind, It's gonna suck, It's not gonna be fun. Do something that sucks every single day of your life, That's how you grow. Embrace the suck.



  1. crap /kræp/

    n. 废话;废物;

    v. 掷骰子;

  2. callus /ˈkæləs/

    v. 使生老茧;使变硬;使结痂

  3. suck /sʌk/

    v. 吸吮;吸取

  4. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    v. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

No.115 变优秀的路,需要自己走




  1. I wanna be a better father, I gotta learn to be more patient. I gotta be a better spouse, I gotta learn to be more humble, stop being so stubborn.


  2. In order for you to live the life of luxury, of health, of wealth, of happiness, you gotta make sacrifice.



  1. spouse /spaʊs/

    n. 配偶

  2. stubborn /ˈstʌbən/

    adj. 顽固的;顽强的;难处理的

  3. luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/

    n. 奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受

  4. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

No.116 梦想之光永不熄灭




  1. No more waiting, no more putting it off, or waiting for the right time, or the right people, or the right alignment of things in the world, no more of that.


  2. One day you have to become the subject matter expert, others try to emulate and take notes on. You must pass gauntlet.



  1. alignment /əˈlaɪnmənt/

    n. 队列,成直线;校准;结盟

  2. emulate /ˈemjuleɪt/

    v. 仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争

  3. gauntlet /ˈɡɔːntlət/

    n. 夹道鞭笞的刑罚;交叉射击;严酷考验

  4. put off


No.117 你缺少的是专注,而不是能力




  1. I’m ever going to bet on in this world is myself, because I know that's the one thing that I can control, my attitude and my mentality. Stop doing what you're doing every single day, unless you're dedicated to being great.


  2. If you're going to dream that big, you have to have the hustle, and the grind that matches.



  1. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

  2. dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/

    adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的

  3. hustle /ˈhʌsl/

    n. 奔忙;努力

  4. bet on


No.118 成就非凡,脱颖而出




  1. You can’t skip steps, you've got to put one food in front or the other. Things take time. There are no shortcuts but you need to take those steps with passion and ferocity.


  2. You will stand out from the crowd, and your classmates will look at you differently and your friends will look at you differently. Your parents and teachers will look at you differently



  1. skip /skɪp/

    v. 跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读

  2. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/

    n. 捷径;被切短的东西

  3. ferocity /fəˈrɒsəti/

    n. 凶猛;残忍;暴行

  4. stand out


No.119 苦难之于人生乃财富




  1. I truly believe those people, without maybe realizing it, are insulting you because they don't think that your fragile little ego can take headache of disappointment.


  2. I was not a motivated high school student, I was not a super achiever in school, I wasn't voted most likely to succeed.



  1. insult /ɪn'sʌlt/

    v. 侮辱;辱骂;损害

  2. fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl/

    adj. 脆的;易碎的

  3. ego /ˈiːɡəʊ/

    n. 自我;自负;自我意识

  4. achiever /əˈtʃiːvə(r)/

    n. 获得成功的人

No.120 失望,不过是人生一瞥




  1. If you hold on to the hurt, you go around dwelling on the offense, thinking why did they say that about me, why did I lose my loved one, why did that friend walk away, then you're opening the door to bitterness.


  2. When you face opposition, things don't go your way, recognize that it's not permanent, that's not your final destination, quit worrying about things, that are only temporary.



  1. dwell /dwel/

    v. 居住;存在于;细想某事

  2. permanent /ˈpɜːmənənt/

    adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

  3. temporary /ˈtemprəri/

    v. 暂时的,临时的

  4. hold on to


No.121 成功没有捷径可言




  1. As Derek Jeter said, there may be people who have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for you for anyone to work harder than you do.

    正如Derek Jeter所说,也许有人比你更有天赋,到你不能为自己找借口,将别人的成就归功于她们的勤奋。

  2. In the last 90 days, how many books have you read, and the last year, what new skill or knowledge have you acquired, what kind of investment have you made in use.



  1. talent /ˈtælənt/

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  2. excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/

    n. 借口;理由;拙劣样品;假条

  3. acquire /əˈkwaɪə(r)/

    v. 获得;取得;学到;捕获

  4. investment /ɪnˈvestmənt/

    n. 投资;投入;封锁

No.122 爱因斯坦的传奇一生




  1. When he was very young, his parents thought he might be intellectually disabled, because he was very slow to learn to talk and did not speak until he was 4 years old. At that time he often formed full sentences in his thoughts but did not speak he used to practice this time.


  2. When Einstein was only 10 years old, he started educating himself, by the age of 12 Einstein taught himself euclidean geometry and by the age of 15, he mastered calculus, but he hated discipline and rigid style of the teachers so he dropped out of school at the age of 15 and left Germany to avoid military service.



  1. intellectually /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/

    adv. 智力上;理智地;知性上

  2. euclidean /ju:'klidiən/

    adj. 欧几里德几何学的;欧几里德的

  3. calculus /ˈkælkjələs/

    n. 微积分学

  4. dropped out


No.123 认识自我,是最顶级的智慧




  1. All this comes from developing our philosophy, philosophy helps us to process what's available. Well, when we get here, we got seed and we got soil and we got some rain and we've got some what?


  2. An ordinary human awareness is just the recognition or the belief system that I am a human being. Maybe I'm having a spiritual experience, I'm not quite sure.



  1. philosophy /fəˈlɒsəfi/

    n. 哲学;哲理;人生观

  2. available /əˈveɪləbl/

    adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;

  3. recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/

    n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

  4. spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl/

    adj. 精神的,心灵的;宗教的;(人)高尚的

No.124 让努力成为“持续的力量”




  1. How many of your 24 do you spend mindlessly scrolling through social media, or on the phone to friends, or watching aimless videos on YouTube.


  2. You're only going to rise above average by working hard, by grinding, by hustling, by believing in yourself when no one else does, by becoming obsessed with reaching success, by sacrificing in today for a better tomorrow.



  1. mindlessly /ˈmaɪndləsli/

    v. 不费心思地;愚蠢地

  2. aimless /ˈeɪmləs/

    adj. 没有目标的;无目的的

  3. obsessed /əb'sest/

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  4. scroll through


No.125 去靠近拥有正能量的人




  1. I always emphasize to you guys that you really do need to pick and choose who you're friends with and that different people are going to serve different purposes in your life and that's okay guys, don't underestimate to serve energy you can get from other people, it really really dose spread.


  2. If you're hanging around people who don't really understand what you're trying to do that dampens your energy.



  1. emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/

    v. 强调,着重

  2. underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/

    v. 低估;看轻

  3. dampen /ˈdæmpən/

    v. 抑制;使…沮丧;使…潮湿

  4. hang around


No.126 送给正处逆境中的你




  1. When you are between the ages of 0&5, a word is formulated in your heart. That word is yes or that word is no, that vision of yourself, those circumstances, those conversations, those things that you observe, they begin to create the lenses from which you see the world.


  2. I believe that we can begin to decrease crime and the violence is taking place all across this country because evil prevails when good men and women do nothing.



  1. formulate /ˈfɔːmjuleɪt/

    v. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达

  2. lenses /'lensɪz/

    n. 柔性焦距透镜组

  3. violence /ˈvaɪələns/

    n. 暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲

  4. prevail /prɪˈveɪl/

    v. 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜

No.127 不积跬步无以至千里




  1. It’s time to get your grades in check, to start putting the effort into your studying, to achieve the grades that you know you can achieve.


  2. It becomes a routine, a set of daily habits that I carry out religiously and I love every minute of it.



  1. routine /ruːˈtiːn/

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;

  2. religiously /rɪˈlɪdʒəsli/

    adv. 认真地,审慎地;虔诚地

  3. in check


  4. carry out


No.128 人生在于为自己创造价值




  1. I'm going to meet a multibillionaire and with this multi-billionaire, we're going to become the best of friends, and he's going to say to me, Tyrese, I got all the money in the world, but I don't have your visions or your ideas.


  2. Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste.



  1. multibillionaire /ˌmʌltibɪljəˈneə(r)/

    n. 亿万富翁

  2. greatness /ˈɡreɪtnəs/

    n. 伟大;巨大

  3. esoteric /ˌiːsəˈterɪk/

    adj. 只有内行才懂的;难领略的,深奥难懂的

  4. illusive /ɪˈluːsɪv/

    adj. 错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

No.129 拥有乘风破浪的勇气!




  1. As long as we have breath in our lungs, there is hope for us to overcome, to persevere and to push through any object any adversity in our lifes.


  2. It is time for you to wrap it up what you're going after, because without restrain, without struggle, without resistance there is no growth.



  1. persevere /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/

    v. 坚持;不屈不挠

  2. restrain /rɪˈstreɪn/

    v. 抑制,控制;约束

  3. resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致

  4. wrap up


No.130 你要让自己变得更强大!




  1. You can allow yourself to go through whatever you're going through right now to reemerge on the right timetable as a stronger version to yourself.


  2. Habits are the way that you embody an identity, right so like each time you make your bed, you embody the identity of someone who is clean and organized.



  1. reemerge /,riːɪ'mɜːdʒ/

    v. 再度出现

  2. timetable /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/

    n. 时间表;时刻表;课程表

  3. identity /aɪˈdentəti/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致

  4. embody /ɪmˈbɒdi/

    v. 体现,使具体化

No.131 黑暗的尽头是光明




  1. Everyone is going to build their self-esteem around something and being able to identify what you build your self-esteem around is critical.


  2. My days are a furnace of distress and anxiety. If I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without any pain.



  1. self-esteem /ˌself ɪˈstiːm/

    n. 自尊;自负;自大

  2. critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/

    adj. 决定性的;评论的

  3. furnace /ˈfɜːnɪs/

    n. 火炉,熔炉

  4. distress /dɪˈstres/

    n. 危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛

No.132 这五条箴言会帮你度过困境!




  1. Whenever things don't go yo plan, whenever life throws us challenges and hardship, there's always a hidden blessing and always a strong lesson.


  2. Those who practice daily gratitude are in a better place to resist the surge of negative energy flowing around them, those who have done the work to learn and develop are far better positioned to make stronger moves in hard times.



  1. hardship /ˈhɑːdʃɪp/

    n. 困苦;苦难;艰难险阻

  2. blessing /ˈblesɪŋ/

    n. 祝福;赐福;祷告

  3. gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/

    n. 感谢(的心情);感激

  4. surge /sɜːdʒ/

    n. 汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌

No.133 能力不是唯一,态度决定一切




  1. When you see someone who's the best in the world at what they do, they're being rewarded in public for what they've practiced millions of times in private.


  2. If what you have in here is contempt, if what you have in here is anger, if you haven't here is fear, then these are the things you're going to be giving away in your life.



  1. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

    v. 奖励;奖赏

  2. contempt /kənˈtempt/

    n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱

  3. in private


  4. give away


No.134 直面逆境,不言放弃




  1. You must look opposition in it's face, you must face fear, you must face anxiety, you must face the day, because if you do not face the day, then the things that you are supposed to facec, you start to become.


  2. There's gonna be times in your life where you're gonna come face-to-face with adversity, there's gonna be times in your life where you're gonna encounter difficulties and misfortunes, adversity is inevitable.



  1. anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/

    n. 焦虑;渴望;

  2. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  3. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

  4. misfortune /ˌmɪsˈfɔːtʃuːn/

    n. 不幸;灾祸,灾难

No.135 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人




  1. You see if you don't have a vision of where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere, it's like you can have the best ship in the world, you can have the best airplane in the world, if the pilot or the captain doesn't know where to go, it would just drift around.


  2. Muhammad Ali worked his butt off and I saw it firsthand, now remember that there was a sports rider that was there in the gym.



  1. pilot /ˈpaɪlət/

    n. 飞行员;领航员

    adj. 试点的

    v. 驾驶;领航;试用

  2. captain /ˈkæptɪn/

    n. 队长,首领;船长;上尉;

  3. firsthand /'fɜːst'hænd/

    adj. 直接的;直接采购的;直接得来的

  4. drift around


No.136 用成功去反驳所有人的质疑




  1. In my life there have been lots of doors that close, there are homeless that was struggling, then I was hungry trying to get this play off the ground.


  2. If the doors are closing there are times when it's God clsoing doors like a maze so that you're forced to go one way, and only look to him to know that it was him that light in your life.



  1. homeless /ˈhəʊmləs/

    adj. 无家可归的

  2. struggle /ˈstrʌɡl/

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;

  3. maze /meɪz/

    n. 迷宫;迷惑;糊涂

  4. be forced to


No.137 看“寡姐”如何从0到1




  1. Her parents relied on the government to help provide meals for the family. They struggled to survive and lived on welfare and food stamps.


  2. It's time to make a decision, will you curl up in a ball from fear and stay right where you are for the rest of your life, or will you take that leap and re-defined your future.



  1. survive /səˈvaɪv/

    v. 幸存;生还;

  2. welfare /ˈwelfeə(r)/

    n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;

  3. rely on


  4. curl up


No.138 去跟随自己内心的声音吧!




  1. Success is not going to wait for you, even when you get to a point, where you feel like you've made it.


  2. You got to have the mentality to show up every day, no matter what life throws at you, it is our responsibility to show up to the colosseum of life, preparing for battle.



  1. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;精神力;

  2. colosseum /,kɔlə'siəm/

    n. 罗马圆形大剧场

  3. wait for


  4. prepare for


No.139 走出舒适圈,才能逆风翻盘




  1. The reality is reading a book or going to a conference or having a great conversation where you get this golden information, that's all fantastic, but what makes mastery is execution on the ideas, not the ideas.


  2. When they got on the track, they knew it had been down and because I know it had been down, there was a new belief about this barrier, about this goal that was unreachable.



  1. fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/

    adj. 极好的,极出色的;

  2. execution /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn/

    n. 执行,实行;完成;

  3. track /træk/

    n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;

  4. barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/

    n. 障碍物,屏障;界线

No.140 “侃爷”的励志音乐之路




  1. Most people are slowed down by the perception of themselves, if you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything.


  2. If you have the opportunity to play this game or life, you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don't appreciate the moment until it's passed.



  1. perception /pəˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;

  2. appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/

    v. 欣赏;感激;领会;

  3. moment /ˈməʊmənt/

    n. 片刻,瞬间,时刻;

  4. slow down


No.141 以梦为马,永不止步




  1. It was the effort that I knew would get me the best job after graduation. It was the effort that I knew would take care of my family financially. It was the effort that was between me and success.


  2. Ed Mylett, one of the top peak performance experts on the planet explains it like this, failure and setbacks, students quitting, failing this exams, having retakes, dropping out, it's all going to happen, don't give in to that stuff.



  1. graduation /ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn/

    n. 毕业;毕业典礼;

  2. performance /pəˈfɔːməns/

    n. 表演;执行;表现

  3. setback /ˈsetbæk/

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  4. drop out


No.142 专注自己,做人生赢家




  1. If you want to learn and grow, you must observe, pay attention and take decisive action to ensure these laws work in your favor and not against you.


  2. As Bruce Lee said: "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. "



  1. observe /əbˈzɜːv/

    v. 观察;遵守;

  2. ensure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/

    v. 保证,确保;使安全

  3. apply /əˈplaɪ/

    v. 申请;应用

  4. pay attention


No.143 倾听内心之声,做命运的主宰




  1. Do you know how many people have had visions, ideas, and huge career moves that they were about to make, and they allowed the word "no" to stop them.


  2. But I say stand up with yourself boldly and say, this is my life, I'm controlling my destiny.



  1. vision /ˈvɪʒn/

    n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;

  2. career /kəˈrɪə(r)/

    n. 生涯;职业;事业;

  3. boldly /ˈbəʊldli/

    adv. 大胆地;

  4. destiny /ˈdestəni/

    n. 命运,定数,天命

No.144 至暗之后,光明永存




  1. But at the end of the day guys, when you start feeling that massive frustration, that massive anger, the massive irritation and massive stress, you are about to have a breakthrough.

    但是最后的最后,当你觉得非常失望, 非常不忿,非常恼火,感觉到巨大压力,那就是你开始突破的时候。

  2. You know, it's hard to remember that things are gonna get better, but they are and this is part of the process and all of us go through these little curves.



  1. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的;厚重的;

  2. frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/

    n. 挫折

  3. irritation /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn/

    n. 刺激;激怒,恼怒,生气;

  4. go through


No.145 人生,有点挫折也不错




  1. And maybe you've been knocked down in your life, and it seems like hey, the fight is over, it is not over unless you quit.


  2. Growth is faster and deeper, during your darkest days. Through that separation, through that unemployment, through that tragedy, through that loss.



  1. quit /kwɪt/

    v. 离开;放弃;停止;

  2. separation /ˌsepəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 分离,分开;间隔,距离;

  3. unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/

    n. 失业;失业率;

  4. knock down


No.146 忍耐虽痛苦,果实最香甜




  1. Life can throw you some curves, and it's not just the things that you see coming, but sometimes it's the things you didn't see coming that hits you out of nowhere.


  2. And if you can work through your pain, I'm guaranteeing you, on the orther side is a reward.



  1. curve /kɜːv/

    n. 曲线;弯曲;

  2. guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/

    v. 保证;担保

  3. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

  4. work through


No.147 屡屡碰壁时就再多试一次吧!




  1. So fall in love with the process of becoming successful, with every good and bad side.


  2. When you hit that wall of desperation, when you are ready to give up on your dream, ask yourself, why did I start in the first place? Try again.



  1. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;进展;

  2. desperation /ˌdespəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命;

  3. fall in love with


  4. give up on


No.148 山穷或遇柳暗,苦尽终有甘来




  1. Pain is temporary but quitting is forever.


  2. Rise above what's uncomfortable and see the big picture. Ride it out. Because when all is said and done, the guy who gives more when it hurts gets more when it's over.



  1. essential /ɪˈsenʃl/

    adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的

    n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品

  2. triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/

    n. 胜利,凯旋;欢欣

    vi. 获得胜利,成功

  3. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/

    vt. 忍耐;容忍

    vi. 忍耐;持续

  4. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  5. consciously /ˈkɒnʃəsli/

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

No.149 音乐人Sia由灰暗走向光明的心路历程




  1. At what point is it too late to be successful? Never.


  2. The mind is the most powerful force in the universe and you have the power to be the person you want to be and there are no limit. So whoever you are, keep you head up and stay strong.



  1. tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/

    n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案

  2. depression /dɪˈpreʃn/

    n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

  3. diagnose /ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz; ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊz/

    vt. 诊断;断定

    vi. 诊断;判断

  4. panic /ˈpænɪk/

    n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌

    adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的

    vt. 使恐慌

    vi. 十分惊慌

  5. force /fɔːs/

    n. 力量;武力;军队;魄力

    vt. 促使,推动;强迫;强加

No.150 心若磐石,砥砺前行




  1. The more you walk from accountability, the weaker you become. Find yourself in the grip of life, you can't find yourself by doing nothing. That's the mindset that we all need to have for the rest of our lives.


  2. You have to be uncommon, amongst uncommon in your world. And it's not for everybody, it takes everything. And when you think you've given everthing, you've just begun.



  1. flip /flɪp/

    vt. 掷;轻击

    vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳

    adj. 无礼的;轻率的

    n. 弹;筋斗

  2. align /əˈlaɪn/

    vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配

    vi. 排列;排成一行

  3. grip /ɡrɪp/

    n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带

    vt. 紧握;夹紧

    vi. 抓住

  4. accountability /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪləti/

    n. 有义务;有责任;可说明性

  5. hollow /ˈhɒləʊ/

    adj. 空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的

    n. 洞;山谷;窟窿

    vt. 使成为空洞

    vi. 形成空洞

    adv. 彻底地;无用地

No.151 强大从不靠赋予,而是靠争取




  1. In life we have two choices, we either step forward, expose ourselves to risk and evolve; or we play it safe and we step backwards into the shadows.


  2. The true secret of success is to accept the truth that the only path is the path of hard work and productivity.



  1. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  2. tackle /ˈtækl/

    v. 应付,处理(难题或局面);与某人交涉;(足球、曲棍球等)抢球

    n. (足球等中的)抢断球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒

  3. buckle /ˈbʌkl/

    n. 带扣,搭钩;(尤指鞋的)扣形饰物

    v. 扣住,用搭扣装饰;屈服,退让;使弯曲变形;(人)精神崩溃

  4. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

  5. persevere /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/

    vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中)

No.152 正面失败,才能迎接成功




  1. Even if you've walked out of something and you feel like you failed at it, your preparation is so strong that you're gonna take that failure and turn it into the outcome you desire; and most people stop at failure. We've all failed at things, I'm gonna continue to fail at stuff, it's the most powerful tool you can use, but it all depends on how you use it.



  1. frat /fræt/

    n. 兄弟会

  2. sorority /səˈrɒrəti/

    n. 妇女联谊会;女学生联谊会

  3. extract /ˈekstrækt/

    v. 提取;索取;选取;取出;推断出

    n. 摘录,引文;榨出物,汁

  4. phase /feɪz/

    n. 月相;时期,阶段

    vt. 分阶段进行;使定相

  5. evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/

    vt. 发展;进化;使逐步形成;推断出

    vi. 发展,进展;进化;逐步形成

No.153 人生如戏,你就是这个故事里的英雄




  1. You see the characters, taking on something that in many cases almost defeats them, but then they go into training. They learn skills they didn't even know that they had. They then face the adversity that they faced before and this time they conquer and they go back stronger than they were before and they pass on what they learned and give it to other people. It's called the hero's journey.



  1. circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns; ˈsɜːkəmstɑːns; ˈsɜːkəmstæns/

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  2. alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/

    adj. 供选择的;选择性的;交替的

    n. 二中择一;供替代的选择

  3. resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/

    vt. 共鸣;共振

    vi. 共鸣;共振

  4. conform /kənˈfɔːm/

    vi. 符合;遵照;适应环境

    vt. 使遵守;使一致;使顺从

    adj. 一致的;顺从的

  5. epic /ˈepɪk/

    n. 叙事诗;史诗;史诗体裁;壮举;(非正式)特别耗时费力的事情

    adj. 史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;宏大的;英雄的

  6. conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/

    vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

    vi. 胜利;得胜

No.154 沃伦·巴菲特的亿万富翁之路




  1. You are the average of people you spend the most time with. By spending time with more successful people you will develop an urge, a passion to improve yourself and strive for greatness.It will motivate you and inspire you to make a positive change. So surround yourself with people who are better than you.


  2. The best investment you can make is in yourself. ——Warren Buffett



  1. persistent /pəˈsɪstənt/

    adj. 执着的;持续的;存留的

  2. philanthropist /fɪˈlænθrəpɪst/

    n. 慈善家;乐善好施的人

  3. untapped /ˌʌnˈtæpt/

    adj. 未开发的;未使用的;塞子未开的

  4. staggering /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/

    adj. 惊人的;令人震惊的

  5. associate /əˈsəʊsieɪt; əˈsəʊʃieɪt/

    v. 联想;(使)关联;将...与...联系起来

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

No.155 相信自己,相信所有的不可能皆为可能




  1. These times that we are living in right now are challenging for a lot of people today, but someone has to take a stand; someone has to be strong; someone has to have the idea; someone has to believe. Why can't it be you?


  2. People in the world right now will find ways to try to tear you down and keep you down, you have got to realize there is so much more to you than what you could ever imagine. So you've got to make impossible possible.



  1. despair /dɪˈspeə(r)/

    n. 绝望

    vi. 绝望,丧失信心

  2. rope /rəʊp/

    n. 绳,绳索

    vt. 捆,绑

    vi. 拧成绳状

  3. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;智力;精神力;头脑作用

  4. submit /səbˈmɪt/

    vt. 使服从;主张;呈递;提交

    vi. 服从,顺从

  5. negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/

    n. 否定性,消极性

No.156 活在当下,学会享受眼前的美好




  1. We all know we are dying. We all know there is a chance there won't be a tomorrow...yet none of us really live like we know that. Too few of us really appreciate each moment like we know that we are here for a short time only. Too few of us live a life we want to live...a life we are proud to live. Too few of us live with purpose and meaning.


  2. People say walking on water is a miracle, but to me, walking peacefully on earth is the real miracle.



  1. frantic /ˈfræntɪk/

    adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的

  2. hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/

    adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的

    n. 敌对

  3. affirmation /ˌæfəˈmeɪʃn/

    n. 主张,肯定;断言

  4. blessing /ˈblesɪŋ/

    n. 祝福;赐福;祷告

    v. 使幸福(bless的ing形式);为...祈神赐福

  5. optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/

    n. 乐观;乐观主义

No.157 有所不为,而后可以有为




  1. So many people spend their lives waiting for things to start instead of consistantly making the decision to end the things that aren't moving them forward. It is your right to quit everything that is holding you back so that you can make room for everything that will move you towards the thing that you want. 很多人一生都在等待事情的开始而不是始终如一地决定结束那些不能推动他们前进的事情。你有权放弃阻碍你前进的一切,这样你就可以为能够让你朝着你想要的方向前进的东西去腾出空间。
  2. It is on us to create a life that we can be proud of, a life that inspire others, a life that is an example of what is possible, a life that motivates people to change their own life just because they are looking at what's possible. 我们要创造一种值得骄傲的生活;激励他人的生活;成为他人榜样的生活,证明一切皆有可能;激励他人改变自己的生活,因为他们在考虑什么是可能的。


  1. validation /ˌvælɪˈdeɪʃn/

    n. 确认;批准;生效

  2. paycheck /'peɪtʃek/

    n. 付薪水的支票,薪水

  3. crave /kreɪv/

    vt. 渴望;恳求

    vi. 渴望;恳求

  4. priority /praɪˈɒrəti/

    n. 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事

  5. aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 渴望;抱负;送气

No.158 一小步超越,一大步成功




  1. If you're someone who's always doing things other people aren't willing to do, you always max out, you always go to the next level, you convince yourself you deserve to win. You can take low self-esteem, low identity, low confidence, and change it over time by building this habitual, addiction to doing one more, this obsession of one more. All the greats do one more, and all the average don't.



  1. outwork /ˈaʊtwɜːk/

    n. (在家中完成的)外包工作;

    v. 比...更努力工作;完成

  2. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;有资格的

  3. treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/

    n. 踏步,跑步机;单调的工作

  4. habitual /həˈbɪtʃuəl/

    adj. 习惯的;惯常的;习以为常的

  5. flinch /flɪntʃ/

    vi. 退缩;畏惧

    n. 退缩;畏惧

  6. repetitious /ˌrepəˈtɪʃəs/

    adj. 重复的;唠唠叨叨的

No.159 想成功,那就放下犹豫前进吧




  1. There's 86,400 seconds in a day. The separator between you and me and people that win and lose is what we do with those seconds.


  2. Successful people stop negotiating the price in their life. You know what's stripping all your success? You keep negotiating the price you're paying. "Man, all the work I'm putting in, it's not paying off, I don't see my family as much, I gotta do all this." You start negotiating it all the time and it's zapping all your damn energy. Successful people don't negotiate price, they negotiate worth.

    成功的人不讨价还价。你知道你难以成功的原因是什么吗?你一直在讨价还价 希望减少自己付出的代价。“我付出的所有努力都没有回报,我很少见到我的家人,我有太多事情要做了”,你一直在讨价还价,这耗费了你几乎所有的精力。成功的人是不会讨价还价的,他们考虑的是价值。


  1. separator /ˈsepəreɪtə(r)/

    n. 分离器;分隔符

  2. casual /ˈkæʒuəl/

    adj. 随便的;偶然的

    n. 便装;临时工人

  3. implement /'ɪmplɪm(ə)nt/

    vt. 实施;执行

    n. 工具;手段

  4. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的

  5. negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/

    vt. 谈判;转让;越过

    vi. 谈判,交涉

No.160 逐梦之路虽布满荆棘,但值得一战




  1. It's hard, but it's worth fighting; It's worth believing; It's worth mustering yourself up, standing up inside yourself, it's worth fighting relentlessly, never giving up.


  2. The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass. Don't say I'm having a bad day, say I'm having a character building day.



  1. muster /ˈmʌstə(r)/

    n. 集合;检阅;点名册

    vt. 使振作;对...进行点名

  2. relentlessly /rɪˈlentləsli/

    adv. 残酷地,无情地

  3. defeat /dɪˈfiːt/

    v. 击败;挫败(某人);阻止达成(目的)

    n. 失败;战胜

  4. twist /twɪst/

    v. 使弯曲;拧;蜿蜒前行

    n. 转动;扭曲;转折

  5. phenomenally /fəˈnɒmɪnəli/

    adv. 明白地;现象上地;从感官意识到

No.161 每个“后浪”都应该听听这个!




  1. Popularity dose not mean quality, because some people are loved for being fake, and others are judged for being real.


  2. You may not be popular now, but one day you will be worth knowing. So keep focusing on you, and don’t worry about what these people think. Mainly because most people don’t think, most people will judge you based on an opinion from somebody else.



  1. popularity /ˌpɑːpjuˈlærəti/

    n. 普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎

  2. quality /ˈkwɑːləti/

    n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能

    adj. 优质的;高品质的

  3. focus /ˈfoʊkəs/

    n. 焦点;中心;清晰;焦距

    v. 集中;聚焦

  4. judge /dʒʌdʒ/

    v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决

    n. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人

  5. opinion /əˈpɪnjən/

    n. 意见;主张

No.162 希望是永恒的欢喜,有希望便有光明




  1. So we pray and we remember that, yes, there is fear. But there does not have to be hate. Yes, there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness. Yes, there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness. Yes, there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul. Yes, there is even death. But there can always be a rebirth of love.



  1. pray /preɪ/

    vi. 祈祷;请;恳求

    vt. 祈祷;恳求;央求

  2. isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/

    n. 隔离;孤立;绝缘;

  3. panic /ˈpænɪk/

    n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌

    adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的

    vt. 使恐慌

  4. meanness /ˈmiːnnəs/

    n. 卑鄙;吝啬

No.163 你该如何解读自己的负面情绪




  1. Awful feeling you associate with fear, that's actually not fear, that's our resistance to fear, that' s the awful feeling not the fear itself, because you get rid of the resistance, the true nature of fear becomes revealed shows up as energy.


  2. The sun’s always out, but often it's covered with the clouds, and that’s us, we've just been covered, and they cloud our identity, they cloud our perception, so you should clear out the clouds.

    太阳总是在外面,但它经常被乌云掩盖着,就像我们,我们只是暂时被遮挡住了。乌云掩盖了我们的身份 它们掩盖了我们的感知,所以我们要努力清理这些乌云。


  1. associate /əˈsoʊsieɪt/

    v. 联想,联系;

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

  2. resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/

    n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

  3. reveal /rɪˈviːl/

    n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧

    vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

  4. identity /aɪˈdentəti/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式

  5. perception /pərˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

No.164 不要给你的软弱找借口




  1. It is easy to feel beaten when you're faced with all those problems at once, but let me tell you, that does not mean give up fighting. In fact, it means the opposite. It is time for you to fight harder, to dig in, to go on the war path.


No.165 如果不用力奔跑,梦想就会把你甩在身后




  1. When the sun comes up you’d better be running, because stagnation is losing, because wishing is a sealed fate,because immobility is regret.


  2. As David Goggins says, you are either getting better, or you are getting worse.



  1. stagnation /stæɡˈneɪʃn/

    n. 停滞;滞止

  2. sealed /sild/

    adj. 密封的;未知的

  3. immobility /ˌɪməˈbɪləti/

    n. 不动,固定

  4. regret /rɪˈɡret/

    vt. 后悔;对……感到遗憾;礼貌或正式地表示惋惜或抱歉;对(损失或缺乏)感到痛惜

    vi. 遗憾

    n. 遗憾,歉意

No.166 自律来源于你的决心,而不是他人的监督




  1. If you do what it's easy, your life will be hard. But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.


  2. People that are hungry are willing to do the things that others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow other won’t have. People that are hungry believe always strive to get on top in life, because it is the bottom that's overcrowded.



  1. hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/

    adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的

  2. strive to


  3. overcrowded /ˌoʊvərˈkraʊdɪd/

    adj. 过度拥挤的

No.167 别让自己的不足决定自己的人生




  1. He stopped looking at everything he didn’t have, and felt grateful for the many things he already had. In that moment he decided that his disability won’t dictate his life. he promised himself that he will never give up again.


  2. If you cant get a miracle, become one.



  1. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/

    n. 残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件

  2. dictate /ˈdɪkteɪt/

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  3. give up


  4. miracle /ˈmɪrəkl/

    n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例

No.168 你无法选择你的出身,但你能改变你的人生




  1. Real greatness isn’t determined by some birthright or fate, real greatness is determined by what you do with the hand you're dealt.


  2. When you're in the middle of a struggle, the only way out is through. Rather than running away from **obstacles** or trying to figure out some kind of way around them. Go right through them. Brace yourself, steady your nerves, and tackle whatever you face head on.



  1. birthright /'bə:θreit/

    n. 与生俱来的权利;长子继承权

  2. struggle /ˈstrʌɡl/

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  3. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  4. figure out


  5. steady /ˈstedi/

    adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的

No.169 挣脱生命的无形束缚,这种力量你早已拥有




  1. What types of parameters have you made for yourself? Are you living in just because that's what you’ve always done? What is your metaphorical rope? Is it a job, is it a relationship, is it a routines, or is it the courage to start something? What is holding you back?


  2. Things only stop when you do life stops when you decide to stop.



  1. parameter /pəˈræmɪtər/

    n. 参数;系数;参量

  2. metaphorical /ˌmetəˈfɔːrɪkl/

    adj. 比喻性的,隐喻性的

  3. routine /ruːˈtiːn/

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

No.170 困难的一面是痛苦,而另一面则是努力与胜利




  1. The most successful people on the planet have had to overcome catastrophic obstacles, and they came out on the other side stronger and wiser. Bill Gates’ first business failed miserable; Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was 4 years old; Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before creating the lightbulb; Franklin Roosevelt became partially paralysed at the age of 39 for the rest of his life, he went on to lead the United States, as one of the most respected presidents in history. So it's not only you that is facing obstacles, it happens to everyone, but how you deal with them is what will set you apart from everyone else.



  1. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk/

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

  2. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  3. miserable /ˈmɪzrəbl/

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  4. paralysed /'pærəlaɪzd/

    adj. 瘫痪的;麻痹的;惊呆的

No.171 困难是成长的机会,别将它让给借口




  1. We get inspired by people who reach heights, against the odds. We praise the heroes whorise to glory from the slums, not those who came from a trust fund to start with.


  2. Your day consists of 1000 little decisions, every day, but one day you decided to hit the snooze on your alarm, to skip a workout, to order a cheat meal... No big deal, until one day you lose your power, you lose your will, and you lose your life.



  1. inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/

    vt. 激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感

  2. odd /ɑːd/

    n. 奇数;怪人;奇特的事物

    adj. 奇数的;古怪的;剩余的;临时的;零散的

  3. praise /preɪz/

    v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝)

    n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜

  4. glory /ˈɡlɔːri/

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

  5. slum /slʌm/

    n. 贫民窟;(不宜居住的)房屋;脏乱的地方

  6. snooze /snuːz/

    n. 小睡;打盹儿

    vi. 小睡;打盹

No.172 永不言弃直到目标实现,这是自信的力量




  1. Obstacles will simply prompt you to ask, “How?” How can I get through this and that’s a small discrepancy that changes everything. Because very few people get to the “how” question. They all stopped at “if”. I wonder if I can do this. I wonder if I’m capable. But they’ll never know.



  1. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  2. prompt /prɑːmpt/

    v. 提示,鼓励;促进;激起;导致;(给演员)提白

  3. discrepancy /dɪˈskrepənsi/

    n. 不符;矛盾;相差

  4. wonder /ˈwʌndər/

    v. 想知道;(用于询问时)不知道;感到疑惑;感到诧异;感到惊叹

    n. 惊讶;奇迹;能人;有特效的东西

  5. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;有资格的

No.173 再给自己一次机会




  1. So fall in love with the process of becoming successful, with every good and bad side.


  2. When you hit that wall of desperation, when you are ready to give up on your dream, ask yourself, why did I start in the first place? Try again.



  1. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;进展;

  2. desperation /ˌdespəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命;

  3. fall in love with


  4. give up on


No.174 生命只有走出来的精彩,没有等待出来的辉煌




  1. My ego is too big, but at the same time my mind is too small, and it’s trapped inside itself.


  2. A person’s strengths are often their biggest weakness. And so that also means that their weaknesses can be their strength.



  1. ego /ˈiːɡoʊ/

    n. 自我;自负;自我意识

  2. trap /træp/

    v. 使……陷入险境或困境;捕捉,收集;使陷入圈套,使上当;

    n. 陷阱,捕捉器;圈套,伏击;牢笼,困境;

  3. strength /streŋkθ/

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  4. weakness /ˈwiːknəs/

    n. 弱点;软弱;嗜好

No.175 现在放弃为时过早,下一次尝试也许就是成功




  1. Maybe you’re worried about what people think of you, what people say about you. Just that fear paralyses you.


  2. I will try 100 times to get up, and if I fail 100 times, if I fail and I try again, again and again, for as long as I try there’s always that chance of getting up.



  1. worry about


  2. fear /fɪr/

    n. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心

    v. 害怕;敬畏;为…担心

  3. paralyses /'pærəlaɪzɪz/

    n. 麻痹;瘫痪(paralysis的复数)

No.176 在困难中成为最好的自己




  1. It was Kobe Bryant that said everything negative, pressure and challenges is all an opportunity for me to rise. It’s crisis that reveals what we are comprised of.


  2. For many of you, you have been so traumatized by the past that your expectations are so diminished. You feel like if I don’t expect anything, then you can’t hurt me, you can’t disappoint me. But if you are going to win the fight for the future, you must have a high expectation.



  1. crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/

    n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻

    adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的

  2. comprise /kəmˈpraɪz/

    vt. 包含;由…组成

  3. traumatize /ˈtrɔːmətaɪz/

    vt. 使……受损伤;使……受精神创伤

  4. diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/

    vt. 使减少;使变小

    vi. 减少,缩小;变小

  5. disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/

    vt. 使失望

No.177 你相信什么,便会成为什么




  1. If you allow the negative power to enter your body and stay there, the longer it stays there, it will be the demise of your willpower, the demise of your belief, the demise of your grades.


  2. Remember what is achievable, remember what you are capable of, because it will put your problems into perspective. When you’re feeling fatigue and weak, that will be the spark that keeps you going on that journey.



  1. demise /dɪˈmaɪz/

    n. 死亡,终止;转让;传位

    vt. 遗赠;禅让

  2. willpower /ˈwɪlpaʊər/

    n. 意志力;毅力

  3. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;综合性的;有资格的

  4. perspective /pərˈspektɪv/

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  5. fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/

    n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役

    adj. 疲劳的

    vt. 使疲劳

No.178 音乐天后泰勒·斯威夫特是如何摆脱偏见的?




  1. When you’re living for the approval of strangers, one bad thing can make everything crumble. --- Taylor Swift


  2. You will never be able to stop people from judging you, but you can stop it from affecting you.



  1. approval /əˈpruːvl/

    n. 批准;认可;赞成

  2. stranger /ˈstreɪndʒər/

    n. 陌生人;外地人;局外人

  3. crumble /ˈkrʌmbl/

    n. 面包屑

    v. 崩溃;破碎,粉碎

  4. judge /dʒʌdʒ/

    v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决

    n. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人

No.179 这是成功者的心态




  1. It’s super simple let your actions dictate, instead of sitting there and feeling like you’re not in control.


  2. When you do something because you love it, it’s being an amateur. And if you’re a professional, you have to do it regardless of whether you love it or whether you feel like it.



  1. dictate /ˈdɪkteɪt/

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  2. instead of


  3. amateur /ˈæmətər/

    n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行

    adj. 业余爱好的;业余的;外行的;不熟练的

  4. professional /prəˈfeʃənl/

    n. 专业人员;职业运动员

    adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的

  5. feel like sth/ding sth


No.180 别让借口阻挡了你前进的脚步




  1. If you can dream it, then you can be it; if you believe it, then you can achieve it.


  2. And it might not happen straight away, it might take you longer than you expect. An F-grade student doesn’t transition to an A-grade student overnight, but if you’re committed, and maintain belief that in the end you will achieve the results you are chasing, then there’s absolutely nothing getting in your way.



  1. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/

    vt. 取得;获得;实现;成功

    vi. 达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿

  2. straight away


  3. transition /trænˈzɪʃn/

    n. 过渡;转变

  4. overnight /ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt/

    adv. 在夜间;突然;一夜之间

    adj. 晚上的,只供一夜的;突然的

  5. committed /kəˈmɪtɪd/

    adj. 坚定的;效忠的;承担义务的

No.181 焦虑是生活的反馈,提醒我们去改变思维方式




  1. Anxiety is actually a symptom of a buildup of unsolved problems bubbling beneath the surface in your subconscious mind. Your brain is designed to complete life experiences, and it’s trying to bring these unresolved problems to the surface through the emotion of anxiety.



  1. symptom /ˈsɪmptəm/

    n. [临床] 症状;征兆

  2. beneath /bɪˈniːθ/

    prep. 在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于

    n. 在下方,在底下

  3. surface /ˈsɜːrfɪs/

    n. 表面;表层;外观

    adj. 表面的,肤浅的

    vt. 使浮出水面;使成平面

  4. subconscious /ˌsʌbˈkɑːnʃəs/

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

  5. design /dɪˈzaɪn/

    v. 设计,构思;计划;制造,意欲

    n. 设计;构思;设计图样;装饰图案;打算

No.182 进步不是一蹴而就,而是一点一滴的积累




  1. The small things we do open the door to the big things in life. Mountains are made of single rocks, oceans are single waves, symphonies are individual notes, conversations are individual words. Progress is nothing more than the ability to break big things down into small things.



  1. symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/

    n. 交响乐;谐声,和声

  2. individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/

    n. 个人,个体

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

  3. conversation /ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃn/

    n. 交谈,会话;社交;交往,交际;会谈

  4. progress /ˈprəʊɡres/

    n. 进步,发展;前进

    vi. 前进,进步;进行

No.183 改变,从行动开始




  1. It’s time you get off the pity potty. You just have to wake up. You just have to break that negative spirit.


  2. Stop thinking about it, stop dreaming about it, stop researching every aspect of it, and debating the pros and cons of it. Start doing it. Take that first step, and make it happen. It takes courage, it takes commitment, it takes discipline.



  1. pity /ˈpɪti/

    n. 怜悯,同情;遗憾

    vt. 对……表示怜悯;对……感到同情

  2. negative /ˈneɡətɪv/

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  3. aspect /ˈæspekt/

    n. 方面;方向;形势;外貌

  4. debate /dɪˈbeɪt/

    n. 辩论;(正式的)讨论

    v. (尤指正式)讨论,辩论;仔细考虑

  5. pros and cons


No.184 去证明自己,别让他人对你的怀疑成为现实




  1. Never let someone’s perception of you, never let what someone else says about you become your reality, become who you are!


  2. If you fall down 2051 times, you get back up 2052, because you’re rare like that rose that grew in concrete! When they say you can’t do it, prove them wrong and do it anyway!



  1. perception /pərˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

  2. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  3. fall down


  4. concrete /ˈkɑːnkriːt/

    n. 具体物;凝结物

    adj. 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的

    vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑

    vi. 凝结

No.185 看看这个关于生命意义的视频,然后开始做出改变




  1. We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully.


  2. For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and ask myself “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.



  1. reaper/ˈriːpər/

    n. 收割者;收割机;收获者;死神

  2. in a row


  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. convince /kənˈvɪns/

    vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

  5. settle /ˈsetl/

    n. 有背长椅

    vi. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷

    vt. 解决;安排;使…定居

No.186 接连失败的华特·迪士尼是如何成为米老鼠之父的?




  1. Just having big dreams is not always enough, unless you’re persistent and you’re working hard to bring your ideas to life. That’s the key to overcome every failure and obstacle that comes your way.


  2. The reality is you will fail, we all fail. So dare to make mistakes. If you spend your whole life avoiding anything risky, you might avoid failure, yes. But you will also avoid success.



  1. persistent /pərˈsɪstənt/

    adj. 执着的,坚持不懈的;持续的,反复出现的;(动植物某部位,如角、叶等)存留的,不落的

  2. overcome /ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  3. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  4. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  5. avoid /əˈvɔɪd/

    vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除

No.187 抱怨太多而行动太少,你也如此吗?




  1. You have to realize that you don’t have any other opportunities waiting for you, if you are not willing to work for the first opportunity.


  2. Sometimes people tent to get a little lazy. Sometimes people like to put themselves in this little bitty box and just say that they are okay with where they are. There can never just be an okay to anything when it comes to that life. There should never just be a complacent mindset.



  1. opportunity /ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti/

    n. 时机,机会

  2. tend to do sth

    倾向于; 往往会……

  3. bitty /ˈbɪti/

    adj. 片断的,零碎的;细短的

  4. complacent /kəmˈpleɪsnt/

    adj. 自满的;得意的;满足的

  5. mindset /ˈmaɪndset/

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

No.188 优秀的人都具有什么样的品质?




  1. Aristotle said, “You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore excellence out to be a habit, not an act”.


  2. Everyone can do average work, everyone can be average. Everyone can be lazy and live life without thinking about the long term consequences. But not many people are able to shoot for stars.



  1. repeatedly /rɪˈpiːtɪdli/

    adv. 反复地;再三地;屡次地

  2. excellence /ˈeksələns/

    n. 优秀;美德;长处

  3. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

  4. consequence /ˈkɑːnsɪkwens/

    n. 结果;重要性;推论

  5. shoot for starts


No.189 学会这三种方法,你就能正确应对危机




  1. The crisis was not the plan. But somebody is going to emerge from this crisis better than they walked in. Out of the ashes, someone is going to rise up.


  2. Here’s what winners do, they ASSESS, ADAPT, ADVANCE. In the words of the great Ray Lewis, you’ve got to be a different creature now, than you were 3 months ago.



  1. emerge /ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/

    vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露

  2. rise up

    上升; 升起

  3. assess /əˈses/

    vt. 评定;估价;对…征税

  4. adapt /əˈdæpt/

    vi. 适应

    vt. 使适应;改编

  5. advance /ədˈvæns/

    n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款

    adj. 预先的;先行的

    vt. 提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前

    vi. 前进;进展;上涨

No.190 风雨过后,总有希望和最澄澈的天空




  1. The dark skies block out the light, so we forget the warmth of the sun. And the wind and the rain, it forces us inside, so we forget the perfection that is simply breathing in the cool air, we forget that all storms have one thing in common: they come, and they go, they are temporary. And what they leave is hope, answers, the clearest, brightest of skies.



  1. block out /blɑːk/


  2. perfection /pərˈfekʃn/

    n. 完善;完美

  3. common /ˈkɑːmən/

    n. 普通;平民;公有地

    adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的

  4. temporary /ˈtempəreri/

    n. 临时工,临时雇员

    adj. 暂时的,临时的

No.191 这样做,你就能逐步突破自己的极限




  1. People are waiting for the right time to make a move, take a chance, make a change, or break a bad habit.Yet that right time never seems to appear. Each of us have plenty of excuses as to why we’re stuck in the metaphor called the mud of life. The truth is, it’s easy to blame others for our lack of happiness.



  1. appear /əˈpɪr/

    vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场

  2. plenty of /ˈplenti/


  3. stuck /stʌk/

    adj. 卡住的,动不了的;被困住的; 陷入的;停滞不前的;无法摆脱困境的;被难倒的,(因困难)无法继续的

  4. metaphor /ˈmetəfər,ˈmetəfɔːr/

    n. 暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法

  5. lack of sth /læk/


No.192 相信自己,他人眼光皆是浮云




  1. Turn your wounds into wisdom.You will be wounded many times in your life. You make mistakes, some people will call them failures. But I have learned that failure is really God’s way of saying “Excuse me. You’re moving in the wrong direction”. It’s just an experience.


  2. If you worry about whether people think about you, you will always be their prisoner.



  1. wound /wund/

    n. 创伤,伤口

    vt. 使受伤

    vi. 受伤,伤害

  2. wisdom /ˈwɪzdəm/

    n. 智慧,才智;明智;学识;至理名言

  3. direction /dəˈrekʃn,daɪˈrekʃn/

    n. 方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

  4. think about/of sb/sth


No.193 世界上不缺夸夸其谈的人,而缺付诸行动的人




  1. Put your time, your focus and the energy on the objectives that you want to create for your life, and go and get it and I don’t care about anybody’s negativity around you, drown them out, be the shark that around that prey.


  2. Everyone were born to not just exist, but to experience life.



  1. objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/

    adj. 客观的;客观存在的;(疾病症状)客观的,他觉的;目标的;宾格的

    n. 目的;目标;(军事行动的)攻击目标;物镜;宾格

  2. negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/

    n. 否定性;消极性

  3. drown sb/sth out


  4. prey /preɪ/

    v. 捕食;伤害;折磨,困扰

    n. 猎物;受害者,牺牲品;(情绪易受伤的)脆弱的人;掠夺品

No.194 黑暗是一座桥,将我们引向希望




  1. It’s interesting that the things we cherish most are the same things we walk right by.


  2. While our darkest moments test our strength, they push our boundaries, even transform our reality. They can also be a bridge that leads us exactly where we need to be.



  1. cherish /ˈtʃerɪʃ/

    vt. 珍爱;怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)

  2. boundary /ˈbaʊndri/

    n. 边界;范围;分界线

  3. transform /trænsˈfɔːrm/

    vt. 改变,使…变形;转换

    vi. 变换,改变;转化

  4. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

No.195 是时候该做出改变了




  1. At the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline.


  2. You can not win the war against the world, if you can’t win the war against your own mind.


  3. It’s not easy when you are being pressured in life to do things that you don’t want to do, but that’s what’s gonna make you great, that’s what’s gonna take you to the next level.



  1. fruition /fruˈɪʃn/

    n. 完成,成就;结果实

  2. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  3. pressure /ˈpreʃər/

    n. 压力;压迫,压强

    vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压

  4. win against sth


No.196 当你想逃避时,问问自己这些问题




  1. If you are not willing to risk, you can’t grow; if you cannot grow, you cannot become your best; and if you cannot become your best, then you can’t be happy; and if you can’t be happy, then what else is there? Now, you can see the link between your studying and happiness.


  2. But not only is it important that you believe and begin to know that it’s possible to live your dreams as you run towards it. But it’s necessary that you work on yourself, that you develop yourself. It’s necessary that you get the energy drainers out of your life.



  1. link /lɪŋk/

    n. [计] 链环,环节;联系,关系

    vt. 连接,连结;联合,结合

    vi. 连接起来;联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来

  2. necessary /ˈnesəseri/

    n. 必需品

    adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的

  3. develop /dɪˈveləp/

    vi. 发育;生长;进化;显露

    vt. 开发;进步;使成长;使显影

  4. drain /dreɪn/

    n. 排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗

    v. 排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴

No.197 世上无捷径,一切需努力




  1. Those moments that you think you don’t want to do something, when you want to procrastinate, when you think, “I’ll do it tomorrow” That’s exactly when you have to go for it.


  2. When things get hard, don’t ask, “why me?” Dig deep down, and say, “try me! because I’m stronger than anything you can throw at me!”


  3. You have two choices, you can make excuses or you can study. Excuses are what separates you from owning the life that you want. You got to make a decision to stop making excuses and get it down.



  1. moment /ˈmoʊmənt/

    n. 片刻,瞬间,时刻;重要,契机

  2. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  3. separate /ˈseprət/

    adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的

    v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于)

  4. dig deep (into sth)


  5. throw sth at sth/sb


No.198 明白这个道理,你就能克服懒惰




  1. In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk. Most people do a lot of talking, and most people don’t put in the effort. There is nothing you can’t accomplish in life, with the right amount of work. The challenge is you know are you willing to do the work, and the reality is most people aren’t, but that’s the opportunity.



  1. accomplish /əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  2. challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/

    n. 挑战;怀疑

    vt. 向…挑战;对…质疑

  3. opportunity /ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti/

    n. 时机,机会

  4. risk /rɪsk/

    n. 风险;危险;冒险

    vt. 冒…的危险

    常见搭配:take risk

No.199 坚持不下去,想放弃怎么办?




  1. Don’t negotiate with the negative thoughts that spring up when you’re at your weakness. You’re in charge, don;t let them control you. If you give in now, what is it gong to mean later? We need to make choices in our lives where even though the decisions we make right now may not be the most comfortable. We know that it will help produce great results in the future.



  1. negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/

    vi. 谈判,交涉

    vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过

  2. negative /ˈneɡətɪv/

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  3. spring up

    v. 冒出; 涌出

  4. comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl,ˈkʌmfərtəbl/

    n. 盖被

    adj. 舒适的,舒服的

No.200 做到这几点,你就能不断进步




  1. And if you outwork everybody in your class; if you’re better **prepared** than them; if you use your time more wisely than them, then you are on your way.


  2. The term work hard and work smart is thrown around quite often. But the answer is only both. You have to work hard and smart based on your ambition. And at the end of the day, the people that you’re going to surpass, you are not necessarily going to have more talent than them. But it’s going to be the people that you are willing to outwork.



  1. outwork /ˈaʊtwɜːrk/

    n. (在家中完成的)外包工作;外围工事;在工厂外完成的本单位工作

    v. 比……更努力工作;完成,找到(解决办法)

  2. prepare /prɪˈper/

    vt. 准备;使适合;装备;起草

    vi. 预备;做好思想准备

  3. wise /waɪz/

    adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的

    vt. 使知道;教导

    vi. 了解

  4. surpass /sərˈpæs/

    vt. 超越;胜过,优于;非…所能办到或理解

  5. talent /ˈtælənt/

    n. 才能;天才;天资

No.201 当你被生活推进深水,你要这样应对




  1. The bullies of life will try to break you, the bullies of life will try to batter you, the bullies of life will try to `beat you into submission, the bullies of life will try to make you quit. And that’s the moment that I need you to dig deep and realize that you are resilient. I need you to dig deep and realize that you are mentally tough. I need you to dig deep and realize that you have power to push through and overcome anything that life can throw at you. Greatness can not be borrowed, so all the woe is yourself, all the sorrow will not help you reach the top, will not help you tap into your wildest dream of being great.



  1. bully /ˈbʊli/

    n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸

    vt. 欺负;威吓

  2. submission /səbˈmɪʃn/

    n. 投降;提交(物);服从;(向法官提出的)意见;谦恭

  3. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/

    adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的

  4. tough /tʌf/

    adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的

    vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐

  5. overcome /ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  6. woe /woʊ/

    n. 困难,灾难;痛苦,悲伤

No.202 为何逃避责任会失去人生的主动权




  1. Because every time that you blame someone else, you are giving away your power. You’ve giving away your power so that you have no ability to change what your current circumstances are. You have no power to change your life, because you’re putting it on something outside of yourself that you have no control over.


  2. Take responsibility for whatever happens to you. Knowing that you have consciously made the decisions that have put you in the situation you are now in.



  1. blame /bleɪm/

    n. 责备;责任;过失

    vt. 责备;归咎于

  2. current /ˈkɜːrənt/

    n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流

    adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的

  3. circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  4. responsibility /rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti/

    n. 责任,职责;义务

  5. consciously /ˈkɑːnʃəsli/

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

No.203 用冠军的方式面对失败




  1. Success has nothing to do with potential, it’s all about the perseverance of somebody.


  2. Every single champion is the same as us, every ordinary people. The only difference is that they show up to the event every single day. They see failure as a learning curve, they welcome failure. You learn more from failure than you ever will from success.



  1. potential /pəˈtenʃl/

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  2. perseverance /ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns/

    n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠

    n. 耐性;毅力

  3. ordinary /ˈɔːrdneri/

    n. 普通;平常的人(或事)

    adj. 普通的;平凡的;平常的

  4. curve /kɜːrv/

    n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表

    adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的

    vt. 弯;使弯曲

    vi. 成曲形

No.204 一颗不能自律的心,是前进的最大阻力




  1. When an average person experiences rejection, their motivation diminishes. When a champion, a warrior, tastes rejection, it makes them hungrier than ever.



  1. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;(按保单规定应付赔偿额的)降减

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

    v. 算出……的平均数;将……平均分配;使……平衡;平均为,平均达到;呈中间色;(行情下跌时)买进更多的证券(或商品)以降低平均进价

  2. rejection /rɪˈdʒekʃn/

    n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽

  3. motivation /ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃn/

    n. 动机;积极性;推动

  4. diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/

    vt. 使减少;使变小

    vi. 减少,缩小;变小

No.205 这样做,你便能充实每一天




  1. When you feel like giving up and closing your books and going to bed, you can do one of two things that will determine who you’re going to be, you can do

    A: give up

    B: when you’ve had enough, you start to take **productive** action

    You have a choice to be someone who regrets their whole life, or, you are going to become a person who set standard and becomes a role model.


    A: 放弃

    B: 受到了教训之后,你选择采取有效的行动



  1. determine /dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/

    v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定

    vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定

    vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

  2. productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  3. standard /ˈstændərd/

    n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准

    adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的

  4. role model /roʊl/ /ˈmɑːdl/

    n. 行为榜样;角色模特

No.206 困难是相同的,不同的是你面对困难的态度




  1. Take full responsibility of what happens to you. It’s one of the highest forms of human maturity. It’s the day you know you’ve passed from childhood to adulthood.



  1. responsibility

    n. 责任,职责;义务

  2. apology

    n. 道歉;谢罪;辩护;勉强的替代物

  3. maturity

    n. 成熟;到期;完备

  4. utilize

    vt. 利用

  5. ultimate

    n. 终极;根本;基本原则

    adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的

  6. wealthy

    adj. 富有的;充分的;丰裕的

No.207 专注梦想,并为之奋斗不停




  1. The number one reason people fail is broken focus. You got to keep your mind on your dream, stay focused. Stop worrying about what everybody else is saying or doing. Every moment that you worry about the opinions of others is a second that you are losing.



  1. collusion

    n. 勾结;共谋

  2. illusion

    n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰

  3. tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  4. diminish

    vt. 使减少;使变小

    vi. 减少,缩小;变小

  5. adversary

    n. 对手;敌手

No.208 专注梦想,并为之奋斗不停




  1. Realistically, the worst that could happen is that you don’t meet expectation, is that you fall on your face, in which case you pick up your pride, you look yourself in the mirror and you get ready for round two, because round two means you come back more prepared.



  1. integral

    n. 积分;部分;完整

    adj. 积分的;完整的,整体的;构成整体所必须的

  2. paraphrase

    n. 释义;解释;意译

    vt. 释义

  3. awe

    v. 使敬畏,使赞叹

    n. 敬畏,惊叹;(古)使人敬畏的力量

  4. declaration

    n. (纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书

No.209 虽败但不言弃——汤姆·汉克斯的励志故事




  1. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great. --- Tom Hanks



  1. sibling

    n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员

  2. eventually

    adv. 最后,终于

  3. pursue

    vi. 追赶;继续进行

    vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠

  4. procrastinate

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  5. resilient

    adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的

No.210 失败让你的人生有了另一种可能




  1. If you look at a person as they are, they will always remain that way or maybe be worse. But if you look at a person as they could be, they will grow into what they should be.---Goethe



  1. individual

    n. 个人,个体

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

  2. adversity

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  3. perspective

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  4. interact

    n. 幕间剧;幕间休息

    v. 互相影响;互相作用

  5. aspiration

    n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术

  6. assignment

    n. 分配;任务;作业;功课

No.211 安静学习,让你的成功为你发声




  1. To have the results you’ve got to be willing to do what everyone else is not willing to do, you have to go places where everyone else is not willing to go.



  1. recognize

    vt. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏

    vi. 确认,承认;具结

  2. routine

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

  3. cultivate

    vt. 培养;陶冶;耕作

  4. unfathomable

    adj. 深不可测的;无底的;莫测高深的

  5. craft

    n. 工艺;手艺;太空船

    vt. 精巧地制作

No.212 渴望是驱使着你前进的动力




  1. The high performance people, the one thing that they all have in common is they are hungry, hungry for a better life, hungry for change.



  1. self-esteem

    n. 自尊;自负;自大

  2. admire

    vt. 钦佩;赞美

    vi. 钦佩;称赞

  3. associate

    v. 联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

  4. seminar

    n. 讨论会,研讨班

  5. efficiency

    n. 效率;效能;功效

  6. accountable

    adj. 有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的

  7. favor

    n. 帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;同意性交

    v. 较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料

No.213 借口是阻挡你前进的唯一障碍




  1. If you are going to dream, then your actions need to match your dreams. Big dreams, big hustle.



  1. account

    n. 账户;解释;账目,账单;理由;描述

    vt. 认为;把…视为

    vi. 解释;导致;报账

  2. millionaire

    n. 百万富翁;大富豪

  3. hustle

    v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃

    n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力

  4. immerse

    vt. 沉浸;使陷入

No.214 回顾曾经的努力,就不会轻言放弃




  1. We have to reprogram our mind ... so that you know how to be in charge of yourself. Versus your mind being in charge of you.



  1. strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  2. versus

    prep. 对,对抗;与……相对,与……相比

  3. spastic

    n. 麻痹患者

    adj. 痉挛的

  4. reminisce

    vt. 追忆说

    vi. 回忆

No.215 成功并非一蹴而就




  1. The only thing that changed your life long term is when we raise our standards.



  1. failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  2. cataclysmic

    adj. 灾难性的;极不成功的;大变动的

  3. compel

    vt. 强迫,迫使;强使发生

  4. mindset

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

  5. standard

    n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准

    adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的

  6. tolerate

    vt. 忍受;默许;宽恕

No.216 不要随波逐流,用努力使自己与众不同




  1. Greatness ain’t a thought process, greatness is a lifestyle.



  1. opposite

    n. 对立面;反义词

    prep. 在…的对面

    adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的

    adv. 在对面

  2. promise

    n. 许诺,允诺;希望

    vt. 允诺,许诺;给人以…的指望或希望

    vi. 许诺;有指望,有前途

  3. extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  4. remembrance

    n. 回想,回忆;纪念品;记忆力

  5. credit

    n. 信用,信誉;[金融] 贷款;学分;信任;声望

    vt. 相信,信任;把…归给,归功于;赞颂

No.217 成功人士的奋斗心态




  1. Everyone can have big dreams, you just have to figure out what it’s going to take to get there and do it. Tke a step every day.



  1. paradigm

    n. 范例;词形变化表

  2. mentor

    n. 指导者,良师益友

    vt. 指导

  3. vigilante

    n. 义务警员;治安维持会成员

  4. league

    n. 联盟;社团;范畴

    vt. 使…结盟;与…联合

    vi. 团结;结盟

No.218 跌倒时请向前看




  1. There is no passion to be found playing small in setting for a life that’s less than the one you’re capable of living. --- Nelson Mandela


  2. As you think, so shall you be.



  1. analogy

    n. 类比;类推;类似

  2. commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  3. equity

    n. 公平,公正;衡平法;普通股;抵押资产的净值

  4. faith

    n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠实

  5. inconsequential

    adj. 不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的

No.219 失败是成功的一部分——威尔·史密斯的励志故事




  1. Fail early, fail often, fail forward. ---Will Smith



  1. professional

    n. 专业人员;职业运动员

    adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的

  2. platinum

    n. [化学] 铂;白金;唱片集达100万张的销售量;银灰色

    adj. 唱片集已售出100万张的

  3. devastate

    vt. 毁灭;毁坏

  4. improvise

    v. 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供

  5. flop

    v. 沉重下坠,笨拙移动;扑通坐下;(非正式)(在指定地点)休息,睡觉;彻底失败,演砸

    n. 彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作;扑通声;(非正式)廉价旅馆

    adv. 正好地,恰巧地

No.220 你最大的敌人正是你自己的内心




  1. If the enemy within is in check, then the enemy outside can do you no harm.



  1. exist

    vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在

  2. insecurity

    n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

  3. experimentation

    n. 实验;试验;实验法;实验过程

  4. fatigue

    n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役

    adj. 疲劳的

    vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱

No.221 生活不是努力避免失败,而是设法如何获胜




  1. Life is a blank page waiting for a story, and stories are written by the bold, the risk takers.



  1. obligation

    n. 义务;职责;债务

  2. boundary

    n. 边界;范围;分界线

  3. propel

    vt. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策

  4. exponential

    n. 指数

    adj. 指数的

No.222 生活的精彩属于相信梦想的人




  1. If you don’t build your own dreams, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.



  1. misery

    n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困

  2. mature

    adj. 成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的

    vt. 使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出

    vi. 成熟;到期

  3. stinking

    adj. 发恶臭的;(非正式)令人讨厌的;愤怒不已的

  4. self-esteem

    n. 自尊;自负;自大

  5. despair

    n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事

    vi. 绝望,丧失信心

No.223 没有目标的梦想不过是白日梦




  1. Dreams without goals are just dreams, and they ultimately fuel disappointment. So have dreams but have goals.



  1. passionate

    adj. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的

  2. consistency

    n. 一致性;稠度;相容性

  3. direction

    n. 方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

No.224 心怀希望才能度过人生的风暴




  1. You gotta take my life before you take my drive.



  1. setback

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  2. detour

    n. 迂回路;临时绕行道路

    v. 绕道,绕行

  3. commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  4. victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

No.225 挑战自我




  1. True leadership is consistently choosing courage instead of fear.



  1. reel

    n. 卷轴;里尔舞;一卷;(影片的)一本;里尔舞曲;蹒跚(或摇晃)的动作

    v. 迷惑,震惊;(因突然受挫)晕眩;(尤指醉酒)走路踉跄;收起钓线钓起(某物,尤指鱼);打趔趄;跳里尔舞

  2. impact

    vi. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧(on,upon,with)

    n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力

    vt. 挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响

  3. impose

    vt. 强加;征税;以…欺骗

    vi. 利用;欺骗;施加影响

No.226 不要害怕尝试和失败,那是人生的宝贵一课




  1. It’s not the failure that scares you, it’s the fact that you don’t know what you really want.



  1. explore

    v. 探索;探测;探险

  2. float

    n. (酒吧等用于给顾客找零的)备用零钱;彩车,花车;浮板;漂浮物;鱼漂;浮子;加冰激凌的饮料;浮动期;坐浮箱(治病、疗伤或放松);救生圈

    v. 使漂浮,浮动;漂流,飘动;飘移;安排(贷款)提出,提请考虑(想法或计划);发行(股票)上市;(货币汇率)自由浮动实行

  3. agitation

    n. 激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱

  4. postpone

    vt. 使…延期;把…放在次要地位;把…放在后面

    vi. 延缓,延迟;延缓发作

  5. succumb

    vi. 屈服;死;被压垮

  6. equation

    n. 方程式,等式;相等;[化学] 反应式

No.227 困难成就人生




  1. There is nothing as powerful as a made up mind.



  1. leverage

    n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率

    v. 利用;举债经营

  2. adversity

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  3. disruption

    n. 扰乱,打乱,中断

No.228 学会自我调节才能事半功倍




  1. It’s not trying to avoid the storms that happen in life, but learning how to dance in the rain.



  1. consequence

    n. 结果;重要性;推论

  2. religion

    n. 宗教;宗教信仰

  3. legacy

    n. 遗赠,遗产

  4. declutter

    vt. 从……清理无用之物

  5. enhance

    vt. 提高;加强;增加

No.229 相信自己,别去在意他人眼光




  1. You are already in pain, you are already hurt, get a reward for it.



  1. grind

    n. 磨;苦工作

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

  2. hiccup

    n. 小问题;暂时性耽搁;嗝;呃逆

    vi. 打嗝

  3. dictate

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  4. tycoon

    n. 企业界大亨,巨头;巨富

No.230 困难是人生前进的燃料




  1. Each and every single one of us goes through bad times at some point. The way you choose to handle such low times is what creates you and defines you.



  1. fuss

    v. 瞎操心;忙乱;打扰;过分关怀;过于讲究细节;吵闹

    n. 大惊小怪;反对,抗议;繁琐的手续;(为小事)大发牢骚

  2. rough

    n. 艰苦;高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分

    adj. 粗糙的;粗略的;粗野的;艰苦的;未经加工的

  3. horizon

    n. [天] 地平线;视野;眼界;范围

  4. pathetic

    adj. 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的

No.231 人生苦短,把握当下




  1. There is no promises of tomorrow. Life passes quickly. Life is precious, but you have today.



  1. tournament

    n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛

  2. epic

    adj. 史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;宏大的;英雄的

    n. 叙事诗;史诗;史诗体裁;史诗般的电影(或书籍);壮举;(非正式)特别耗时费力的事情

  3. precious

    adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的

No.232 实现梦想,就从现在开始




  1. I don’t care how minuscule the movement is, but make movement.

    我不在乎行动有多么微小, 但至少你是行动了的。


  1. voluntarily

adv. 自动地;以自由意志

  1. external

n. 外部;外观;外面

adj. 外部的;表面的;[药] 外用的;外国的;外面的

  1. minuscule

adj. 极小的;(字母)小写;微不足道的(非正式)

n. 小写字体;小写字母

  1. priesthood

n. 祭司职;神职;僧职

No.233 不要向困难屈服,因为我们生而不凡




  1. Life will give in to you if it knows you are serious about, whatever it is that you are trying to do.



  1. wrap

    n. 外套;围巾

    vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护

    vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣

  2. impose

    vt. 强加;征税;以…欺骗

    vi. 利用;欺骗;施加影响

  3. unconquerable

    adj. 克服不了的;不可征服的;压制不了的

  4. determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  5. destroy

    vt. 破坏;消灭;毁坏

No.234 心怀梦想,便需付出与之相匹配的努力




  1. You are not a product of your past, you are not a product of your environment or your current unique situation, but you are always a product of how do we navigate through our storm.



  1. phenomenal

    adj. 了不起的;非凡的

  2. unique

    n. 独一无二的人或物

    adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的

  3. navigate

    v. 导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确的应对方法;(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路

  4. lethargy

    n. 无精打采,死气沉沉;昏睡,嗜眠(症)

  5. hostage

    n. 人质;抵押品

No.235 战胜痛苦,便会看到荣耀




  1. When life knocks you down, jump back up and say, “It’s not over until I win.”



  1. ambition

    n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向

    vt. 追求;有…野心

  2. rationalize

    vt. 使……合理化;使……有理化;为……找借口

    vi. 实行合理化;作辩解;合理地思考

  3. automatically

    adj. 不经思索的

    adv. 自动地;机械地;无意识地

  4. subconscious

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

  5. dictate

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  6. resilient

    adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的

No.236 成功是从痛苦中粹取出来的



  1. It is literally at the darkest moment when it dawns. You don't even get to the next level until your darkest moments.



  1. devil

    n. 魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼

    vt. 虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮

  2. glory

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

  3. reward

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

    vt. 奖励;奖赏

  4. whine

    n. 抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣

    vt. 哀诉

    vi. 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声

No.237 借口不过是暴露你软弱的声音




  1. The truth is, that if you want to build something in your life, then you have to remember that you just need to get started.



  1. procrastinate

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  2. momentum

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

  3. productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  4. extrinsic

    adj. 外在的;外来的;非固有的

  5. slack off


No.238 没有什么能够阻挡你




  1. Don’t let the world convince you that you are nobody, you are somebody who just don’t know it yet.



  1. enemy

    n. 敌人,仇敌;敌军

  2. toolbox

    n. 工具箱

  3. tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  4. forsake

    vt. 放弃;断念

  5. convince

    vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

No.239 学会爱和包容自己




  1. It doesn’t make you weak to ask for help, and you should be able to ask anyone for help. Everyone has to help someone if they needed.



  1. choir

    n. 唱诗班;合唱队;舞蹈队

    vt. 合唱

    vi. 合唱

  2. compose

    vt. 构成;写作;使平静;排…的版

    vi. 组成;作曲;排字

  3. esteem

    n. 尊重,敬重

    v. 尊敬,尊重;把......看作,认为;考虑;估价

  4. choreograph

    vt. 设计舞蹈动作;为…编舞

  5. rupture

    n. 破裂;决裂;疝气

    vi. 破裂;发疝气

    vt. 使破裂;断绝;发生疝

No.240 远大的梦想助你一往无前




  1. You dream is the most important thing in this world, you got to dream about something so big that it dwarfs all your fears.



  1. dwarf

    n. 侏儒,矮子;(传说或神话里的)小矮人;矮星

    adj. 矮小的;矮生的

    v. (使)变矮;使显得矮小

  2. psychological

    adj. 心理的;心理学的;精神上的

  3. withdraw

    vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;(从银行)取钱

    vi. 撤退;离开

  4. endure

    vt. 忍耐;容忍

    vi. 忍耐;持续

No.241 生活是场战争,而你不能屈服




  1. If you feel like your life is in a place where you can’t get any lower, good. Cause that means the ultimate challenge is ahead of you, it means you can only go up.



  1. envelop

    vt. 包围;包封;遮盖

  2. forge

    v. 锻造,铸造;缔造,艰苦做成;伪造;稳步前进,匀速移动

    n. 锻铁炉,锻造车间,锻造厂;铁匠铺;伪造者

  3. survivor

    n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物

No.242 进步是一场需要自律的斗争




  1. It isn’t a quick path and there are no shortcuts. Getting better isn’t a hack or trick, or a one change you need to make. Getting better is a campaign.



  1. discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  2. guru

    n. 古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家

  3. dedication

    n. 奉献;献身;赠言

No.243 向失败学习才会成功




  1. But failure didn’t stop him. He used the rejections to learn something new and improve each time.



  1. suffer

    vt. 遭受;忍受;经历

    vi. 遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经验;受损害

  2. commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  3. miserable

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  4. obstacle

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  5. ecstatic

    adj. 狂喜的;入迷的

    n. 狂喜的人

No.244 成功的秘密就是不断的学习




  1. It’s easy to fall into loving the idea of something, and it’s hard to fall into the habits of action to actually achieve the grades you aiming for.



  1. prioritize

    v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑

  2. discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  3. overwhelming

    adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的

  4. preach

    vt. 说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输

    vi. 说教;讲道;鼓吹;宣扬

    n. 说教

  5. whine

    vi. 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声

    vt. 哀诉

    n. 抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣

  6. sprint

    v. 冲刺;全速跑

    n. 冲刺;全速跑

No.245 别再用借口欺骗自己




  1. The earlier you get in the game, then get on track, the better life you are gonna have.



  1. nigh

    n. 恶梦,噩梦;梦魇般的经历

    adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的

  2. conjure sth up


  3. fabricate

    vt. 制造;伪造;装配

  4. grind

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

    n. 磨;苦工作

  5. complacency

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  6. fray

    v. 磨损,磨松;紧张,烦躁;用头磨

    n. 争论;打架;磨损处

No.246 别再逃避,为你的人生负责




  1. We have two primary choices in life, we can either accept conditions as they exist, or we can take the responsibility to change them.



  1. slap

    v. 掌击,拍击;掴……的耳光;侮辱;(快速地、随意地或用力地)涂抹

    n. 掴;掌击;拍打声;侮辱;(非正式,厚厚的或随意涂抹的)化妆品

    adv. 直接地;猛然地;恰好

    adj. 精力不足的;(食物)松软的,过于柔软的

  2. discontent

    n. 不满

    adj. 不满的

    vt. 使不满

  3. exempt

    adj. 被免除(责任或义务)的,获豁免的

    v. 免除,豁免

    n. 被免除义务者(尤指被免税者)

No.247 你的选择决定你的人生




  1. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Shallow people believe in luck and circumstances. Strong people believe in cause and effect.



  1. summation

    n. 总结,概括;综合体

  2. empirical

    adj. 经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的

  3. catastrophic

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

  4. cornerstone

    n. 基础;柱石;地基

No.248 勇于尝试才能突破自我




  1. Don’t you let another person put his or her limitations on you. Nobody can tell you what you can’t do, but you. You are the only one who can determine whether you can or can’t do something.



  1. buoyant

    adj. 轻快的;有浮力的;上涨的

  2. immerse

    vt. 沉浸;使陷入

  3. loathing

    n. 憎恶;憎恨

  4. intimidation

    n. 恐吓,威胁

No.249 别再犹豫,今日事今日毕


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No.250 风雨过会,便会看到彩虹


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No.251 别停下你追梦的脚步


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No.252 学习成功者的智慧


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No.253 为自己的明天而投资


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No.254 拥抱内心的恐惧,战胜它!


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No.255 做守卫自己的勇士,永不放弃


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No.256 别让生活击垮你,你的命运由自己主宰


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No.257 正视内心的恐惧,你可以变得更强


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No.258 别再为自己的不努力找借口


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No.259 寸金难买寸光阴,别再浪费时间啦


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No.260 看清现实,别贪图一时温暖


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No.261 一个好习惯,价值胜千万




  1. If you want to feel truly wealthy, count all of the things you have in your life that money cannot buy! Count! Just write down in your gratitude journal or notebook all of the things you have in your life that you wouldn't give away for any amount of money. And then you will be able to feel what it really feels like to feel truly wealthy. Because we have more than we think we have.



  1. Gratitude

    n. 感谢的心情

  2. Resource

    n. 资源,财力;办法;智谋

  3. Grateful

    adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的

  4. Appreciate

    vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别

    vi. 增值;涨价

  5. Journal

    n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账

  6. Verbally

    adv. 口头地,非书面地;用言辞地

  7. Negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  8. Prayer

    n. 祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文

  9. Episode

    n. 一段经历;插曲;一段情节;(电视连续剧或广播的)一集;插话;有趣的事件

  10. Wealthy

    adj. 富有的;充分的;丰裕的

    n. 富人

No.262 生活的每一天都是一场胜利




  1. The difference between the people who are happy and the people to aim is that the people that are happy choose to focus on the solutions to the problems they face rather than the problems themselves. You always have a choice. You could decide to focus on the problems or decide to look for the solution. It’s all about perspective.



  1. Cynical

    adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的

  2. Conceive

    vt. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有

    vi. 怀孕;设想;考虑

  3. Whisper

    v. 耳语;私下说,密谈;飒飒地响;造谣

    n. 耳语(声);轻柔的声音;谣传;(诗、文)飒飒声;蛛丝马迹,暗示

  4. Delusion

    n. 迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想

  5. Painful

    adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的

  6. Anxiousness

    n. 焦急

  7. Fester

    vi. 溃烂;化脓

    vt. 使……溃烂;使……痛苦;使……恶化

    n. 溃烂;脓疮,脓疱

  8. Drain

    v. 排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴

    n. 排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗

  9. Advantage

    n. 优势;利益;有利条件

    vi. 获利

    vt. 有利于;使处于优势

  10. Constantly

    adv. 不断地;时常地

No.263 通向成功的5个小秘籍


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No.264 只有不断学习,才能让自己变得更强


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No.265 追求卓越,勇争第一




  1. Stay strong, have faith, keep pushing through. On the either side of your struggle, is something good on your other side is some sort of success. So I’m here to tell you today, you can have anything you want, be anyone you want. But you’re going to have to work.



  1. Wrap

    vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护

    vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣

    n. 外套;围巾

  2. Regret

    v. 遗憾,后悔;礼貌或正式地表示惋惜或抱歉;对(损失或缺乏)感到痛惜

    n. 遗憾;歉意

  3. Abundance

    n. 充裕,丰富

  4. Wisdom

    n. 智慧,才智;明智;学识;至理名言

  5. Janitor

    n. 看门人;守卫;门警

  6. Harvest

    n. 收获;产量;结果

    vt. 收割;得到

    vi. 收割庄稼

  7. Reap

    vt. 收获,获得;收割

    vi. 收割,收获

  8. Plow

    n. 北斗七星 (the Plow)

    n. (plow) 犁;耕地;扫雪机(等于 plough)

    v. (plow) 犁(田);耕(地);奋力前行;(播种前)翻犁;划出;穿过,破浪前进;猛撞;从……清除积雪;考试不及格(等于 plough)

  9. Negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  10. Category

    n. 种类,分类;[数] 范畴

No.266 励志| 自律方得自由


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No.267 励志| 不忘初心,方得始终


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No.268 告诉上天,我不认输


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No.269 坚持,不要放弃


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No.270 励志| 一切从零开始


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No.271 别懈怠,继续为自己的人生而奋斗


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No.272 励志| Get out of your head and start Expressing yourself!


视频来源:YouTube Law of Attraction Coaching

No.273 学会做生活中的赢家


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No.274 放下心中的不安,向最好的自己努力


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No.275 不经历风雨,怎能看到彩虹


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No.276 每一天,都要活出不同的意义


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No.277 不负韶华,不负时光


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No.278 珍惜时间,珍惜当下


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No.279 励志| 带着渴望,奋斗吧!


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No.280 励志| 带着渴望,奋斗吧!


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No.281 是时候逼自己努力一把了


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No.282 励志| 前路越是黑暗,越要寻找光明


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No.283 励志 |走自己的路 让别人羡慕嫉妒恨去吧


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No.284 励志| 你的未来掌握在你的手上


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No.285 不努力,何谈成功


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No.286 下定决心,奋力前行


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No.287 相信自己的力量


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No.288 珍惜当下,为自己而努力


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No.289 学会自信,创造美好明天


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No.290 对自己负责,为自己而奋斗


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No.291 坚持,从现在开始


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No.292 励志 |做真实的自己


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No.293 不惧他人言语,大胆做自己


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No.294 改变,从今天开始


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No.295 全力以赴,才有未来


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No.296 成功的人注定不平庸


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No.297 新的一年,新的开始


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No.298 自己的人生,由自己把握


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No.299 为未来而战斗,为自己而战斗


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No.300 为未来而战斗,为自己而战斗


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No.301 不要对未来恐惧,你需要行动起来!


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No.302 抓住机会,重新来过


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No.303 相信自己,每日向目标迈进


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No.304 坚持下去,胜利就在下一刻


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No.305 提升生活质量的好办法


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No.306 在失败中不断重生,在黑暗中看到光芒


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No.307 坚定的意志是你身上最大的宝藏



  1. There’s mind, and then there’s soul and spirit. And soul and spirit, my soul knows. You have that ability, you just have to ssert it. You have to decide what you’re gonna be in controland that you are going to do what you want to do.



  1. Creep

    vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩

    n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者;非玩家控制的小兵(游戏术语)

  2. Acknowledge

    vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到

  3. Create

    vt. 创造,创作;造成

  4. Minute

    n. 分,分钟;片刻,一会儿;备忘录,笔记;会议记录

    vt. 将…记录下来

  5. Spirit

    n. 精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒

    vt. 鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

  6. Soul

    n. 灵魂;心灵;精神;鬼魂

    n. 一种人,某种人(强调具有某种特质的人)

    adj. 美国黑人文化的

  7. Assert

    vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称

  8. Impose

    vi. 利用;欺骗;施加影响

    vt. 强加;征税;以…欺骗

  9. Control

    n. 控制;管理;抑制;操纵装置

    vt. 控制;管理;抑制

  10. Regular

    adj. 定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的;普通的

    n. 常客;正式队员;中坚分子

    adv. 定期地;经常地

No.308 不要低估自己




  1. If your life is perfect and extraordinary, you darn well know. You’renot gonna be happyunless you keep making it better. It’s not what we get that makes us happy, it’s who we become.



  1. Standard

    n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准

    adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的

  2. Weight

    n. 重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性

    vt. 加重量于,使变重

  3. Resolution

    n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心

  4. Possibility

    n. 可能性;可能发生的事物

  5. Resolve

    vt. 决定;溶解;使…分解;决心要做…

    vi. 解决;决心;分解

    n. 坚决;决定要做的事

  6. Click

    vt. 点击;使发咔哒声

    vi. 作咔哒声

    n. 单击;滴答声

  7. Attach

    vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋

    vi. 附加;附属;伴随

  8. Athlete

    n. 运动员,体育家;身强力壮的人

  9. Personality

    n. 个性;品格;名人

  10. Frame

    n. 框架;结构;眼镜框;[电影] 画面

    vt. 给 (图画或照片) 配框;设计;建造;陷害;使…适合;制订;拟订

    vi. 有成功希望

    adj. 有木架的;有构架的

No.309 持续性的奋斗需要摆脱情绪的影响




  1. It ain’t never too much if you really want it. It’s not the most talented person that succeeds. Talent don’t mean a doggone thing if talent don’t show up.



  1. Resolution

    n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心

  2. Immature

    adj. 不成熟的;未成熟的;粗糙的

  3. Excitement

    n. 兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物

  4. Seasonal

    adj. 季节的;周期性的;依照季节的

  5. Dot

    n. 点,圆点;嫁妆

    vi. 打上点

    vt. 加小点于

  6. Reality

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  7. Consistency

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

  8. Reality

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  9. Excitement

    n. 兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物

  10. Accomplish

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

No.310 为了未来,全力以赴




  1. If you’re in a game, make sure you’re in it all the way. And then that game will be your game. When you start grinding, when you start waking up early, when you start keeping your word to yourself, to your boss, when you get going to 120, when you all in by any means necessary, you start seeing stuff.



  1. Commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  2. Worthwhile

    adj. 重要的;令人愉快的;有趣的;值得(花时间、金钱、努力等)的;有价值的,有益的;值得做的

  3. Require

    vt. 需要;要求;命令

  4. Grind

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

    n. 磨;苦工作

  5. Rely

    vi. 依靠;信赖

  6. Beast

    n. 野兽;畜生,人面兽心的人

  7. Gazelle

    n. 瞪羚;小羚羊

    vi. 似瞪羚般跳跃

  8. Average

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;(按保单规定应付赔偿额的)降减

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

    v. 算出……的平均数;将……平均分配;使……平衡;平均为,平均达到;呈中间色;(行情下跌时)买进更多的证券(或商品)以降低平均进价

  9. Outdo

    vt. 超过;胜过

  10. Single

    adj. 单一的;单身的;单程的

    n. 一个;单打;单程票

    vt. 选出

    vi. 击出一垒安打

No.311 安逸是你成功路上的绊脚石




  1. The degree of which is directly proportional to the degree of hard work that you put in. Your life is monument to the difficulty, and the pain, and the frustration. And how good you are at dealing with it, and not only how good you are at dealing with it, how good you are at asking for more.



  1. Decent

    adj. 正派的;得体的;相当好的

  2. Compete

    vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗

  3. Rut

    n. 发情期;惯例;性冲动;凹槽

    vt. 挖槽于;在…形成车辙

    vi. 发情

  4. Depth

    n. [海洋] 深度;深奥

  5. Monument

    n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品

    vt. 为…树碑

  6. Proportional

    adj. 比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的

    n. [数] 比例项

  7. Constant

    adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的

    n. [数] 常数;恒量

  8. Consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  9. Freedom

    n. 自由,自主;直率

  10. Progression

    n. 前进;连续

No.312 人生没有挑战就不会有成长




  1. You’re gonna have to fall down and hurt yourself a couple of times. Because if you got what you wanted without the challenge associated with the pain, it wouldn’t really be yours. A life without pain is a life without challenge, and a life without challenge is a life without growth.



  1. Depression

    n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

  2. Frustration

    n. 挫折

  3. Anxiety

    n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事

  4. Dissolution

    n. 分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡

  5. Disappointment

    n. 失望;沮丧

  6. Emotion

    n. 情感;情绪

  7. Battle

    n. 战役;斗争

    vi. 斗争;作战

    vt. 与…作战

  8. Suffer

    vt. 遭受;忍受;经历

    vi. 遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经验;受损害

  9. Disappear

    vi. 消失;失踪;不复存在

    vt. 使…不存在;使…消失

  10. Associate

    v. 联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

No.313 如何在困境中找到动力




  1. Each on of those aren’t arbitrary. It’s purposeful. It is set there for your growth. And you have a choice, you can be a victim and you can let it break you, or you can actually ask yourself, how can i use this time in darkness.



  1. Opportunity

    n. 时机,机会

  2. Growth

    n. 增长;发展;生长;种植

  3. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  4. Leverage

    n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率

    v. 利用;举债经营

  5. Crisis

    n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻

    adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的

  6. Engage

    vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定

    vi. 从事;参与;答应,保证;交战;啮合

  7. Desperate

    adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的

  8. Trial

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

    adj. 试验的;审讯的

  9. Tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  10. Stretch

    v. (柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能);夸大;延续

    n. (四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力;困难的任务;(陆地或水域)连绵的一片;(时间)连续的一段;(非正式)服刑期;(赛马跑道的)终点直道;抢风航行的距离;(非正式)加长机动车

    adj. 弹性的,可拉伸的

No.314 人生不要只想走捷径




  1. If you want to live as well as the 1 to 2 percent in the world, if you want to have one of the best lives in the world, which is you live on the terms, then you have to pay your dues to get there.



  1. Mood

    n. 情绪,语气;心境;气氛

  2. Hype

    n. 大肆宣传;皮下注射

    vt. 大肆宣传;使…兴奋

  3. Seminar

    n. 讨论会,研讨班

  4. Suppose

    vt. 假设;认为;让(虚拟语气);推想

    vi. 猜想;料想

    conj. 假使…结果会怎样

  5. Supervise

    v. 监督;管理;指导;主管;照看

  6. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  7. Backup

    n. 支持;后援;阻塞

    adj. 支持的;候补的

    vt. 做备份

  8. Guarantee

    n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品

    vt. 保证;担保

  9. Cultivate

    vt. 培养;陶冶;耕作

  10. Difference

    n. 差异;不同;争执

No.315 相信自己是值得最好的




  1. To get to that table, to sit up with the big boy and the big lady table, you’re gonna have to be giving it everything you’ve got, so that inside there’s a shift that takes place that says, ah, I believe I deserve to have whatever these things are that wanna have.



  1. Deserve

    vi. 应受,应得

    vt. 应受,应得

  2. Dictate

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

    n. 命令;指示

  3. Alter

    vt. 改变,更改

    vi. 改变;修改

  4. External

    adj. 外部的;表面的;[药] 外用的;外国的;外面的

    n. 外部;外观;外面

  5. Fallacy

    n. 谬论,谬误

  6. Ultimate

    adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的

    n. 终极;根本;基本原则

  7. Destination

    n. 目的地,终点

  8. Ferocious

    adj. 残忍的;惊人的

  9. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  10. Reserve

    v. 预订(座位等);储备;拥有(某种权利);留出(一部分稍后使用);用于(特定场合);暂不作(判断或决定);把……专门留给;弥撒后保留部分圣餐

    n. 储备(量);自然保护区;居住地;预备队;预备役部队;缄默;保留意见;储备金;(拍卖中的)底价;(印染中的)防染本色区

No.316 全力以赴,方得初心




  1. If you’re going to have the energy and the passion to drive through the day, working at 100% effort. You have got to wake up every single day and start with that vision. So make every day count, make toady count!



  1. Resilience

    n. 恢复力;弹力;顺应力

  2. Hundred

    n. 一百;许多

    adj. 一百的;许多的

    num. 百;百个

  3. Productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  4. Commit

    vt. 犯罪;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;(公开地)表示意见

    vi. 忠于(某个人、机构等);承诺

  5. Regardless

    adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的

    adv. 不顾后果地;不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何

  6. Persistence

    n. 持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力

  7. Declaration

    n. (纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书

  8. Decision

    n. 决定,决心;决议

  9. Drastically

    adv. 彻底地;激烈地

  10. Effort

    n. 努力;成就

No.317 抓住时机,把握当下




  1. It’s 100% your responsibility to develop your own character, your own education, your own happiness, and ultimately your own success. You need to tell you that the results you’re getting at school are a direct result of all the decision you’ve made leading up to the exam.



  1. Available

    adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的

  2. Attendance

    n. 出席;到场;出席人数;考勤

  3. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  4. Potential

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  5. Straight

    adj. 直的;连续的;笔直的;正直的;整齐的;异性恋的

    adv. 直接地;不断地;立即;坦率地

    n. 直;直线;直男,直女,异性恋者

  6. Accountable

    adj. 有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的

  7. Flaw

    n. 瑕疵,缺点;一阵狂风;短暂的风暴;裂缝,裂纹

    v. 使生裂缝,使有裂纹;使无效;使有缺陷

    vi. 生裂缝;变的有缺陷

  8. Talent

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  9. Nurture

    vt. 养育;鼓励;培植

    n. 养育;教养;营养物

  10. Direct

    adj. 直接的;直系的;亲身的;恰好的

    vt. 管理;指挥;导演;指向

    vi. 指导;指挥

    adv. 直接地;正好;按直系关系

No.318 真正付出行动才是前进的第一步




  1. It’s a journey that’s going to be very uncomfortable, but through this journey you will find peace within yourself. Confidence, self-esteem, determination, courage, all of these are going to be found only through difficulties.



  1. Calm

    adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的

    vt. 使平静;使镇定

    vi. 平静下来;镇定下来

    n. 风平浪静

  2. Represent

    vt. 代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送

    vi. 代表;提出异议

  3. Incredible

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

  4. Involve

    vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于

  5. Confidence

    n. 信心;信任;秘密

    adj. (美)诈骗的;骗得信任的

  6. Esteem

    n. 尊重,敬重

    v. 尊敬,尊重;把......看作,认为;考虑;估价

  7. Determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  8. Improvement

    n. 改进,改善;提高

  9. Commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  10. Distracted

    v. (使)分心;转移(注意力);(使)困惑(distract 的过去式及过去分词)

    adj. 注意力分散的;心烦意乱的

No.319 接受挫折,迎接挑战





  1. When you look at comfort and you look at success and progress, and the eventual feelings of accomplishment and getting past certain hurdles that you get in life. A lot of those are connected to discomfort. Discomfort is your friend, it really is. Discomfort is amazing at facilitating change.



  1. Simplistic

    adj. 过分简单化的;过分单纯化的

  2. Exhausted

    adj. 筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;耗尽的,枯竭的

  3. Trap

    n. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,捕捉器;圈套,伏击;牢笼,困境;双轮轻便马车;嘴;(赛狗开始时的)放狗隔栏;容器;抛靶器;(非正式)爵士乐手的打击乐器(常复数);暗色岩

    v. 使……陷入险境或困境;(衣服、身体部位)夹住,绊住;捕捉,收集;使陷入圈套,使上当;给马戴饰物;(足球)停球;储存(气体、水等)

  4. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  5. Consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  6. Resistance

    n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

  7. Mediocre

    adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的

  8. Significant

    adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的

    n. 象征;有意义的事物

  9. Existence

    n. 存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物

  10. Hurdle

    n. 障碍;栏;跳栏

    vt. 克服

    vi. 克服;跳过

No.320 永远不要停止学习




  1. Stop wasting valuable time. If you want something, you have got to be relentless. You’ve got to learn how to be creative. You have got to learn how to be resourceful to hold on in spite of everything. The power to endure is the winners' quality.



  1. Direction

    n. 方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

  2. Relatively

    adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地

  3. Survive

    vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长

    vi. 幸存;活下来7

  4. Mission

    n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道

    vt. 派遣;向……传教

  5. Declare

    vt. 宣布,声明;断言,宣称

    vi. 声明,宣布

  6. Momentum

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

  7. Depress

    vt. 压抑;使沮丧;使萧条

  8. Opposition

    n. 反对;反对派;在野党;敌对

  9. Bruise

    n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿

    vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤

    vi. 擦伤;受伤

  10. Wound

    n. 创伤,伤口

    vt. 使受伤

    vi. 受伤,伤害

No.321 这些细节决定了人与人的差距




  1. Sometimes, a big part of success is just not being lazy, and just doing what you know you have to do. 90% of it is just showing up. Just show up and do the work.. You’re not going to feel perfect every day. And it’s the same with every student in your class.



  1. University

    n. 大学;综合性大学;大学校舍

  2. Ultimately

    adv. 最后;根本;基本上

  3. Challenge

    n. 挑战;怀疑

    vt. 向…挑战;对…质疑

  4. Increase

    v. 增加;增大;提高;增强

    n. 增加;增多;增长

  5. Muscle

    n. 肌肉;力量

    vt. 加强;使劲搬动;使劲挤出

    vi. 使劲行进

  6. Responsibility

    n. 责任,职责;义务

  7. Success

    n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物

  8. Position

    n. 位置,方位;职位,工作;姿态;站位;[金融]仓位

    v. 安置;把……放在适当位置

  9. Upgrade

    v. 使(计算机、软件等)升级;改善(尤指服务);给(飞机乘客或宾馆客人)升级;给(某人)升职;提高(某事物的)地位

    n. 升级;(尤指计算设备的)升级版;向上的斜坡;增加

    adj. 往上的

    adv. 往上

  10. Percent

    n. 百分比,百分率;部分;百分数

    adj. 百分之…的

    adv. 以百分之…地

No.322 如何高效快速地进行自我激励




  1. Because we’ve all been there, we feel tired so we don’t study, and the next day, we feel tired again, so we don’t study again. You need to rewrite your brain, train your brain to ignore how you’re feeling and just focus.



  1. Exhausted

    adj. 筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;耗尽的,枯竭的

  2. Perspective

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  3. Craft

    n. 工艺;手艺;太空船

    vt. 精巧地制作

  4. Analogy

    n. 类比;类推;类似

  5. Possibility

    n. 可能性;可能发生的事物

  6. Schedule

    n. 计划(表);时间表;一览表;(电视或广播)节目表;课程表;报税单;附件(尤指表格、单据等)

    v. 安排,预定;将……列入计划表或清单;把(建筑物)列为文物保护单位

  7. Convenient

    adj. 方便的

  8. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  9. Recognition

    n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

  10. Flexible

    adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的

No.323 如何制定一个目标长远的计划




  1. Don’t give in to that stuff, don't give in to the fears, don’t give in to the setbacks. You’re gonna have failures, it’s part of the journey.



  1. Capable

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;综合性的;有资格的

  2. Religiously

    adv. 认真地,审慎地;与宗教信仰有关地,虔诚地

  3. Towel

    n. 毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾

    vt. 用毛巾擦

    vi. 用毛巾擦干身体

  4. Attendance

    n. 出席;到场;出席人数;考勤

  5. Optimistic

    adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的

  6. Positive

    adj. 积极的;[数] 正的,[医] [化学] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的

    n. 正数;[摄] 正片

  7. Extreme

    adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的

    n. 极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物

  8. Navigate

    v. 导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确的应对方法;(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路

  9. Negotiate

    vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过

    vi. 谈判,交涉

  10. Realistic

    adj. 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的

No.324 在最黑暗的时刻,我们必须集中精神寻找光明




  1. Tough time separate those who give up, and those who keep going. Tough times show that the heart is really inside. Tough times show what courage is really inside.



  1. Courage

    n. 勇气;胆量

  2. Mental

    adj. 精神的;脑力的;疯的

    n. 精神病患者

  3. Tough

    adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的

    n. 恶棍

    vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐

    adv. 强硬地,顽强地

  4. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  5. Purpose

    n. 目的;用途;意志

    vt. 决心;企图;打算

  6. Legacy

    n. 遗赠,遗产

  7. Generation

    n. 一代;产生;一代人;生殖

  8. Dark

    adj. 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的

    n. 黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊

  9. Wise

    adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的

    vt. 使知道;教导

    vi. 了解

  10. Heart

    n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点

    vt. 鼓励;铭记

    vi. 结心

No.325 最厉害的人,是能自控的人




  1. Detachment is not that you own nothing. Detachment is that nothing owns you.” It’s not usually explained. Usually, people see detachment as being away from everything. Actually the greatest detachment has been close to everything.



  1. Detach

    vt. 分离;派遣;使超然

  2. Deter

    vt. 制止,阻止;使打消念头

  3. External

    adj. 外部的;表面的;[药] 外用的;外国的;外面的

    n. 外部;外观;外面

  4. Navigate

    v. 导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确的应对方法;(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路

  5. Equipoise

    n. 平衡;均势

  6. Equanimity

    n. 平静;镇定

  7. Consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍

    vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

  8. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  9. Clarity

    n. 清楚,明晰;透明

  10. Grand

    adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的

    n. 大钢琴;一千美元

No.326 生活的动力来自于清晰的人生目标




  1. You can have the best ship in the world, the best cruise ship in the world. But if the captain doesn’t know where to go, that ship will drift around the world out there at sea. And this is exactly the way it is in real life.



  1. Planet

    n. 行星

  2. Convince

    vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

  3. Wobbly

    adj. 不稳定的;摆动的;歪斜的

  4. Motivation

    n. 动机;积极性;推动

  5. Restlessness

    n. 坐立不安;不安定

  6. Genetic

    adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的

  7. Advantage

    n. 优势;利益;有利条件

    vi. 获利

    vt. 有利于;使处于优势

  8. Routine

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

  9. Cruise

    v. 乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;巡航,巡游,漫游;开车兜风;轻而易举赢得;猎艳(非正式)

    n. 乘船游览,游船度假;巡航,巡游

  10. Vision

    n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力;幻视(漫威漫画旗下超级英雄)

    vt. 想象;显现;梦见

No.327 勇敢反击




  1. I see it so many times where someone is getting bad grades, but they blame everyone else but themselves. Believe me that person is going nowhere. Nothing’s going to happen in their life.



  1. Anxiety

    n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事

  2. Naysayer

    n. 指那些说某事成不了、经常否定、拒绝或者反对一些事情的人

  3. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  4. Stamina

    n. 耐力,持久力,毅力

  5. Series

    n. 系列,连续;[电] 串联;级数;丛书

  6. Battle

    n. 战役;斗争

    vi. 斗争;作战

    vt. 与…作战

  7. Spirit

    n. 精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒

    vt. 鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

  8. Crisis

    n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻

    adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的

  9. Adrenaline

    n. [生化] 肾上腺素

  10. Mindset

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

No.328 承受困境的磨砺,才能获取成功的人生




  1. I see it so many times where someone is getting bad grades, but they blame everyone else but themselves. Believe me that person is going nowhere. Nothing’s going to happen in their life.



  1. Version

    n. 版本;译文;倒转术

  2. Planet

    n. 行星

    n. (Planet)人名;(法)普拉内;(西、葡)普拉内特

  3. Catastrophic

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

  4. Miserable

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  5. Partially

    adv. 部分地;偏袒地

  6. Paralyse

    vt. 使……无力;使……麻痹;使……瘫痪

  7. Zone

    n. 地带;地区;联防

    vi. 分成区

    vt. 使分成地带;环绕

  8. Complain

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  9. Negativity

    n. 否定性;消极性

  10. Blame

    vt. 责备;归咎于

    n. 责备;责任;过失

No.329 如何让生活充满幸福感





  1. A lot of successful and competitive business-people, like CEOs or politicians, are kind of fueled by this kinda, like, thirst for power. So we compare ourselves to others in the social, but we want to be secure in our own top position.



  1. Compare

    v. 比较,对比;与……类似,将……比作;相比,匹敌;构成(形容词或副词)的比较级和最高级

    n. 比较

  2. Purpose

    n. 目的;用途;意志

    vt. 决心;企图;打算

  3. Weird

    adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的

    n. (苏格兰)命运;预言

  4. Hierarchy

    n. 层级;等级制度

  5. Physical

    adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的

    n. 体格检查

  6. Appearance

    n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面

  7. Intelligence

    n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力;才智,智慧;天分

  8. Narcissistic

    adj. 自恋的;自我陶醉的

  9. Egotistical

    adj. 任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的

  10. Competitive

    adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的

No.330 你与跟成功的人之间的差距




  1. Attitude is more important than circumstances, more important than failures, more important than successes, more important than money. It’s even more important than talent or skill. And we have a choice every day what attitude are we going to have when approaching our studying.



  1. Journey

    n. 旅行;行程

    vi. 旅行

  2. Automatic

    adj. 自动的;无意识的;必然的

    n. 自动机械;自动手枪

  3. Procrastinate

    vt. 耽搁,延迟

    vi. 耽搁,延迟

  4. Consciously

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

  5. Bottom

    n. 底部;末端;臀部;尽头

    adj. 底部的

    vt. 装底;测量深浅;查明真相

    vi. 到达底部;建立基础

  6. University

    n. 大学;综合性大学;大学校舍

  7. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  8. Regardless

    adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的

    adv. 不顾后果地;不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何

  9. Frustrated

    adj. 懊恼的,沮丧的;无效的,没有得到满足的;失意的,不得志的

  10. Attitude

    n. 态度;看法;意见;姿势

No.331 你的潜力会在坚持中被激发!




  1. You’ve gotten this far, if you were gonna quit, you should’ve quit a long time ago. You’ve come too far to quit now. You need to get a reward for it. I know you may be hurting, but just know, after this battle, you will come out on the better side.



  1. Require

    vt. 需要;要求;命令

  2. Hopeless

    adj. 绝望的;不可救药的

  3. Battle

    n. 战役;斗争

    vi. 斗争;作战

    vt. 与…作战

  4. Academic

    adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的

    n. 大学生,大学教师;学者

  5. Divorce

    n. 离婚;分离;离婚判决;离婚的男子

    v. 与(某人)离婚;分离,脱离;彻底分割

  6. Greatness

    n. 伟大;巨大

  7. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  8. Reason

    n. 理由;理性;动机

    vi. 推论;劝说

    vt. 说服;推论;辩论

  9. Reward

    n. [劳经] 报酬;报答;酬谢

    vt. [劳经] 奖励;奖赏

  10. Quit

    vt. 离开;放弃;停止;使…解除

    vi. 离开;辞职;停止

    n. 离开;[计] 退出

    adj. 摆脱了…的;已经了结的

No.332 一个行动胜过百个空想




  1. Nothing can be achieved, conceived, until first it’s believed. You have to believe it to see it. If there’s something that you want to do with your life, that thing deep inside you that whispers day and night. It will always just be an idea until you choose to believe it’s possible.



  1. Witness

    n. 证人;目击者;证据

    vt. 目击;证明;为…作证

    vi. 作证人

  2. Obstacle

    n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物

  3. Spin

    vi. 旋转;纺纱;吐丝;晕眩

    vt. 使旋转;纺纱;编造;结网

    n. 旋转;疾驰

  4. Darkness

    n. 黑暗;模糊;无知;阴郁

  5. Phenomenal

    adj. 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的

  6. Obtain

    vi. 获得;流行

    vt. 获得

  7. Existence

    n. 存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物

  8. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  9. Contagious

    adj. 感染性的;会蔓延的

  10. Consistency

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

No.333 躺着只能做梦,起床才能追梦




  1. Nothing can be achieved, conceived, until first it’s believed. You have to believe it to see it. If there’s something that you want to do with your life, that thing deep inside you that whispers day and night. It will always just be an idea until you choose to believe it’s possible.



  1. Snooze

    n. 小睡;打盹儿

    vi. 小睡;打盹

    vt. 懒散地打发日子;打盹消磨

  2. Conquer

    vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

    vi. 胜利;得胜

  3. Literally

    adv. 照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

  4. Instant

    adj. 立即的;紧急的;紧迫的

    n. 瞬间;立即;片刻

  5. Inspirational

    adj. 鼓舞人心的;带有灵感的,给予灵感的

  6. Basically

    adv. 主要地,基本上

  7. Conceive

    vt. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有

    vi. 怀孕;设想;考虑

  8. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  9. Constant

    adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的

    n. [数] 常数;恒量

  10. Promotion

    n. 提升,[劳经] 晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,振兴

No.334 记住,你最大的竞争对手是你自己




  1. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "Why are you only giving 50%? What's wrong with you?" You need to put yourself on punishment.You need to tell you, no more TV, no more snacks, no more desserts, no, we working out now. You need to tell you that you owe you something.



  1. Recur

    vi. 复发;重现;采用;再来;循环;递归

  2. Fundamental

    adj. 基本的,根本的

    n. 基本原理;基本原则

  3. Gratify

    vt. 使满足;使满意,使高兴

  4. Guarantee

    n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品

    vt. 保证;担保

  5. Misery

    n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困

  6. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  7. Consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  8. Victor

    n. 胜利者

  9. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  10. Punishment

    n. 惩罚;严厉对待,虐待

No.335 别轻易放弃,你还没有拼尽全力,怎么知道没有奇迹




  1. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to, I have too much sweat equity in my life in everything that I was doing. You're too close to quit now. You gotta take another lap. You gotta take another lap, cause you never know, this might be the one.



  1. Impossible

    adj. 不可能的;不可能存在的;难以忍受的;不真实的

    n. 不可能;不可能的事

  2. Victory

    n. 胜利;成功;克服

  3. Predicate

    n. 谓语,述语

    v. 使……基于;断言;暗示

    adj. 谓语的,述语的

  4. Commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  5. Inconvenient

    adj. 不便的;打扰的

  6. Mentality

    n. 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

  7. Equity

    n. 公平,公正;衡平法;普通股;抵押资产的净值

  8. Abandon

    v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入

    n. 放任,狂热

  9. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  10. Lap

    n. 一圈;膝盖;下摆;山坳

    vt. 使重叠;拍打;包围;缠绕;舔舐;领先一圈

    vi. 重叠;轻拍;围住

No.336 最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的新信念




  1. When you feel like giving up, don’t. when it looks like you ain’t gonna make it, keep going. When they tell you “you can’t”, who are they? When they tell you “you’re not gonna make it”, don’t believe them, man.



  1. Compound

    n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词

    adj. 复合的;混合的

    v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协

  2. Opposite

    adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的

    n. 对立面;反义词

    prep. 在…的对面

    adv. 在对面

  3. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  4. Blunt

    adj. 钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的

    vt. 使迟钝

  5. Upfront

    adj. 预付的;在前面的;正直的,坦率的

    adv. 在前面;提前支付(工资)

  6. Confront

    vt. 面对;遭遇;比较

  7. Elevate

    vt. 提升;举起;振奋情绪等;提升…的职位

  8. Adversity

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  9. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  10. Trial

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

    adj. 试验的;审讯的

No.337 强大的潜意识如何成就天才?




  1. The more that you acknowledge your dreams and bring them to the surface, the easier it’s going to remember them. The ability to recall your dreams is a skill. And you can learn it through practice and persistence.



  1. Subconscious

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

  2. Solidarity

    n. 团结,团结一致

  3. Athlete

    n. 运动员,体育家;身强力壮的人

  4. Incredible

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

  5. Relativity

    n. 相对论;相关性;相对性

  6. Periodic

    adj. 周期的;定期的

  7. Entrepreneur

    n. 企业家;承包人;主办者

  8. Conspire

    vi. 共谋;协力

  9. Sensitize

    vt. 使敏感;使具有感光性

    vi. 变得敏感

  10. Braze

    v. 用铜焊接,用铜镀;用铜制造

    n. 铜焊接头;高熔点焊料

No.338 即使陷入困境,也要成为生活的缔造者




  1. Build some solid foundations. Build strong. Take responsibility for every level. Take you time and do it right. It takes time to build a masterpiece. So stick at it.



  1. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  2. Define

    vt. 定义;使明确;规定

  3. Reflection

    n. 反射;沉思;映象

  4. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  5. Spare

    adj. 额外的,备用的;多余的;瘦高的,瘦长的;简朴的;未装饰的;空闲的;少量的;节约的

    v. 饶恕;不伤害;不毁坏;使避免;(尤指在自己困难的情况下)抽出,匀出;剩下;分让;节约;吝惜;删节

    n. 备用品;(汽车或其他设备的)备用零件,配件;(十柱保龄球戏中的)二击全倒

  6. Freedom

    n. 自由,自主;直率

  7. Consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  8. Multiple

    adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的

  9. Destiny

    n. 命运,定数,天命

  10. Foundation

    n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立

No.339 你的人生掌握在自己手中




  1. Because you are so focused on your studying, and you start knocking your obstacles down. One obstacle at a time. And suddenly you find yourself building up momentum day by day. Until you’re swimming with the tide.



  1. Financial

    adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的

  2. Negativity

    n. 否定性;消极性

  3. Frame

    n. 框架;结构;眼镜框;[电影] 画面

    vt. 给 (图画或照片) 配框;设计;建造;陷害;使…适合;制订;拟订

    vi. 有成功希望

    adj. 有木架的;有构架的

  4. Mindset

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

  5. Obtain

    vi. 获得;流行

    vt. 获得

  6. Constant

    adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的

    n. [数] 常数;恒量

  7. Scroll

    n. (供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰

    v. 在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动

  8. Drastically

    adv. 彻底地;激烈地

  9. Procrastinate

    vt. 耽搁,延迟

    vi. 耽搁,延迟

  10. Obstacle

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

No.340 成功的人早起的重要原因




  1. The silence of early morning hours is what helps them use their potential to the maximum. Successful people choose to use every minute available in a day because their life’s purpose is higher than any other short-term pleasure or comfortable bed mattress.



  1. Advantage

    n. 优势;利益;有利条件

    vi. 获利

    vt. 有利于;使处于优势

  2. Chemistry

    n. 化学;化学过程

  3. Electrical

    adj. 有关电的;电气科学的

  4. Impressionable

    adj. 敏感的;易受影响的

  5. Sponge

    n. 海绵;人造海绵;擦拭;海绵动物;海绵填料,海绵绝缘物质;金属绵,海绵金属;海绵蛋糕,松软布丁

    v. 用海绵擦拭;用海绵(湿布)抹掉;用海绵涂油漆

  6. Meditate

    vt. 考虑;计划;企图

    vi. 冥想;沉思

  7. Affirmation

    n. 主张,肯定;断言

  8. Consciously

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

  9. Deprive

    vt. 使丧失,剥夺

  10. Energize

    vt. 激励;使活跃;供给…能量

    vi. 活动;用力

No.341 如何获得更高质量的学习效果




  1. The aim in your life does not just endure these pains, the discomfort of not wanting to study. The goal is to leverage this discomfort and stare into the discomfort and take control of it. Because it’s this discomfort that is going to give you the energy to change. Having the energy to change is the only thing that’s going to get you out of this trap.



  1. Productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  2. Momentum

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

  3. Flow

    v. (使)流动,涌流;流通;传播;流畅;充满;大量供应;涨;涨潮;川流不息;飘扬;来自,由……产生;来月经;(矿物、岩石等)变形

    n. 流动;生产,供应;车流;流量;传播;流通;滔滔不绝;连贯,流畅;涨潮;泛滥;(苏格兰)湿地,沼泽;月经

  4. Chore

    n. 家庭杂务;日常的零星事务;讨厌的或累人的工作

  5. Consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  6. Enhance

    vt. 提高;加强;增加

  7. Endure

    vt. 忍耐;容忍

    vi. 忍耐;持续

  8. Trap

    n. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,捕捉器;圈套,伏击;牢笼,困境;双轮轻便马车;嘴;(赛狗开始时的)放狗隔栏;容器;抛靶器;暗色岩

    v. 使……陷入险境或困境;(衣服、身体部位)夹住,绊住;捕捉,收集;使陷入圈套,使上当;给马戴饰物;(足球)停球;储存(气体、水等)

  9. Dissatisfaction

    n. 不满;令人不满的事物

  10. Embrace

    vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

    vi. 拥抱

    n. 拥抱

No.342 面对困境的态度决定了你人生的高度




  1. It’s not always glory and fame, sometimes it’s heartache and pain. But if you push through those times, the sun will rise on your life. You will reach the top of that mountain.



  1. Separate

    adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的

    v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于)

    n. 可搭配穿着的单件衣服;抽印本;独立音响设备;土壤划分

  2. Handle

    v. (用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);(车辆)按特定方式作出反应;处理;对付(某人或某事);有办法应付;经营;接受(或经营)赃物;泰然承受;(车辆容易或难以)驾驶;运送(货物)

    n. (门的)把手;柄;(织物等的)手感

  3. Remain

    vi. 保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存

    n. 遗迹;剩余物,残骸

  4. Detach

    vt. 分离;派遣;使超然

  5. Assess

    vt. 评定;估价;对…征税

  6. Execute

    vt. 实行;执行;处死

  7. Mentality

    n. 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

  8. Existence

    n. 存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物

  9. Complain

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  10. Glory

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

No.343 改变现状的开始是勇于迈开第一步



  1. The quality of the thinking that was causing people to move into a primal state, which was really the only problem. Because when you're in a powerful state, you’re connected to creativity, to inspiration, the vitality, to energy.



  1. Psycho

    n. 心理分析,精神分析;精神病患者

    adj. 精神病的;精神病学的

  2. Cybernetic

    adj. 控制论的

  3. Loop

    n. 环状物、圈;弯曲的部分;环状结构;循环电影胶片;重复指令;环路;(铁道或公路的)环线;大环(芝加哥商业中心);翻筋斗;单刃转圈;节育环

    v. 使成环;环行;放磁带,执行计算机指令;(使飞机)翻筋斗

  4. Dictate

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

    n. 命令;指示

  5. Align

    vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配

    vi. 排列;排成一行

  6. Belief

    n. 相信,信赖;信仰;教义

  7. Inherent

    adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的

  8. Reinforce

    vt. 加强,加固;强化;补充

    vi. 求援;得到增援;给予更多的支持

    n. 加强;加固物;加固材料

  9. Sympathetic

    adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的

    n. 交感神经;容易感受的人

  10. Primal

    adj. 原始的;主要的;最初的

    n. 被压抑童年情绪的释放

    vt. 释放(被压抑的童年情绪)

No.344 永不向困境低头




  1. We are responsible to be strong instead of weak, to become what we want to become, not what we let ourselves become. We own the course. You control the narrative.



  1. Weight

    n. 重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性

    vt. 加重量于,使变重

  2. Courage

    n. 勇气;胆量

  3. Darkness

    n. 黑暗;模糊;无知;阴郁

  4. Consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍

    vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

  5. Situation

    n. 情况;形势;处境;位置

  6. Responsible

    adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的

  7. Heroic

    adj. 英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的

    n. 史诗;英勇行为

  8. Surrender

    vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任

    vi. 投降;屈服;自首

    n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服

  9. Defeat

    v. 击败;挫败(某人);阻止达成(目的);反对(动议或提议);(使)无法理解;(使)无效

    n. 失败;战胜

  10. Memory

    n. 记忆,记忆力;内存,[计] 存储器;回忆

No.345 慎重对待生活中的每一个选择




  1. You are making a choice to not execute the way you need to execute. You are choosing to be where you are. It’s not the lack of talent, it’s not the lack of ability, it’s not the lack of circumstance, it’s not lack of opportunity.



  1. Nurture

    vt. 养育;鼓励;培植

    n. 养育;教养;营养物

  2. Associate

    v. 联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

  3. Emulate

    vt. 仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争

    n. 仿真;仿效

  4. Inhibit

    vt. 抑制;禁止

  5. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  6. Complain

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  7. Financially

    adv. 财政上;金融上

  8. Route

    n. 路线,航线;道路,公路;(交通工具的)固定路线;巡访;途径,渠道;(北美)递送路线;用于美国干线公路号码前

    v. 按特定路线发送,为……规定路线

  9. Execute

    vt. 实行;执行;处死

  10. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

No.346 我们能从最成功企业家的成功秘诀中学到什么?




  1. If you are not self-aware about your own feelings, you are vulnerable. The question is are you not willing to look. A lot of people in this room aren’t willing to look. Because it’s too painful to know where it’s coming from .



  1. Content

    n. 内容,目录;满足;容量

    adj. 满意的

    vt. 使满足

  2. Funnel

    n. 内容,目录;满足;容量

    adj. 满意的

    vt. 使满足

  3. Volume

    n. 量;体积;卷;音量;大量;册

    adj. 大量的

    vi. 成团卷起

    vt. 把…收集成卷

  4. Creativity

    n. 创造力;创造性

  5. Selfish

    adj. 自私的;利己主义的

  6. Corporation

    n. 公司;法人(团体);社团;市政当局

  7. Stability

    n. 稳定性;坚定,恒心

  8. Transition

    n. 过渡;转变;[分子生物] 转换;变调

  9. Maximize

    v. (使)增加到最大限度;充分利用;找到……的最高值;(使计算机视窗)最大化

  10. Indicator

    n. 指标,标志,迹象; 指示器;[试剂] 指示剂;[计] 指示符;压力计

No.347 我们能从最成功企业家的成功秘诀中学到什么?




  1. Your life is an expression of your programs. Because 95% of your life comes from the subconscious. But if you want to change your life, you can do either two things. First, stay in the conscious mind, be mindful. Or second, rewrite the programs in the subconscious mind.



  1. Expression

    n. 表现,表示,表达;表情,脸色,态度,腔调

  2. Subconscious

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

  3. Lecture

    n. 演讲;讲稿;教训

    vt. 演讲;训诫

    vi. 讲课;讲演

  4. Hypnosis

    n. 催眠;催眠状态

  5. Reverie

    n. 幻想;沉思;幻想曲

  6. Frequency

    n. 频率;频繁

  7. Subliminal

    adj. [生理] 阈下的;潜在意识的;微小得难以察觉的

    n. 潜意识;阈下意识

  8. Traditional

    adj. 传统的;惯例的

  9. Constantly

    adv. 不断地;时常地

  10. Inevitably

    adv. 不可避免地;必然地

No.348 漫漫人生之路,保持你的梦想和热情




  1. Dreams are the mountain peaks of vision that we climb and look over into the promised land that God has given us. Dreams are the lanterns by whose light we pass safely through the darkest valley. Dreams are the inner flame in you soul.



  1. Despair

    n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事

    vi. 绝望,丧失信心

  2. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  3. Limitation

    n. 限制;限度;极限;追诉时效;有效期限;缺陷

  4. Forecast

    n. (天气、财经等的)预测,预报;预想

    v. 预报,预测;预示;预言;进行预报,作预测

  5. Destiny

    n. 命运,定数,天命

  6. Heaven

    n. 天堂;天空;极乐

  7. Peak

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

    vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起

    vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴

    adj. 最高的;最大值的

  8. Lantern

    n. 灯笼;提灯;灯笼式天窗

  9. Flame

    n. 火焰;热情;光辉

    v. 焚烧;泛红

  10. Glimpse

    n. 一瞥,一看

    vi. 瞥见

    vt. 瞥见

No.349 如何避免分心




  1. Start the process of breaking your addiction to distraction today. Think about where you spend your time. Is it being wasted or is it being utilized? Handle the stuff in front of you.



  1. Monomaniacal

    adj. 偏执狂的

  2. Bandwidth

    n. [电子] [物] 带宽;[通信] 频带宽度

  3. Potential

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  4. Mission

    n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道

    vt. 派遣;向……传教

  5. Lane

    n. 小巷;[航] [水运] 航线;车道;罚球区

  6. Utilize

    vt. 利用

  7. Pilot

    n. 飞行员;领航员

    adj. 试点的

    v. 驾驶;领航;试用

  8. Garbage

    n. 垃圾;废物

  9. Tiny

    adj. 微小的;很少的

  10. Mission

    n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道

    vt. 派遣;向……传教

No.350 如何让挫折成为你的垫脚石




  1. See, the thing is many people they tried the same path you are on, and they failed as you walk this journey of people that didn’t quite have it, that should inspire you that you got further from the person. But you’re not looking to get further, you’re looking to finish.

    事实上,很多人都尝试过你现在所走的路。他们都失败了。而你依然在路上。很多人都没有走到你现在所处的这一步。 你应该备受鼓励,你走得比其他人都远。但你的目标并不只是走得更远。你的目标是走到终点。


  1. Transformation

    n. [遗] 转化;转换;改革;变形

  2. Regardless

    adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的

    adv. 不顾后果地;不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何

  3. Combine

    vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合

    vi. 联合,结合;化合

    n. 联合收割机;联合企业

  4. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  5. Potential

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  6. Genetic

    adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的

  7. Perseverance

    n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠; 耐性;毅力

  8. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  9. Impossible

    adj. 不可能的;不可能存在的;难以忍受的;不真实的

    n. 不可能;不可能的事

  10. Majority

    n. 多数;成年

No.351 生命不止,奋斗不休




  1. Every single day I’m going to wake up. And I’m going to live life in the right way. And I’m going to live life with passion and love and compassion. Because when I almost lost my life that shade went up and it made me realize what life was really about.



  1. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  2. Weakness

    n. 弱点;软弱;嗜好

  3. Flaw

    n. 瑕疵,缺点;一阵狂风;短暂的风暴;裂缝,裂纹

    v. 使生裂缝,使有裂纹;使无效;使有缺陷

    vi. 生裂缝;变的有缺陷

  4. Paralyze

    vt. 使麻痹;使瘫痪

  5. Mentality

    vt. 使麻痹;使瘫痪

  6. Dedication

    n. 奉献;献身;赠言

  7. Boost

    vt. 促进;增加;支援

    vi. 宣扬;偷窃

    n. 推动;帮助;宣扬

  8. Badge

    n. 徽章;证章;标记

    vt. 授给…徽章

  9. Apposition

    n. 并置,同格;同位语

  10. Adversity

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

No.352 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail




  1. Less talk, more do. Less discussion, more execution. Less complacency, more creativity. Less busyness, more production. Less ego, more results.



  1. Motion

    n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案

    vi. 运动;打手势

    vt. 运动;向…打手势

  2. Physically

    adv. 肉体地,身体上地;依据自然规律,按自然法则;根本上

  3. Breathe

    vi. 呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂

    vt. 呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说

  4. Drain

    v. 排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴

    n. 排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗

  5. Spiritually

    adv. 在精神上地

  6. Gratification

    n. 满意;喜悦;使人满意之事

  7. Execution

    n. 执行,实行;完成;死刑

  8. Complacency

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  9. Creativity

    n. 创造力;创造性

  10. Righteous

    adj. 正义的;正直的;公正的

No.353 是时候让内心的雄狮觉醒了




  1. Not to live life just to get through it. Be the master of your life, not the victim of it. That clock don't stop for no one. Today is the day. Today is the day that you try that new thing, the day you go after your dreams.



  1. Possibility

    n. 可能性;可能发生的事物

  2. Project

    n. (生产或研究)工程;方案;计划;事业;项目;专题研究;住房,廉租住宅区

    v. 设计;计划;抛射;投射;表现;促进(观点或意象);确立(好印象);突出;预测;发送;(声音)扩及远处;想象(自己或场景)在另一个时间或地点;作……投影线;(情感、愿望)无意投射转移(给别人)

  3. Crystal

    n. 结晶,晶体;水晶;水晶饰品

    adj. 水晶的;透明的,清澈的

  4. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  5. Granted

    conj. 诚然

    adv. 的确

  6. Excuse

    n. 借口;理由;拙劣样品;假条

    v. 原谅;为……申辩;准许……离开;给……免去;作为借口;请求宽恕

  7. Passionate

    adj. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的

  8. Idle

    adj. 闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的

    vi. 无所事事;虚度;空转

    vt. 虚度;使空转

  9. Opportunity

    n. 时机,机会

  10. Competitive

    adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的

No.354 绝不向困境妥协




  1. My life is gonna win. There's gonna be a victorious life here. Cause listen to me, the price you pay for losing here is too extreme. You have to carry the burden of failure for the rest of your life. The people in life that win play offense not the defense.



  1. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  2. Journey

    n. 旅行;行程

    vi. 旅行

  3. Horizon

    n. [天] 地平线;视野;眼界;范围

  4. Towel

    n. 毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾

    vt. 用毛巾擦

    vi. 用毛巾擦干身体

  5. Setback

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  6. Appointment

    n. 任命;约定;任命的职位

  7. Optimistic

    adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的

  8. Victorious

    adj. 胜利的;凯旋的

  9. Negotiation

    n. 谈判;转让;顺利的通过

  10. Realistic

    adj. 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的

No.355 想要成功,努力与耐心缺一不可




  1. If you can understand aggressive patience, and you can put it into play in your life, you can not only achieve everything you wanna achieve, but you can do so with a sense of calm, with a sense of competence, with a sense of certainty that your life is gonna turn out the way that you want it to. It takes faith.



  1. Myth

    n. 神话;虚构的人,虚构的事

  2. Aggressive

    adj. 侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的

  3. Urgency

    n. 紧急;催促;紧急的事

  4. Massive

    adj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

  5. Leap

    v. 跳,跳跃;急速移动,猛冲;突然做(某事);剧增,猛涨;(车辆)突然移动

    n. 飞跃;跳跃,跳高;骤变;剧增;(用于地名)跃过或起跳处

  6. Competence

    n. 能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入

  7. Literally

    adv. 照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

  8. Patience

    n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍

  9. Expedite

    vt. 加快;促进;发出

    adj. 畅通的;迅速的;方便的

  10. Outwork

    n. (在家中完成的)外包工作;外围工事;在工厂外完成的本单位工作

    v. 比……更努力工作;完成,找到(解决办法)

No.356 最大的毒药叫做后悔




  1. You can start doing that right now. It’s empowering the present with the future. There is nothing stopping you from making it happen right now. You don’t have to feel that way when you’re 70. You don’t have to feel that way when you’re 80. You never ever have to feel that way.



  1. Retirement

    n. 退休,退役

  2. Volunteer

    n. 志愿者;志愿兵

    adj. 志愿的

    vi. 自愿

    vt. 自愿

  3. Ghost

    n. 鬼,幽灵

    vt. 作祟于;替…捉刀;为人代笔

    vi. 替人代笔

  4. Talent

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  5. Leadership

    n. 领导能力;领导阶层

  6. Death

    n. 死;死亡;死神;毁灭

  7. Behavior

    n. 行为,举止;态度;反应

  8. Conscious

    adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的

  9. Incredible

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

  10. Void

    adj. 无效的;空的;无人(居住)的;缺乏的

    n. 空间;空白;空虚感

    v. 使无效

No.357 让生活中的每一个否定成为前进的垫脚石




  1. That's how you win. Don't you quit. I don't care how many times you fall, get yourself up, dust yourself off, and try it again. You got to man up. Sometimes you gotta say it with your chest.



  1. Handle

    v. (用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);(车辆)按特定方式作出反应;处理;对付(某人或某事);有办法应付;经营;接受(或经营)赃物;泰然承受;(车辆容易或难以)驾驶;运送(货物)

    n. (门的)把手;柄;(织物等的)手感;(非正式)(人或地方的)称呼;(非正式)赌注总额

  2. Dime

    n. (美国、加拿大的)十分硬币;少量的钱;小东西

  3. Chest

    n. 胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库

  4. Determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  5. Extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  6. Commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  7. Wealthy

    adj. 富有的;充分的;丰裕的

    n. 富人

  8. Poverty

    n. 贫困;困难;缺少;低劣

  9. Misery

    n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困

  10. Vitamin

    n. [生化] 维生素;[生化] 维他命

No.358 每一个成功的人身上都有的特质




  1. Doing it better than everybody else, doing to the best of your ability. And continuously expanding that ability so that you can continuously do a better job. You need to make it an issue of pride and competition for you.



  1. Indispensable

    adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的

    n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人

  2. Monotonous

    adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的

  3. Routine

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

  4. Exceptional

    adj. 异常的,例外的

    n. 超常的学生

  5. Guarantee

    n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品

    vt. 保证;担保

  6. Perfection

    n. 完善;完美

  7. Expand

    vt. 扩张;使膨胀;详述

    vi. 发展;张开,展开

  8. Continuously

    adv. 连续不断地

  9. Dominate

    vt. 控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位

    vi. 占优势;处于支配地位

  10. Ambitious

    adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的

No.359 你可以停下休息,但绝不可放弃




  1. You're about to get certain things just because of the effort you've put in, the time you've put in, you're about to get a reward. There's some stuff you're about to get, but you're not gonna be able to get it until you wrestle.



  1. Realize

    vt. 实现;认识到;了解;将某物卖得,把(证券等)变成现钱;变卖

  2. Champion

    n. 冠军;拥护者;战士

    vt. 支持;拥护

    adj. 优胜的;第一流的

  3. Failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  4. Instance

    n. 实例;情况;建议

    vt. 举...为例

  5. Fascinate

    v. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒;(尤指蛇)以眼神震慑(人或动物),使无法动弹

  6. Embrace

    vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

    vi. 拥抱

    n. 拥抱

  7. Trial

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

    adj. 试验的;审讯的

  8. Tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  9. Invest

    vt. 投资;覆盖;耗费;授予;包围

    vi. 投资,入股;花钱买

  10. Wrestle

    v. 摔跤;使劲搬动;斗争;奋力对付

    n. 摔跤;搏斗

No.360 自律决定你的未来




  1. In order to begin to reinvent your life, you've got to make a conscious, deliberate, determined effort. That you really got to put all of yourself into it. There must be discipline. Discipline calls for strength, and fortitude, and will.



  1. Claw

    n. 爪;螯,钳;爪形器具

    vi. 用爪抓(或挖)

    vt. 用爪抓(或挖)

  2. Scarp

    n. 内斜坡,陡坡;绝壁,悬崖;(壕沟的)内削壁

    v. 在……设内斜坡;将……辟成陡坡;磨或切成陡坡;为……筑斜坡

  3. Deliberate

    adj. 故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的

    vt. 仔细考虑;商议

  4. Intelligence

    n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力;才智,智慧;天分

  5. Destiny

    n. 命运,定数,天命

  6. Ought

    v. (表示责任、愿望或忠告等)应该,应当;(表示可能)大概,应该

    n. 责任,义务

  7. Reinvent

    vt. 重新使用;彻底改造;重复发明(在不知他人已发明的情况下)

  8. Fortitude

    n. 刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气

  9. Roll

    v. 滚动;翻身;蹒跚;使翻车;掷(骰子);行驶;推;(时间)流逝;

    n. 卷;柱形物;滚动;翻筋斗;隆隆声;小面包;名单;公文;延绵起伏;辊轧机

  10. Justify

    vi. 证明合法;整理版面

    vt. 证明…是正当的;替…辩护

No.361 如何击碎别人对你的误解




  1. This decision is yours and yours alone. Never let anybody tell you that you can't. A lot of times as a leader, a lot of times as a business builder, a lot of times as a craftsperson, we will have an idea for a business or a product where the rest of the world says that's impossible. And we have to be coming from a place from within where our I can is larger than our I can't.



  1. Conscientious

    adj. 认真的;尽责的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的

  2. Sibling

    n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员

  3. Craft

    n. 工艺;手艺;太空船

    vt. 精巧地制作

  4. Fiery

    adj. 热烈的,炽烈的;暴躁的;燃烧般的

  5. Confidence

    n. 信心;信任;秘密

  6. Dismiss

    vt. 解散;解雇;开除;让...离开;不予理会、不予考虑

    vi. 解散

  7. Perception

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

  8. Dependant

    n. 受扶养者,依赖他人生活的人

  9. Accomplish

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  10. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

No.362 4分钟教你如何保持高效率高专注的学习状态




  1. If you cannot focus, then you cannot be productive and you cannot get any work done, and then you’re staying in place in your life, or you’re sliding backward, and you’re not moving forward the way you want to.



  1. Browse

    vt. 浏览;吃草

    vi. 浏览;吃草;漫不经心地看商品

    n. 浏览;吃草;嫩草,嫩叶

  2. Load

    n. 负载,负荷;工作量;装载量

    vi. [力] 加载;装载;装货

    vt. 使担负;装填

  3. Grab

    t. 攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引

    vi. 攫取;夺取

    n. 攫取;霸占;夺取之物

  4. Determined

    adj. 决定了的;坚决的

  5. Concentrate

    vi. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集

    vt. 集中;浓缩

    n. 浓缩,精选;浓缩液

  6. Exhausted

    adj. 筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;耗尽的,枯竭的

  7. Block

    n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物

    vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖

    adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的

  8. Draft

    n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物

    vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖

    adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的

  9. Complicated

    adj. 难懂的,复杂的

  10. Productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

No.363 日常的习惯奠定了你的未来




  1. We’ve all heard that if you can have a productive morning, then you will probably have a productive day. And that’s where creating daily habits and routines come in. So you don’t have to think about what you’re going to do that day, you almost just go into autopilot and you start studying without even thinking about it.



  1. Productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  2. Routine

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

  3. Autopilot

    n. [航] 自动驾驶仪

  4. Distract

    vt. 转移;分心

  5. Momentum

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

  6. Regardless

    adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的

    adv. 不顾后果地;不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何

  7. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  8. Identify

    vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把…看成一样 vi. 确定;认同;一致

  9. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  10. Consistency

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

No.364 保持对梦想强烈的渴望




  1. Being able to use your hunger to overcome these obstacles can be one of the most important skills you have. But how do you nurture this hunger and allow it to grow? Number one, you have to work on yourself. It’s very important that you continuously work on self-development on growing, on becoming a better person.



  1. Physical

    adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的

    n. 体格检查

  2. Mental

    adj. 精神的;脑力的;疯的

    n. 精神病患者

  3. Relationship

    n. 关系;关联

  4. Finance

    n. 财政,财政学;金融

    vt. 负担经费,供给…经费

    vi. 筹措资金

  5. Hobby

    n. 嗜好;业余爱好

  6. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  7. Commit

    vt. 犯罪;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;(公开地)表示意见

    vi. 忠于(某个人、机构等);承诺

  8. Extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  9. Negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  10. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

No.365 如何让痛苦造就更强大的你




  1. It’s going to be hard and that’s exactly why it’s so important you do well. Because if you’re struggling at school, if you’re struggling with your studying more than your friends and classmates, it means you’re going to have to put in more effort and study longer than everyone else. But it’s the struggle that will build your character, it’s the struggle that will make you stronger.



  1. Priority

    n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事

  2. Reflect

    vt. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省

    vi. 反射,映现;深思

  3. Reject

    vt. 拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃

    n. 被弃之物或人;次品

  4. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  5. Deserve

    vi. 应受,应得

    vt. 应受,应得

  6. Failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  7. Bottom

    n. 底部;末端;臀部;尽头

    adj. 底部的

    vt. 装底;测量深浅;查明真相

    vi. 到达底部;建立基础

  8. Smash

    vt. 粉碎;使破产;溃裂;使猛撞;撞击;搞垮(政治集团或体制)

    vi. 粉碎;打碎

    n. 破碎;扣球;冲突;大败;十分走红的歌曲(或电影、戏剧)

    adv. 哗啦一声

    adj. 了不起的;非常轰动的;出色的

  9. Hunger

    n. 饿,饥饿;渴望

    vi. 渴望;挨饿

    vt. 使……挨饿

  10. Organize

    vt. 组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等

    vi. 组织起来;成立组织

No.366 学霸与学神的区别




  1. You can pretend that you care, but you can’t pretend that you’re there. The only way you can show that you care is if you show up, and what I’m asking you to do for me is to show up every single day.



  1. University

    n. 大学;综合性大学;大学校舍

  2. Successful

    adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的

  3. Satisfaction

    n. 满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

  4. Trap

    n. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,捕捉器;伏击;牢笼,困境;双轮轻便马车;容器;抛靶器;暗色岩

    v. 使……陷入险境或困境;(衣服、身体部位)夹住,绊住;捕捉,收集;使陷入圈套,使上当;给马戴饰物;(足球)停球;储存(气体、水等)

  5. Obsessed

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  6. Necessity

    n. 需要;必然性;必需品

  7. Potential

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  8. Procrastinate

    vt. 耽搁,延迟

    vi. 耽搁,延迟

  9. Revise

    vt. 修正;复习;校订

    vi. 修订;校订;复习功课

    n. 修订;校订

  10. Courageous

    adj. 有胆量的,勇敢的

No.367 你越早从失败中吸取教训,将来就会实现更大的目标!




  1. Life is full of obstacles, and heartache, and failure and catastrophic losses in all shapes and sizes, but that doesn’t mean you don’t go out there and take life by the hours.



  1. Journey

    n. 旅行;行程

    vi. 旅行

  2. Disadvantage

    n. 缺点;不利条件;损失

  3. Ladder

    n. 阶梯;途径;梯状物

    vi. 成名;发迹

    vt. 在……上装设梯子

  4. Positive

    adj. 积极的;[数] 正的,[医] [化学] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的

    n. 正数;[摄] 正片

  5. Incompetency

    n. 无能力;不胜任;不适当

  6. Catastrophic

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

  7. Scholarship

    n. 奖学金;学识,学问

  8. Vengeance

    n. 复仇;报复;报仇

  9. Determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  10. Extract

    v. 提取,提炼;索取,设法得到;选取,摘录;取出,拔出;推断出,引申出;开(方),求(根)

    n. 摘录,引文;榨出物

No.368 成功没有捷径,努力是唯一的选择




  1. There is nobody in this world that is going to get you what you want. You’re going to have to go out there and get what you want by studying hard. Being talented is not good enough. You’ve got to study hard and you’ve got to work hard.



  1. Wise

    adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的

    vt. 使知道;教导

    vi. 了解

  2. Talent

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  3. Separate

    adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的

    v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于)

    n. 可搭配穿着的单件衣服;抽印本;独立音响设备;土壤划分

  4. Phenomenal

    adj. 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的

  5. Pursuit

    n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作

  6. Endless

    adj. 无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的

  7. Shortcut

    n. 捷径;被切短的东西

  8. Frustration

    n. 挫折

  9. Step

    n. 步,脚步;步骤;步伐;梯级

    vi. 踏,踩;走

    vt. 走,迈步

  10. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

No.369 如何在4分钟内提升你的成绩?




  1. If it’s easy to make a change in your life, then do it. But if you can’t make the change. If it’s harder than simply making a decision, if you’ve tried to reach this goal before and failed, perhaps what’s needed is a change of attitude, a change of mindset.



  1. Disengage

    vt. 使脱离;解开;解除

    vi. 脱出;松开

  2. Drift

    n. 漂流,漂移;趋势;漂流物

    vi. 漂流,漂移;漂泊

    vt. 使…漂流;使…受风吹积

  3. Pressure

    n. 压力;压迫,[物] 压强

    vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压

  4. Examine

    vt. 检查;调查; 检测;考试

    vi. 检查;调查

  5. Countless

    adj. 无数的;数不尽的

  6. Recommend

    vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付

    vi. 推荐;建议

  7. Theoretical

    adj. 理论的;理论上的;假设的;推理的

  8. Physics

    n. 物理学;物理现象

  9. Critical

    adj. 鉴定的;[核] 临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的

  10. Accessible

    adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的

No.370 世界的美好是因为他们挡住了生活残酷的一面




  1. Many people in this world will never understand the pain and the sacrifices that you have given. The fight always is in you. But this is the time and the moment right now that you must be recognized, that you must understand that you are appreciated.



  1. Military

    adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的

    n. 军队;军人

  2. Selfish

    adj. 自私的;利己主义的

  3. Contribute

    vt. 贡献,出力;投稿;捐献

    vi. 贡献,出力;投稿;捐献

  4. Particular

    adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的

    n. 详细说明;个别项目

  5. Honor

    n. 荣誉;信用;头衔

  6. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  7. Responsible

    adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的

  8. Recognize

    vt. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏

    vi. 确认,承认;具结

  9. Receive

    vt. 收到;接待;接纳

    vi. 接收

  10. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

No.371 肖恩·蒙德兹的励志故事




  1. Nobody is born to be a loser, a failure, a person who gives up easily. Nobody. We become that person. But we could change that. You don’t have to be that person forever. You don’t have to make that your personality.



  1. Career

    n. 事业,职业;生涯

  2. Social

    adj. 社会的,社交的;群居的

    n. 联谊会;联欢会

  3. Million

    n. 百万;无数

    adj. 百万的;无数的

  4. Original

    adj. 原来的;开始的;首创的,新颖的,创新的;原作的

    n. 原件,原版;(文学中)原型;(歌,画等的)原创作品;原版唱片;真品原版服装;古怪的人

  5. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  6. Calm

    adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的

    vt. 使平静;使镇定

    vi. 平静下来;镇定下来

    n. 风平浪静

  7. Supportive

    adj. 支持的;支援的;赞助的

  8. Meditate

    vt. 考虑;计划;企图

    vi. 冥想;沉思

  9. Medicine

    n. 药;医学;内科;巫术

    vt. 用药物治疗;给…用药

  10. Humble

    adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的

    vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气

No.372 事在人为,一切皆有可能!




  1. On creations morning, a divine spark of glory escaped from the fingertip of Almighty God. It blazes in the heavens on a daily basis as God’s billboard to the nations of the earth.



  1. Crisis

    n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻

    adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的

  2. Miracle

    n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例

  3. Calm

    adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的

    vt. 使平静;使镇定

    vi. 平静下来;镇定下来

    n. 风平浪静

  4. Tranquil

    adj. 平静的;镇静的;稳定的

  5. Rag

    n. 破布;碎屑

    vt. 戏弄;责骂

    vi. 变破碎;穿着讲究

  6. Courage

    n. 勇气;胆量

  7. Escape

    vt. 逃避,避开,避免;被忘掉;被忽视

    vi. 逃脱;避开;溜走;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由…发出

    n. 逃跑;逃亡;逃走;逃跑工具或方法;泄漏

  8. Patience

    n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍

  9. Glory

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

  10. Imagination

    n. [心理] 想象力;空想;幻想物

No.373 9分钟教你成为内心强大的人




  1. Proving your family wrong or right is a symptom of the same disease which is you are still obsessed with what other people are thinking about you and not doing things that make you happy that enrich you to fulfill your soul.



  1. Promise

    n. 许诺,允诺;希望

    vt. 允诺,许诺;给人以…的指望或希望

    vi. 许诺;有指望,有前途

  2. Echo

    vt. 反射;重复

    vi. 随声附和;发出回声

    n. 回音;效仿

  3. Eternity

    n. 来世,来生;不朽;永世;永恒

  4. Whisper

    v. 耳语;私下说,密谈;飒飒地响;造谣

    n. 耳语(声);轻柔的声音;谣传;(诗、文)飒飒声;蛛丝马迹,暗示

  5. Roar

    n. 咆哮;吼;轰鸣

    vi. 咆哮;吼叫;喧闹

    vt. 咆哮;呼喊;使……轰鸣

  6. Massive

    dj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

  7. Ambition

    n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向

    vt. 追求;有…野心

  8. Obsess

    v. 使痴迷,使迷恋;使心神不宁,不停地困扰; 唠叨;挂牵,念念不忘

  9. Symptom

    n. 症状;征兆

  10. Irony

    n. 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事

    adj. 铁的;似铁的

No.374 宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来




  1. People that are hungry are relentless. People that are hungry are unstoppable. People that are hungry refuses to give up. People that are hungry, no excuse is acceptable for not making their dream become reality.



  1. Complain

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  2. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  3. Volunteer

    n. 志愿者;志愿兵

    adj. 志愿的

    vi. 自愿

    vt. 自愿

  4. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  5. Surrender

    vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任

    vi. 投降;屈服;自首

    n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服

  6. Depress

    vt. 压抑;使沮丧;使萧条

  7. Necessary

    adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的

    n. 必需品

  8. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

  9. Strike

    v. 撞击;打;踢(球等);突击;罢工;使打动;侵袭;突然想到;照射;击出(火星);擦(火柴);触发(电弧);鸣;弹奏;开采出;行进;铸造(硬币);(电影摄影术)复刻;达到(平衡);(金融)结算;闯出新的事业;撤(营);给……印象;把……迷住;摆出(姿态)

    n. 罢工;抗拒;袭击;殴打;(体育中得分的)击球;(尤指石油的)发现;打击;(对上钩的鱼)急拉钓线;败坏名声的事

  10. Possibility

    n. 可能性;可能发生的事物

No.375 奋斗是找到人生道路的伟大礼物




  1. We were born and strategically designed for the struggle. The way of the warrior with champion eyes, get back up my spirit cries, fear dies, chocked out by the screams, the desire to climb and live out my dreams.



  1. Opposite

    adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的

    n. 对立面;反义词

    prep. 在…的对面

    adv. 在对面

  2. Enemy

    n. 敌人,仇敌;敌军

    adj. 敌人的,敌方的

  3. Objective

    n. 目的;目标;(军事行动的)攻击目标;物镜;宾格

    adj. 客观的;客观存在的;(疾病症状)客观的;目标的;宾格的

  4. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  5. Tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  6. Trial

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

    adj. 试验的;审讯的

  7. Appreciate

    vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别

    vi. 增值;涨价

  8. Convince

    vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

  9. Warrior

    n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人

  10. Immortal

    n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人

No.376 做你该做的,才能做你想做的




  1. And most of you are chasing stuff. You don’t realize your dreams are so important. Because your DNA, who you are is a person, is wrapped up in your dream, and what this world’s done to you is to take that from you.



  1. Creator

    n. 创造者;创建者

  2. Bragger

    n. 吹牛者

  3. Wrap

    vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护

    vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣

    n. 外套;围巾

  4. Decision

    n. 决定,决心;决议

  5. Mixture

    n. 混合;混合物;混合剂

  6. Complete

    adj. 完整的;完全的;彻底的

    vt. 完成

  7. Identify

    vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把…看成一样 vi. 确定;认同;一致

  8. Notice

    n. 通知,布告;注意;公告

    vt. 通知;注意到;留心

    vi. 引起注意

  9. Dozen

    n. 十二个,一打

    adj. 一打的

  10. Eagle

    n. 鹰;鹰状标饰

No.377 如何成为一个与众不同的人




  1. The difference between them and the ones who are stuck on average is that when they wake up in the morning, they start their day with a completely different mindset.



  1. Mediocrity

    n. 平庸之才;平常

  2. Average

    n. 平均;平均数

    adj. 普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

    v. 算出……的平均数;将……平均分配;使……平衡;平均为

  3. Standard

    n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准

    adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的

  4. Uncanny

    adj. 神秘的;离奇的;可怕的

  5. Internship

    n. 实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位

  6. Concur

    vi. 同意;一致;互助

  7. Complacent

    adj. 自满的;得意的;满足的

  8. Feedback

    n. 反馈;成果,资料;回复

  9. Stuck

    adj. 卡住的,动不了的;被困住的; 陷入的;停滞不前的;无法摆脱困境的;被难倒的,(因困难)无法继续的

  10. Enjoyment

    n. 享受;乐趣;享有

No.378 少说多做才能脱离平庸




  1. Everybody has the ambition or the thought process of living a 1% life. But the far majority have no interest in putting in the work ethic of the 1% that is required for that life. There is no shortcut.



  1. Glitz

    v. 使光彩夺目,使绚丽

    n. 浮华;炫目;闪光

  2. Glamour

    n. 魅力,魔力;迷人的美

    vt. 迷惑,迷住

  3. Caviar

    n. 鱼子酱

  4. Execution

    n. 执行,实行;完成;死刑

  5. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  6. Ideal

    adj. 理想的;完美的;想象的;不切实际的

    n. 理想;典范

  7. Monomaniacal

    adj. 偏执狂的

  8. Shortcut

    n. 捷径;被切短的东西

  9. Asset

    n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物

  10. Overwhelm

    vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮

No.379 如何摆脱拖延症对人生的拖累




  1. Don't negotiate with procrastination! The mind is incredibly powerful if you learn to direct it. And that means sometimes directing it in the direction it doesn’t want to go. If you don’t direct it, if you don’t control it, if you let it do what it wants, it will mess with you.



  1. Ambition

    n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向

    vt. 追求;有…野心

  2. Emotionally

    adv. 感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地

  3. Achieve

    vt. 取得;获得;实现;成功

    vi. 达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿

  4. Mindset

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

  5. Heroic

    adj. 英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的

    n. 史诗;英勇行为

  6. Procrastination

    n. 耽搁,拖延

  7. Momentum

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

  8. Accelerate

    vt. 使……加快;使……增速

    vi. 加速;促进;增加

  9. Distracted

    adj. 注意力分散的;心烦意乱的

  10. Stick

    vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴

    vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住

    n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

No.380 化失败为成功的动力,助你前行!




  1. It’s the pain that gives you the motivation and drive to make the necessary improvements for next time. But it’s not something you should wallow in for days. Because when you have something that doesn’t go the way you want, then it’s up to you to do something about it.



  1. Perfection

    n. 完善;完美

  2. Allocate

    vt. 分配;拨出;使坐落于

    vi. 分配;指定

  3. Trigger

    vt. 分配;拨出;使坐落于

    vi. 分配;指定

  4. Revive

    vi. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神

    vt. 使复兴;使苏醒;回想起;重演,重播

  5. Chase

    vt. 追逐;追捕;试图赢得;雕镂

    vi. 追逐;追赶;奔跑

    n. 追逐;追赶;追击

  6. Reflect

    vt. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省

    vi. 反射,映现;深思

  7. Extreme

    adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的

    n. 极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物

  8. Material

    n. 材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料

    adj. 物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的

  9. Disappointment

    n. 失望;沮丧

  10. Wallow

    vi. 打滚;沉迷;颠簸

    n. 打滚;堕落;泥坑

No.381 你可以做的更好




  1. I decide how to react in every circumstance. I decide how I react to other people. Therefore I am always in control of my feelings, my emotions, my life. Can I do better? Yes!



  1. Argument

    n. 论证;论据;争吵;内容提要

  2. Function

    n. 功能;[数] 函数;职责;盛大的集会

    vi. 运行;活动;行使职责

  3. Decision

    n. 决定,决心;决议

  4. Commit

    vt. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务

  5. Happiness

    n. 幸福

  6. Relationship

    n. 关系;关联

  7. Fitness

    n. 健康;适当;适合性

  8. Finance

    n. 财政,财政学;金融

    vt. 负担经费,供给…经费

    vi. 筹措资金

  9. Millionaire

    n. 百万富翁;大富豪

  10. Reference

    n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书

    vi. 引用

    vt. 引用

No.382 世界上一切有价值的东西,必然要用一定的代价去换取




  1. Woody Allen said that 80% of success is simply showing up! Visions don’t just happen by circumstance. And so the “I” means that you need to inspect what you expect!You see, it’s one thing to have a big vision. But if you don’t start monitoring, if you don’t start working towards that vision, then all that turns into is what we call a daydream!



  1. Greatness

    n. 伟大;巨大

  2. Presence

    n. 存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态

  3. Convicted

    adj. 证明有罪的;已被判刑的

  4. Spirit

    n. 精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒

    vt. 鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

  5. Incorporate

    vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把……合并

    vi. 合并;混合;组成公司

    adj. 合并的;一体化的;组成公司的

  6. Available

    adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的

  7. Expand

    vt. 扩张;使膨胀;详述

    vi. 发展;张开,展开

  8. Literally

    adv. 照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

  9. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  10. Regardless

    adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的

    adv. 不顾后果地;不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何

No.383 成功,往往出现在你决定坚持的下一秒




  1. If your life has been out of control for so long, regaining control will not happen overnight. If you are committed to experiencing your own happiness, and creating positive things in your life for yourself, you will.



  1. Roof

    n. 屋顶;最高处,顶部;最高限度

    vt. 给…盖屋顶,覆盖

  2. Decision

    n. 决定,决心;决议

  3. Idealistic

    adj. 理想主义的;唯心论的;唯心主义者的;空想家的

  4. Summit

    n. 顶点;最高级会议;最高阶层

    adj. 最高级的;政府首脑的

  5. Patience

    n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍

  6. Journey

    n. 旅行;行程

    vi. 旅行

  7. Slog

    v. (一段时间)艰苦地干;步履艰难地行进;(尤指拳击或板球中)猛击

    n. 一段时间的艰苦努力;(尤指板球)猛击;长途跋涉

  8. Plod

    vi. 辛勤工作;沉重地走

    vt. 沉重缓慢地走

    n. 辛勤工作;沉重的步伐

  9. Incredible

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

  10. Mediocrity

    n. 平庸之才;平常

No.384 自律让人无懈可击!




  1. It’s up to you to take the action and put in place the necessary steps to get there. And you know exactly what needs to be done. Now, you just need to do it.



  1. Personality

    n. 个性;品格;名人

  2. Trait

    n. 特性,特点;品质;少许

  3. Consistently

    adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地

  4. Schedule

    n. 计划(表);时间表;一览表;(电视或广播)节目表;课程表;报税单;附件(尤指表格、单据等)

    v. 安排,预定;将……列入计划表或清单;把(建筑物)列为文物保护单位

  5. Commitment

    n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

  6. Tangible

    adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的

    n. 有形资产

  7. Recognition

    n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

  8. Delusional

    adj. 妄想的

  9. Depression

    n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

  10. Excel

    vt. 超过;擅长

    vi. (在某方面)胜过(或超过)别人

No.385 努力与天赋的区别




  1. You’re not doing that to show off or to prove to our friends you’re better than them. You’re doing it because you realize that doing the hard things, having the discipline to do these hard things, it gives you the long term freedom and happiness they just don’t have.



  1. Talent

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  2. Malleable

    adj. 可锻的;可塑的;有延展性的;易适应的

  3. Normally

    adv. 正常地;通常地,一般地

  4. Practical

    adj. 实际的;实用性的

  5. Ethic

    n. 伦理;道德规范

  6. Potential

    adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的

    n. 潜能,可能性;电势

  7. Rarely

    adv. 很少地;难得;罕有地

  8. Responsibility

    n. 责任,职责;义务

  9. Freedom

    n. 自由,自主;直率

  10. Straight

    adj. 直的;连续的;笔直的;正直的;整齐的;异性恋的

    adv. 直接地;不断地;立即;坦率地

No.386 如果你与众不同,就让自己与众不同




  1. What people think about you and the possibilities for your dream is none of your business! Legendary is simply a testimony to ordinary people, who thought differently, felt differently, and did different things. And thereby became who they were!



  1. Reasonable

    adj. 合理的,公道的;通情达理的

  2. Persist

    vi. 存留,坚持;持续,固执

    vt. 坚持说,反复说

  3. Adapt

    vt. 使适应;改编

    vi. 适应

  4. Astronaut

    n. 宇航员,航天员;太空旅行者

  5. Unstoppable

    adj. 无法阻挡的,无法停止的

  6. Logical

    adj. 合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的

  7. Practical

    adj. 实际的;实用性的

  8. Destiny

    n. 命运,定数,天命

  9. Genius

    n. 天才,天赋;精神

  10. Revere

    vt. 敬畏;尊敬;崇敬

Np.387 传奇永不消亡




  1. Each challenge you face is a great big mirror that allows you to see inside yourself. The way you respond to struggle will reveal to the world who you really are. Being a champion isn’t just about the doing part. It’s about the being part.



  1. Defeat

    v. 击败;挫败(某人);阻止达成(目的);反对(动议或提议);(使)无法理解;(使)无效

    n. 失败;战胜

  2. Giant

    n. 巨人;伟人;巨大的动物;巨型植物;大公司;(天文)巨星

    adj. 巨大的;巨人般的;伟大的

  3. Awaken

    v. 唤醒;唤起;使…意识到

  4. Respond

    vi. 回答;作出反应;承担责任

    vt. 以…回答

    n. 应答;唱和

  5. Define

    vt. 定义;使明确;规定

  6. Reveal

    vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

    n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧

  7. Warrior

    n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人

  8. Bit

    n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;辅币;老一套;一点,一块

    vt. 控制

    adj. 很小的;微不足道的

    adv. 有点儿;相当

  9. Sting

    n. 刺痛;讽刺,刺激;刺毛

    vt. 刺;驱使;使…苦恼;使…疼痛

    vi. 刺痛;被刺痛;感到剧痛

  10. Righteous

    adj. 正义的;正直的;公正的

No.388 活在当下,行在今日




  1. We look at the past with rose-tinted glasses. Believing that the past is better than the present moment. We remember temporary feelings as permanent emotions. We forget the hours of sadness and amplify the seconds of goodness.



  1. Peak

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

    vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起

    vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴

    adj. 最高的;最大值的

  2. Accessible

    adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的

  3. Effort

    n. 努力;成就

  4. Understand

    v. 理解;懂;获悉;推断;省略;明白

  5. Prioritize

    v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序

  6. Literally

    adv. 照字面地;逐字地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

  7. Permanent

    adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

  8. Amplify

    v. 放大,扩大;增强;详述

  9. Reunion

    n. 重聚;(班级或学校的)同学会,同窗会

  10. Consequence

    n. 结果;重要性;推论

No.389 为自己而活




  1. If living a successful life was easy, I’m sure more people would be successful. If where you are is not what you saw and what you are in is different. What’s your dream? The dream is the most valuable delicate gift. You could ever have given it to you.



  1. Valuable

    adj. 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的

    n. 贵重物品

  2. Instill

    vt. 徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输

  3. Psychology

    n. 心理学;心理状态

  4. Element

    n. 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境

  5. Establish

    v. 建立,创立;确立;获得接受;查实,证实

  6. Extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  7. Disciplined

    adj. 遵守纪律的;受过训练的

  8. Necessary

    adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的

    n. 必需品

  9. Mentality

    n. 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

  10. Ambition

    n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向

    vt. 追求;有…野心

No.390 没有行动,抱怨是没有意义的




  1. You lose that power when you give that up. You lose that power when you take the emotional security of complaining, of negativity, of pessimism. But if instead, you’re not only optimistic, but you’re an action-oriented realist who knows there's always something to do, to take advantage of the situation.



  1. Pessimist

    n. 悲观主义者

  2. Pessimism

    n. 悲观,悲观情绪;厌世主义

  3. Complain

    vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

    vt. 抱怨;控诉

  4. Sail

    vi. 航行;启航,开船

    n. 帆,篷;航行

    vt. 航行

  5. Personality

    n. 个性;品格;名人

  6. Frame

    n. 框架;结构;眼镜框;[电影] 画面

    vt. 给 (图画或照片) 配框;设计;建造;陷害;使…适合;制订;拟订

    vi. 有成功希望

    adj. 有木架的;有构架的

  7. Reference

    n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书

    v. 引用

  8. Optimistic

    adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的

  9. Construct

    v. 建造,修建(某物,尤指建筑物,公路,机器);组成,创建;(按照数学规则)编制,绘制;形成(观念,理论)

    n. 构想,概念;编造,杜撰;(短语的)结构成分,结构体;建造物,构筑物

  10. Negativity

    n. 否定性;消极性

No.391 心中有梦,怎么舍得认输?




  1. They commit themselves to self-development. They learn continuously, study continuously. They pass their exams. Only you can do it for yourself. If you’re not prepared, if you don’t work hard, you will lose.



  1. Option

    n. [计] 选项;选择权;买卖的特权

  2. Brush

    n. 刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵;与某人有效冲突;灌木丛地带;矮树丛;狐狸尾巴

    v. 刷;擦过;掠过;(经过时)轻触

  3. Journey

    n. 旅行;行程

    vi. 旅行

  4. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  5. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    v. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

  6. Dangerous

    adj. 危险的

  7. Distraction

    n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

  8. Criteria

    n. 标准,条件(criterion的复数)

  9. Continuously

    adv. 连续不断地

  10. Judge

    n. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人

    v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决

No.392 别再浪费你的时间啦!




  1. You don’t achieve worthwhile goals quickly or easily. They take struggle. They take relentless pursuit, day in and day out. That’s what it takes. But also things don’t usually fall apart quickly either. At least at first. It’s a slow process.



  1. Failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  2. Gradual

    adj. 逐渐的;平缓的

  3. Precious

    adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的

  4. Decaying

    adj. 腐烂的;衰减的,衰落的

  5. Hundred

    n. 一百;许多

    adj. 一百的;许多的

  6. Peak

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

    vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起

    vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴

    adj. 最高的;最大值的

  7. Worthwhile

    adj. 重要的;令人愉快的;有趣的;值得(花时间、金钱、努力等)的;有价值的,有益的;值得做的

  8. Pursuit

    n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作

  9. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  10. Process

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;工艺流程;诉讼程序;传票;突起;进展;(发型)直发式

    v. 加工;审核;处理(数据);列队行进;冲印(照片);把(头发)弄成直发

    adj. 经过特殊加工的;照相板的;染印法的

No.393 既要学得刻苦,也要学得聪明




  1. Learning about yourself will build your confidence. It will change your behaviour. Studying will become easier. Passing your exams will become easier. It will get you places where you’ve never gone before. Getting to those places and staying there will take determination. It will require that you never give up.



  1. Continuous

    adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的

  2. Improve

    vt. 改善,增进;提高…的价值

    vi. 增加;变得更好

  3. Passion

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. Education

    n. 教育;培养;教育学

  5. Slack

    adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;下流的;(潮水)平缓的

    n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠

    v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰

    adv. 松散地

  6. Academic

    adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的

    n. 大学生,大学教师;学者

  7. Deter

    vt. 制止,阻止;使打消念头

  8. Distract

    vt. 转移;分心

  9. Commit

    vt. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务

  10. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

No.394 成为自己的超级英雄




  1. I stopped blaming people, because when you blame people you give them your power. I took my power back I took a plea ownership. I said no this is all on me. I made the mistake. I’ll make the adjustment . It’s all on me.



  1. Issue

    n. 问题;流出;期号;发行物

    v. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出

  2. Education

    n. 教育;培养;教育学

  3. Scholar

    n. 学者;奖学金获得者

  4. Stuff

    n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料

    vt. 塞满;填塞;让吃饱

    vi. 吃得过多

  5. Plea

    n. 恳求,请求;辩解,辩护;借口,托辞

  6. Adjustment

    n. 调整,调节;调节器

  7. Bunch

    n. 群;串;突出物

    vi. 隆起;打褶;形成一串

    vt. 使成一串;使打褶

  8. Ownership

    n. 所有权;物主身份

  9. Suppose

    vt. 假设;认为;让(虚拟语气);推想

    vi. 猜想;料想

    conj. 假使…结果会怎样

  10. Fault

    n. 故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误

    vi. 弄错;产生断层

    vt. (通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔

No.395 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱!




  1. When you take that challenge when you answer the call and you see the other side of pain. It’s called glory. Life is hard. Yeah, you might get hurt, your heart might get broken, you might lose your job, but you still gotta commit.



  1. Evolutionary

    adj. 进化的;发展的;渐进的

  2. Challenge

    n. 挑战;怀疑

    vt. 向…挑战;对…质疑

  3. React

    vi. 反应,作出反应;产生(化学)反应

  4. Determine

    v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定

  5. Gravestone

    n. 墓碑,墓石

  6. Dash

    n. 猛冲;匆忙;少量,些许;破折号;短跑;气魄;(莫尔斯电码中的)长划;断奏符;(汽车的)仪表板;炫耀

    v. 猛冲;猛撞,猛击;赶紧离开;(使)破灭,气馁;泼溅

  7. Legacy

    n. 遗赠,遗产

  8. Territory

    n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图

  9. Automatically

    adv. 自动地;机械地;无意识地

    adj. 不经思索的

  10. Midst

    n. 当中,中间

    prep. 在…中间

No.396 让结果说话!



  1. There is a saying when you build in silence, they don’t know what to attack. Don’t let the haters get a chance to attack you before you’ve done anything. Build in silence and shock them with your end result.



  1. Crap

    n. 废话;废物

    vi. 掷骰子

  2. Statement

    n. 声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单

  3. Confuse

    vt. 使混乱;使困惑

  4. Silence

    n. 寂静;缄默;无声状态

    vt. 使沉默;使安静;压制;消除噪音

    int. 安静!;别作声

  5. Ethic

    n. 伦理;道德规范

    adj. 伦理的;道德的

  6. Hustle

    v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;兜售;偷窃

    n. 奔忙;努力

  7. Ability

    n. 能力,能耐;才能

  8. Greatness

    n. 伟大;巨大

  9. Action

    n. 行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节

  10. Confuse

    vt. 使混乱;使困惑

No.397 有时候你需要冒险去追逐一个只有你能看到的梦




  1. You must have FAITH what you are picturing in your mind will come to life. You must have FAITH the struggle will pass! You must have FAITH your time will come! Because when you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable!



  1. Rarely

    adv. 很少地;难得;罕有地

  2. Intend

    vt. 打算;想要;意指

    vi. 有打算

  3. Despite

    prep. 即使,尽管

    n. (诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨

    v. 故意使烦恼,故意伤害

  4. Reveal

    vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

    n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧

  5. Crack

    v. 使破裂;将(谷物)粗磨; 砸开(保险箱);成功获得;(使)发出爆裂声;(突然)变嘶哑;使屈服;阻止;开瓶;使(碳氢化合物)裂化

    n. 裂缝;(可听到响声的)重击;尝试;(挖苦人的)玩笑;好时光;(观点或制度中的)缺陷

    adj. 训练有素的,技艺高明的,最好的

  6. Condition

    n. 条件;情况;环境;身份

    vt. 决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件

  7. Asset

    n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物

  8. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  9. Absolutely

    adv. 绝对地;完全地

  10. Immediately

    adv. 立即,立刻;直接地

    conj. 一…就

No.398 不要自我满足




  1. You should still be hungry. What have you eaten that’s gotten you satisfied? What have you done, what have you accomplished that’s got you so full? Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Don’t get satisfied with yourself. Always know that wherever you are that you deserve more.



  1. Complacency

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  2. Steadfast

    adj. 坚定的;不变的

  3. Contentment

    n. 满足;满意

  4. Mindset

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

  5. Ethic

    n. 伦理;道德规范

  6. Reference

    n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书

    v. 引用

  7. Plug

    n. 插头;塞子;栓

    vi. 塞住;用插头将与电源接通

    vt. 插入;塞住;接插头

  8. Prosperity

    n. 繁荣,成功

  9. Abundance

    n. 充裕,丰富

  10. Slack

    adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的;(潮水)平缓的

    n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠

    v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰

    adv. 松散地

No.399 永不言败




  1. All men are created equal, some work harder in the preseason. So that means that there are some people who are going to see the professor, going to see the TA. And even when the professor says, I don’t meet with you, my TA meets with you.



  1. Reward

    n. [劳经] 报酬;报答;酬谢

    vt. [劳经] 奖励;奖赏

  2. Successful

    adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的

  3. Preseason

    adj. (运动项目)赛季前的;活跃季节前的

    n. 赛季前时期;活跃季节前时期

  4. Equal

    adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的

    vt. 等于;比得上

    n. 对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物

  5. League

    n. 联盟;社团;范畴

    vt. 使…结盟;与…联合

    vi. 团结;结盟

  6. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  7. Attach

    vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋

    vi. 附加;附属;伴随

  8. Grateful

    adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的

  9. Slave

    n. 奴隶;从动装置

    vi. 苦干;拼命工作

  10. Favorite

    adj. (同类中)最受喜爱的

    n. 受喜爱的人(或事物);(比赛或竞赛中)最有希望的获胜者;收藏夹

    v. 把……添加到收藏夹

No.400 最厉害的人,是能自控的人




  1. The greatest power is to be self-controlled, to be able to train the mind and energy to focus it exactly where you want it and when you want it to be. You are completely detached and undeterred from external ups and downs. You’re able to navigate anything that seems tough challenging fun excitement with the same amount of being equipoise and balanced an equanimity.



  1. Detached

    adj. 单独的;冷漠的;超然而客观的;在基层工作的

  2. Undeterred

    adj. 未受阻的;未被吓住的

  3. External

    adj. 外部的;表面的;[药] 外用的;外国的;外面的

    n. 外部;外观;外面

  4. Navigate

    v. 导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确的应对方法;(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路

  5. Equanimity

    n. 平静;镇定

  6. Equipoise

    n. 平衡;均势

  7. Consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍

    vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

  8. Clarify

    vt. 澄清;阐明

    vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰;得到净化

  9. Isolation

    n. 隔离;孤立;[电] 绝缘;[化学] 离析

  10. Exposure

    n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列

No.401 孤独之前是迷茫,孤独之后是成长




  1. When you live a truly authentic life, the right people will show up. If you are following the life you want to live, digging deep into your purpose, you will be so lit up with passion, there won’t be room for empty feelings of darkness.



  1. Compare

    v. 比较,对比;与……类似,将……比作;相比,匹敌;构成

    n. 比较

  2. Mission

    n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道

    vt. 派遣;向……传教

  3. Serve

    vt. 招待,供应;为…服务;对…有用;可作…用

    vi. 服役,服务;适合,足够;发球;招待,侍候

    n. 发球,轮到发球

  4. Encounter

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

    n. 遭遇;偶然碰见

  5. Authentic

    adj. 真正的,真实的;可信的

  6. Passion

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  7. Darkness

    n. 黑暗;模糊;无知;阴郁

  8. Gratitude

    n. 感谢(的心情);感激

  9. Fullness

    n. 充满;丰富;完全;成熟

  10. Loneliness

    n. 寂寞,孤独

No.402 什么才是真正的快乐




  1. People will undergo a deep meditation experience are able to live in the present better that people who don’t. It’s a certain rewriting of the brain in a permanent way. Every new happy friend you add to your social network increases your own happiness by about 15%. Unhappiness and even loneliness are measured contagious.



  1. Dictate

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

    n. 命令;指示

  2. Circumstance

    n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇

  3. Expertise

    n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见

  4. Extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  5. Fib

    n. 无伤大雅的谎言,小谎;一击

    vi. 撒小谎

  6. Meaningless

    adj. 无意义的;无目的的

  7. Satisfaction

    n. 满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

  8. Volcano

    n. 火山

  9. Verdant

    adj. 青翠的;翠绿的;没有经验的;不老练的

  10. Flank

    n. 侧面;侧翼;侧腹

    vt. 守侧面;位于…的侧面;攻击侧面

    vi. 侧面与…相接

    adv. 在左右两边

No.403 我们因痛苦成长,也因痛苦变得坚强




  1. You think you have great life. But we always build this reality around the one thing we don’t have. So therefore our great life, we don’t see it. We see the one piece of clothing we weren’t able to get. Versus the amazing things we have so we focus on that.



  1. Drown

    vt. 淹没;把…淹死

    vi. 淹死;溺死

  2. Position

    n. 位置,方位;职位,工作;姿态;站位;[金融]仓位

    v. 安置;把……放在适当位置

  3. Mess

    n. 混乱;食堂,伙食团;困境;脏乱的东西

    vt. 弄乱,弄脏;毁坏;使就餐

    vi. 把事情弄糟;制造脏乱;玩弄

  4. Society

    n. 社会;交往;社团;社交界

  5. Percentage

    n. 百分比;百分率,百分数

  6. Primitive

    adj. 原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的

    n. 原始人

  7. Breath

    n. 呼吸,气息;一口气,(呼吸的)一次;瞬间,瞬息;微风;迹象;无声音,气音

  8. Physical

    adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的

    n. 体格检查

  9. Athleticism

    n. 崇尚运动,积极参与运动;运动能力,运动才能

  10. Haunt

    vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…

    vi. 出没;作祟

    n. 栖息地;常去的地方

No.404 人生没有借口,别让“但是”毁掉你的一生




  1. You may be losing the game. But it’s not over. If you fight until the end. If you fight until the end. You can come back and get the victory. So you have to put in the hard work now. Before the fight happens. Before the business starts.



  1. Trial

    n. 尝试,努力;审判;考验;顿顽

  2. Tribulation

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  3. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  4. Faith

    n. 信仰;信念;信任;忠实

  5. Business

    n. 商业,交易; 生意; 事务,业务; 职业,行业;

  6. Outcome

    n. 结果,结局;成果

  7. Victory

    n. 胜利;成功;克服

  8. Achieve

    vt. 取得;获得;实现;成功

    vi. 达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿

  9. Passion

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  10. Round

    adj. 圆的;弧形的;整数的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的;(声音)圆润的;(古,钱)大量的;(古,人或其说话方式)耿直的

    adv. 旋转;周围;围绕;到处;迂回地;朝反方向;挨个;到某处

    prep. 围绕;绕过;大约;在……周围;在……各处

    n. 阶段;轮次;回合;常规活动;圆,圆形物;循环;固定路线

    v. (使)变圆;完成;四舍五入;围捕;绕行;进展;环行;发胖

No.405 去挖掘!去探索!成功往往属于更用心的人




  1. You’ve got to understand that it takes, grit, passion and determination to get to the level of where you want to be. But you’ve got to understand the difference between levels. And going beyond them. You can’t stay in one place and expect to get to the next place.



  1. Environment

    n. 环境,外界

  2. Hungry

    adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的

  3. Universe

    n. 宇宙;世界;领域

  4. Prepare

    vt. 准备;使适合;装备;起草

    vi. 预备;做好思想准备

  5. Weakness

    n. 弱点;软弱;嗜好

  6. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  7. Tenacity

    n. 韧性;固执;不屈不挠;黏性

  8. Rep

    n. 棱纹平布;雷普(物体伦琴当量)

    abbr. 代表(representative);名声(reputation)

  9. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  10. Bleed

    vt. 使出血;榨取

    vi. 流血;渗出;悲痛

No.406 这就是生活的动力




  1. It’s your duty to do your self-work. To become the best version of you. To become the greatest version of you. To get to the point where you are so real, so yourself, so authentic with so much love and appreciation for yourself, that everything you do comes naturally, and with ease.



  1. Relationship

    n. 关系;关联

  2. Miserable

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  3. Stressed

    adj. 紧张的;感到有压力的

  4. Authentic

    adj. 真正的,真实的;可信的

  5. Contrast

    n. 明显的差异,对比,对照; 明显不同的人(或事物);(摄影或绘画中的)颜色反差;图像明暗对比度,反差

    v. 对比,对照;显出明显的差异, 与……形成对比

  6. Grand

    adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的

    n. 大钢琴;一千美元

  7. Engagement

    n. 婚约;约会;交战;诺言;进场

    n. 参与度

  8. Achievement

    n. 成就;完成;达到;成绩

  9. Quality

    n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能

  10. Intention

    n. 意图;目的;意向;愈合

No.407 不要放弃你的梦想




  1. In a mental prison, searching for answers, panic attacks, PTSD, fear and anxiety consumed me, but here what was really going on. God was molding and shaping me and preparing me for the calling. He was preparing for the worst that I’m saying to you right now.

    在心灵的囚笼里,寻找我要的答案,恐惧来袭,患上创伤性心理障碍,恐惧以及焦虑一直笼罩在我的头上。当时这才是真正会发生的事。上帝一直在完善我,不断塑造我, 为我迎接命运的召唤做准备。天将降大任于斯人也,必先劳其筋骨,这就是我现在跟你说的话。


  1. Hostage

    n. 人质;抵押品

  2. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  3. Commit

    vt. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务

  4. Dedicate

    vt. 致力;献身;题献

  5. Destiny

    n. 命运,定数,天命

  6. Consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍;毁灭;耗尽生命

  7. Vocabulary

    n. 词汇;词表;词汇量

  8. Block

    n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物

    vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖

    adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的

  9. Panic

    n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌

    adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的

    v. 使恐慌

  10. Mold

    n. 模具;铸模;模制品;类型,个性,风格;框架;体型,模样;霉,霉菌;耕作土壤;松软沃土

    v. 浇铸,塑造;用模子制作;对……影响重大;将……塑造成;使)紧贴于,吻合;轮廓相符;使发霉

No.408 梦想太宏大?那就攀越过它!




  1. Success is a war over the invisible. It’s having the faith and vision to see what could be, can be and will be. When consistently wanted with an undeniable grind. Truth is the language of those who are truly alive. Soaring on wings of faith.



  1. Invisible

    adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的

  2. Undeniable

    adj. 不可否认的;公认优秀的;无可争辩的

  3. Grind

    v. 磨碎;磨快

    n. 磨;苦工作

  4. Gracefully

    adv. 优雅地;温文地

  5. Radiate

    v. 辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展

    adj. 辐射状的,有射线的

  6. Wrap

    v. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护

    n. 外套;围巾

  7. Deny

    v. 拒绝;拒签

  8. Seize

    vt. 抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕

    vi. 抓住;利用;(机器)卡住

  9. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  10. Warrior

    n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人

No.409 人是不可能被打败的




  1. My mind is stronger than all others. Never will I be broken. Never will I stray from my goals. Never will I break from my purpose in life. No one knows my heart. They can doubt me. They don’t know my heart. They can tell me it’s impossible. Those are their limits.



  1. Target

    n. 目标,指标;(攻击的)对象;靶子

    v. 把...作为目标;面向,对准(某群体)

  2. Doubt

    n. 怀疑;疑问;疑惑

    v. 怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准

  3. Stray

    v. 迷路,走失,偏离;逃离,离题,走神;(眼睛或手悠闲地)移动;出轨,有外遇;游荡,徘徊

    adj. 走失的,无主的;离群的,孤立的;偶现的,偶发的;(物理量)杂散的

    n. 走失宠物,无主家畜;离群者,走散者;(strays) 天电干扰

  4. Unbreakable

    adj. 牢不可破的;不易破损的

  5. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  6. Determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  7. Ridicule

    n. 嘲笑,奚落

    v. 嘲笑,奚落

  8. Rejected

    adj. 被拒绝的

  9. Claw

    n. 爪;螯,钳;爪形器具

    v. 用爪抓(或挖)

  10. Adjust

    vt. 调整,使…适合;校准

    vi. 调整,校准;适应

No.410 满怀自信,一往无前




  1. I pictured myself crossing the finish line in absolute exhaustion. I saw fell even smile what it would be like to do it. Now maybe you’re in a position where you’ve got beliefs about your situation.Because that’s always how things that be, see you will believe and until you start believing different nothing’s ever gonna change.



  1. Universal

    adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的

    n. 一般概念;普通性

  2. Exhaustion

    n. 枯竭;耗尽;精疲力竭

  3. Insane

    adj. 疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的

  4. Financially

    adv. 财政上;金融上

  5. Delusion

    n. 迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想

  6. Perspective

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  7. Confidence

    n. 信心;信任;秘密

    adj. (美)诈骗的;骗得信任的

  8. Load

    n. 负载,负荷;工作量;装载量

    vi. [力] 加载;装载;装货

    vt. 使担负;装填

  9. Possible

    adj. 可能的;合理的;合适的

    n. 可能性;合适的人;可能的事物

  10. Differently

    adv. 不同地;差异;各种

No.411 舒适还是自律




  1. You may not have power to change your whole life that you know needs to be changed, but first be willing to change your ways. Change your mind. You spend a great deal of time alone many of you do. So your mind is your only companion.



  1. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  2. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  3. Expense

    n. 损失,代价;消费;开支

    vt. 向…收取费用

    vi. 被花掉

  4. Companion

    n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册

    vt. 陪伴

  5. Arena

    n. 舞台;竞技场

  6. Depth

    n. [海洋] 深度;深奥

  7. Corner

    n. 角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境

    vi. 囤积;相交成角

    vt. 垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住

  8. Overcome

    v. 克服;胜过

  9. Historically

    adv. 关于历史事件,从历史观点上说;在过去,历史上地

  10. Unprecedented

    adj. 空前的;无前例的

No.412 如果人生只有30年




  1. Life is real short. So you add up all your travelling, add up all your sleeping, add up all your school, add up all your entertainment, you’ve probably been half your life doing nothing. So I’m 35 years old,30 more years I’ll be 65. We don’t have no more influence.



  1. Unconscious

    adj. 无意识的;失去知觉的;不省人事的;未发觉的

  2. Entertainment

    n. 娱乐;消遣;款待

  3. Forth

    adv. 向前,向外;自…以后

  4. Influence

    n. 影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事

    vt. 影响;改变

  5. Productive

    adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

  6. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  7. Theatre

    n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂

  8. Accomplish

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  9. Wrestle

    v. 摔跤;使劲搬动;斗争;奋力对付

    n. 摔跤;搏斗

  10. Match

    v. (match) 使比赛;使相配;敌得过,比得上;与…竞争;比赛;相比

    n. (match) 比赛,竞赛;匹配;对手;火柴

No.413 自律方得自由




  1. It don’t matter whose fault it is that something is broken if it’s your responsibility to fix it. For example is it’s not somebody’s fault, if their father was an abusive alcoholic. But it’s for damn sure their responsibility to figure out how they’re gonna do with those trauma.

    某个东西打碎了,不管是谁的错。你都有责任区修好它。比如,这不是别人的错, 如果他们的父亲酗酒。但这的确是他们的责任去想办法处理这些心灵创伤。


  1. Command

    v. 命令;统率(陆军、海军等);值得(同情、尊重等);俯瞰;控制(情感);掌握,拥有

    n. (给人或动物的)命令;指令;(尤指陆海空三军的)指挥(权);部队;指挥部;(尤指对语言的)掌握;(在一名指挥官管辖下的)军队(或地区)

  2. Attack

    n. 攻击;抨击;疾病发作

    vt. 攻击;抨击;动手干

    vi. 攻击;腐蚀

  3. Abusive

    adj. 辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的

  4. Punishment

    n. 惩罚;严厉对待,虐待

  5. Material

    n. 材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料

    adj. 物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的

  6. Connection

    n. 连接;关系;人脉;连接件

  7. Sustained

    adj. 持续的;持久的;持久不变的

  8. Esteem

    n. 尊重,敬重

    v. 尊敬,尊重;把......看作,认为;考虑;估价

  9. Defiled

    vt. 污损,弄脏;染污

    n. 狭谷;隘路

    vi. 以纵队前进

  10. Trauma

    n. [外科] 创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤

No.414 如何笑对生活?




  1. Whatever is required at moment to keep yourself moving forward. To grasp the game of life. To play hard. To win gracefully. To lose honorably. To find the humor in life’s absurdities.



  1. Handful

n. 少数;一把;棘手事

  1. Extensive

adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的

  1. Strip

v. 脱去衣服;剥去(外皮);从(某处)拿走所有东西;拆卸;剥夺;修剪(树枝);

n. (纸、金属、织物等)带,条状物;(陆地、海域等)狭长地带;队服;商业街;连环画;飞机跑道

  1. Diligent

adj. 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的

  1. Amid

prep. 在……过程中;四周是;在……气氛中

  1. Absurdity

n. 荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行

  1. Gratitude

n. 感谢(的心情);感激

  1. Spirit

n. 精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒

vt. 鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

  1. Amused

adj. 被逗乐的;觉得好笑的

  1. Nausea

n. 恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶

No.415 The world is yours





  1. The greatest people who have ever walked this planet constantly get setbacks and failures. Constantly. Most people stop at failure. We’ve all failed at things. I’m going to continue to fail at stuff. It’s the most powerful tool you can use.



  1. Depressed

    adj. 沮丧的;萧条的;压低的

  2. Constantly

    adv. 不断地;时常地

  3. Setbacks

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  4. Fuel

    n. 燃料;刺激因素;(为身体提供能量的)食物

    vt. 给……提供燃料;刺激,煽动;推动

    vi. 得到燃料

  5. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  6. Verge

    n. 边缘;绿地;极限;山墙突瓦;权杖(作为职位标志)

    v. 濒临,接近;趋向;处在边缘

  7. Stir

    v. 搅拌;微动;(使)活动;激发,打动;传播

    n. 搅拌;激动

  8. Electrified

    adj. 电气化的

  9. Illuminate

    vt. 阐明,说明;照亮;使灿烂;用灯装饰

    vi. 照亮

  10. Passion

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

No.416 时间是上天赐给人最好的礼物,因为它一视同仁




  1. You know I always say human beings are irrational beam. Right, we trade time, we trade now for the idea of some day,right. We’ll start some day, we’ll start later. It’s something to think about,not once in a while but every day. It’s something to compare your actions to align your day with.

    我总是说,人都是不理智的。完全不理性的生物。对吧,我们拿时间去做交易,我们用现在去换取将来的某一天,对吧。总有一天我会开始,我会迟点开始的。这一点值得深思。 不是很快就能才想出来的,要每天都去。这是要与你的行为做对比的。


  1. Efficient

    adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的

  2. Distribution

    n. 分布;分配

  3. Schedule

    n. 计划(表);时间表;一览表;(电视或广播)节目表;课程表;报税单;附件

    v. 安排,预定;将……列入计划表或清单;把(建筑物)列为文物保护单位

  4. Available

    adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的

  5. Construction

    n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句

  6. Precious

    adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的

  7. Dice

    n. 骰子;掷骰游戏;小块食物

    v. 将(食物等)切成丁;掷骰子;(非正式)拒绝

  8. Allotted

    adj. 专款的;拨出的

  9. Irrational

    adj. 不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的

  10. Overlook

    vt. 忽略;俯瞰;远眺;不计较,宽恕;施魔法于;监督;检查

    n. 忽视;眺望;从高处能看到的景色

No.417 当你坚持不下去的时候,看看这个吧!




  1. You’ve got to take action. You’ve got to ignore everyone else and you’ve got to love yourself, trust yourself, listen to yourself and follow your gut. So that’s the thing. Success and failure are generally slow processes. The bottom line is this。



  1. Execute

    vt. 实行;执行;处死

  2. Remain

    vi. 保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存

    n. 遗迹;剩余物,残骸

  3. Embrace

    vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

    vi. 拥抱

    n. 拥抱

  4. Trick

    n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈

    vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮

    vi. 哄骗;戏弄

    adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的

  5. Campaign

    n. 运动;活动;战役,军事行动;竞选

    v. 领导或参加运动;参加竞选

  6. Dedication

    n. 奉献;献身;赠言

  7. Compel

    vt. 强迫,迫使;强使发生

  8. Physical

    adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的

    n. 体格检查

  9. Reflection

    n. 反射;沉思;映象

  10. Standard

    n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准

    adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的

No.418 以梦为马,不负韶华




  1. There are a few things you just can’t learn form a textbook, you have to live through to see, to be fully entrenched in, because here’s a simple truth. This world is a tough place, Getting what you want, making the most of the time you have, requires that you put yourself in the position to succeed.



  1. Sculpt

    vt. 造型;雕刻

    vi. 造型;雕刻

    n. 雕刻品

  2. entrenched

    adj. 根深蒂固的;确立的,不容易改的

  3. Extraordinary

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  4. Persistence

    n. 持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力

  5. Capable

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;综合性的;有资格的

  6. Obtainable

    adj. 能得到的

  7. Resemble

    vt. 类似,像

  8. Foundation

    n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立

  9. Blown

    v. (风)吹(blow 的过去分词)

  10. Limitless

    adj. 无限制的;无界限的

No.419 你的信仰将照亮前行的路




  1. And what I talk about is that power of the thinking brain is that we get to draw the map. The thinking brain gets to decide what the lay of the land is. Even though we don’t totally have control over what’s pushing us forward, our actions,our emotions, all of those things.



  1. Definition

    n. 定义;[物] 清晰度;解说

  2. Ultimately

    adv. 最后;根本;基本上

  3. Individual

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

    n. 个人,个体

  4. Merely

    adv. 仅仅,只不过;只是

  5. Associated

    adj. 关联的;联合的

  6. Bratty

    adj. 讨厌的

  7. Interpretation

    n. 解释;翻译;演出

  8. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  9. Submission

    n. 投降;提交(物);服从;(向法官提出的)意见;谦恭

  10. Compulsion

    n. 强制;强迫;强制力

No.420 保持对知识的渴望,否则你将误入歧途




  1. You have to get to know yourself. You have to know who you are. You have to know what your strengths are. You have to know what your weaknesses are. What your learning styles are. What you study best. What makes you motivated. What makes you procrastinate.



  1. Average

    n. 平均;平均数;

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

    v. 算出……的平均数;将……平均分配;使……平衡;

  2. Common

    adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的

    n. 普通;平民;公有地

  3. Relentless

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  4. Ethic

    n. 伦理;道德规范

  5. Scroll

    n. (供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰

    v. 在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动

  6. Unproductive

    adj. 非生产性的;徒劳的;不毛的;不生产的

  7. Hustle

    v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;奋力前行;兜售;偷窃;

    n. 奔忙;努力

  8. Procrastinate

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  9. Determination

    n. 决心;果断;测定

  10. Require

    vt. 需要;要求;命令

No.421 能控制好自己情绪的人,比能拿下一座城池的将军更伟大




  1. We learn an attitude out called courage. Now courage doesn’t mean that you’re not scared. Courage just simply means that you’re scared of death but you do it anyway. It’s an emotional muscle. It doesn’t feel good. You just exercise it. That’s what courage is.



  1. Pattern

    n. 模式;图案;样品

    vt. 模仿;以图案装饰

    vi. 形成图案

  2. Consciously

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

  3. Finance

    n. 财政,财政学;金融

    vt. 负担经费,供给…经费

    vi. 筹措资金

  4. Excitement

    n. 兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物

  5. Invisible

    adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的

  6. Dominate

    vt. 控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位

    vi. 占优势;处于支配地位

  7. European

    adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的;与欧盟有关的

    n. 欧洲人;欧洲人的后裔;欧盟成员国国民

  8. Circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  9. Determine

    n. 决定;测定

  10. Depression

    n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

No.422 成功99.9%隐藏在这里




  1. Higher self and what I call a lower self. And it’s okay to live in both those places. But most happy people live in their higher self state, the vast majority of the time. The higher self state is very inward. They’re focused on themselves. They’re focused on creating bliss and happiness.



  1. Humility

    n. 谦卑,谦逊

  2. Confidence

    n. 信心;信任;秘密

    adj. (美)诈骗的;骗得信任的

  3. Overlook

    vt. 忽略;俯瞰;远眺;不计较,宽恕;施魔法于;监督;检查

    n. 忽视;眺望;从高处能看到的景色

  4. Scratch

    n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写

    adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的

    vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂

    vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛

  5. Grind

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

    n. 磨;苦工作

  6. Comfortable

    adj. 舒适的,舒服的

    n. 盖被

  7. Comparison

    n. 比较;对照;比喻;比较关系

  8. Coexist

    vi. 共存;和平共处

  9. Leverage

    n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率

    v. 利用;举债经营

  10. Addicted

    adj. 沉溺于某种(尤其是不良的)嗜好的;入了迷的,上了瘾的

No.423 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事




  1. You’ve repeated it made ahabit out of it. Now it’s enclosed in the habit mind you can just call it up. It’s already a habit so repetition, I say oh you find that your behaviors are not supporting you then guess what? Generate a behaviour that represents supporting you and repeat it.



  1. wrench

    n. 扳手,扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭

    vt. 扭伤;猛扭;曲解;折磨

    vi. 扭伤;猛扭;猛绞

  2. Program

    n. 程序;计划;大纲

    vt. 用程序指令;为…制订计划;为…安排节目

    vi. 编程序;安排节目;设计电脑程式

  3. Overnight

    n. 一夜的逗留

    adj. 晚上的,只供一夜的;突然的

    v. 过夜;连夜快递(某物)

  4. Subconscious

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

  5. Engaged

    adj. 忙碌的;使用中的;已订婚的;电话占线的;(圆柱)附墙的

  6. Procreate

    vi. 生育(子女);产生

    vt. 生殖

  7. Manifest

    v. 表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录

    adj. 显然的,明显的;显现出的

    n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单

    adv. 明显地

  8. Reality

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  9. Biology

    n. (一个地区全部的)生物;生物学

  10. Needle

    n. 针;指针;刺激;针状物

    vi. 缝纫;做针线

    vt. 刺激;用针缝

No.424 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事




  1. So don’t let your humble beginnings, your level of education,your lack of resources stop you from pursuing your dreams. Because your success is determined by the amount of effort you put in. It will hit you. “If you don’t give up.you still have chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.”



  1. Humble

    adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的

    vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气

  2. Possessed

    v. 拥有;具有(特质);持有;支配;(使)言行失常;缠住;(使)保持耐心(或平静)(possess 的过去式及过去分词)

    adj. 着了魔的;拥有的;镇定的

  3. Awareness

    n. 意识,认识;明白,知道

    n. 人群对品牌或产品的认知

  4. Convinced

    adj. 确信的;深信的

    v. 使确信(convince的过去分词);说服

  5. Intelligent

    adj. 智能的;聪明的;理解力强的

  6. Apply

    vt. 申请;涂,敷;应用

    vi. 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求

  7. Reject

    vt. 拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃

    n. 被弃之物或人;次品

  8. Discouraged

    adj. 灰心的,丧气的

  9. Patience

    n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍

  10. Encounter

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

    n. 遭遇;偶然碰见

No.425 短短几分钟,真的能改变整个人生吗?




  1. A spiritual exhaustion that we enter into when we are deep pressed down by the weight of the false self, the master, the mind-made story of me. We long to stop pretending and express our war truth to give voice to our secret loneliness



  1. Rubber

    n. 橡胶;橡皮;合成橡胶;按摩师;避孕套

    adj. 橡胶制成的

    vt. 涂橡胶于;用橡胶制造

    vi. 扭转脖子看;好奇地引颈而望

  2. Spirit

    n. 精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒

    vt. 鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

  3. Irrevocably

    adv. 不能取消地;不能撤回地

  4. Scuffed

    adj. 磨损的

    v. 使磨损(scuff的过去式);拖着脚走

  5. Shattered

    adj. 破碎的;极度疲劳的

    v. 打碎;削弱;使心烦意乱(shatter的过去分词)

  6. Strive

    vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争

  7. Burnout

    n. 烧坏;燃料烧尽

  8. Depressed

    adj. 沮丧的;萧条的;压低的

    v. 使沮丧;使萧条(depress的过去式和过去分词形式);压低

  9. Exhaustion

    n. 枯竭;耗尽;精疲力竭

  10. Brilliant

    adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的

No.426 有时候,放下才能更好地拥有





  1. You have to make up your mind do you want to retain your ability to respond to every situation that may arise or may arise in your life or do you want to surrender tour ability to respond. This is something everybody should make up their mind on. Do you have practice to keep yourself so open and so joyful?



  1. Miserable

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  2. Solution

    n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答

  3. Obvious

    adj. 明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的

  4. Fundamental

    adj. 基本的,根本的

    n. 基本原理;基本原则

  5. Karma

    n. (佛教、印度教的)羯磨,业;因果报应;气氛

  6. Force

    n. 力量;武力;军队;魄力

    vt. 促使,推动;强迫;强加

  7. Accidental

    adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的;临时记号的

    n. 次要方面;非主要的特性;临时记号

  8. Anxiety

    n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事

  9. Instrument

    n. 仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械

    v. 给……装测量仪器

  10. Ecstasy

    n. 狂喜;入迷;忘形

No.427 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志




  1. If you get into the habit of just being mediocre, it will become a part of your consciousness. If you get into a habit of giving less than what you have it within you to give. It will begin to reflect itself in your personality.



  1. Defeat

    v. 击败;挫败(某人);阻止达成(目的);反对(动议或提议);(使)无法理解;(使)无效

    n. 失败;战胜

  2. Enthusiasm

    n. 热心,热忱,热情

  3. Transcend

    vt. 胜过,超越

  4. Successful

    adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的

  5. Tight

    adj. 紧的;密封的;绷紧的;麻烦的;严厉的;没空的;吝啬的

    adv. 紧紧地;彻底地

  6. Storm

    n. 暴风雨;大动荡

    vi. 起风暴;横冲直撞;狂怒咆哮

    vt. 猛攻;怒骂

  7. Overwhelm

    vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮

  8. Harness

    n. 马具;背带,吊带;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作

    v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;将(两只动物)拴在一起

  9. Stack

    n. (整齐的)一堆;(尤指工厂的)大烟囱;堆栈;(干草或谷物的)堆;竖着置放的高保真音响设备;定高分层盘旋(等待降落)的机群;(数支步枪支起的锥形)枪架;(车辆的)排气管;(浪蚀)岩柱;垛,堆(木材计量单位)

    v. (使)放成整齐的一叠;(使)成叠地放在……;(令飞机)分层盘旋等待着陆;(洗牌)作弊;跌倒

  10. Mediocre

    adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的

No.428 控制你的思想与情感,思绪平静,才能解决问题的根源




  1. Don’t shape yourself around the comings and goings of this world. Because there’s gonna be blessings, there’s gonna be opportunities, oh yeah, there’s gonna be some struggles, there’s gonna be some challenges, there’s gonna be some tests, but even the struggles are an opportunities for me to show off the victory if my mind can handle the change.



  1. Enslave

    vt. 束缚;征服;使某人成为奴隶

  2. Callus

    vt. 使生老茧;使变硬;使结痂

    vi. 变硬;结痂;生老茧

  3. Resistance

    n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

  4. Assert

    vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称

  5. Weakness

    n. 弱点;软弱;嗜好

  6. Frustration

    n. 挫折

  7. Negativity

    n. 否定性;消极性

  8. Toughness

    n. [力] 韧性;强健;有粘性

  9. Victory

    n. 胜利;成功;克服

  10. Brick

    n. 砖,砖块;砖形物;心肠好的人

    vt. 用砖砌

    adj. 用砖做的;似砖的

No.429 你是永远无法战胜我的




  1. If the enemy within is controlled, then the enemy outside can do you no harm. It’s time to say enough is enough. Stop feeling this way about yourself. Stop letting years and years of negative desolation affect who you are now. You have the power to stop it. You’ve got yo put your foot down and say, “That’s it. Enough is enough.”



  1. Glory

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

  2. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  3. Ownership

    n. 所有权;物主身份

  4. Useless

    adj. 无用的;无效的

  5. Determine

    v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定

    vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定

    vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

  6. Confront

    vt. 面对;遭遇;比较

  7. Adversity

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  8. Ignorant

    adj. 无知的;愚昧的

  9. Stamina

    n. 耐力,持久力,毅力;雄蕊(stamen 的复数)

  10. Struggle

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

No.430 有自信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇




  1. There is an African proverb that reads “When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm. When you refuse to allow any doubts in your own mind, then no doubts from others will ever cloud your judgement. When you create a strong mind, there can be no other that will defeat you with their words or with their judgments.



  1. Surge

    n. 大浪;汹涌澎湃;巨涌

    vi. 激增;汹涌

    vt. 使颠簸

  2. Insecure

    adj. 不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的

  3. Dominance

    n. 优势;统治;支配

  4. Recognize

    vt. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏

    vi. 确认,承认;具结

  5. Seize

    vt. 抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕

    vi. 抓住;利用;(机器)卡住

  6. Erode

    vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀

    vi. 侵蚀;受腐蚀

  7. Terrifying

    adj. 令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的

    v. 使害怕,使恐怖(terrify的现在分词)

  8. Pacify

    vt. 使平静;安慰;平定

  9. Specific

    adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药] 具有特效的

    n. 特性;细节;特效药

  10. Execution

    n. 执行,实行;完成;死刑

No.431 生活的每一天都是一场胜利




  1. The difference between the people who are happy and the people to aim is that the people that are happy choose to focus on the solutions to the problems they face rather than the problems themselves. You always have a choice. You could decide to focus on the problems or decide to look for the solution. It’s all about perspective.



  1. Cynical

    adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的

  2. Conceive

    vt. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有

    vi. 怀孕;设想;考虑

  3. Whisper

    v. 耳语;私下说,密谈;飒飒地响;造谣

    n. 耳语(声);轻柔的声音;谣传;(诗、文)飒飒声;蛛丝马迹,暗示

  4. Delusion

    n. 迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想

  5. Painful

    adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的

  6. Anxiousness

    n. 焦急

  7. Fester

    vi. 溃烂;化脓

    vt. 使……溃烂;使……痛苦;使……恶化

    n. 溃烂;脓疮,脓疱

  8. Drain

    v. 排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴

    n. 排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗

  9. Advantage

    n. 优势;利益;有利条件

    vi. 获利

    vt. 有利于;使处于优势

  10. Constantly

    adv. 不断地;时常地

No.432 做一件事就能改变你的一生





  1. I am someone who lives with passion. Someone who is disciplined with EASE. I am someone who only consumes that which makes me stronger. Food. Learning. People. I am someone who lives every day to the fullest and pushes myself EVERY TODAY. So I am stronger EVERY TOMORROW.



  1. Perception

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

  2. Procrastinate

    vt. 耽搁,延迟

    vi. 耽搁,延迟

  3. Addiction

    n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜

  4. Craving

    n. 渴望;热望

    v. 渴望;恳求(crave的ing形式)

  5. Discipline

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  6. Transform

    vt. 改变,使…变形;转换

    vi. 变换,改变;转化

  7. Authentically

    adv. 真正地,确实地;可靠地

  8. Passion

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  9. Gamble

    v. 赌博;打赌;冒险,投机;孤注一掷;冒险假设

    n. 冒险;赌博;打赌

  10. Preparation

    n. 预备;准备

No.433 只要你自己不倒,就无人可以击败你!




  1. Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during these times. You should always be your biggest fan. Never allow anyone to stifle your dreams. Demand the very best form you. Don’t spend your life just crawling.



  1. Transition

    n. 过渡;转变;[分子生物] 转换;变调

  2. Kryptonite

    n. 氪星石

  3. Overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  4. Orchestrate

    vt. 把…编成管弦乐曲;(美)精心安排;把…协调地结合起来

    vi. 编管弦乐曲

  5. Consistency

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

  6. Stifle

    vt. 扼杀;使窒息;藏匿

    vi. 窒息;被扼杀

    n. (马等的)后膝关节;(马等的)[动] 后膝关节病

  7. Crawling

    n. 表面涂布不匀;(新鲜涂层上的)收缩龟裂

    v. (人)爬行;(昆虫)爬动;(车辆)缓慢行进;卑躬屈膝,谄媚奉承;爬满(虫子),挤满(人);(油漆或其他液体)皱缩,起块(crawl 的现在分词)

  8. Unfazed


  9. Hiccup

    n. 打嗝

    vi. 打嗝

    vt. 呃逆着(或间断地)说出

  10. Consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…著迷;挥霍

    vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

No.434 只要你自己不倒,就无人可以击败你!




  1. He always had a clear vision and nothing could stop him. “You can’t get around the hard work, it doesn’t matter who it is, work your ass off. There is no magic pill. There is no magic out there. You cannot get around, you have to work and work and work.



  1. Abusive

    adj. 辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的

  2. Submissive

    adj. 顺从的;服从的;柔顺的

  3. Obedient

    adj. 顺从的,服从的;孝顺的

  4. Conforming

    adj. 一致性的;遵守的

    v. 符合(conform的ing形式);遵照

  5. Embarrassed

    adj. 尴尬的;窘迫的

    v. 使...困窘;使...局促不安(embarrass的过去分词形式)

  6. Forbid

    vt. 禁止;妨碍,阻止

  7. Trophy

    n. 奖品;战利品;纪念品

    vt. 用战利品装饰

    adj. 显示身份的;有威望的

  8. Military

    adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的

    n. 军队;军人

  9. Enroll

    vt. 登记;使加入;把...记入名册;使入伍

    vi. 参加;登记;注册;记入名册

  10. Fame

    n. 名声,名望;传闻,传说

    vt. 使闻名,使有名望

No.435 追求卓越,勇争第一




  1. Stay strong, have faith, keep pushing through. On the either side of your struggle, is something good on your other side is some sort of success. So I’m here to tell you today, you can have anything you want, be anyone you want. But you’re going to have to work.



  1. Wrap

    vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护

    vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣

    n. 外套;围巾

  2. Regret

    v. 遗憾,后悔;礼貌或正式地表示惋惜或抱歉;对(损失或缺乏)感到痛惜

    n. 遗憾;歉意

  3. Abundance

    n. 充裕,丰富

  4. Wisdom

    n. 智慧,才智;明智;学识;至理名言

  5. Janitor

    n. 看门人;守卫;门警

  6. Harvest

    n. 收获;产量;结果

    vt. 收割;得到

    vi. 收割庄稼

  7. Reap

    vt. 收获,获得;收割

    vi. 收割,收获

  8. Plow

    n. 北斗七星 (the Plow)

    n. (plow) 犁;耕地;扫雪机(等于 plough)

    v. (plow) 犁(田);耕(地);奋力前行;(播种前)翻犁;划出;穿过,破浪前进;猛撞;从……清除积雪;考试不及格(等于 plough)

  9. Negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  10. Category

    n. 种类,分类;[数] 范畴

No.436 李提克·罗森的成功之路




  1. Pain is one thing, suffering is another. Suffering happens in the mind. Once you detach from that, you can handle the pain. You make it your friend. It helps make you tougher and stronger. By using the power of imagination and seeing the good in disguise in every bad thing in his life.



  1. Perspective

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  2. Recommend

    vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付

    vi. 推荐;建议

  3. Humiliated

    v. (使)蒙羞,丢脸(humiliate 的过去式及过去分词)

    adj. 蒙羞的;感到自惭的

  4. Stammering

    adj. 口吃的

    v. 结巴地说出(stammer的ing形式)

  5. Enormous

    adj. 庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的

  6. Handicap

    n. 障碍;不利条件,不利的因素

    vt. 妨碍,阻碍;使不利

  7. Diagnose

    vt. 诊断;断定

    vi. 诊断;判断

  8. Strain

    n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘

    vi. 拉紧;尽力

    vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力

  9. Physiotherapy

    n. 物理疗法

  10. Spinal

    adj. 脊髓的;脊柱的;针的;脊骨的;尖刺的

    n. 脊椎麻醉

No.437 生命中重要的事情不是用眼看到的,而是用心去感受的




  1. They talk about : That it’s consciousness that create the world. And so we all have to start recognizing we all are conscious. And all collectively our consciousness can change the world. So when you have a lot of people out there they’re saying “Oh my god! The world’s out of control.” I say “Yeah” But all you need is a lot of people who know that to say “



  1. Mechanical

    adj. 机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的

  2. Atom

    n. 原子

  3. Material

    n. 材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料

    adj. 物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的

  4. Invisible

    adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的

  5. Spirituality

    n. 灵性;精神性

  6. Inhabit

    vt. 栖息;居住于;占据

  7. Collectively

    adv. 集体地,共同地

  8. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  9. Manifest

    v. 表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录

    adj. 显然的,明显的;显现出的

    n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单

    adv. 明显地

  10. Evolution

    n. 演变;进化论;进展

No.438 从今天开始,追随成功者的脚步




  1. So if nature only gave you two things to motivate you, pleasure and pain. Why would you eliminate half of them? And so most people think that life is about avoiding the pain. I’m here to tell you right now in a very controlled fashion, it is about really experiencing the pain, learning from it.



  1. Inventory

    n. 存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册

  2. Magnet

    n. 磁铁;[电磁] 磁体;磁石

  3. Perceive

    vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知

    vi. 感到,感知;认识到

  4. Rattle

    vt. 使发出咯咯声;喋喋不休;使慌乱,使惊慌

    vi. 喋喋不休地讲话;发出卡嗒卡嗒声

    n. 喋喋不休的人;吓吱声,格格声

  5. Cushion

    n. 垫子;起缓解作用之物;(猪等的)臀肉;银行储蓄

    vt. 给…安上垫子;把…安置在垫子上;缓和…的冲击

  6. Eliminate

    vt. 消除;排除

  7. Motivate

    v. 刺激,使有动机,激发…的积极性;成为……的动机;给出理由;申请

  8. Hedge

    n. 树篱;防止损失的手段;模糊措辞;障碍

    v. 用树篱笆围住;避免作正面答复;避免损失;限制

  9. Intensity

    n. 强度;强烈;[电子] 亮度;紧张

  10. Embody

    vt. 体现,使具体化;具体表达

No.439 生命受到死亡的限制,但这并不意味着你不必去奋斗




  1. We’re built for struggle as human beings, we’re built to contend with the reality. You want the challenge, and the best way that you can take on a challenge,because a challenge fortifies you. So you don’t wanna be secure, you wanna be strong. And you get strong by taking on optimal challenges.



  1. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  2. Expedient

    adj. 权宜的;方便的;有利的

    n. 权宜之计;应急手段

  3. Pursue

    vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠

    vi. 追赶;继续进行

  4. Miserable

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  5. Mortgage

    n. 抵押;抵押贷款额

    v. 抵押;以某人的前途作代价

  6. Obligation

    n. 义务;职责;债务

  7. Strategy

    n. 战略,策略

  8. Curriculum

    n. 课程

  9. Intelligent

    adj. 智能的;聪明的;理解力强的

  10. Fortify

    vt. 加强;增强;(酒)的酒精含量;设防于

    vi. 筑防御工事

No.440 你有勇气直面自己的恐惧吗?




  1. Face your fears. Once you admit this simple truth and start getting real and honest with yourself. You’ll start finding it a lot easier to deal with. Because let me tell you something. When you admit that it’s failure you’re afraid of, failure suddenly becomes nothing to be afraid of at all.



  1. Opportunity

    n. 时机,机会

  2. Apply

    vt. 申请;涂,敷;应用

    vi. 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求

  3. Normal

    n. 正常;标准;常态

    adj. 正常的;正规的,标准的

  4. Root

    n. 根;根源;词根;祖先

    vt. 生根,固定;根源在于

  5. Subconscious

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

  6. Afraid

    adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的

  7. Failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  8. Step

    n. 步,脚步;步骤;步伐;梯级

    vt. 走,迈步

    vi. 踏,踩;走

  9. Strength

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  10. Control

    n. 控制;管理;抑制;操纵装置

    vt. 控制;管理;抑制

No.441 成功不会辜负任何一个努力的人




  1. You have no influence on the intellectual capabilities that god did or did not give you, but you can work as hard as possible, you can be scroopiously honest so that people respect you, and you can get along with others because nobody does anything by themselves.



  1. Political

    adj. 政治的;党派的

  2. Sacrifice

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

    vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售

    vi. 献祭;奉献

  3. Cardio

    n. 有氧运动

    pref. 表示心

  4. Distinctly

    adv. 明显地;无疑地,确实地

  5. Treadmill

    n. 踏车,跑步机;单调的工作

  6. Hustle

    n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力

    v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃;(非正式)拉客

  7. Despair

    n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事

    vi. 绝望,丧失信心

  8. Variable

    n. [数] 变量;可变物,可变因素

    adj. 变量的;可变的;易变的,多变的;变异的,[生物] 畸变的

  9. Intellectual

    n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者

    adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的

  10. Capability

    n. 才能,能力;性能,容量

No.442 一个好习惯,价值胜千万




  1. If you want to feel truly wealthy, count all of the things you have in your life that money cannot buy! Count! Just write down in your gratitude journal or notebook all of the things you have in your life that you wouldn't give away for any amount of money. And then you will be able to feel what it really feels like to feel truly wealthy. Because we have more than we think we have.



  1. Gratitude

    n. 感谢的心情

  2. Resource

    n. 资源,财力;办法;智谋

  3. Grateful

    adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的

  4. Appreciate

    vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别

    vi. 增值;涨价

  5. Journal

    n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账

  6. Verbally

    adv. 口头地,非书面地;用言辞地

  7. Negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  8. Prayer

    n. 祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文

  9. Episode

    n. 一段经历;插曲;一段情节;(电视连续剧或广播的)一集;插话;有趣的事件

  10. Wealthy

    adj. 富有的;充分的;丰裕的

    n. 富人

No.443 打造1%的生活!




  1. Your life is the exact reflection of the choices you have made. Doing well at school? Great. You’ve made some great choices. But also it’s so incredibly important that you take responsibility for the outcomes that you aren’t satisfied with.



  1. Minimum

    n. 最小值;最低限度;最小化;最小量

    adj. 最小的;最低的

  2. Procrastination

    n. 耽搁,拖延

  3. Encounter

    n. 遭遇;偶然碰见

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

  4. Genuine

    adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的

  5. Satisfied

    adj. 感到满意的

    v. 使满意(satisfy的过去式)

  6. Reflection

    n. 反射;沉思;映象

  7. Incredibly

    adv. 难以置信地;非常地

  8. Victim

    n. 受害人,牺牲品,牺牲者;受骗者,上当的人;祭品,牺牲;无助者,被动者

  9. Visceral

    adj. 内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的

  10. Script

    n. 脚本;手迹;书写用的字母

    vt. 把…改编为剧本

    vi. 写电影脚本

No.444 高燃!你未来的生活会成为什么样?




  1. What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be? How will I feel at the very end if I can defy all the odds? I say you crank up the volume on that question, max it out. And then, go get some. Only those who are willing to risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go.



  1. Visualize

    vt. 形象,形象化;想像,设想

    vi. 显现

  2. Jacuzzi

    n. 水流按摩浴缸

  3. Appease

    v. 使平息;使满足;使和缓;对……让步;安抚,安慰;绥靖;缓解(难受的感觉);姑息

  4. Factual

    adj. 事实的;真实的

  5. Impose

    vt. 强加;征税;以…欺骗

    vi. 利用;欺骗;施加影响

  6. Defy

    n. 挑战;对抗

    vt. 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空

  7. Crank

    n. 想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L字形)曲柄;(诗、文)妙语

    v. 转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯

    adj. (帆船)易倾覆的

  8. Self-respect

    n. 自重,自尊

  9. Miracle

    n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例

  10. Volume

    n. 量;体积;卷;音量;大量;册

    adj. 大量的

    vi. 成团卷起

    vt. 把…收集成卷

No.445 如何成为那1%的成功者?




  1. You know if you take people, and you expose them voluntarily to things that they are avoiding and are afraid of that they know they need to overcome in order to meet their goals, their self-defined goals. If you can teach people to stand up in the face of the things they’re afraid of, they get stronger.



  1. Remarkable

    adj. 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的

  2. Decade

    n. 十年,十年期

  3. Abject

    adj. 卑鄙的;可怜的;不幸的;(境况)凄惨的,绝望的.

  4. Poverty


  5. Grid

    n. 网格;格子;栅格;输电网

  6. Inequality

    n. 不平等;不同;不平均

  7. Agitation

    n. 激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱

  8. Capacity

    n. 能力;容量;资格;地位;生产力

  9. Catastrophe

    n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败

  10. Spiteful

    adj. 怀恨的,恶意的

No.446 继续前进,否则你将被淘汰




  1. If your life isn’t everything it could be,you can ask yourself,well,what would happen if you just stopped wasting the opportunities that are in front of you?You’d be who knows haw much more efficient,10 times more efficient, 20 times more efficient.



  1. voluntarily

    adv. 自动地;以自由意志

  2. overcome

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  3. self-defined

    n. 结构;构造;建筑物

    vt. 组织;构成;建造

  4. definition

    n. 结构;构造;建筑物

    vt. 组织;构成;建造

  5. structure

    n. 结构;构造;建筑物

    vt. 组织;构成;建造

  6. unbearably

    adv. 不堪忍受地;无法容忍地

  7. margin

    n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白

    vt. 加边于;加旁注于

    n. (Margin)人名;(俄、意)马尔金

  8. accomplish

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  9. catastrophe

    n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败

  10. attempt

    n. 企图,试图;攻击

    vt. 企图,试图;尝试

No.447 结果不是一蹴而就的,切记保持一致和耐心




  1. This is the bigger monkey wrench in the system. You can program your mind overnight. And that is we had started off with the fundamental belief that the consciousness.Subconscious were just the unity of a single mind. So the conscious mind became aware of something. Then the subconscious mind should of course follow along with as well. Because they are both together.



  1. fundamental

    adj. 基本的,根本的

    n. 基本原理;基本原则

  2. consciousness

    n. 意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉

  3. subconscious

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

  4. separate

    adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的

    v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于)

    n. 可搭配穿着的单件衣服;抽印本;独立音响设备;土壤划分

  5. creative

    adj. 创造性的

  6. habit

    n. 习惯,习性;嗜好

    vt. 使穿衣

  7. awareness

    n. 意识,认识;明白,知道

    n. 人群对品牌或产品的认知

  8. wrench

    n. 扳手,扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭

    vt. 扭伤;猛扭;曲解;折磨

    vi. 扭伤;猛扭;猛绞

    n. (Wrench)人名;(英)伦奇

  9. programs

    n. [计] 程序,程序集;所有程式(program的复数)

    v. 规划(program的第三人称单数);为…提供生物程序

  10. recorder

    n. 录音机;记录器;记录员;八孔直笛

No.448 那就从现在开始吧,让生命变得更有价值




  1. Here, this is an everyday gig,everyday is a Monday.Every day is a beginning.a new shot ay life.An opportunity to come out of the gate like a man possessed.and attack the day without mercy.



  1. occasional

    adj. 偶然的,临时的

  2. consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  3. mirror

    n. 镜子;真实的写照;榜样

    vt. 反射;反映

  4. effective

    adj. 有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象

  5. fundamentally

    adv. 根本地,从根本上;基础地

  6. regime

    n. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制

  7. consistently

    adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地

  8. shape

    n. 形状;模型;身材;具体化

    vt. 形成;塑造,使成形;使符合

    vi. 形成;成形;成长

    n. (Shape)人名;(瑞典)沙佩

  9. combination

    n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学] 化合

  10. opportunity

    n. 时机,机会

No.449 超越你的舒适区,突破自我,继续前进!




  1. Sometimes the greatest moment in your life happens after pain .Happens after hurt. It happens after those failures. You can be at the worst point of your life, and you think you've done everything wrong, but that was all a part of the plan. This might be the push you need.



  1. failure

    n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产

  2. qualify

    vt. 限定,修饰;使具有资格;证明…合格

    vi. 取得资格,有资格

  3. backward

    adj. 向后的;倒退的;(人)智力迟钝的;落后的;(场地位置)线后的

    adv. 向后地;往回地;回溯(过去);每况愈下地;前后反过来(等于 backwards)

    n. 后面(或过去)的部分

  4. develop

    vt. 开发;进步;使成长;使显影

    vi. 发育;生长;进化;显露

  5. defiance

    n. 蔑视;挑战;反抗

  6. rebellion

    n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从

  7. decay

    v. 衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽

    n. 衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽

  8. adapt

    vt. 使适应;改编

    vi. 适应

  9. transcend

    vt. 胜过,超越

  10. inch

    n. 英寸;身高;少许

    vt. 使缓慢地移动

    vi. 慢慢前进

No.450 尽管去做,没有什么能够阻挡!




  1. Most of us aren't defeated in one decisive battle, we are defeated one seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that clips away at who we should really be.



  1. insignificant

    adj. 无关紧要的

  2. surrender

    vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任

    vi. 投降;屈服;自首

    n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服

  3. clip

    n. (塑料或金属的)夹子;回纹针;修剪;剪报

    vt. 剪;剪掉;缩短;给…剪毛(或发)用别针别在某物上,用夹子夹在某物上

    vi. 剪;修剪;剪下报刊上的文章(或新闻、图片等);迅速行动;用别针别在某物上,用夹子夹在某物上

  4. vigilant

    adj. 警惕的;警醒的;注意的;警戒的

  5. defiance

    n. 蔑视;挑战;反抗

  6. rebellion

    n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从

  7. decay

    v. 衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽

    n. 衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽

  8. pothole

    n. 壶穴

    vi. 探索洞穴

  9. sprain

    v. 扭伤(关节)

    n. 扭伤

  10. ankle

    n. 踝关节,踝

No.451 坚持到底,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹?




  1. Wherever focus goes, energy flows. Focus on one thing. Make it your priority and stick with it no matter what. If you're trying to get there, you cannot stop believing.



  1. slack

    adj. 松弛的;疏忽的;不流畅的

    vi. 松懈;减弱

    n. 煤末;峡谷

    vt. 放松;使缓慢

    adv. 马虎地;缓慢地

  2. envision

    vt. 想象;预想

  3. contrary

    adj. 相反的;对立的

    adv. 相反地

    n. 相反;反面

  4. implement

    vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效

    n. 工具,器具;手段

  5. temptation

    n. 引诱;诱惑物

  6. priority

    n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事

  7. narrow

    adj. 狭窄的,有限的;勉强的;精密的;度量小的

    n. 海峡;狭窄部分,隘路

    vt. 使变狭窄

    vi. 变窄

  8. clarity

    n. 清楚,明晰;透明

  9. compel

    vt. 强迫,迫使;强使发生

  10. finance

    n. 财政,财政学;金融

    vt. 负担经费,供给…经费

    vi. 筹措资金

No.452 努力不懈,相信总有一天我们会成功!




  1. There is something that can happen to every human being, it's the instinct to slack off or to give in to the pain to give less than your best, the instinct to hope to win through luck or your opponents not doing their best instead of going the limit and past your limit, where victory is always to be found.



  1. pursue

    vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠

    vi. 追赶;继续进行

  2. despite

    prep. 即使,尽管

    n. (诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨

    v. 故意使烦恼,故意伤害

  3. circumstance

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  4. invest

    vt. 投资;覆盖;耗费;授予;包围

    vi. 投资,入股;花钱买

  5. instinct

    n. 本能,直觉;天性

    adj. 充满着的

  6. slack

    adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的;(尤指女子)性乱交的;(潮水)平缓的

    n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠

    v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰

    adv. 松散地

  7. negative

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  8. consistent

    adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

  9. jackpot

    n. 头奖;累积赌注;十分成功

    adj. 头奖的;累积赌注的;大笔收入的

  10. nerve

    n. 神经;勇气;[植] 叶脉

    vt. 鼓起勇气

No.453 满载而归或是一无所获,全部取决于你自己




  1. If you're creative enough, can you find the answer? Yes or no? If you're determined enough, can you find the breakthrough? Yes or no? Creativity, decisiveness, passion, these are the ultimate human resources. And when you engage these resources, you can get any other resuorce on earth.



  1. weird

    adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的

  2. dedicate

    vt. 致力;献身;题献

  3. ounce

    n. 盎司;少量;雪豹

  4. consume

    vt. 消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍

    vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

  5. determine

    v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定

    vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定

    vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束

  6. decisiveness

    n. 果断

  7. ultimate

    adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的

    n. 终极;根本;基本原则

  8. engage

    vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定

    vi. 从事;参与;答应,保证;交战;啮合

  9. commit

    vt. 犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务

  10. folk

    n. 民族;人们;亲属(复数)

    adj. 民间的

No.454 当生活给你当头一棒




  1. The whole value of crushing is to explain to people not to be confused when the crushing precedes a soaring.


  2. You must realize the further the arrow is going to be shot, the more it must be pulled back.



  1. preach /priːtʃ/ v. 布道,讲道;宣扬,鼓吹;说教,训诫

    He said he was trying to preach peace and tolerance to his people.


No.455 醒醒!现在还不能停下




  1. If you want to begin to move into your own personal greatness, if you want to begin to really enjoy a happy, successful, healthy life, you've got to be willing to go against the tide, you've got to be willing to harness your will.


  2. Because life is a marathon. Every day, every day, you will begin to see a difference in the things that you're doing.


  3. Every time life knocks you down, you jump up and say it's not over until I win.


No.456 改变是去往未来的邀请函




  1. Nothing in your life will improve until you get off your pitty-potty and improve it yourself.


  2. Leo Tolstoy once said: Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.


  3. Not for pity but with pride. Knowing exactly where you are headed. Knowing that you are going to make the changes needed, to take your life where you want to take it.


No.457 不要被过去绊了前进的脚步




  1. You are who you decide to become, who you commit to become. You could be one decision away from a completely new life.


  2. There's absolutely no reason why anyone should live in the dark times of their past when their future is bright and waiting for them.


No.458 人生的解药是现在就去行动!




  1. Our ultimate goal is to be more productive tomorrow than we were today. So I need you to mentally get yourself focused. I need you to mentally get yourself locked in. I need you to mentally prepare to go dominate this day.



  1. dominate /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/

    v. 支配;控制

    The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.


No.459 你终硕,录取通知书一定是你的!




  1. They look at balance like this, I can work hard for 15 years, give it all I have, do everything possible and then I get to do whatever I want for the rest of my life.


  2. Success is hard. It takes all your energy. It takes all your time. It takes all your dedication.



  1. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/

    n. 献身,奉献

    Her colleagues could not fault her dedication to the job.


No.460 愿星光不负赶路人,考研加油!




  1. The most powerful tool that you have right now in your life, in your body, is your mind.


  2. But even the struggles are an opportunity for me to show off the victory if my mind can handle the change.


  3. You've got to have faith and that faith gives you patience. You've got to keep moving and keep plugging away.


No.461 专注于你的梦想,未来属于你!




  1. Molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your craft, so that when it's time for you to make your rounds, you're gonna fly.


  2. Keep focusing on your dream. Keep going after the dream because that's where true success is.



  1. commit /kəˈmɪt/

    v. 承诺,保证

    commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth) [ often passive ]

    The President is committed to reforming health care.


No.462 致备考的你!努力不会辜负任何人




  1. If you are not that talented, you can beat them with time. You can get to the spot before they get to the spot.


  2. It seems like you're moving at slow motion. And then eventually when you break through that 18-mile wall, then you know it's like done and you're on automatic and you glide on in.


  3. And eventually you got to a level, you know, can't nothing stop me now. I'm on the move.


No.463 记住!要以胜者的姿态登上人生巅峰




  1. When I grind, I expect to win. When I wake up, I expect a miracle.


  2. If you can expect that everything you do will come out winning, I guarantee you, you can make the rest of your life the best of your life.



  1. gifted /ˈɡɪftɪd/

    adj. 有天赋的,有才华的

    He is a confident and gifted Australian photographer.


No.464 生活的快乐在于身心的快乐




  1. If your surroundings become pleasant, we call this success.


  2. Creating pleasantness in the surroundings is a skill of a certain kind, you must be able to put many forces together, otherwise it won’t work.



  1. blissful /ˈblɪsfl/

    adj. 极乐的;幸福的

    We spent three blissful weeks away from work.


No.465 突破是90%的努力加上10%的拼尽全力




  1. Dreams always come from behind you not right between your eyes, it sneaks up on you. Sometimes dream almost whispers, always whispers, it never shouts.


  2. What I want you to understand about a breakthrough is that 90% is work, but the last 10% that's fight.



  1. whisper /ˈwɪspə(r)/

    v. 耳语,低语

    "Keep your voice down," I whispered.


No.466 不遇暗礁险滩,怎能激起绚丽浪花




  1. It means it's time for you to fight harder, to dig in. It means it's time for you to go on the warpath.


  2. Championships aren't won in a theater or the arena. They are won in the thousands of hours in the training room.


  3. A good fighter is just to be diligent and committed and disciplined, doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it.



  1. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

    v./n. 牺牲

    Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.


No.467 致女性:美好来源于强大的内心




  1. It's the story of women taking control of their own destiny.


  2. But what's important is that we find our inner strength and stand tall.


  3. Women, know your value, wear your crown, and write your own story. We believe there's no limit to what you can accomplish.


No.468 努力拼搏吧,跑起来才会有风!




  1. Because success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired, it just knows if you showed up or not.


  2. The difference between someone successful and someone that's not successful is not their ability, the differential is their desire.


  3. Roll up your sleeves and just go to get it.


  4. It's going to take you getting a hold of the thing and not letting go. You're going to have to fight, and fight, until you can't fight anymore.


No.469 难过的时候和我一起唱这首歌吧




  1. lemonade /ˌleməˈneɪd/

    n. 柠檬水

    I remember him fetching you lemonade.


  2. laundry /ˈlɔːndri/

    n. 待洗(或正在洗涤、洗完)的衣物

    I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my laundry out.


  3. forgetful /fəˈɡetfl/

    adj. 健忘的

    She has become very forgetful in recent years.


No.470 目标明确,才能挺进高峰




  1. You can have the best ship in the world, but if the captain does not know where to go, that ship would drift around the world and will never end up anywhere.


  2. If you don't have a goal, you're just floating around without a purpose.


  3. No matter how hard I worked, I always had a great time.


  4. I tell them always that I smile because I know exactly that every rep that I do I get one step closer to turning that vision of mine into reality.


No.471 告诉生活我绝不放弃




  1. And some of you are not successful because every single time you run up against a trial, every time you run up against a tribulation, you stop.


  2. When there is a will, there is a way.



  1. gut /ɡʌt/

    n. 内脏;勇气;胆量

    By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.


    He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.


No.472 时间的大钟上只有现在两个字




  1. I'd write down my priorities in life and I'd get committed to certain priorities.


  2. Every time the clock ticks, it seems to say now.


  3. Time is too short for indecision and vacillation.


  4. Do not halt between two opinions.


  5. And each day the bank named time opens a new account for you and for me, it allows no balances and no overdrafts.


No.473 永不放弃,拼尽全力




  1. And the earlier you get in the game and get on track, the better life you're gonna have.


  2. The fact that you are still here means that your business is not through yet.



  1. internal /ɪnˈtɜːnl/

    adj. 内部的,本身的,本质的

    Some researchers have suggested that thoughts cannot properly be seen as purely internal.


    n. 内部部件,内部特征;内脏

    All the weapon's internals are well finished and highly polished.


No.474 不要被命运击倒,努力站起来




  1. You see, I will try 100 times to get up if I fail 100 times.


  2. For as long as I try, there's always that chance of getting up.


  3. If you didn't go what you've gone through, you wouldn't be who you are today.


  4. I've gone from a life without limbs into a life without limits.


No.475 别为失败找借口




  1. If you're going to step into your destiny, you're going to have to get over your but.


  2. Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown?



  1. sprint /sprɪnt/

    v. 冲刺;全速跑

    He sprinted for the line.


  2. humble /ˈhʌmbl/

    adj. 谦虚的,谦卑的

    Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.


No.476 人生是无价之宝




  1. And though you've gone through some hard times, and though you've experienced some depression, you still got worth and value.


  2. There is nothing that can happen that can take your worth and your value away.



  1. wipe off


    The dirt in a porcelain teacup is difficult to wipe off.


  2. take advantage of


    There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try to take advantage of you.


No.477 最大的危机是享受安逸




  1. Without commitment you will never start, but more importantly, without consistency you will never finish.



  1. strive /straɪv/

    v. 努力,力争

    We encourage all members to strive for the highest standards.


No.478 心存梦想,何惧远方




  1. Act on your passion and when your shot comes, take it.



  1. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    v. 拥抱;欣然接受

    They embraced and promised to keep in touch.


No.479 由你开启的旅程永不落幕




  1. Let it take you across the sky, into the horizon, down to the sea.



  1. unfurl /ˌʌnˈfɜːl/

    v. 展开

    The leaves slowly unfurled.


No.480 唐氏综合征患者创造铁人三项世界纪录




  1. It is his commitment to getting a little bit better every single day and not making any excuses.


  2. The kids look up to me as a lead and a role model.



  1. grueling /'ɡruəliŋ/

    adj. 使人精疲力尽的;艰辛的

    Busing tables was grueling work.


  2. tenacity /təˈnæsəti/

    n. 韧性;不屈不挠

    Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.


No.481 直面痛苦,战胜痛苦




  1. Life has taught me the depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success.


  2. This might be your current circumstances, but this will not be how the story ends.



  1. outlast /ˌaʊtˈlɑːst/

    v. 比...活得长; 比...持久

    These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms.


No.482 可以接受失败,但永不言弃




  1. Because when you fail, you get up. And then you fail and then you get up and that keeps you going.


No.483 致每一位女性




  1. stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/

    adj. 极好的;令人震惊的

    She was 55 and still a stunning woman.


    He resigned last night after a stunning defeat in Sunday's vote.


No.484 沉淀自我,看清内心




  1. Mentorship and personal coaching is only for those seeking the very next level. It is for peak performers.


  2. With the right kind of coaching and determination, you can accomplish anything.



  1. mentorship /ˈmentəʃɪp/

    n. 导师制,辅导教师;师徒制

  2. coaching /ˈkəʊtʃɪŋ/

    n. 辅导;教练技术

  3. peak /piːk/

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

    adj. 最高的;最大值的

  4. accomplish /əˈkʌmplɪʃ/

    v. 完成;实现;达到

No.485 生活很难,别辜负自己




  1. You from the future is telling you thank you.



  1. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/

    n. 一致性,连贯性

    She has played with great consistency all season.


No.486 你听见了吗 未来的你在说谢谢




  1. In life you are always learning.



  1. vision /ˈvɪʒn/

    n. 视力;美景;

    Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.


No.487 一无所知的世界 走下去才有惊喜




  1. When the world turns it's back on you, you turn your back on the world.


  2. Your only limit is your soul.


  3. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, that's why it is called present.


No.488 旅程没有尽头,冒险永不结束




  1. Take quitting out of your vocabulary.


  2. Cry if you must, rest if you must, but the worst thing you can do is quit.


  3. Be no conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


No.489 生命存在与变化之中




  1. Change is in creation, it's a part of life.


  2. Never make a permanent problem in a temporary problem.


No.490 痛苦的尽头是什么?




  1. Don't cry to get up, cry to get going.


  2. Pain is temporary.



  1. affirm /əˈfɜːrm/

    v. 肯定;断言

  2. subside /səbˈsaɪd/

    vi. 平息;减弱;

  3. grind /ɡraɪnd/

    v. 磨碎;折磨

  4. overwhelmed /,ovɚ'wɛlmd/

    adj. 被压倒的,被淹没的;

No.491 前途玫瑰 来日方长




  1. If you stay here, you'll be discouraged.


  2. If there is anything that is going to keep you from being productive and successful in your life,it is 100% because of negative slef-talk.


No.492 失望不过是人生的匆匆一瞥




  1. Bitterness can keep you from your destiny.


No.493 任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径




  1. To do anything really well, you have to overextend yourself.


  2. Champions keep playing until they get it right.


No.494 行动起来!




  1. If you can believe it, you can achieve it.


  2. Self-discipline is the center of all material success.


  3. You cannot win the war against the world if you can’t win the war against your own mind.


No.495 永不言弃是最好的态度




  1. Your problem is your pain has identified you. Your pain has weakened you. You have a choice how you respond your pain.


  2. When life stagger you, the thing that will get you on your knees, and get you standing in the center of the ring, and find something from somewhere deep down in, to keep on slugging and keep on fighting is,it’s possible.



  1. stagger /ˈstæɡə(r)/

    t. 蹒跚;使交错;使犹豫

    vi. 蹒跚;犹豫

    n. 蹒跚;交错安排

    adj. 交错的;错开的

  2. slugging /ˈslʌɡɪŋ/

    n. 重击;缓涌;填料焊接

    v. 猛击;装上子弹;激战(slug的ing形式)

No.496 伤心时千万别气馁




  1. Whatever experience you’re having right now, it has not come to stay, it has come to pass.


  2. Sometimes you have to just back up and go within yourself, and pray and meditate, and recharge your batteries. Go away, clear your head.


  3. But if you wanna begin to move into your own personal greatness, you’ve got to be willing to go against the tide, you’ve got to be willing to harness your will.



  1. meditate /ˈmedɪteɪt/

    vi. 冥想;沉思

    vt. 考虑;计划;企图

  2. recharge /ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ/

    vt. 再充电;再袭击;再控告

    n. 再袭击;再装填

    vi. 再袭击

  3. harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/

    v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;

    n. 马具;背带,吊带

No.497 昨日黯淡无法掩盖今日光辉




  1. You are too concerned on what was and what will be. There is a saying yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.


  2. The more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be.


  3. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.



  1. exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənl/

    adj. 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的

    n. 超常的学生

No.498 专注于你的梦想




  1. You can't make millions of dollars if you don't make a million sacrifices.


  2. It is in practicing, it is in eating right, it is in making good decisions that you look a certain way.


No.499 没人能阻止你成为优秀的人




  1. I was created to be great, I was created to do great things.


  2. And when you embrace the grind, the grind will reward you.



  1. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    vt. 拥抱;欣然采纳;信奉;包含

    vi. 拥抱 n. 拥抱;采纳

  2. grind /ɡraɪnd/

    vt. 磨碎;磨快

    vi. 磨碎;折磨

    n. 磨;苦工作

  3. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

    vt. 奖励;奖赏

No.500 向不看好的人证明自己




  1. I’m taking things to the next level. You keep gossiping and I’ll keep working. You keep talking smack and I’ll keep working. You keep focusing on everything and everyone else and I’ll keep working.


  2. The best revenge is massive success.


  3. The last chapter to my life has not been written yet. If you judge me now, you’ll judge me prematurely. I haven’t exposed all my stuff yet.



  1. gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/

    n. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人

    vi. 闲聊;传播流言蜚语

  2. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

  3. prematurely /ˌpreməˈtʃʊəli/

    adv. 过早地;早熟地

No.501 永远热爱,永远向前




  1. A person with passion always stands out.


  2. Once you have passion and a sense of energy in your life, it distinguishes you.



  1. stand out


  2. distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/

    vt. 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出

    vi. 区别,区分;辨别

No.502 别让你的人生受人摆布




  1. Don’t believe everything that you’re told and don’t follow the path just because it’s there.


  2. Get up and wake up and be conscious of what is creeping into your mind.



  1. conscious ` /ˈkɒnʃəs/

    adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的

  2. creep /kriːp/

    vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩

    n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者;非玩家控制的小兵(游戏术语)

No.503 每一天都是新的一天1.




  1. That’s opportunity knocking at your door. When you open up, let it in. It all depends on you.


  2. Make sure you keep your mindset focused on their goal.


No.504 听从内心行事




  1. The one who is hungry to reach the top will always get there before the talented guy.


  2. In the end, the one who is more dedicated to reach the top will win.


  3. Keep going with massive action, and you will find the way, because it will give you momentum.



  1. dedicated ` /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/

adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的

v. 以…奉献;把…用于(dedicate的过去式和过去分词)

  1. massive ` /ˈmæsɪv/

adj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

  1. momentum /məˈmentəm/

n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

No.505 别让懒惰主导你的生活




  1. But when the conditions ain’t right, you get smacked in the face.


  2. Execution is worshiped.


  3. Greatness is in you.



  1. smack /smæk/

    v. 掌掴,打;使劲放、扔、摔;

    n. 掌掴;(打的)一击,一拳;啪(砰)的一声;

    adv. 恰好地,不偏不倚地;猛然地

  2. execution /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn/

    n. 执行,实行;完成;死刑

  3. worship ` /ˈwɜːʃɪp/

    n. 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬

    vt. 敬奉;崇拜;宠爱;崇尚

    vi. 做礼拜;拜神

No.506 敢想敢做,不惧黑暗




  1. I learned that the real world, when you get to a certain age, doesn’t reward those kin d of statements.


  2. We to a great extent behave, think, react because of some previous experience that we had.


  3. The real challenge of growth mentally, emotionally, and spiritually comes when you get knocked down.



  1. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

    vt. 奖励;奖赏

  2. previous /ˈpriːviəs/

    adj. 以前的;早先的;过早的

    adv. 在先;在…以前

  3. mentally /ˈmentəli/

    adv. 精神上,智力上;心理上

  4. knocked down


  5. to a great extent


No.507 态度是成功的重要因素




  1. At first, it's infinite, we've yet to be taught to limit, because limits aren't things they are ideas.



  1. ether /ˈiːθə(r)/

    n. 乙醚;[有化] 以太;苍天

  2. illusional /i'lu:ʒənəl/

    adj. 错觉的;幻影的

No.508 成功不是嘴上说说那么简单




  1. Success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired. It just knows if you showed up or not.


No.509 灵光一现+专注=成功




  1. On the road to your destiny, halfway through, every person will be tempted to give up. Some turn around and go back, the others stay committed and keep moving forward. What is interesting is both people travel the same distance. One goes half way back to where they started, the other goes halfway ahead and reach their goal.



  1. fulfilment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/

    n. 实现;成就

  2. Outlast /ˌaʊtˈlɑːst/

    vt. 比…长久;从…中逃生

No.510 敢于追梦才能吸引梦想




  1. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living, which is fantastic. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune, which is super fantastic.


  2. Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person. Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract by the person you become by becoming an attractive person.


  3. So believe in you, block out the shade and let your sun shine on through cause it's on you to be you.



  1. momentum /məˈmentəm/

    n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力

No.511 成功就是滴水穿石




  1. intentional /ɪnˈtenʃənl/ adj. 故意的;蓄意的;策划的

No.512 行动是走向成功的开始




  1. I am excited about your future. Because your darkness is about to be your development. 我对你的未来感到兴奋,因为黎明前的黑暗昭示着你前进的方向。


  1. march /mɑːtʃ/ vi. (坚定地向某地)前进;行军,进军;游行示威;进展,进行 vt. 使前进;使行军 n. 行进,前进;行军;游行示威;进行曲

No.513 坚持向前走,才能到达顶端




  1. One, acknowledging the fear, knowing it's alright. Some fear is healthy. Beginning to know that your dreams, you passions, you drive to achieve whatever it is you want, as it has more power and meaning, it will move you past your fears. As you begin to feel that you deserve it, your passion and goal is so strong. The fears won't matter. 首先,要认可恐惧的存在,了解恐惧的存在是正常的。有些恐惧的存在是健康的。开始了解为了实现你想要的一切,你的梦想,你的激情,你的动力会因此变得更有力量,更有意义,这会让你克服恐惧。当开始觉得这是你能做到的,你的激情和目标会变得如此强烈,恐惧变得一点也不重要。


  1. crop /krɒp/ n. 产量;农作物;庄稼;平头 vt. 种植;收割;修剪;剪短 vi. 收获
  2. creep /kriːp/ vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩 n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者
  3. wrestle ` /ˈresl/ v. 摔跤;使劲搬动;斗争;奋力对付 n. 摔跤;搏斗

No.514 见贤思齐焉




  1. Birds of a feather flock together. You run around with losers, you will end up a loser, unconsciously. 人以群分,物以类聚。与失败者一起奔跑,你就会在潜移默化中,最终成为失败者。
  2. birds of a feather flock together】是一个固定表达噢~


  1. flock /flɒk/ n. 群;棉束(等于floc) vt. 用棉束填满 vi. 聚集;成群而行
  2. cynical /ˈsɪnɪkl/ adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的
  3. flop /flɒp/ v. 沉重下坠,笨拙移动;扑通坐下;(非正式)(在指定地点)休息,睡觉;彻底失败,演砸 n. 彻底失败,不成功

No.515 你有多努力就有多幸运




  1. The more bold and courageous you are, the more bold and courageous you'll be in the future. The more confident you are today, the more confident you'll be in the future. The more you overcome yesterday's struggles today, the more you'll be able to overcome the bigger struggles tomorrow. 你今天越无畏勇敢,那你在未来也会更加无畏勇敢。你今天越自信,那你在未来也会越有信心。你今天能克服过的困难,那你未来能克服更大的困难。


  1. bail /beɪl/ n. 保释,保释人;保释金;杓 vt. 保释,帮助某人脱离困境;往外舀水

  2. resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/

    n. 恢复力;弹力;顺应力

  3. March on


No.516 你的努力要配得上你的野心




  1. If you want to be successful, it all starts with a growth mindset. 如果你想要成功,这一切都始于成长的心态。
  2. Persistence is helpful because it enables you to run many, many experiments. 坚持是个好东西,它能让你不断尝试。
  3. But when you are no longer willing to tolerate something, that's when your life changes. 不过当你不再愿意容忍下去时,就是你人生改变之日。


  1. evolutionary /ˌevəˈluːʃəneri/ adj. 进化的;发展的;渐进的
  2. psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ n. 心理学;心理状态
  3. baseline /ˈbeɪslaɪn/ n. 基线;底线
  4. tolerate /ˈtɒləreɪt/ vt. 忍受;默许;宽恕

No.517 还要用虚假的志向哄骗自己吗




  1. what would happen if you just stopped wasting the opportunities that are in front of you. 如果你不再浪费眼前的机会,生活会发生什么变化?


  1. in proportion to 与…成比例,与…相称

No.518 人生总有起伏,但向上才是主流




  1. We cannot deny the forces that once we attain a certain level of pleasure, then we're gonna get used to it, but if it gets, you know, redirected or it doesn't happen the way we want, well, that's when the suffering comes. 我们无法否认有些力量,一旦我们获得某种程度的欢愉之后,我们就会习以为常,但是如果事情朝着相反的方向发展,并非我们所愿,我们就会感到痛苦。
  2. Where is there happiness. Well, happiness is found within the heart or found within the whole world, everything and nothing. 快乐在哪里?快乐在内心深处,快乐在整个世界,存在于一切之中,又似乎触摸不到。

No.519 不言弃,是胜利的第一步




  1. sometimes a setback is a set-up for the greatest blessings of all times. 有时候,挫折是有史以来最大的祝福的序章。
  2. Only surrender is defeat. Only quitting is the end. So fight on. 只有屈服的人才是败者。只有放弃才是终点。所以继续战斗吧。


  1. spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/ n. 螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物 adj. 螺旋形的;盘旋的 vt. 使成螺旋形;使作螺旋形上升

No.520 克服焦虑,潜心前行




  1. I could say one thing that was uncool or accidentally offensive and then cringe for days, playing it over and over in my head. 我可能因为说了一件不是很酷,也无意冒犯的事情,却让自己因此畏缩好几天,在我脑子里一遍遍不停地回想。
  2. I would see a graph in my head, plotting time against catastrophe. 我可以在我脑海中看到一张关于时间和社交灾难的图表。
  3. Failure is progress, and rejection is the means to finding your people. 失败是过程,拒绝是找到合拍的人的方法。


  1. accidentally /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/ adv. 意外地;偶然地
  2. offensive /əˈfensɪv/ adj. 攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的
  3. cringe /krɪndʒ/ v. 畏缩;奉承;阿谀
  4. catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/ n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败


No.521 唯有自信,才有可能




  1. I say self-discipline is winning the daily internal battles that should be won. 我说自律是赢得日常内部斗争的胜利,应该赢得胜利。
  2. And the only way to see and be the change we so desperately desire, it's supposed to make alterations to our lives. 唯一能看到和成为我们渴望的改变的方法,它应该改变我们的生活。


  1. self-discipline /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n. 自律;自我修养;自我训练
  2. internal /ɪnˈtɜːnl/ adj. 内部的;体内的;(机构)内部的;国内的;
  3. desperately /ˈdespərətli/ adv. 拼命地;绝望地;极度地
  4. alteration /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃn/ n. 修改,改变;变更
  5. jubilation /ˌdʒuːbɪˈleɪʃn/ n. 喜欢;庆祝;欢呼

No.522 生命,就是永不停歇的历险




  1. The only thing that matters is that you actually do. You can't count the cost. When you want something bad, you can't count the cost. Because if you count the cost, and you see how much it costs, you might quit, you might give up. So you gotta go in knowing that I don't count the cost. 唯一重要的是你真正的行动。不要去计较得失。当你做事情的时候,不能计较得失。因为你一旦计较得失,考虑损失,你可能会退出,你可能会放弃。所以你得告诉自己,凡事不要计较得失。


  1. scalp /skælp/
    n. 头皮;战利品 vt. 剥头皮 vi. 剥头皮
  2. crush /krʌʃ/
    v. 压坏,压扁;将……塞进(狭小的空间内);压碎;(使)变皱;镇压; 毁坏(某人的信心或幸福);征服(反抗或叛乱);使(某人)极度失望 n. 拥挤的人群;迷恋;果汁饮料;(不大熟识的)热恋的对象;暗恋;猛兽隔离区
  3. Laurel ` /ˈlɒrəl/ n. 桂冠,殊荣;月桂树 vt. 授予荣誉,使戴桂冠
  4. Rest on my laurels 这个词组表达很有意思哦~

No.523 轻松懒散不是通往成功的路径




  1. If you are not consistently congruent, if you are not consistently contributing each day,then of course you are not gonna be happy with yourself. 如果你不能始终如一,如果你不能坚持每天都在付出,那么当然你不会对自己满意。


  1. binary /ˈbaɪnəri/ adj. [数] 二进制的;二元的,二态的
  2. doughnut /ˈdəʊnʌt/ n. 甜甜圈
  3. pathetic /pəˈθetɪk/ adj. 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的, 牵强的
  4. congruent /ˈkɒŋɡruənt/ adj. 适合的,一致的;全等的;和谐的
  5. validate /ˈvælɪdeɪt/ vt. 证实,验证;确认;使生效


No.524 放弃不难,但坚持一定很酷




  1. What the relentless system does. It's a mindset. Before you have an exceptional skillset, okay,you have to have the right mindset. 何为不屈不挠?这是一种心态。在你拥有过人技能之前,好吧,你必须有正确的心态。
  2. The fighter jet mentality is,it's someone who is just determined, relentlessly obsessed in achieving an outcome in the face of all adversity. 战斗机的精神就是指那些有着坚定信心的人,为了实现目标,面对一切逆境仍坚定信心,仍不屈不挠的坚持着。
  3. I don't want to have to say I wish I would have done more. 我不想抱有遗憾地说,我本能奋斗的更多。


  1. Relentless /rɪˈlentləs/ adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的
  2. Exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ adj. 异常的,例外的;杰出的;优秀的;卓越的
  3. Mindset /ˈmaɪndset/ n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态
  4. Adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/ n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸


No.525 既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程




  1. innovate /ˈɪnəveɪt/ vi. 创新;改革;革新 vt. 改变;创立;创始;引人
  2. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/ vt. 实行;执行;处死
  3. gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/ n. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人 vi. 闲聊;传播流言蜚语
  4. dominance /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ n. 优势;统治;支配
  5. lane /leɪn/ n. 小巷;[][水运] 航线;车道;罚球区

No.526 坚持下去!赢过与生活的斗争




  1. The dream is not just going to sit there and wait for you to come and get it. You got to chase it like a man possessed 梦想不可能原地不动地坐等着你来实现,你要像着了魔一样去追它。


  1. possessed /pəˈzest/ v. 拥有;具有(特质);持有;支配;(使)言行失常;缠住;(使)保持耐心(或平静)(possess 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 着了魔的;拥有的;镇定的
  2. adrenaline /əˈdrenəlɪn/ n. [生化] 肾上腺素
  3. Lay down 放下;制定;铺设;主张

No.527 难行能行,胜利就在拐角




  1. Maybe being weary doesn't mean you're weak. 也许感到疲惫不代表你软弱。
  2. As you go through the challenges of life, and you look at it, and embrace whatever comes to you, don't run from it, step toward it. 当你经历生活的挑战时,你看着它,拥抱你的一切,不要逃避,向前迈进。


  1. bail out 跳伞;保释;放弃,退出;舀出;帮助......摆脱困境
  2. hoop /huːp/ n. 箍;铁环;呼呼声 vt. 加箍于;包围 vi. 发呼呼声

No.528 成功,就在每一个当下




  1. Success is a daily thing, not a destination thing. 成功是日积月累的事情,而不是终点的事情。
  2. The secret of success if determined by your daily agenda. 成功的秘诀就是,成功是由你每天的计划安排所决定的。
  3. Whatever you really want, wants don't get met consistently. Standards do. 不管你真正想要的是什么,你想要的,都无法一直满足你,只有标准,才会一以贯之。
  4. The more likely you are going to string those days of efficient actions together, the more likely it will be that you can set up your own success. 你越有可能把那些日子串起来,共同采取有效行动,你越有可能走向自己的成功。


  1. devalue /ˌdiːˈvæljuː/ vt. 使贬值;降低…的价值 vi. 贬值
  2. cardio /ˈkɑːdiəʊ/ n. 有氧运动 pref. 表示心(前缀)
  3. string /strɪŋ/ n. 线,弦,细绳;一串,一行 vt. 悬挂;系;扎;用线(或细绳等)串,把……连在一起
  4. set up v. 建立;装配;开业;竖立

No.529 专注自己,专注当下




  1. Don't get so caught up giving some job 30,40,50,60 hours of your day that you don't have anytime left for yourself. 不要急着为别人工作,耗费每天30,40,50,60小时, 一点专注于自己的时间都没有。
  2. Everybody wants to prize, but nobody loves the process. Everybody wants to be a champion, but nobody is willing to put in the work that it takes to be a champion. 每个人都想去的荣誉,但没有人喜欢奋斗的过程。每个人都想成为冠军,但没有人愿意付出成为冠军所需的努力。


  1. trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ n. 奖品;战利品;纪念品 vt. 用战利品装饰 adj. 显示身份的;有威望的
  2. crap /kræp/ n. 废话;废物
  3. Once and for all一劳永逸地;彻底地;最后一次

No.530 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎




  1. You got to take the stairs. The elevator don't go to the top man, not in the world of success. You gotta take the stairs. 你得一步一步脚踏实地地去攀登。成功的世界里没有捷径,你得脚踏实地地去攀登。
  2. You wanna know when the time is right1. The time is right now. 你想知道什么时候才是最好的时机吗?最好的时机就是此刻。


  1. procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 耽搁,拖延;拖延症
  2. gritty /ˈɡrɪti/ adj. 坚韧不拔的;有砂砾的;多沙的;像砂的
  3. Slip by飞掠而过

No.531 每天说一句,我可以




  1. I don't care about the fact I'm in a hole now. Doesn't matter about where I am. The last chapter of my life has not been written yet, if you judge me now, you'll judge me prematurely. I'm still in the process of transforming my life. I'm still in the process of becoming. 我不在意现在身处深渊的处境。我不在意我现在所在的位置。我的人生终章仍未完待续。如果你现在就评价我,未免为时过早。我还在不断改写我的人生篇章,我还在不断蜕变。


  1. stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/ n. 耐力,持久力,毅力;雄蕊(stamen 的复数)
  2. creep /kriːp/ vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩
  3. Knack down击倒;拆卸
  4. Knack out敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭

No.532 清晰的人生才有实在的梦想




  1. Cause I think right now you are walking through a valley between two voices. One is wisdom, one is worry. One is gratitude, one is crumbling. One is blame, one is faith. 因为我认为,现在你似乎正在穿过一个有两种声音的山谷。一边是智慧,另一边是焦虑。一边是感激,另一边是崩溃。一边是责备,另一边是信念。
  2. Success is something you attract, not something you pursue. Success is looking for a good place to stay. So instead of going after it, you work on yourself personal development. 成功是你吸引过来的,而不是你去追求的。成功只是在找一个好的落脚点,所以,与其去追逐,不如专注于个人的发展。
  3. Treat people like you want to be treated. 己所不欲勿施于人。


  1. evolution /ˌevəˈluːʃn/ n. 演变;进化论;进展
  2. crumble /ˈkrʌmbl/ vi. 崩溃;破碎,粉碎 vt. 崩溃;弄碎,粉碎 n. 面包屑
  3. due /djuː/ adj. 由于;到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的;恰当的,适当的 n. 应付款;应得之物

No.533 新的一天从改变开始




  1. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 生活中的10%是发生在你身上的事,90%是你如何去应对它。
  2. It took the same adversity and used it as a lever to bring something beautiful into existence. 它把同样的逆境当作杠杆,带来了美好的事物。


  1. approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ v. 走进;与……接洽;处理;临近,逐渐接近(某时间或事件);几乎达到(某水平或状态) n.待人接物或思考问题的)方式,方法;态度(距离和时间上的)靠近,接近; 通路;路径;道路
  2. by default 缺席;不到场;默认情况下

No.534 走出舒适区,让自己变得更强大




  1. Champions keep going when they don't have anything left in their tank. 强者在弹尽粮绝时依然会继续拼搏。
  2. If you are not willing to understand the principles and the possibilities that you have within yourself, then everything that you are thriving for, everything that you are hungry for will soon come to an end. 如果你不愿意去理解自己内心的原则与可能,那么你为之奋斗的一切,渴望的一切,都必将终结


  1. grind /ɡraɪnd/ vt. 磨碎;磨快 vi. 磨碎;折磨


  1. grind down (长时间)虐待,欺压,折磨(某人) Don't let them grind you down. 别让他们欺压你。
  2. grind on 令人厌烦地继续下去 The argument ground on for almost two years. 这场争论拖拖拉拉持续了近两年。
  3. thrive /θraɪv/ vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长

No.535 半山腰太挤,要去山顶看看




  1. And what keeps you from getting to that spot, is your inability to recognize that you are in control of that last 25%. 那些让你远离那个位置的东西,那就是你无法意识最后的那一段路程是由你控制的。
  2. What we're talking about here is you making sure that you leave your workspace spotless. 我们在这里讲的就是你让你的办公位置一尘不染。


  1. inability /ˌɪnəˈbɪləti/ n. 无能力;无才能
  2. recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ v. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏
  3. workspace /ˈwɜːkspeɪs/ n. 工作空间
  4. spotless /ˈspɒtləs/ adj. 无可挑剔的;无瑕疵的;纯洁的

No.536 你的对手其实是你自己👊




  1. People have this recurring nightmare, that there's something, some force that's got a hold of them and it's holding them1. down, and they can't break free. 人们总会有这样的噩梦,有某种力量,某种力量在拽着他们,向他们施压,他们无法挣脱。
  2. It's much easier and much more gratifying to your basis desires to blame someone else for your misery. 这显然更简单,更能令人满意,相较于你那卑鄙的欲望,将自己的悲惨责怪到他人身上。


  1. recurring /rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ/ adj. 循环的;再发的
  2. nightmare /ˈnaɪtmeə(r)/ n. 恶梦,噩梦;梦魇般的经历
  3. gratifying /ˈɡrætɪfaɪɪŋ/ adj. 悦人的;令人满足的;心满意足的
  4. blame /bleɪm/ vt. 责备;归咎于

No.537 带着信仰的翅膀,翱翔于天际




  1. Success is a war over the invisible, it's having the faith and vision to see what could be, can be and will be. 成功是一场肉眼看不见的战争,它要求你拥有信仰和愿景,去看见你可以变成的模样。
  2. The language of those who are truly alive soaring on wings of faith. 那些真正活着的人的话语,带着信仰的翅膀翱翔于天际。

No.538 愿一切努力终有收获1.




  1. They are in a bigger hurry to get to their destination. 他们更急于达到自己的目的。
  2. Time and focus are the most two valuable tools we have as people. 时间和专注是我们作为人最有价值的两件工具。
  3. You can be whatever you want to be as long as you want it bad enough. 你可以成为任何你想成为的人,只要你想。

No.539 勇气是迈向成功的第一步




  1. When you find the courage, you walk out your front door, and realize darkness is not a permanent state,but the absence of light. 当你鼓起勇气,走出阴霾,就会意识到黑暗不是永恒的, 失去光明才是真正的失去了希望。
  2. Courage, is deciding that watching life through a window is no longer sufficient. 勇气,就是认为仅仅透过窗户来观察生活是远远不够的。
  3. This world has see empires rise and fall. It's brought in the new cleansed itself of the old, and chapter by chapter the present becomes the past, culminating into laws by which we operate. 这个世界见证了历代帝国的兴衰,除旧布新,一个又一个时代成为过去,最终形成了我们赖以生存的法则。


  1. ablaze /əˈbleɪz/ adj. 着火的,猛火燃烧;闪耀的,光亮的;激昂的,愤怒的
  2. alter /ˈɔːltə(r)/ vt. 改变,更改 vi. 改变;修改
  3. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 苦难;磨难;忧患
  4. At the expense of 以…为代价;由…支付费用

No.540 向着梦想与信念进发1.




  1. The most important conversation you will ever have in your life is the one you have with yourself. It is about you. It's strictly about you finding who you are. 一生中重要的对话是与自己的对话。这对话只关于你,对话的本质在于探索自己。
  2. Make it ok to fail. 失败并不可怕。

No.541 逐梦路上你不是独身一人




  1. I'm going to find a way or I'm going to create a way. 下定决心找到出路,或者创造方法。
  2. You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life. 你自己才是通往理想生活道路上的唯一阻碍。
  3. Where does self-confidence come from1. And this is the best advice I can give to you on that. Not neglecting first of all the small daily disciplines. Self-confidence really comes from feeling good about yourself. And one of the best way to feel good about yourself is at the end of the day to know that you poured it on, you did your best. 自信从何而来?这是我能在这个问题上给你最好的回答。首先,不要忽视日常的小自律,自信真的来自于良好的自我感觉。而让自我感觉良好的最好方法之一就是在每天快要结束的时候,了解自己全力以赴了,你尽全力了。


  1. dude /duːd/ n. 男人,小伙子(非正式)
  2. dominion /dəˈmɪnjən/ n. 主权,统治权;支配;领土

No.542 如何让你的内心强大起来




  1. As Robert Louis Stevenson said, don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but rather by the seeds you plant. 正如罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文斯所说,不要以收获多少来评判每天的得失,而是要看这一天你撒下多少种子。
  2. You cannot win the war against the world, if you can't win the war against you own mind. 如果你不能战胜自己的思想的话,你就不可能赢得与世界的较量。


  1. valedictorian /ˌvælɪdɪkˈtɔːriən/ (毕业典礼上)致告别辞的最优生
  2. conform /kənˈfɔːm/ vi. 符合;遵照;适应环境

No.543 艰难困苦,玉汝于成




  1. Ships are built for sailing, houses are built for living and man, too, was built for purpose. 船只为航行而造,房屋为居住而建,人类也为某个目的而生。
  2. People today complain of lack of time. It's not lack of time. That's the problem. It is lack of direction. 现在的人们抱怨没有时间,但停滞不前的原因不是没有时间,真正的问题在于没有奋斗方向。


  1. endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ vt. 赋予;捐赠;天生具有
  2. downturn /ˈdaʊntɜːn/ n. 衰退(经济方面);低迷时期
  3. hijack /ˈhaɪdʒæk/ vt. 抢劫;揩油 vi. 拦路抢劫 n. 劫持;威逼;敲诈

No.544 专注,专注才能成功




  1. In order to have unbelievable options and choices in your life, in your pursuit of your dream, you must eliminate them. You must shrink your focus down to one thing, one business, one focus at one time and master it and get great at it for an extended period of time. 如果你想在人生路上拥有选择梦想的权利,追梦路上,你必须摒除杂念。 你必须让自己专注于一件事,专时专用,而后在一段时间内把这件事做好。
  2. The combination of desperation and hunger with laser focus over an extended period of time is the formula to be great at something. 渴求的心态,坚强的意志,加上长时间的专注,就是成功的法门。


  1. eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ vt. 消除;排除
  2. snooze /snuːz/ n. 小睡;打盹儿 vi. 小睡;打盹 vt. 懒散地打发日子;打盹消磨

No.545 痛苦是梦想的磨刀石




  1. Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense. The key is what we do in our times of pain. Pain will change us. Every painful time, even though you don't like it, it's developing something in you that can only be developed in the tough times. 有时候我们会关注生命中某些没有意义的时刻,关键在于,痛苦的时候应该怎么做。痛苦会改变我们。每一次痛苦,尽管你讨厌这种经历,但它会给你带来收获,那是只有经历过艰难才能拥有的收获。


  1. adjustable /əˈdʒʌstəbl/ adj. 可调节的
  2. flexible /ˈfleksəbl/ adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的

No.546 天行健,君子以自强不息




  1. There may be people who have more talent than you but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do. 可能有人比你更有天赋,但是任何人都没有理由比你更努力。
  2. Everybody's got lions on their profiles. Everybody talks positive about themselves. Everybody talks like you're a beast. You dress like you're a beast. But then when it's time to do what a beast do, you back up. You gotta get up and make it happen. I can. I will. I must. 每个人都有雄心壮志,每个人都夸夸其谈,每个人都说你很牛,你看起来也很厉害的样子。但是到了看真本事的时候,你却退缩了。你必须抬头挺胸站起来,努力实现它。我可以的。我会的。我必须做到。


  1. profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面;简况 vt. 描…的轮廓;扼要描述 vi. 给出轮廓
  2. intangible /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/ adj. 无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的
  3. Cave in 塌落;认输

No.547 励志|| 做梦想最坚定的追随者




  1. Your gift will make room for you, stop trying to be something you ain't gifted at. 你的天赋会给你上升的空间,不要再尝试做那些你不擅长的事情。
  2. There is no elevator to the top, you've got to take the stairs. 没有一步登顶的电梯,你得爬楼梯。


  1. psychological /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ adj. 心理的;心理学的;精神上的
  2. retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ n. 撤退;休息寓所 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾
  3. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/ vt. 忍耐;容忍

No.548 改变没有时间限制,随时可以开始




  1. The sunrise over Carolina lakes illuminates all. That makes life great and legends they run their own race and they have their own fate to grasp with new worlds and no maps. 太阳升起来了,卡罗莱纳湖的一切都普照在阳光下,生活变得更美好了。传奇人士有自己的赛道,他们只能靠自己去掌握没有地图的新世界的命运。
  2. Here's to tomorrow, to the growth, the loss, the ups and downs and yeah, even occasional sorrows with grand plans. You're sketching the universe free hand and you'll figure it out, because that's what you've always been about and today's the beginning of something incredible, a pursuit never-ending, a trip unforgettable. You'll soon reminisce of the places you've been, ups, downs and the live you lived. 这是为明天,为了失去,成长,为了快乐和忧伤,是的,即使偶尔为宏伟计划而悲伤,你也是在自由地描绘宇宙,你会明白的,因为你一直都是这样的人。今天就是一个不可思议的开始,一场永无止尽地追求,一段难忘的旅行,你很快就会回忆起你曾经去过的地方,那些快乐忧伤,还有你曾经的生活。


  1. grenade /ɡrəˈneɪd/ n. 手榴弹;灭火弹 vt. 扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击
  2. one-liner /ˌwʌn ˈlaɪnə(r)/ n. (非正式)俏皮话;准确的描述
  3. illuminate /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ vt. 阐明,说明;照亮;使灿烂;用灯装饰 vi. 照亮
  4. reminisce /ˌremɪˈnɪs/ vt. 追忆说 vi. 回忆

No.549 与同频的人一起同行




  1. People who want the best for you want you to be your best. 为你着想的人也会希望你成为最好的自己。
  2. So my greatest advice to you is to surround yourself with people who're going to fill your cup until your cup runneth over. 所以我给你最好的建议就是,与那些能让你感到精神富足的人在一起,直到你感到满溢的精神。


  1. mindset /ˈmaɪndset/ n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态
  2. a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆
  3. be accustomed to 习惯于

No.550 你想过的生活,得自己去争取




  1. It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed. It is the things we do not, 临终前,我们不会后悔一生中所做的,而是后悔没有做过的事情。
  2. We don't beat the Reaper by living longer. We beat the Reaper by living well, and living fully. 我们不是靠活得久来战胜死神。战胜死神最好的方式是要好好活着,充实地活着。
  3. As you are responsible for your life, and if you are sitting around waiting on somebody to save you, to fix you, to even help you, you are wasting your time, because only you have the power to take responsibility,to move your life forward. 因为你得对自己人生负责, 如果你只是坐着空等着别人来拯救你,治愈你,甚至帮助你,你就是在浪费时间,因为只有你有能力承担责任,推着生活向前。
  4. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this earth. Life is fleeting. And if you are ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky. When the stars are strung across the velvety night, and when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day, make a wish, and think of me. Make your life spectacular. 因为到最后,我们谁都不能在这世上活得长久。生命转瞬即逝。如果你曾苦恼过,把目光投向夏日的天空吧。当星星串在天鹅绒般的夜幕上,当一颗流星划破黑夜,将黑夜变成白天时,许个愿,想想我说的话。让你的人生辉煌绚丽吧。


  1. magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的
  2. assure /əˈʃʊr/ vt. 保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚
  3. dopey /ˈdəʊpi/ adj. 迟钝的;被麻醉的;呆笨的
  4. gear /ɡɪə(r)/ n. 齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置;排挡 vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作 vt. 开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好
  5. fleeting /ˈfliːtɪŋ/ adj. 飞逝的;转瞬间的
  6. Grim Reaper 持镰刀收割者(指死神)

No.551 现在就是最好的开始




  1. Life was not designed to give us what we need. Life was designed to give us what we deserve. Once you understand that little life principle in your own self-interest, I'm telling you it's life changing. 生活不是为了给我们所需,而是为了给我们应得的。听我说,一旦你从自身利益出发来了解这个小小的生活准则,那你的生活就会发生改变。
  2. If you plant, you will reap. If you sow, you will reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,一分耕耘,一分收获。
  3. There's always two pains in life. There's pain of discipline or is the pain of regret. 人生有两种苦,自律的苦和遗憾的苦。


  1. hang in 坚持
  2. momentum /məˈmentəm/ n. 推进力;动力;势头 常用搭配: gather/gain momentum
  3. ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ n. 仪式;惯例;礼制 adj. 仪式的;例行的;礼节性的

No.552 借口不会让生活变得更好




  1. Character, is the ability to carry out a resolution long after the excitement of the moment had passed. 品质,就是在激情退却之后,仍然坚持到底的能力。
  2. It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric. It is time from being counted out to being counted on. 是时候从平庸变成流星,是时候从被冷落变成被人依靠了。
  3. The only thing that you can always, always 100% of the time control is the amount of effort that you put into each attempt. 你唯一能一直100%掌控的事就是你每次全力以赴的努力。


  1. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/ n. 捷径
  2. gut /ɡʌt/ n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠 vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部 adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的
  3. mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈəʊkə(r)/ adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的
  4. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/ vt. 实行;执行;处死
  5. count out 不把某人算入;不包括
  6. count on 依赖,依靠,指望(某人做某事);确信(某事会发生)

No.553 朝着心中的大海进发吧




  1. As we go through life, one challenge we all have to face is with weariness. 在我们的一生中,我们有一个都必须面对的挑战就是倦怠。
  2. But the mark they leave can be the mark of victory or it can be the mark of defeat. 但是它们留下的印记,也可以是胜利的标识或失败的象征。
  3. It is staying with the breaking that produces the blessing. 只有与破裂同在,你才会得到祝福。
  4. You cannot grow without struggle. You cannot develop strength without resistance,without challenging yourself, without struggle 一分耕耘一分收获。若无阻力,何来力量,若无挑战,何来成长。
  5. What is important is that you don't let yourself down. Have inner integrity. If you tell yourself to do something, do it. 重要是,不要让自己失望。要保持内心正直。如果你告诉自己你要做一件事,那就去做.


  1. weary /ˈwɪəri/ adj. 疲倦的;厌烦的;令人厌烦的 vi. 疲倦;厌烦
  2. procrastinate /proʊ'kræst(ə)n.eɪt/ v.拖延;耽搁
  3. attach /əˈtætʃ/ vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋 vi. 附加;附属;伴随
  4. Circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ n. 环境;状况;境遇;
  5. petty /ˈpeti/ adj. 琐碎的;小气的;小规模的
  6. integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/ n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正
  7. set in vi. 开始;到来;流行

No.554 要过着令你骄傲的人生




  1. Because you have to judge a tree by the fruit it bears,not the fruit it talks about. 因为你要根据树所结的果实来判断一棵树,而不是谈论时所说的果实。
  2. Happiness doesn't come from big pieces of great success, but from small advantages that hammered out day by day. 幸福并不来自巨大的成功,而是来自日复一日累积的小优势。
  3. People are rewarded in public, for what they've practiced for years in private. 台上一分钟,台下十年功。
  4. All the little stuff, that's where success comes from。 所有小细节决定成败。


  1. Diversify /daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ/ v. 增加……的品种;扩大经营范围;从事多种经营;(使)多样化,不同;进行多种投资
  2. Wring /rɪŋ/ vt. 拧;绞;紧握;使痛苦;折磨 vi. 蠕动;扭动;感到痛苦;感到苦恼
  3. Soak /səʊk/ vt. 吸收,吸入;沉浸在(工作或学习中);使……上下湿透 vi. 浸泡;渗透
  4. Eager /ˈiːɡə(r)/ adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的
  5. Hammer /ˈhæmə(r)/ n. 锤子;链球;击锤;锤骨;音槌;沉重打击 v. 锤击;反复敲打;击球;轻松击溃;灌输;(非正式)严厉批评;(股票交易)宣布(某人或公司)无力偿债
  6. Deliberate /dɪˈlɪbərət/ adj. 故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的 vt. 仔细考虑;商议

No.555 当你选择了开始,就不要轻易放弃




  1. We just keep feeding ourselves with this toxic thinking, and literally what I have learned in these moments of anxiety is that I have to stop listening to myself and I have to talking to myself. 我们自身充斥着这些致命的想法,而我从这些焦虑时刻中学到的就是,我不能再听任我的内心,我必须与自己对话。
  2. You've got to find ways to increase your sense of self appreciation. Because if you don't, you're bombarded with negative stuff every day that beats you down. 你需要找到增加自我欣赏的方法,因为如果你不这样做,你会每天受到负面信息的狂轰乱炸,最终不堪重负而倒下。
  3. If you don't program yourself, life will program you. 如果你没有规划好自己的话,生活就会插手规划你。
  4. I love the sun, but things don't grow because of the sun. You have to have some rain and you've gotta stop looking at rain in your life as something bad. 我喜爱阳光,但是若每日晴空万里,事物是无法成长的.你需要经历一些风雨,而且你不能再将这些人生风雨当成坏事。
  5. 1My greatest moments didn't come from my greatest moments. My greatest moments come from my greatest defeats. Because it was during my defeat that I had to find a way to get back up.` 我人生的高光时刻并不是我获得成功的时刻,而是我遭受打击的时候。因为正是在我遭受打击的时候,我才找到了重新振作的方法。
  6. 1Life is 10% what happens to you, 90% how you react.` 人生的10%在于发生的事情,而90%在于你如何回应这些事情。


  1. devastation [ ,devə'steiʃən ] n. 毁坏,荒废
  2. rut /rʌt/ n. 车辙;刻板乏味的生活;惯例
  3. Bombard /bɒmˈbɑːd/ vt. 轰炸;炮击,大肆抨击;提供过多信息
  4. Wherewithal /'weəwɪðɔːl n. 必要的资金或手段
  5. Program /ˈprəʊɡræm/ n. 程序;计划;大纲 vt. 用程序指令;为…制订计划;为…安排节目
  6. Ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ vt. 点燃;使燃烧;使激动 vi. 点火;燃烧
  7. Quit /kwɪt/ vt. 离开;放弃;停止;使…解除 vi. 离开;辞职;停止

No.556 将每一天当成最后一天来过!




  1. The most simple concept you could ever learn to make your life instantly more magical is to treat whatever you are doing as the end. 要想让你的生活马上变得更有魔力,最简单的方法就是把你正在做的事情当成结局。
  2. Whatever you are doing, give it your fullest attention and presence, 100% of your soul. 不论你正在做什么,倾注你全部的注意力和存在感,百分百的灵魂。
  3. Making the most out of each moment, appreciating the wonder and miracles in each moment. 充分利用当下每一刻,欣赏每一刻的惊奇和奇迹。


  1. clarity /ˈklærəti/ n. 清楚,明晰;透明
  2. fog /fɒɡ/ n. 雾;烟雾,尘雾;迷惑 vt. 使模糊;使困惑;以雾笼罩 vi. 被雾笼罩;变模糊
  3. abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产的
  4. infuse /ɪnˈfjuːz/ vt. 灌输;使充满;浸渍 vi. (茶叶、草药等)被泡

No.557 所有的困难都会为努力让道!




  1. Whatever you don't use, you lose, lack of use causes loss. 无论什么东西,你不常用它,你就会失去它,东西不用就会造成损失。
  2. Now it's true that we all make mistakes and we will have many setbacks, but there is always room for a comeback. 事实上,我们都会犯错,我们会遇到许多挫折,但总有卷土重来的余地。
  3. Once you understand that every time you lose, it's an opportunity for you to not only learn that lesson, but take it a plus one step. 一旦你明白每次失败不仅仅是个从中吸取教训的机会,也是让你多走一步。


  1. tie /taɪ/ v. (用线、绳等)系;系牢,打结;连接,联合;约束;与……成平局,不分胜负;用连接线连接(音符) n. 领带;鞋带;领结;绳子,金属丝;关系,纽带;束缚;系梁;平局;不分胜负;(英)淘汰赛(尤指足球);延音线
  2. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的
  3. dysfunction /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn/ n. 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良 vi. 功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉

No.558 要珍惜光阴,时光不负有心人




  1. I need you to confront you because you are the one holding you up. 我需要你正视自己,因为你在拖自己的后腿。
  2. You know you should be further in life, but you keep letting you slide. 你知道自己本该生活的更好,但你却一直放任自流。
  3. I want you to challenge you this year to do something you have never done before, to have something you have never had before. 我希望今年你能够挑战自己,去做一些你从未做过的事情,去拥有一些你从未有过的东西。


  1. efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的
  2. chart /tʃɑːt/ n. 图表;海图;图纸;排行榜 vt. 绘制……的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划;记录;记述;跟踪(进展或发展)
  3. confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ vt. 面对;遭遇;比较
  4. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ vt. 耽搁,延迟 vi. 耽搁,延迟

No.559 想要成功,就得活得比别人努力




  1. Every day do something that moves you toward that goal, that keeps that goal alive and in sight and in focus. 每天努力一点点,离目标更近一点点,让目标持续闪亮,持续关注,持续专注。
  2. So many people have lost their day, and thus their week, and thus their month, and thus their year, and thus their whole life's agenda to distraction. 太多人浪费他们的一天,一个星期,一个月,甚至是一年,结果整个人生计划被打乱。
  3. However small or insignificant that step might seem, take it, do it, make it happen, because that goal isn't going to achieve itself. 无论看起来是多么渺少,多么微不足道的一步,迈出脚步,说做就做,实现它。


  1. envision /ɪnˈvɪʒn/ vt. 想象;预想
  2. unleash /ʌnˈliːʃ/ v. 发泄;(使)爆发;放开,解除束缚
  3. concrete /ˈkɒŋkriːt/ adj. 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的 vi. 凝结 vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑 n. 具体物;凝结物
  4. distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/ n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

No.560 当下的努力终将成就未来的成功




  1. If those bad memories come and you notice that an anxiety rises in your belly and chest, then the time is now to do something physically to expel it, to exorcise it. 如果不好的记忆来袭,你的内心充满了焦虑,那就通过运动的方式去排遣、缓解焦虑。
  2. Understand that you can't change what you have done wrong, but you can change your perception of it. 要知道你无法改变过去的错误,但可以改变你对错误的认知。
  3. If you willing to put in that sweat, that blood and those tears, I'm telling you that you can have what you want. 如果你愿意挥洒汗水和血泪,我告诉你你将会得到你想要的。


  1. reinforcement /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ n. 加固;增援;援军;加强
  2. expel /ɪkˈspel/ vt. 驱逐;开除
  3. belly /ˈbeli/ n. 腹部;胃;食欲 vi. 涨满;鼓起 vt. 使鼓起
  4. exorcise /ˈeksɔːsaɪz/ vt. 驱邪;除怪

No.561 梦想虽然很远,但也不是遥不可及




  1. All of us have things that we're believing for, something that we want to accomplish. Deep down we know it's a part of our destiny. 我们每个人都有坚信的事情,想要完成的事情,内心深处,我们觉得这是命运的一部分。
  2. The key to reach in your destiny is you have to remember your dream. 那通往命运的关键在于你要牢记你的梦想。
  3. I need you to believe in every possibility that you have and understand that it is not over for you. 你要相信一切皆有可能,你要知道你还有无限潜能。


  1. setback /ˈsetbæk/ n. 挫折;退步;逆流
  2. mediocrity /ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti/ n. 平庸之才;平常
  3. stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/ n. 耐力,持久力,毅力;雄蕊(stamen 的复数)

No.562 不要急于求成,要脚踏实地!




  1. When you are trying to avoid hard things, you are actively choosing to be average. 当你尝试想要逃避困难的事情时,你是在选择做一个泛泛之辈。
  2. Don't rush the process, trust the process. 不要急于求成,要坚定信念。
  3. People who do stuff consistently and on time, they surpass people who talented and gifted. 坚持脚踏实地并守时的人,他们终将超越有才华、有天赋的人。


  1. aspire /əˈspaɪə(r)/ vi. 渴望;立志;追求
  2. forge /fɔːdʒ/ v. 锻造,铸造;缔造,艰苦做成;伪造;稳步前进,匀速移动 n. 锻铁炉,锻造车间,锻造厂;铁匠铺;伪造者
  3. uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəbl; ʌnˈkʌmfətəbl/ adj. 不舒服的;不安的
  4. retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ n. 撤退;休息寓所 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 vt. 退(棋);使后退

No.563 满怀希望就会所向披靡!




  1. The most important thing to do, first thing in the morning, is get yourself in a powerful state. 每天早上醒来最重要的事情就是要让自己处于一个积极向上的状态。
  2. The better your attitude, the better the results you produce. 你的态度越积极,产出就会越好。
  3. You may not be what you ought to be, but you're not what you used to be. 也许你不能成为自己想要成为的样子,但你已经与过去不同。


  1. mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ n. 技工,机修工 adj. 手工的
  2. sagacity /səˈɡæsəti/ n. 睿智;聪敏;有远见
  3. stern /stɜːn/ adj. 严厉的;坚定的;严峻的;认真的 n. 船尾;末端;(幽默)(人的)臀部
  4. pertinacity /ˌpɜːtɪˈnæsəti/ n. 顽固;执拗

No.564 坚持自律,就会带来蜕变!




  1. Don't allow for any gray area in there, get rid of the debate. 不要停留在灰色地带,不要辩解。
  2. You know the right decision to make, so go and make it. 你知道哪个是正确的选择,所以快做决定吧。
  3. It takes a conscious effort to be more valuable, to be better than the next guy. 要想变得有价值,需要下意识去努力,每一天都要比别人更优秀。


  1. bail /beɪl/ n. 保释,保释人;保释金;杓 vt. 保释,帮助某人脱离困境;往外舀水
  2. blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/ n. 毛毯,毯子;毯状物,覆盖层 adj. 总括的,全体的;没有限制的 vt. 覆盖,掩盖;用毯覆盖
  3. sore /sɔː(r)/ adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;剧烈的,极度的;恼火的,发怒的;厉害的,迫切的 n. 溃疡,痛处;恨事,伤心事
  4. binary /ˈbaɪnəri/ adj. [数] 二进制的;二元的,二态的

No.565 为了更好的明天,努力过好今天




  1. When you embark this journey, you must know that it's going to go down before it comes up, but when it comes up, it's going to go so much higher than you have ever been. 当你踏上这段旅程,你必须知道潮起之前会有潮落,但经过一番浮沉之后的起身,你将会攀升到一个新高。
  2. Sacrifice today for tomorrow's betterment, you have to be equipped mentally to endure this process. 为了更美好的明天而牺牲今天,你必须做好心理准备来经受这个过程。
  3. Greatness is when we overcome our own boundaries, when we surprise ourselves. 成就就是当我们超越了自己的极限,当我们让自己惊喜的时候。


  1. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/ vt. 忍耐;容忍 vi. 忍耐;持续
  2. boundary /ˈbaʊndri/ n. 边界;范围;分界线
  3. graveyard /ˈɡreɪvjɑːd/ n. 墓地

No.566 选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程




  1. When life presents us with vagueness, with flashes of possibility, we long for mastery. 当眼前的生活模糊不定,闪烁着无限可能的光芒,我们渴望掌控一切。
  2. What if that rain washes away the limits of yesterday as we evolve into something more. 如果一场雨冲走了过去种种限制,而我们演变出更多的可能性呢。
  3. We have to be willing to operate with inadequate resources trusting that you know they'll be picked up along the way. 不必等风来才去扬帆起航,要相信你会在路上遇见它。


  1. crave /kreɪv/ vt. 渴望;恳求 vi. 渴望;恳求
  2. stability /stəˈbɪləti/ n. 稳定性;坚定,恒心
  3. astray /əˈstreɪ/ adv. 误入歧途地;迷途地;迷路 adj. 迷路的;离开正道的;不对头的
  4. long for 渴望

No.567 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人




  1. And without realizing it, one day you wake up and you've become something that you never would have allowed. 然后某一天在你没意识到的情况下,你已经变成了你最不想成为的那个你。
  2. You have to hold the line on the seemingly insignificant little things, things that shouldn't matter but things that do. 你必须在看起来微不足道的小事上严防死守,那些本不重要的事实际上很重要。
  3. If you want unreasonable results in your life, you have got to be willing to be unreasonable. 如果你追求不一样的结果,你就必须愿意做与众不同的事情。


  1. incremental /,ɪnkrɪ'mentəl/ adj. (定额)增长的;逐渐的,逐步的;递增的
  2. chip /tʃɪp/ n. 炸薯条(片);芯片,晶片;碎片,碎屑;缺口;筹码;(足球的)挑球,(高尔夫球)短切球 v. 打缺,弄缺;铲,凿,削;短切(球),踢(高球);把(土豆等)切成小片(条)
  3. complacency /kəmˈpleɪsnsi/ n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意
  4. claw /klɔː/ n. 爪;螯,钳;爪形器具 vi. 用爪抓(或挖) vt. 用爪抓(或挖)

No.568 你的现在是你曾经选择的反映




  1. What you are going to do with your time, your energies, your intelligence, your focus,all of it, you are deciding how to use it. 你想要用你的时间、精力、智慧、专注来做什么呢,所有这些你都需要决定如何使用。
  2. And you life right now is an exact reflection of the choices you have made for better or worse. 而你现在的生活精准地反映了你所做的选择:更好还是更差。
  3. But the reality is you are in control, every moment is an opportunity to do something different. 但实际上,一切都在你的掌握之中,每时每刻都有机会去改变自己。


  1. meteorite /ˈmiːtiəraɪt/ n. 陨石,陨星;流星
  2. track /træk/ n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道 vt. 追踪;通过;循路而行;用纤拉 vi. 追踪;走;留下足迹
  3. collision /kəˈlɪʒn/ n. 碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的)倾轧

No.569 我们能做到的,比想象更多




  1. Successful people don't make the right decisions, they make all kinds of bad decisions, because successful people have shadows too. 成功的人所做出的决定并不总是正确的,他们也做了很多糟糕的决定,毕竟人无完人。
  2. It's not what you get that makes you valuable, it's what you become. 能提升你的价值的不是在于你得到的东西,而是在于你能成为一个怎样的人。
  3. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job, develop the skills, learn the lessons, take the classes. 把更多的精力放在提升自我,而不仅仅是完成你的工作,发展技能,吸取教训,学习课程。


  1. valley /ˈvæli/ n. 山谷;流域;溪谷
  2. destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的
  3. shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ n. 阴影;影子;幽灵;庇护;隐蔽处 vt. 遮蔽;使朦胧;尾随;预示 vi. 变阴暗 adj. 影子内阁的

No.570 能定义你的只有你自己




  1. You will never, ever be successful until you turn your pain into greatness. 如果你不能化悲痛为力量,你永远也不会成功。
  2. I may not be where I should be but I'm still making progress. 我可能还没有到达我应该到的位置,但我仍在进步。
  3. But all by doing one simple thing, pushing myself to get better every day. 但所有都基于一个简单的事情,每一天都推动自己变得更好。


  1. anticipate /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v. 预料,预期;预见,预计(并做准备); 期盼,期望; 先于……做,早于……行动;在期限内履行(义务),偿还(债务);提前使用
  2. reflect /rɪˈflekt/ vt. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省 vi. 反射,映现;深思
  3. poison /ˈpɔɪzn/ n. 毒药;极有害的思想;抑制剂;中子吸收剂;有毒害的人(或行为等) vt. 毒害;下毒;败坏;污染(地区、空气等);抑制......的活性 adj. 有毒的

No.571 别再浪费你的人生!




  1. But there is one cheat code to the human console. And that is to take control. 但是有一个人为介入的作弊码,就是掌握控制权。
  2. I think people have low vital signs because they have involved in work that is not vital to them. 我认为人们有这样消极怠工的表现是因为他们所从事的工作对于他们来说并不重要。


  1. lifespan /ˈlaɪfspæn/ n. 寿命;预期生命期限;预期使用期限
  2. retirement /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ n. 退休,退役
  3. church /tʃɜːtʃ/ n. 教堂;礼拜;教派 adj. 教会的;礼拜的 vt. 领…到教堂接受宗教仪式

No.572 努力了才叫梦想,不努力就是空想




  1. You have to want something so big that it drives you to wake up when you don't want to. 你必须要有强烈的愿望,这样才能在浑浑噩噩的时候清醒过来。
  2. It keeps you up at night when you long been sleepy, it makes you show up, do things you wouldn't normally do. 当你长时间疲惫的时候,它也会使你心心念念无法入眠,它让你开始做你平常不会做的事。


  1. sleepy /ˈsliːpi/ adj. 困倦的,瞌睡的;(地方)冷清的,寂静的;(生意,产业等)没有活力的
  2. extra /ˈekstrə/ adj. 额外的;另外收费的;特大的 n. 额外的事物;另外收费的事物;临时演员;(报纸的)号外;上等产品;(非击球所得的)附加分 adv. 额外;特别地,格外地 pron. 额外的东西(尤其指钱财)
  3. deficit /ˈdefɪsɪt/ n. 赤字;不足额
  4. escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ vt. 逃避,避开,避免;被忘掉;被忽视 vi. 逃脱;避开;溜走;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由…发出 n. 逃跑;逃亡;逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏

No.573 勇攀高峰,得偿所愿!




  1. If you can get up before the rest of the world is awake, right before the enemy's awake, you can get so much done. 如果你能赶在整个世界仍在沉睡时醒来,在对手还未醒悟时觉醒过来,你就能完成很多事情。
  2. Along the way, there is going to be huge moments of progress, huge moments of growth, huge moments that you go to go. 漫漫奋斗长路,征途中会有许许多多的坎,伴随着数不清的成长,经历众多瞬间。
  3. You can't get those moments of progress and growth without first initially stepping into the unknown, stepping into the uncomfortable. 如果你一开始并没有勇敢踏入未知的世界,就不会有你今天所获得的这些成长和高光时刻。


  1. productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ adj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的
  2. awake /əˈweɪk/ adj. 醒着的 v. 觉醒,意识到;使醒来,被唤起,激发起
  3. pound /paʊnd/ n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所 vt. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留 vi. 连续重击,猛击
  4. warrior /ˈwɒriə(r)/ n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人

No.574 人生有高谷也有低谷




  1. The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass. 艰难的时刻将会到来,但是困境不会一直持续下去,它终会过去。
  2. It's easy to be on the bottom, it doesn't take any effort to be loser. 处在底层是非常简单的,失败者不需要任何成本和努力。
  3. Where you are is temporary, you will not be there for the rest of your life. 你所处的境地只是暂时的,你的余生不会止步不前。


  1. stuff /stʌf/ n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料 vt. 塞满;填塞;让吃饱 vi. 吃得过多
  2. anticipate /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v. 预料,预期;预见,预计(并做准备); 期盼,期望; 先于……做,早于……行动;在期限内履行(义务),偿还(债务);提前使用
  3. loose /luːs/ adj. 宽松的;散漫的;不牢固的;不精确 vt. 释放;开船;放枪 vi. 变松;开火 adv. 松散地 n. 放纵;放任;发射
  4. overwhelm /ˌəʊvəˈwelm/ vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮

No.575 战胜逆境,迎接新的自己!




  1. Our job is not to be great today, our job is to build ourselves brick by brick. 我们今天的任务不是要变得伟大,我们的任务是一砖一瓦地塑造好自己。
  2. If you are not defined by a vision of future, you are left with memories of the past. 如果你不能去定义未来的愿景,那你就只能被过去的记忆所定义。
  3. People who actually create amazing things in their life just were more in love with their future, and they kept it alive in their mind. 那些在生活中创造神奇事物的人们只是更热爱他们的未来并把它铭记于心。


  1. script /skrɪpt]/ n. 脚本;手迹;书写用的字母 vt. 把…改编为剧本 vi. 写电影脚本
  2. paralysis /pəˈræləsɪs/ n. 麻痹;无力;停顿
  3. pattern /ˈpætn/ n. 模式;图案;样品 vt. 模仿;以图案装饰 vi. 形成图案
  4. sling /slɪŋ/ n. [机] 吊索;投石器;抛掷 vt. 用投石器投掷;吊起

No.576 现在还不是看轻自己的时候!




  1. Some people may not have that opportunity to believe in themselves because all their lives many things have kept them down. 某些人可能没有机会相信自己,因为在他们的一生中许多事情让他们感到沮丧。
  2. This is not the time to look down on yourself, this is the time for you to look up to see the greatest. 现在不是你看轻自己的时候,现在应该是你昂首挺胸看到自己优秀之处的时候。
  3. Believe in that greatest and give it everything you have within yourself. 相信伟大的力量并且全力以赴。


  1. greatest /'ɡreɪtɪst/ adj. 最伟大的(great的最高级);最好的
  2. creation /kriˈeɪʃn/ n. 创造,创作;创作物,产物
  3. look down on 看不起;轻视;蔑视

No.577 相信自己是成功的第一步




  1. You problem is that you don't believe that you belong here. 你的问题是你不相信自己属于这里。
  2. Champions keep going when they don't have anything left in their tank. 胜者会坚持到他人精力全无的时候。
  3. When you want this thing as bad as you want to breathe, that's when you find a way. 当你像需要空气一样渴望你的目标时, 那你就找到出路了。


  1. belong /bɪˈlɒŋ/ vi. 属于,应归入;居住;适宜;应被放置
  2. proclaim /prəˈkleɪm/ vt. 宣告,公布;声明;表明;赞扬
  3. alignment /əˈlaɪnmənt/ n. 队列,成直线;校准;结盟

No.578 每一次失败都是对成功的积累




  1. Failure is an experience that lends to wisdom that ultimately makes you a stronger version of yourself. 失败的经历有助于你从中获取教训,增长智慧,最终造就一个更强大的你。
  2. You must fail a hundred times to succeed once, it's that's part of it, no one succeeds the first time. 你必须经历一百次的失败,这是成功道路上的一部分,没有人能够一击即中。
  3. Learn and grow until you are ready to conquer whatever it is in your life. 学习并成长,直到你准备充分,可以征服星辰大海。


  1. temporary /ˈtemprəri/ adj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工,临时雇员
  2. tactical /ˈtæktɪkl/ adj. 战术的;策略的;善于策略的
  3. retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ n. 撤退;休息寓所 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 vt. 退(棋);使后退
  4. withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː; wɪθˈdrɔː/ vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;(从银行)取钱,提款;退 vi. 撤退;离开

No.579 生活很苦,自己得学会加糖




  1. We know life is rough, and we know there will be pain, and whether that pain is at the hands of an enemy or at the hands of nature or time or disease, there will be pain. 众所周知,生活是艰难的,充满了苦难,无论这种痛苦是来源于你的敌人还是自然、时间、疾病,它都是一种困难。
  2. Sickness is cyclical, it comes around, it goes around, you are well for a little while, and then it's the same thing all over again. 磨难是周期性的,它去了又来,中间好了一阵子,然后你又会有同样的遭遇。
  3. Sickness becomes normal to you, and it starts to be easier for you to just accept the condition then to challenge it, because to challenge the condition means to risk disappointment. 你对磨难已经习以为常,对于你而言,接受它远比挑战它来的更容易,因为挑战就意味着有失望的风险。


  1. sickness /ˈsɪknəs/ n. 疾病;呕吐;弊病
  2. cynical /ˈsɪnɪkl/ adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的
  3. blocked /blɒkt/ adj. 堵塞的;被封锁的 v. 阻塞(block的过去分词)
  4. assume /əˈsjuːm/ vi. 设想;承担;采取 vt. 假定;僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占

No.580 不要再为拖延找借口了!




  1. You have these great reasons of why you half do everything,why you don't execute, why you don't finish, why you don't follow through. 你总有一箩筐的理由来解释你为什么做所有事情会半途而废,为什么你不能马上执行,为什么你不能直接完成,为什么你不坚持到底。
  2. So easy to put things off, so easy to say you are gonna do it tomorrow. 拖延症太容易发作了,“明天再做吧”这样的决定经常脱口而出。
  3. Well I want you to reprogram your brain and tell yourself that tomorrow is not a viable option, tomorrow doesn't work, you do it today. 我想要你重新整理一下大脑,告诉自己,明天不是一个可选项,不可以拖到明天,你今天就要做。


  1. sore /sɔː(r)/ adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;剧烈的,极度的;恼火的,发怒的;厉害的,迫切的 n. 溃疡,痛处;恨事,伤心事
  2. plain /pleɪn/ adj. 平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的 n. 平原;无格式;朴实无华的东西 adv. 清楚地;平易地
  3. conjure /ˈkʌndʒə(r)/ vt. 变魔术;像变魔术般变出;念咒召唤;恳求;想象;使想起 vi. 施魔法;变魔术
  4. fabricate /ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/ vt. 制造;伪造;装配

No.581 时不待我,只争朝夕!




  1. What makes life powerful and meaningful and substantive is the expiration. 生命的有限性使我们的生活变得有力量,意义非凡而且充实。
  2. But the fact that the the clock is ticking puts a sense of urgency on every one of us. 但是时不待我的事实迫使我们每个人都有紧迫感。
  3. Do not take the easy way out, do not give up based on instinct. 不要走捷径,不要本能地选择放弃。


  1. belief /bɪˈliːf/ n. 相信,信赖;信仰;教义
  2. substantive /ˈsʌbstəntɪv/ adj. 有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的 n. 名词性实词;独立存在的实体
  3. expiration /ˌekspəˈreɪʃn/ n. 呼气;终结;届期
  4. slothful /ˈsləʊθfl/ adj. 怠惰的,懒惰的;迟钝的

No.582 能改变你的只有你自己




  1. There is a switch inside of every one of us and at any moment in life, you can turn this switch from surviving to winning. 每个人都会有这样一个改变,可以在人生中的任意时刻,从维持生存切换到胜利。
  2. Set some higher goals, reach for some higher purpose. 设立更高目标,实现更高的目标。
  3. Stop compromising your life for people who really don’t care if succeed or fail. 不要为了那些完全不在乎你成败的人低头。
  4. You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, and tackle obstacles and goals you want to achieve. 你必须走出你的舒适区,消除障碍,实现你的目标。


  1. separate /ˈseprət/ adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的 v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于) n. 可搭配穿着的单件衣服;抽印本;独立音响设备;土壤划分
  2. destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 目的地,终点
  3. compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ n. 妥协,和解;妥协(或折中)方案;达成妥协 v. 妥协,折中;违背(原则),达不到(标准);(因行为不当)使陷入危险,名誉受损
  4. grit /ɡrɪt/ n. 砂砾;勇气,决心;粗砂岩 v. 在……上铺砂砾;咬紧牙关;吱嘎吱嘎地移动

No.583 努力是不够的,需要竭尽全力!




  1. There are gonna be people who try to bring you down, who don't work hard. 一些不努力的人总是试图要阻挠你。
  2. No one is gonna hand you your dreams through a drive-thru window. 没有人会通过得来速的窗口把你的梦想双手奉上。
  3. You don't wanna wake up one day and say : \"I could have been somebody\"\" I could have been a contender.” 难道你想某天醒来遗憾地对自己说: “我原本是可以出人头地的”“我原本可以是一个强有力的竞争者”。


  1. forefather /ˈfɔːfɑːðə(r)/ n. 祖先;前辈
  2. contender /kənˈtendə(r)/ n. 竞争者;争夺者
  3. hustle /ˈhʌsl/ v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃;(非正式)拉客 n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力
  4. drive-thru 得来速餐厅

No.584 不向拖延妥协,不向生活低头




  1. People that are hungry are willing to do the things a day, others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow. 渴望成功的人愿意每天努力,有些人不会,只会拖延到明天。
  2. I don't know what lies ahead, but I want to keep going forever. 我不知道未来会怎样,但我会勇往直前。


  1. aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn]/ n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术
  2. disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的 v. 令人失望(disappoint的ing形式);辜负…的期望
  3. prevent /prɪˈvent/ vt. 预防,防止;阻止 vi. 妨碍,阻止

No.585 做自己人生电影的主角




  1. Stop giving people power who are not in your book, do your life for the leading characters. 不要把自己的精力浪费在那些与你没有任何关系的人身上,把你的生命花在那些你认为重要的人身上。
  2. Because the more you decide to take control of the narrative of the script of your life and you live your dream more likely at the end of your life. 因为当你决心对自己人生有更多的掌控权时,那你就更有可能把自己的梦想变成现实。
  3. Stop let life push you around and start fighting back. 不要任由生活摆布,开始你的绝地反击。


  1. scroll /skrəʊl/ n. (供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰 v. 在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动
  2. faceless /ˈfeɪsləs/ adj. 匿名的,不知名的;无个性的;无脸面的
  3. approval /əˈpruːvl/ n. 批准;认可;赞成
  4. legacy /ˈleɡəsi/ n. 遗产;遗赠财物;遗留问题;后遗症

No.586 成功无捷径,只待有心人!




  1. It's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't wanna do, so you can be everything that you are supposed to be. 你要强迫自己去做那些不愿意做的事情,这样你就可以成为你想成为的人。
  2. So whatever your dream or your goal is, you gotta wake up everyday to it. 不管你的梦想或者你的目标是什么,你都要为了实现它而每天振奋精神。
  3. It's time for you to get your butt from down there, it's time for you to stop being comfortable at the bottom. 是时候动身努力了,是时候摆脱底层的安逸了。


  1. crap /kræp/ n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎
  2. certain /ˈsɜːtn/ adj. 某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的 pron. 某些;某几个
  3. energy /ˈenədʒi/ n. [物] 能量;精力;活力;精神
  4. stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/ n. 耐力,持久力,毅力;雄蕊(stamen 的复数)

No.587 为了梦想,永不止步!




  1. The overdrive is the thing that allows you to go the extra distance. 加倍努力是能让你走得更远的方法。
  2. It takes both emotion and logic to reach your maximum potential. 你需要情感和逻辑来让你发挥最大的潜能。
  3. Your expectations are never supposed to exceed your effort. 你的期望不应该多过你的努力。


  1. switch /swɪtʃ/ n. 开关;转变;交换机;(铁道的)转辙器,道岔;(树上砍下的)细软枝条;假发 v. 改变(立场、方向等);替换;转换;调换;调(班);(用枝条)击打;摆动
  2. dig /dɪɡ/ vt. 挖,掘;探究 vi. 挖掘 n. 戳,刺;挖苦
  3. beyond /bɪˈjɒnd/ prep. 在(或向)……较远的一边;超过,越过;晚于,迟于 adv. 在另一边;在(或向)更远处 n. 远处的事物;来世,再生
  4. override /ˌəʊvəˈraɪd/ vt. 推翻;不顾;践踏 n. 代理佣金

No.588 乾坤未定,你我皆是黑马




  1. If you are not getting rid of fear, then use it。 如果你不能摆脱恐惧,那就利用它。
  2. Somebody said that life life is like an onion, you have to peel it one layer at a time, and sometimes you cry. 有人说生活就像一颗洋葱,你每一次只能剥开一层,有时它还会让你泪流满面。
  3. Life is going to happen to you when you have a dream, you are going to get slapped around, and don’t take it personal. 当你拥有梦想时,生活的一切接踵而至,你会被生活的耳光扇醒,但不要把它看成是针对个人的。


  1. furnace /ˈfɜːnɪs/ n. 火炉,熔炉
  2. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 苦难;磨难;忧患
  3. slap /slæp/ v. (slap) 拍击;侮辱;掌击;掴…的耳光;拍击 n. (slap) 掴;侮辱;掌击;拍打声

No.589 生命不息,奋斗不止!




  1. If you can breathe, you have something to fight for. 生命不息,奋斗不止。
  2. The people who care about you don't care about your success, they care about your happiness. 真正在意你的人不会在意你是否成功,他们更在意你是否幸福。
  3. And more importantly, who do you want to be. 更重要的是,你想要成为什么样的人?


  1. potential [pəˈtenʃl] adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的 n. 潜能,可能性;电势
  2. remember [rɪˈmembə(r)] vt. 记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好 vi. 记得,记起
  3. self-pride [self praɪd] n. 自尊
  4. look up to 尊敬

No.590 改变自己的最好时机是现在!




  1. Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do. 世界上的每个人都有一个自己应该做的清单计划。
  2. What it is always going to come down to is your own actions and your choices. 一切归根到底还是取决于你的行动和个人选择。
  3. There are new doors opening for you every single day, you have to just walk through them. 每一天都有新大门为你敞开,每天都是如此,你只要步行穿过它们。


  1. suddenly /ˈsʌdənli/ adv. 突然地;忽然
  2. island /ˈaɪlənd/ n. 岛;岛屿;安全岛;岛状物 adj. 岛的 vt. 孤立;使成岛状
  3. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ n. 时机,机会
  4. mad /mæd/ adj. 疯的,神经错乱的,有精神病的;极愚蠢的,很不明智的;很生气,气愤的;特别喜欢的,痴迷的,迷恋的;不理智的,疯狂的,激动的 n. 狂怒

No.591 先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你




  1. Don't disown your ideas because they are disowning your ideas, don't lose confidence in your ideas because they don't have confidence in your ideas. 不要因为别人否定了你的想法而自我否定,不要因为别人对你的想法没有信心而对自己的想法失去信心。
  2. The day you become content is the day you stop evaluating yourself. 你感到满足的那一天就是你停止提升自我的那一天。
  3. This is not the time to look down on yourself, this is the time for you to look up to see the greatest within you. 还不到轻视自己的时候,这是你发掘自己最大潜能的时候。


  1. boldly /ˈbəʊldli/ adv. 大胆地;冒失地;显眼地
  2. disown /dɪsˈəʊn/ vt. 否认;脱离关系
  3. unfamiliar /ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə(r)/ adj. 不熟悉的;不常见的;没有经验的
  4. unconquerable /ʌnˈkɒŋkərəbl/ adj. 克服不了的;不可征服的;压制不了的

No.592 是时候履行对自己的承诺了!




  1. How many times do you tell yourself, it's gonna be different this year. 你告诉过自己多少次,今年一定会与往年不同?
  2. You gotta make a decision that you are not gonna be like everybody else, you are not gonna live how they live. 你要做一个决定,你不会跟其他人一样, 不会跟他们一样漫无目的地活着。
  3. So if you are standing still, you are actually going backwards. 所以如果你停滞不前,你就是在退步。


  1. diet /ˈdaɪət/ n. 饮食;食物;规定饮食 vi. 节食 vt. [医] 照规定饮食
  2. automatic /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/ adj. 自动的;无意识的;必然的 n. 自动机械;自动手枪
  3. appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ n. 食欲;嗜好
  4. bold /bəʊld/ adj. 大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的

No.593 艰苦奋斗是成功者必经之路




  1. Enjoy life of course and relish the joy of life, but I think you have to make sure you don't dance your life away. 当然要享受生活,但我想你必须先确保你不会在享乐中迷失。
  2. It's hard to stay on that path because it's the path of discipline and discomfort. 在这条路上走下去很难,因为这是一条需要自律,充满曲折的路。
  3. But it is the right path and you know that path will ultimately lead you to where you really want to be. 但这是一条正确的道路,你知道这条路最终会指引你去向你真正想去的地方。


  1. wonder /ˈwʌndə(r)/ v. 想知道;(用于询问时)不知道;感到疑惑;感到诧异;感到惊叹 n. 惊讶;奇迹;能人;有特效的东西 adj. 极好的,灵验的;神奇的
  2. abandon /əˈbændən/ v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入 n. 放任,狂热
  3. relish /ˈrelɪʃ/ n. 享受,乐趣;爱好;调味品,风味佐料;引起食欲的香味;滋味;风味;吸引力;开胃小菜 v. 尽情享受;从……得到乐趣;盼望,期待;喜爱;玩赏;品味;使……有滋味,给……加佐料;有特定意味;味道可口
  4. discomfort /dɪsˈkʌmfət/ n. 不适,不安;不便之处 vt. 使……不舒服;使……不安

No.594 专注自我是一种力量!




  1. Focus equals power. 专注即是力量。
  2. If you focus on what's missing from your life constantly, that pattern of focus will make you frustrated, overwhelmed, depressed. 如果你只关注过去你所失去的东西,那种聚焦模式会使你沮丧、挫败、抑郁。
  3. And not only is it important for you to know it is possible for you to choose your future, but it is necessary to that you develop yourself. 对于你来说,不仅知道自己能够选择未来很重要,而且提升自己也很有必要。


  1. circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运 vt. 处于某种情况
  2. antidepressant /ˌæntidɪˈpresnt/ n. 抗抑郁剂 adj. 抗抑郁的
  3. whine /waɪn/ vi. 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声 vt. 哀诉 n. 抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣
  4. griping /ˈɡraɪpɪŋ/ v. (非正式)抱怨;(使)(胃、肠)绞痛;握紧;用扣带系紧(小艇);偏航(gripe 的现在分词) adj. 肠(或胃)绞痛的

No.595 当你感到压力时看看这个!




  1. Only when you are pleasant within yourself, you feel pleasant about everything around you. 只有当你内心感到愉快时,才会对周围的一切感到愉快。
  2. Balance is proportionately directing my energy to the things and people that are really matter in my life. 平衡是把我的能量按比例分配给生活中真正重要的事和人。
  3. We have to really come from an understanding that we are creating our lives. 我们必须真正理解是我们在创造自己的生活。


  1. hostility /hɒˈstɪləti/ n. 敌意;战争行动
  2. hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd/ n. 憎恨;怨恨;敌意
  3. Scripture /ˈskrɪptʃə(r)/ n. (大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句
  4. foremost /ˈfɔːməʊst/ adj. 最重要的;最先的 adv. 首先;居于首位地

No.596 如果道阻且长,那就愈加奋力拼搏




  1. It's necessary for us to begin to look at the future. 我们展望未来是很有必要的。
  2. It's being responsible for our stuff and deciding that we are going to keeping on keeping on. 我们都要为自己的人生负责并坚持不懈地奋斗。
  3. And once we do it hard and we go through it, we realize it was worth it. 一旦付出得到回报,我们会意识到一切都是值得的。


  1. hypothetically /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkli/ adv. 假设地;假想地
  2. muscle /ˈmʌsl/ n. 肌肉;力量 vt. 加强;使劲搬动;使劲挤出 vi. 使劲行进
  3. aching /'eɪkɪŋ/ adj. 疼痛的;心痛的 v. 疼痛;渴望(ache 的现在分词)
  4. glide /ɡlaɪd/ vi. 滑翔;滑行;悄悄地走;消逝 vt. 使滑行;使滑动 n. 滑翔;滑行;滑移;滑音

No.597 努力创造你梦想的生活




  1. Unfortunately even when people know what matters to them, they usually spend more time on minor things. 不幸的是即使人们知道什么对他们重要却还是把时间更多地耗费在微不足道的事上。
  2. Most people imagine things they want, they dream about it, but they never really do anything about it. 很多人只是想象他们想要的东西,但也仅仅是停留在幻想,却从来不付诸实践。
  3. When they start to work toward their dreams, they are constantly challenged by invisible walls. 当他们想为梦想而努力时,他们不断受到无形墙的挑战。


  1. gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/ n. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人 vi. 闲聊;传播流言蜚语
  2. celebrity /səˈlebrəti/ n. 名人;名声
  3. haunt /hɔːnt/ vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去… vi. 出没;作祟 n. 栖息地;常去的地方
  4. abundance /əˈbʌndəns/ n. 充裕,丰富

No.598 用实现梦想的决心战胜恐惧




  1. Today will be the day where you can take control, take control of your power. 今天的你能掌握一切,掌握你的力量吧。
  2. Everything I have ever done started with a fear, but the best way to overcome fear is the dream has to be bigger than the fear. 我做成的所有事情都是从恐惧开始,而对于我来说要克服恐惧的最好方法是就是用实现梦想的决心战胜恐惧。
  3. The action of making progress is progress. 取得进展的诀窍是大步向前走。


  1. brutal /ˈbruːtl/ adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的
  2. unforgiving /ˌʌnfəˈɡɪvɪŋ/ adj. 不原谅人的;不宽恕人的
  3. warrior /ˈwɒriə(r)/ n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人
  4. shield /ʃiːld/ n. 盾;防护物;保护者 vt. 遮蔽;包庇;避开;保卫 vi. 防御;起保护作用

No.599 真正的成功源于改变自身




  1. Some of you need to give up your cell phone because the time you spend on your cell phone can be used for your success. 你们中的有些人需要放下手机,因为你花在玩手机上的时间是可以用来创造成功的。
  2. Half of the things that you thought could happen never did happen. 你认为将会发生的事情里有一半是从未发生的。
  3. Don't tell me that you want something if you are not willing to throw what you got at it. 不要告诉我,你还在幻想着不用付出就收获满满。


  1. trick /trɪk/ n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的
  2. doable /ˈduːəbl/ adj. 可做的
  3. resolution /ˌrezəˈluːʃn/ n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心
  4. must /məst; mʌst/ aux. 必须;一定;应该,得 n. 绝对必要的事物;待发酵的葡萄汁;发霉,潮气

No.600 调整心态,重新出发!




  1. When you have been knocked down by life, that's when it's time to hit back. 当你被生活打倒,是时候反击了。
  2. Every transformation always gets worse before it gets better. 每一个转折点总是先变得更坏再变得更好。
  3. In journey you are embarking on, it's not an easy path, it's not for the ill hearted or the weak natured, it's for the strong people. 你即将踏上的征途,没有捷径可走,这不是给那些坏心肠或者懦弱的人的征途,这是强者的征途。


  1. tend /tend/ vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾 vt. 照料,照管
  2. meandering /mɪ'ændərɪŋ/ adj. 曲折的;聊天的;漫步的 n. 漫步;漫谈;[建] 曲径 v. 漫步(meander的ing形式)
  3. embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/ v. 上船(或飞机);(使)上船(或登记);从事
  4. dime /daɪm/ n. (美国、加拿大的)十分硬币;少量的钱;小东西 n. (Dime) (塞)迪梅(人名)

No.601 你的未来取决于你自己!




  1. Who you are now is not who you will be 10 years from now, who you will be 10 years from now is up to you. 现在的你并非10年后的你,10年后你会变成什么样子取决于你自己。
  2. Believing yourself affects every aspect of your life. 相信你自己能影响你生活的方方面面。
  3. To remind yourself that you have potential to do everything you have ever dreamed of. 提醒你自己是有潜力去做你曾经梦想的一切。


  1. biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪk/ adj. 生物的;生物学的
  2. raise /reɪz/ vt. 提高;筹集;养育;升起;饲养,种植 vi. 上升 n. 高地;上升;加薪
  3. descent /dɪˈsent/ n. 下降;血统;袭击 vt. 除去…的气味;使…失去香味
  4. furious /ˈfjʊəriəs/ adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的

No.602 没有决心,你凭什么成功?




  1. Sometimes we can't say I can do that, but what we can say that is possible. 有时候我们不能打包票说我一定能完成,但我们可以说一切皆有可能。
  2. Only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible. 只有那些能看到别人所不能看到之处的人才能够完成不可能的事。
  3. We need to understand the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it can also be the most destructive. 我们要知道人的思想就是我们手握的最强大的工具,但也有可能是最有破坏性的。


  1. conquer /ˈkɒŋkər/ vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取 vi. 胜利;得胜
  2. align /əˈlaɪn/ vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配 vi. 排列;排成一行
  3. invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的
  4. willpower /ˈwɪlpaʊər/ n. 意志力;毅力

No.603 不要逃避,要迎难而上!




  1. Recycle your pain, get something from it. 好好利用你所经历的痛苦,从中汲取教训。
  2. This is time for you to get up and be the best version of you.` 是时候振作起来成为最好的自己了。
  3. What will you do with your pain, will you let it break you or will you let it redefine you1. ` 你会怎样处理你的痛苦呢,是让它将你击垮,还是让它重新定义你。


  1. tempt /tempt/ vt. 诱惑;引起;冒…的风险;使感兴趣
  2. vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的
  3. nostril /ˈnɒstrəl/ n. 鼻孔
  4. give in /ɡɪv ɪn/ v. 屈服;让步;交上

No.604 向优秀的人靠近,成为更优秀的人




  1. Greatness to me means that you went right to the edge of what you were capable of doing in this moment. 于我而言,优秀就是我自己可以达到我目前能力水平的极限边缘。
  2. I stopped worrying about who I was right now, and I began to paint a vision of how the person would act that I want to become. 我不为现在的自己感到焦虑,并且我会想:我想成为的人他会怎么做呢?
  3. Many of us never realize our greatness because we become sidetracked by secondary. 我们当中有很多人没有意识到自己的优秀所在,因为我们都容易被次要的事情带离正轨。


  1. scarcity /ˈskeəsəti/ n. 不足;缺乏
  2. sidetrack /ˈsaɪdtræk/ vt. 将(火车)[建] 转到侧线;转变(话题) n. (铁路)侧线;次要地位 vi. [建] 转到侧线;转变话题
  3. betrayal /bɪˈtreɪəl/ n. 背叛;辜负;暴露;违约
  4. hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/ adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的 n. 敌对

No.605 投降才是失败,放弃才算结束!




  1. The only way to overcome the challenges that you face is to start walking. 克服所面临的挑战的唯一方法是迈出第一步。
  2. Because the darkness only wins if you have let it. 因为只有你拱手相让时,黑暗才会赢得胜利。
  3. There is no gain without pain. 若无痛苦,何来收获。


  1. barely /ˈbeəli/ adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地
  2. extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ vt. 熄灭;压制;偿清
  3. surrender /səˈrendər/ vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任 vi. 投降;屈服;自首 n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服
  4. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

No.606 如何让自己每天元气满满




  1. Micro-goals represent a useful tool because they create small successes that will in a long term create bigger ones. 微目标就是一个有用的方法,因为它们会创造小成功,而这些在长期会创造更大的成功。
  2. They are able to hack into their minds so that they can control their own emotions. 他们能够调控自己的思想从而掌控自己的情绪。
  3. Working out is another useful tool that helps with learning to enjoy the hard stuff. 健身是另一个有用的方式能帮助你学会享受克服难题的乐趣。


  1. dopamine /ˈdəʊpəmiːn/ n. [生化] 多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物)
  2. neurotransmitter /ˈnjʊərəʊtrænzmɪtər/ n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素
  3. molecule /ˈmɒlɪkjuːl/ n. [化学] 分子;微小颗粒,微粒
  4. trailer /ˈtreɪlər/ n. 拖车;[电视] 预告片;追踪者 vi. 乘拖车式活动房屋旅行 vt. 用拖车载运

No.607 新的一年不要让自己失望!




  1. There is no worse feeling than that of letting yourself down. 让自己失望,这感觉糟糕透顶。
  2. That moment when you are so disgusted in yourself that you have to change. 当你厌恶自己到必须改变自己的那一刻。
  3. You have to drop the excuses and think: what can I do1. 你必须放下借口,好好想想:我可以做些什么?


  1. disgusted /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/ adj. 厌恶的;厌烦的 v. 使恶心;使讨厌(disgust的过去分词)
  2. continuously /kənˈtɪnjuəsli/ adv. 连续不断地
  3. standard /ˈstændəd/ n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准 adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的
  4. deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ vt. 交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生 vi. 实现;传送;履行;投递 n. 投球

No.608 克服拖延症的九个建议!




  1. You know you could have woken up earlier and gone to the gym or read a book or meditated. 你知道你本可以起得更早,然后去健身房或是看一本书或是冥想。
  2. Before you go to bed at night, the most important thing you can do is to have a plan. 在前一晚你上床睡觉之前,你需要做的最重要的一件事就是制定计划。
  3. Are you going to get the assignment done by sitting in your pajamas again and working from home 你又要在家里穿着睡衣完成你的任务吗?


  1. meditate /ˈmedɪteɪt/ vt. 考虑;计划;企图 vi. 冥想;沉思
  2. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ vt. 耽搁,延迟 vi. 耽搁,延迟
  3. salvage /ˈsælvɪdʒ/ n. 打捞;海上救助;抢救财货;救难的奖金 vt. 抢救;海上救助
  4. haphazardly /hæpˈhæzədli/ adv. 偶然地,随意地;杂乱地

No.609 你有多自律就有多自由!




  1. If you wanna take the easy road, I promise you it's longer and more painful than the hard road. 如果你想走捷径,我可以告诉你,与辛苦的道路相比,这更是道阻且长。
  2. If you set out and you say you gonna do something, do yourself a favor and don't lie to yourself. 如果你定下目标,你说要做某件事情,行行好吧,不要再对自己说谎了。
  3. Make discipline be part of your daily life and your daily life will get better. 让自律成为你日常生活中的一部分,这样你的日常生活将会变得更加美好。


  1. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/ n. 捷径;被切短的东西
  2. mirror /ˈmɪrər/ n. 镜子;真实的写照;榜样 vt. 反射;反映
  3. humility /hjuːˈmɪləti/ n. 谦卑,谦逊
  4. ownership /ˈəʊnəʃɪp/ n. 所有权;物主身份

No.610 逆风的地方更适合飞翔!




  1. The heartbreak you are experiencing might be tough, but it will not determine your life. 经历那些伤心事或许很难,但那些经历无法决定你的人生。
  2. It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. 重要的不是发生了什么,而是你如何应对。
  3. What matters is who you decide to be now. 真正重要的是你当下决定成为怎样的人。


  1. destiny /ˈdestəni/ n. 命运,定数,天命
  2. crappy /ˈkræpi/ adj. 蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的
  3. heartache /ˈhɑːteɪk/ n. 心痛;悲叹
  4. shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ n. 阴影;影子;幽灵;庇护;隐蔽处 vt. 遮蔽;使朦胧;尾随;预示 vi. 变阴暗 adj. 影子内阁的

No.611 心如花木,向阳而生!




  1. Not only is it important that you believe, and begin to know that it's possible for you to live your dream, as you run toward it. 重要的是你不仅要相信自己,而且要清楚的知道,当你奔向梦想的时候,你是有可能实现梦想的。
  2. Why you are working so hard, why you are studying so hard, why you are so focused on that one specific thing. 你为什么要努力工作?你为什么要努力学习?你为什么要如此专注于某一个事物?
  3. The more pain we go through, the more it will change us. 我们经历的痛苦越多,得到的改变越大。


  1. stretching /ˈstretʃɪŋ/ n. 伸长;展宽 v. 拉伸(stretch的ing形式)
  2. drainer /'dreɪnə/ n. 排水器;下水道装置
  3. setback /ˈsetbæk/ n. 挫折;退步;逆流
  4. bitter /ˈbɪtər/ adj. 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的 n. 苦味;苦啤酒 adv. 激烈地;严寒刺骨地 vt. 使变苦

No.612 梦在彼岸,全力奔跑!




  1. What leaders do is they find a way to maximize whatever resources they have. 领导者们会找到一种方法来充分利用他们所拥有的资源。
  2. You are called to be an eagle, but sometimes we are acting like a chicken. 你被召唤成为雄鹰,但有时候我们表现得像只小鸡。
  3. You need view the negative things in your life as waste, you are not supposed to feed on it. 你需要把生活中消极的东西当成垃圾,你不应该以此为食。


  1. frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/

    n. 挫折

  2. intellectually /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/

    adv. 智力上;理智地;知性上

  3. discard /dɪˈskɑːd/

    vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃 vi. 放弃 n. 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人

  4. eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/

    vt. 消除;排除

No.613 你的梦想正在等待着你实现!




  1. The lion does not need anything external, that thing that it needs is inside of him. 狮子不需要任何外力,它所需要的东西已经存在于内心。
  2. I will do whatever I have to do to get to the other side, to make it over, to push through this. 为了到达成功的彼岸,完成目标,完成任务,我会做我必须做的事。
  3. Each and every one of us has something that this world needs, and only you can flip that switch. 我们每个人都拥有这个世界所需要的东西,然而只有你才能按动开关。


  1. gazelle /ɡəˈzel/ n. 瞪羚;小羚羊 vi. 似瞪羚般跳跃
  2. outrun /ˌaʊtˈrʌn/ vt. 超过;跑得比…快;从…逃脱
  3. self-motivated /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ 自我激励的
  4. timeframe /ˈtaɪmfreɪm/ n. 时间表

No.614 你尽管努力,剩下的交给天意




  1. The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are stronger in the broken place. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,在那之后,受过伤的地方会愈加坚强。
  2. You can have to push yourself harder than anyone has ever asked you to push yourself before. 你要强迫自己努力,比之前任何人要求你的还要更加刻苦。
  3. To understand the only difference between the possible and the impossible is your set of skills. 明白可能与不可能之间唯一的区别是你的本领。


  1. vomit /ˈvɒmɪt/ v. 呕吐;喷出;(火山)喷出岩浆;(使)呕吐 n. 呕吐;呕吐物;催吐剂
  2. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/ n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物
  3. trick /trɪk/ n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的
  4. restore /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ vt. 恢复;修复;归还 vi. 恢复;还原

No.615 我想要发光发热的人生!




  1. There is a Bible phrase that says: without dreams and visions people perish. 圣经里有一句话:没有梦想和远见,人就会消亡。
  2. You have got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul. 你要有能激发你内心和灵魂的东西。
  3. I will never cower before any master, not bend to any threat. 我绝不会在任何一位大师面前胆怯发抖,也不会屈服于任何恐惧。


  1. perish /ˈperɪʃ/ vt. 使麻木;毁坏 vi. 死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎
  2. determination /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 决心;果断;测定
  3. crumb /krʌm/ n. 面包屑,碎屑;少许 vt. 弄碎;捏碎
  4. cower /ˈkaʊər/ vi. 退缩;抖缩;蜷缩;弯腰屈膝

No.616 成长路上你尽管向前跑!




  1. You have got to understand that when you are turning the corner, there is an unique obstacle that is waiting for you. 你必须明白当你要转弯的时候,那有一个独一无二的难关在等着你。
  2. They run away instead of running forward something. 他们是逃跑而非朝着某个目标前行。
  3. You may have to take your time and just jog a little bit, but sooner or later, you have got to pick up the pace. 你可能需要慢慢来,只需要一点点慢跑,但是迟早你都要加快步伐。


  1. endurance /ɪnˈdjʊərəns/ n. 忍耐力;耐久性;持续时间
  2. gear /ɡɪər/ n. 齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置;排挡 vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作 vt. 开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好 adj. 好极了
  3. jog /dʒɒɡ/ vt. 慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;使颠簸 vi. 慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;颠簸着移动 n. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞
  4. finish line /ˈfɪnɪʃ laɪn/ 终点线,终航线

No.617 命运是不会辜负有心人的




  1. Wasting time feeling badly about yourself for failing does not make sense. 别浪费时间来为自己的失败感到难过,那是没有意义的。
  2. That everything you choose to believe will make up your entire world. 你选择相信的一切将会构成你的整个世界。
  3. Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. 我们的生活很大程度上受到我们看待事物的方式影响,而不是他们本身的样子。


  1. lowercase /,ləʊə'keɪs/ adj. 小写字体的 v. 用小写字体书写(或打印) n. 小写字母
  2. empty /ˈempti/ adj. 空的;无意义的;无知的;徒劳的 vt. 使失去;使......成为空的 vi. 成为空的;流空 n. 空车;空的东西
  3. superpower /suːpəpaʊər; ˈsjuːpəpaʊər/ n. 超级大国;超级强权
  4. trite /traɪt/ adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的

No.618 真正的改变源于你自己




  1. The things you do and don't do are far important than you think. 你所做过的和从未做过的事比你想象的要重要得多。
  2. Recreating you and you have the power to do that. You can decide that you are going to change. 你有能力重塑你自己,你能决定你能改变。
  3. You are not trying to get perfection right now, you are just trying to get a little bit better than you were yesterday or an hour ago. 你现在不需要追求完美,你只需要比昨天或者一小时前做得更好。


  1. threatened /'θretənd/ adj. 受到威胁的 v. 威胁(threaten的过去分词)
  2. collapse /kəˈlæps/ v. (突然)倒塌;(尤指因病重而)倒下,昏倒;(尤指工作劳累后)坐下;崩溃;(货币)贬值;折叠;(肺或血管)萎陷;套缩 n. 崩溃;(突然)倒塌;病倒;(货币)暴跌
  3. breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/ n. 突破;突破性进展
  4. run out of 用完

No.619 如何成为一个自律的人




  1. You don't get discipline from an external source, you have to get it from within you. 自律不会来源于任何一个外部因素,自律源于你的自身。
  2. When you are graduating with a 4.0 GPA, and your family are proud to show you off. 当你以绩点4.0优异的成绩毕业的时候,你的家人可以自豪地向别人炫耀。
  3. When you let the discipline fade away, when you are feeling depressed because you know you are falling behind the rest of the class. 当你不再自律,当你因为成绩落后于其他同学而感到沮丧时。


  1. undisciplined /ˌʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd/ adj. 无训练的;无纪律的;没规矩的
  2. envision /ɪnˈvɪʒn/ vt. 想象;预想
  3. terrified /ˈterɪfaɪd/ v. (使)害怕,惊恐;恐吓(terrify 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 非常害怕的,极度惊恐的
  4. designate /ˈdezɪɡneɪt/ vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为 adj. 指定的;选定的

No.620 你有多想成功,就要有多少努力!



1. `【佳句解读】

  1. Make this moment the moment of truth of about yourself. 让这一刻成为你自己的高光时刻。
  2. Many of you have been selling yourself short all of your life. 许多人一生都在贬低自己。
  3. There is definitely a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential. 在找到你的激情和发挥的潜力之间绝对有直接联系。


  1. resolve /rɪˈzɑːlv/ vt. 决定;溶解;使……分解;决心要做……;[主化]解析 vi. 解决;决心;分解 n. 坚决;决定要做的事
  2. environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/ adj. 环境的,周围的;有关环境的
  3. guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ adj. 有罪的;内疚的
  4. flap /flæp/ n. 拍打,拍打声;神经紧张;(飞机的)襟翼;风门,挡板;[医]皮瓣 vi. 拍动;神经紧张;鼓翼而飞;(帽边等)垂下 vt. 拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动

No.621 要是现在放弃也太可惜了!




  1. I have to be willing to allow my conviction to make me inconvenienced. 我愿意接受我的信念给我带来的不适。
  2. Why won't most people do it because it's scary and it's lonely. 为什么大多数人不这么做,因为这很可怕,很孤独。
  3. You have come too far to quit now, you have invested too much to quit now. 你已经走得太远了,现在不能放弃!你已经投入太多,现在不能放弃!


  1. abandon /əˈbændən/ v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入 n. 放任,狂热
  2. version [ˈvɜːʃn] n. 版本;译文;倒转术
  3. bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ n. 底部;末端;臀部;尽头 adj. 底部的 vt. 装底;测量深浅;查明真相 vi. 到达底部;建立基础
  4. rock /rɒk/ n. 岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁 vt. 摇动;使摇晃 vi. 摇动;摇晃

No.622 只要还有机会,就别轻易放弃!




  1. It's just so sad to see that moment when someone gives up on themselves. 每每看到有人放弃自己都会觉得非常惋惜。
  2. Other people might stop believing in you, but don't you ever stop believing in yourself. 别人可能不会再相信你,但是你必须相信你自己。
  3. It's no one else's responsibility to make you happy. 别人没有义务让你开心。


  1. guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证;担保
  2. integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/ n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正
  3. conquer /ˈkɒŋkər/ vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取 vi. 胜利;得胜
  4. responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ n. 责任,职责;义务

No.623 拒绝消极的自我暗示




  1. The difficult thing about being worried especially when you are a spiritual person, is sometimes you don't even want anybody to know that you are worried about it. 忧虑的麻烦之处尤其在于你是一个敏感的人,有时候你甚至不想让任何人知道你的忧虑。
  2. Worry is such a powerful thing, it can actually ultimately affect your physical well-being. 忧虑是一件如此有影响力的事情,实际上,它最终可以影响你的身体健康。
  3. Stop doing the things that you know are wrong, that you couldn't stop doing. 停止做那些你觉得错的事情,那些你无法停止的事情。


  1. indigestion /ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən/ n. 消化不良;不消化
  2. lethal /ˈliːθl/ adj. 致命的,致死的 n. 致死因子
  3. obligated /ˈɒblɪɡeɪtɪd/ adj. 有义务的;责无旁贷的
  4. facade /fəˈsɑːd/ n. 正面;表面;外观

No.624 我为自己而战,为梦想而战!




  1. You are basically imaging something that isn't real, but yet you are feeling these negative emotions. 你基本上是在想象一些不真实的东西,然而你却感受到了这些负面情绪。
  2. Live in the present, but look forward to the future. 活在当下,但展望未来。
  3. To me, the very fundamental purpose of life is to find out how many skills that I can acquire, that have utility. 对于我来说,人生最根本的目的是找出多少我能够得到且又实用的技能。


  1. mastery /ˈmæstəri/ n. 掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权
  2. empowering /ɪmˈpaʊərɪŋ/ v. 授权;允许(empower的ing形式)
  3. evanescent /ˌevəˈnesnt; ˌiːvəˈnesnt/ adj. 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的
  4. transitory /ˈtrænzətɔːri,ˈtrænsətɔːri/ adj. 短暂的,暂时的;瞬息的

No.625 总有一天我会向他们证明自己




  1. All these insecure people putting their insecurities on you, you got to flush it out. 没有安全感的人都把他们的不安强加在你身上,你得把它清除。
  2. But if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness. 但是如果你能完成你讨厌的事情,从另一方面来说,这也是一种成功了。
  3. You realise you don't want to be this weak, insecure person. 你意识到你不想成为这种软弱又没有安全感的人。


  1. spark /spɑːrk/ n. 火花;电火花;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电;闪光体;一丝强烈的感情;愉悦;(非正式)军队中对无线电报务员(或电工的)昵称;生龙活虎的小伙子;导火线;活力
  2. dysfunction /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn/ n. 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良 vi. 功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉
  3. praise /preɪz/ v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝) n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜
  4. criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n. 批评;考证;苛求

No.626 没有什么能够阻挡我前进!




  1. We all have these moments in time that the either make you or break you. 我们都会有这样的时刻,即成功和失败非此即彼的时候。
  2. Selling yourself on your ability to perform on a job. 展现自己能够做好本职工作的能力
  3. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do it. 如果这容易的话,那所有人就会蜂拥而至。


  1. iconic /aɪˈkɑːnɪk/ adj. 偶像的,图符的;与图像有关的,图像性的;以传统风格刻画得胜运动员的
  2. convince /kənˈvɪns]/ vt. 说服;使确信,使信服
  3. moan /məʊn/ vi. 抱怨,悲叹;呻吟 n. 呻吟声;悲叹 vt. 抱怨;呻吟着说
  4. stumble /ˈstʌmbl/ vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错 vt. 使…困惑;使…绊倒 n. 绊倒;蹒跚而行

No.627 没有目标的梦想就是个梦而已




  1. The secret to the success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time. 成功的秘诀就是日积月累坚持做小的事情。
  2. A moment of every single day has a massive impact on where you ultimately end up. 生命中的每时每刻都会对你最终何去何从产生巨大的影响。
  3. The way to improve lives is to continually improve yourself. 改善生活的方法就是不断改善自己。


  1. empty /ˈempt/] adj. 空的;无意义的;无知的;徒劳的 vt. 使失去;使......成为空的 vi. 成为空的;流空 n. 空车;空的东西
  2. spoon /spuːn/ n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量 vt. 用匙舀;使成匙状 vi. 轻轻向上击
  3. ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ adv. 最后;根本;基本上
  4. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/ n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

No.628 努力从来不会被辜负!




  1. What we have to do is we have to be our own sergeant, to hold the highest standards. 我们需要做的就是自我鞭策, 坚持最严格的标准。
  2. Not only do I climb that doggone mountain, I enjoy climbing the mountain. 我不止要问鼎巅峰,我更要享受攀登。
  3. It will be worth the sacrifice if you can grind your way through it. 如果你能克服困难,那你的牺牲就是值得的。


  1. slack /slæk/ adv. 松散地 adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的 n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠 v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰
  2. dime /daɪm/ n. (美国、加拿大的)十分硬币;少量的钱;小东西
  3. sergeant /ˈsɑːdʒənt/ n. 军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师
  4. butt /bʌt/ n. 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞

No.629 每个人都有让梦想成真的能力!




  1. What they do is wasting a great deal of their life because they have no sense of direction and they just settle for whatever comes their way. 他们所做的就是浪费生命中大量的时间,只因他们浑浑噩噩,毫无目标。
  2. I'm asking you to pull up your stakes, pack up your belongings, mediocrity is not your home. 我恳请你另觅去处,收拾行囊,平庸不是你的归宿。
  3. Yes, we should be content, but you shouldn't be satisfied with less than what you know in your heart. 的确,我们应该知足常乐,但你不应该安于现状,满足于心理预期以下的事情。


  1. mediocrity /ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti/ n. 平庸之才;平常
  2. overwhelmed /,əʊvə'welmd/ adj. 被压倒的,被淹没的;受宠若惊的,不知所措的 v. (情感)难以禁受;压倒,使受打击;使应接不暇;淹没,漫过
  3. leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率 v. 利用;举债经营
  4. be obsessed with 痴迷于

No.630 我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降!




  1. When your opportunity comes, you better be ready, when your opportunity hits, you better respond. 当机遇降临时,你最好做好准备,当机遇来临时,你最好全力应对。
  2. It's time to get your bounce back, build your business, build your future. 是时候绝地反击了,打造你的事业,构建你的未来。
  3. If nobody get sticks their hand out to pick you up, get yourself up and rise. 如果没有人出手在困难中拉你一把,那你就自己振作起来。


  1. abandonment /əˈbændənmənt/ n. 抛弃;放纵
  2. agony /ˈæɡəni/ n. 苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎
  3. anguish /ˈæŋɡwɪʃ/ n. 痛苦;苦恼 vt. 使极度痛苦 vi. 感到极度的痛苦
  4. deceitfulness /dɪˈsiːtflnəs/ n. 不诚实;欺诈

No.631 梦想就是要奋起直追呀!




  1. Lots of hierarchies to attempt to climb, and if you fail in one, go try in another. 跨越阶层的方法有很多种,如果一个方法失败了,你可以试试另一个。
  2. Self actualization is the idea that you grow for the sake of growth. 自我实现是指你为了更好的发展而成长。
  3. Self transcendence is the idea that you go beyond yourself. 自我超越是指超越你自己。


  1. whine /waɪn/ vi. 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声 vt. 哀诉 n. 抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣
  2. greed /ɡriːd/ n. 贪婪,贪心
  3. gorgeous /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/ adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的
  4. overwhelming /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ/ adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的 v. 压倒,淹没,制服(overwhelm 的现在分词)

No.632 只要你想,没有什么不可能!




  1. Some of your best inspirations came in an experience that you didn't ask for. 你的某些极妙的灵感可能来自一些意料之外的事。
  2. If I want to be great, it's all down to me. 如果我想要变得优秀,这都取决于我。
  3. But once you want something, now you plug into something very real. 但是你一旦有了想要的东西,从那一刻起,你就开始投入到一些非常现实的事情中去。


  1. fuel /ˈfjuːəl/ n. 燃料;刺激因素;(为身体提供能量的)食物 vt. 给……提供燃料;刺激,煽动;推动 vi. 得到燃料
  2. thorn /θɔːn/ n. 刺;[植] 荆棘
  3. ambition /æmˈbɪʃn/ n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向 vt. 追求;有…野心
  4. plug into 把(电器)插头插入;接通

No.633 你一定能成为你想成为的人!




  1. `When the path is uncertain, we seek out footprints from journeys that occurred long ago. 当你前路充满未知的时候,我们就开始寻找前人走过的脚印。
  2. We must retreat to the depths of vulnerability in order to come back stronger than we have ever been. 为了回来之后变成一个更强大的人,我们必须潜入到自己脆弱的最深处。
  3. When we realize that falling ten times brings us contentment on the 11th, falling is nothing to be ashamed of. 当我们意识到前10次失败是为第11次成功做准备,失败一点都不可耻。


  1. uncover /ʌnˈkʌvər/ vt. 发现;揭开;揭露 vi. 发现;揭示;揭去盖子
  2. contain /kənˈteɪn/ vt. 包含;控制;容纳;牵制(敌军) vi. 含有;自制
  3. vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ n. 易损性;弱点
  4. seek out /siːk aʊt/ 找出;搜出;想获得

No.634 时间会奖励最终的勇者!




  1. The pain is not there to stop you, it's there to prepare you. 痛苦不是绊脚石而是垫脚石。
  2. Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense. 有时候我们会经历人生中一些毫无意义的片段。
  3. Now how the pain changes you is up to you. 现如今困难如何改变你的决定权在你这。


  1. feather /ˈfeðər/ n. 羽毛 vt. 用羽毛装饰 vi. 长羽毛
  2. horn /hɔːn/ n. 喇叭,号角;角 vt. 装角于
  3. frantic /ˈfræntɪk/ adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的
  4. perish /ˈperɪʃ/ vt. 使麻木;毁坏 vi. 死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎

No.635 我的未来式由我做主!




  1. Yesterday has nothing to do with what I can become. 昨天与我的未来会变成怎样毫无关系。
  2. Destiny means that you separate the finite from the infinite. 命运意味着你成功在有限的人生中发掘出无限的潜力。
  3. What you used to call yourself has prepared you to move towards the horizon. 你以前对自己的评价是为你向前迈进的地平线准备的。


  1. autobiography /ˌɔːtəbaɪˈɒɡrəfi/ n. 自传;自传文学
  2. expire /ɪkˈspaɪə(r)/ vi. 期满;终止;死亡;呼气 vt. 呼出(空气)
  3. conflate /kənˈfleɪt/ vt. 合并;异文合并
  4. astronomic /,æstrə'nɔmikəl,-ik/ adj. 天文学的;星学的

No.636 胜者的字典里没有"放弃"两字



  1. You have to find a way to build your own dream, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.


  2. Self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. 自律是一座连接目标与成就的桥梁。

  3. You do have the power to create an amazing future. 你是有能力去创造一个美好未来的。


  1. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的
  2. aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/ n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术
  3. unstoppable /ʌnˈstɒpəbl/ adj. 无法阻挡的,无法停止的
  4. take a break /teɪk ə breɪk/ 休息一下

No.637 努力只能及格,拼命才能优秀!




  1. It's time to unwrap the potential of what you can be. 是时候释放你自己的潜力了。
  2. Why not just commit one time in your life to something1. 为什么不试着在你生命中全身心地投入一次呢?
  3. The losers are the people that sit at the starting line and never initiate. 真正的失败者是坐在起点线不愿意做出改变的人。


  1. perseverance /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərəns/ n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠 n. 耐性;毅力
  2. initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ vt. 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解 n. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者 adj. 新加入的;接受初步知识的
  3. audition /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ n. (对演艺人员的)面试,试演;听觉,听能 v. 试演,试唱;对(某人)进行面试,让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)
  4. arrogant /ˈærəɡənt/ adj. 自大的,傲慢的

No.638 你的未来藏在你现在的努力里!




  1. We are designed to stay comfortable and safe. 我们天生就贪图安逸舒适。
  2. You can become the kind of person that is so in tune with the values that you have and actually what you want. 你可以成为那种很了解自己价值观并且知道自己真正想要什么的人。
  3. Even if you are annoyed with your spouse, you can still speak in a manner that's loving. 虽然对自己的伴侣很生气,你仍然可以用一种充满爱意的方式去说话。


  1. bankruptcy /ˈbæŋkrʌptsi/ n. 破产
  2. couch /kaʊtʃ/ n. 睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻 vi. 蹲伏,埋伏;躺着 vt. 使躺下;表达;弯下 n. (Couch)人名;(英)库奇
  3. screw /skru:/ vt. 旋,拧;压榨;强迫 n. 螺旋;螺丝钉;吝啬鬼 vi. 转动,拧
  4. despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. 即使,尽管 n. (诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨 vt. <废语>故意使烦恼,故意伤害;<古>蔑视,轻蔑

No.639 那些杀不死你的终将使你更强大!




  1. The eagle does not respond or fight with the crow, it simply opens up its wings and begins to rise higher and higher in the sky. 老鹰没有回应也没有与乌鸦缠斗,它只是张开翅膀在天空飞得越来越高。
  2. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it is for the crow to breathe. 老鹰飞得越高,乌鸦就越难呼吸。
  3. When the \"crow of life\" appear, they won't stay around for long because they will not be able to breathe at your level. 当”生活的乌鸦”出现时,它们不会在你身边停留很久,因为在你的高度上它们无法呼吸。


  1. moral /ˈmɒrəl/ adj. 道德的;精神上的;品性端正的 n. 道德;寓意 n. (Moral)人名;(德、法、西、葡、土)莫拉尔
  2. pod /pɒd/ n. 蚕茧;豆荚 vi. 结豆荚 vt. 从豆荚中剥出 n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德
  3. soar /sɔːr/ vi. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;(树木、建筑物等)高耸;(情绪)高涨 n. 高飞;高涨 n. (Soar)(英、葡)索尔(人名)
  4. come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

No.640 再黑暗的隧道也有出口!




  1. Behind every moment of adversity in your life, there is a blessing and a lesson. 在你人生困境中的每一刻背后存在着福报和教训。
  2. The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success. 你努力的程度将会决定你成功的高度。
  3. It takes a lots of guts to pick yourself up when you experience setbacks and people don't see the vision. 当你经历挫折且人们看不到前景时,你需要很多勇气来找回你自己。


  1. turbulence /ˈtɜːbjələns/ n. 骚乱,动荡;[流] 湍流;狂暴
  2. setback /ˈsetbæk/ n. 挫折;退步;逆流
  3. gut /ɡʌt/ n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠 vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部 adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的
  4. laugh at /læf æt/ 嘲笑;因…而发笑

No.641 人生没有白走的路,每一步都算!



1. `【佳句解读】

  1. Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness. 借口是无能的人用来建造通往无果的桥梁和虚无的纪念碑的。
  2. I realized that there are two ways to see the world: some people see the thing that they want, and some people see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want. 我意识到有两种看待世界的方法,有的人眼里是所求所想,有的人眼里是拦路虎阻碍他们获得所求所想。
  3. Once they hit their targets, they simply reset and go again. 一旦目标达成,他们就制定新的目的地,再次扬帆起航。


  1. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/ v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇;偶然碰见
  2. virtue /ˈvɜːtʃuː/
    n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效 n. (Virtue)人名;(英)弗丘
  3. incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ adj. 无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的 n. 无能力者
  4. a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆

No.642 相信自己,一切皆有可能!




  1. Humans lead with belief, that may be the single most important thing to understand. 人类以信念为主导,这可能是理解人类最重要的一件事。
  2. Some people aren't waiting to be cut, some people are moving on their own. 有些人不会坐以待毙,有些人会自我驱动。
  3. There is a believing that every red and yellow light turns green eventually in life. 人们相信生活中的每一个红灯和黄灯最终都会变成绿灯。


  1. sandpaper /ˈsændpeɪpər/ n. 砂纸 vt. 用砂纸擦光
  2. sticky /ˈstɪki/ adj. 粘的;粘性的
  3. hairy /ˈheəri/ adj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的 n. (Hairy)人名;(法)艾里
  4. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/ vt. 实行;执行;处死

No.643 对不起,这次我一定要赢!




  1. Start working and developing yourself now, and prepare yourself for what it is that you want because you expect to get it. 现在就开始工作,发展自己,为你想要的做好准备,因为你期望得到它。
  2. And you have got to learn how to tune out the critics outside and the critics inside. 你得学会如何不去理会外面的噪音和内心的挣扎。
  3. I wanna fight for my family, I want my mom and dad proud of me, I want my kids proud of me, I want me proud of me. 我想为我的家庭而战,我希望我的父母能以我为荣,我希望我的孩子以我为荣,我希望为自己感到骄傲。


  1. dude /duːd; djuːd/ n. 男人,小伙子 n. (Dude)人名;(德、塞)杜德 n. (非正式)花花公子;纨绔子弟
  2. harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/ n. 马具;背带,吊带;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作 v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;将(两只动物)拴在一起
  3. posture /ˈpɒstʃər/ n. 姿势;态度;情形 vi. 摆姿势 vt. 作…的姿势
  4. stack up 堆积;累计;加起来

No.644 敢于乘风破浪,方可风生水起!




  1. This can be easily avoided by noticing the peak rush hour periods and starting your commute a few hours prior to that. 如果留意高峰期的时间,这是容易避免的,然后提前几小时出发。
  2. This life that has been just given to you for temporary reasons has more meaning than you can ever imagine. 因为临时原因,你短期拥有的这种人生比你想象地更有意义。
  3. They repeat the same mistakes over and over again without taking a queue from their previous mistakes. 他们一遍又一遍重复着相同的错误,一点都不反省过去的错误。


  1. embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/ v. 上船(或飞机);(使)上船(或登记);从事
  2. turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ n. 混乱,骚动
  3. engulf /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ vt. 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽
  4. push back 把…向后推;推回

No.645 自律是你真正强大的开始!




  1. You really have to ask yourself what you want from life. 你确实需要问一下自己:你想要从生活中获得什么?
  2. Not many people are willing to sacrifice for years to live a better life in the future, but the great ones are. 不是所有人都愿意牺牲前几年的快乐来换取日后更好的生活,但是优秀的人愿意这么做。
  3. Self-discipline is not usually fun in the moment, but that self-discipline leads to a higher quality life later. 自律很多时候都不是当下的快乐,但是它可以让你以后的生活变得更好。


  1. consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/ adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地
  2. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉 vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售 vi. 献祭;奉献
  3. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚 vt. 训练,训导;惩戒
  4. In terms of 依据;按照;在…方面;以…措词

No.646 没人能打败你,除非你自己!




  1. Failure teaches you your limits, it makes you realise what you did wrong. 失败让你了解到自己的极限,让你意识到自己做错了什么。
  2. Turning a want into a crushing need is one of the most useful processes that you can master. 把一个想法变成迫切的需求是你可以掌握的最有用的过程之一。
  3. If there is no value proposition at hand, then you have no meaning to justify the difficult conditions of your life. 如果手头上没有价值主张,那么去证明你生活中的困难是合理的就没有任何意义。


  1. duck /dʌk/ n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vi. 闪避;没入水中 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 n. (Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克
  2. brutally /ˈbruːtəli/ adv. 残忍地;野蛮地;兽性地
  3. unabashedly /ˌʌnəˈbæʃɪdli/ adv. 不害臊地;不怕羞地
  4. predicate /ˈprɛdɪˌkeɪt/ n. 谓语,述语 v. 使……基于;断言;暗示 adj. 谓语的,述语的

No.647 人生不设限,未来尤可期!




  1. We have negative thoughts running around our minds. 我们会产生负面想法。
  2. It's absolutely possible for you to jump at least two grade levels within the next 30 days. 你绝对有可能在接下来的30天内提高两个分数等级。
  3. A lot of us haven't tapped into our full potential yet, we are living in our own bubbles. 大部分的人还没有挖掘出所有的潜能,我们活在自己的舒适圈内。


  1. malleable /ˈmæliəbl/ adj. 可锻的;可塑的;有延展性的;易适应的
  2. capability /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ n. 才能,能力;性能,容量
  3. fraction /ˈfrækʃn/ n. 分数;部分;小部分;稍微
  4. shake off 摆脱;抖落

No.648 全力以赴,不留遗憾!




  1. I left everything and started doing it because I was fully committed, the world responded to that commitment. 我已经全力以赴了,我抛开了一切,开始做这件事情,因为我全身心地投入了,世界一定不会辜负这般付出。
  2. What you are trying to do is do what you have done on this level and get the next level. 你要做的就是努力并且做到最好。
  3. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful. 当你对成功的渴望就像你对呼吸的渴望一样强烈时,你就会成功。


  1. hustle /ˈhʌsl/ v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃;(非正式)拉客 n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力
  2. lifeguard /ˈlaɪfɡɑːd/ n. 救生员;警卫 vt. 护卫,保护 vi. 当救生员
  3. scratch /skrætʃ/ n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的 vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂 vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛
  4. soundtrack /ˈsaʊndtræk/ n. 声带;声道;声迹;电影配音

No.649 愿一切努力终有收获!




  1. They are in bigger hurry to get to their destination. 他们更急于达到自己的目的.
  2. Time and focus are the most two valuable tools we have as people. 时间和专注是我们作为人最有价值的两件工具。
  3. You can be whatever you want to be as long as you want it bad enough. 你可以成为任何你想成为的人,只要你想。


  1. genetic /dʒəˈnetɪk/ adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的
  2. sprinter /ˈsprɪntər/ n. 短跑选手;短程赛选手;短跑运动员
  3. specimen /ˈspesɪmən/ n. 样品,样本;标本
  4. max out 得最高分;累惨了;绿灯时间完全使用之现象

No.650 挫折也许就是下一个转折




  1. Accepting the reality that we will never ever have things just on an even keel all the time. 接受我们无法永远让事情一直保持平稳的事实。
  2. When things go wrong, they always seem to happen at once and they just compound on top of each other and it's pretty easy sometimes to feel beaten. 当事情变得糟糕时,它们似乎总是同时发生并且接踵而来,而这很容易让你感到崩溃。
  3. These hard stress-filled, anxiety-filled moments that unexpectedly hit us. 这些沉重的压力和焦虑出人意料地打击了我们。


  1. compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词;有围栏(或围墙)的场地(内有工厂或其他建筑群) adj. 复合的;混合的 v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协
  2. circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运 vt. 处于某种情况
  3. warpath /ˈwɔːpɑːθ/ n. 敌对行动;征途;敌对情绪
  4. ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/ n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵 vt. 埋伏,伏击 vi. 埋伏

No.651 梦有多大,舞台就有多大!




  1. Her parents raised her to always believe in herself and never doubt her value. 她的父母从小教导他要相信自己,永远不要怀疑她的自我价值。
  2. If things are not going according to your plans, don't worry about it, it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. 如果事情没有按照你的计划进行,不要担心,也许你会因祸得福。
  3. You can't just sit in your room and think your way to passion, some things require you to get out of your comfort zone. 只是呆在房间里是想不出你的热情所在的,有些事情需要你离开舒适圈。


  1. babysit /ˈbeɪbisɪt/ v. (孩子家长外出时)临时代为照看婴孩
  2. sabotage /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/ v. 妨害;蓄意破坏 n. 蓄意毁坏;刻意阻碍
  3. flip /flɪp/ vt. 掷;轻击 vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳 adj. 无礼的;轻率的 n. 弹;筋斗
  4. self-discipline /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n. 自律;自我修养;自我训练

No.652 把握生命每一刻




  1. But you can see how much time there is available if you organize your day. 但是如果你好好规划你的一天,你就能知道还剩余多少时间。
  2. There was not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I'm standing here today. 我没有浪费过一分钟, 这也就是我今天为什么能够站在这里。
  3. It drives me crazy when people say they don't have enough time. 当人们跟我说他们时间不够用的时候,我很崩溃。


  1. composer /kəmˈpəʊzər/ n. 作曲家;作家,著作者;设计者
  2. schmooze /ʃmuːz/ v. 闲谈;拍马屁,扯关系;亲密交谈 n. 闲谈,聊天;亲密交谈
  3. nuts /nʌts/ adj. 发狂的;热衷的;狂热的 int. 胡说;呸 n. 坚果;螺母(nut的复数);核心 v. 采坚果;用头撞(nut的三单形式)
  4. work out 解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼

No.653 不到最后,不见分晓!




  1. Are you surrounding youself with people that can nourish you1. 你的周围是否有贵人相助?
  2. It is necessary that you develop some new relationships where you can learn from people. 你需要发展一些新的人际关系,从别人身上学习为人处世之道。
  3. It's possible that you got some talents,some ideas in you,your ability to do some stuff that you haven't even discovered yet. 你可能拥有诸多天分,诸多想法及能力去做一些尚未被探索发现的事情。


  1. evade /ɪˈveɪd/ vt. 逃避;规避;逃脱 vi. 逃避;规避;逃脱
  2. spectator /spekˈteɪtər/ n. 观众;旁观者
  3. tunnel /ˈtʌnl/ n. 隧道;坑道;洞穴通道 vt. 挖;在…打开通道;在…挖掘隧道 vi. 挖掘隧道;打开通道
  4. be supposed to 应该;被期望

No.654 C罗的成功经验,速来围观!




  1. Because I really like to put myself in the pressure to see what I can do. 因为我非常喜欢将自己置于压力之下,然后看我能做到什么。
  2. If you want respect, you should respect the other people, and this is what I always put in my mind. 如果你想要别人的尊重,你应该尊重别人, 我把这句话记在脑海。
  3. For the future, I will try to maintain the same, I'm going to push myself until my body give me a good answer. 在将来,我会努力保持不变,我会督促我自己直到我的身体给我很好的回应。


  1. skinny /ˈskɪni/ adj. 瘦骨嶙峋的;紧身的;(非正式)低脂肪的 n. 瘦骨嶙峋的人;机密情报,内幕消息
  2. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 奉献;献身;赠言
  3. athleticism /æθˈletɪsɪzəm/ n. 崇尚运动,积极参与运动;运动能力,运动才能
  4. in good shape 精神或身体状态好;处于很好的状态;良好的体形;体力好

No.655 成功者决不放弃!




  1. No one has become successful while staying within their comfort zone. 没有人呆在自己的舒适圈里就能成功的。
  2. It is not easy to continue studying when every part of your body is telling you to give up. 当你身体里的每一部分都在告诉你放弃时,持续不断的学习并不容易。
  3. If you can push through the suffering, there are some great things waiting for you on the other side, but you don't get to see them if you give up right now. 如果你能从煎熬中挺过来,会有一些很棒的事情在另一边等着你,但如果你现在放弃了,你就看不到了。


  1. battleground /'bætlɡraʊnd/ n. 战场
  2. mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈəʊkər/ adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的
  3. bother /ˈbɒðər/ vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 vi. 操心,麻烦;烦恼 n. 麻烦;烦恼
  4. propel /prəˈpel/ vt. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策


No.656 告别拖延,改变自己!




  1. People who succeed stick to the plan regardless. 成功的人不论怎样都会坚持自己的计划。
  2. Become someone who does instead of someone who just talks. 成为做事的人而不是只嘴上说说的人 。
  3. You have an incredible journey ahead of you and I wish you all the luck in the world. 你的未来是一段绝妙的旅程,我祝愿你在世上一路好运。


  1. smash /smæʃ/ vt. 粉碎;使破产;溃裂;使猛撞;撞击;搞垮(政治集团或体制) vi. 粉碎;打碎 n. 破碎;扣球;冲突;大败;十分走红的歌曲(或电影、戏剧) adv. 哗啦一声 adj. 了不起的;非常轰动的;出色的
  2. complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说 vt. 抱怨;控诉
  3. deserve /dɪˈzɜːv/ vi. 应受,应得 vt. 应受,应得
  4. carry on 继续;参与

No.657 成功不易,努力即是捷径




  1. And when they have a day where they didn't perform at their best, at their full potential, they recognise it, take note. 当他们有一天没有发挥出最大潜能时,他们意识到了,记下来。
  2. That’s all it is, there is no shortcut, there is no easy road to get good grades you have to be the best version of you possible. 就这样,没有捷径,没有容易的路,去取得你想要的成绩,去成为最好的你自己。


  1. potential /pəˈtenʃl/ adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的
  2. recognise /'rekəɡnaɪz/ v. 认出;承认,认可;识别
  3. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/ n. 捷径;被切短的东西
  4. at one's best 处在最佳状态

No.658 突破万难,勇攀高峰




  1. When you don't know the truth of who you are, you will believe the lies of what the world says you are. 当你不清楚你是谁时,你会相信世界对你说的谎言。
  2. But if I fail, I try again and again for as long as I try, there is always a that chance of getting up. 但如果我失败了,我一次又一次地尝试,只要我尝试,就会有机会站起来的。
  3. If you didn't go what you have gone through, you wouldn't be who you are today. 如果你不去经历你经历过的事情,你就不会成为今天的自己。


  1. surround /səˈraʊnd/ vt. 围绕;包围 n. 围绕物 adj. 环绕立体声的
  2. survive /səˈvaɪv/ vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长 vi. 幸存;活下来
  3. miracle /ˈmɪrəkl/ n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例 n. (Miracle)人名;(英)米勒克尔;(意、西)米拉克莱
  4. come up to v. 达到;等于

No.659 不要给自己放弃的余地!




  1. It's hard to outperform everyone else in your class, very few people are willing to endure the pain.


  2. They settle for average, average is dangerous, average is for the weak, you can be great, you can get to the next level.



  1. outperform /ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːm/

    v. 胜过;做得比……好

  2. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/

    v. 忍耐;容忍

  3. settle /ˈsetl/

    v. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷

  4. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;

No.660 别让借口成为你认输的理由!




  1. In this round of your life, you may be getting knocked down. You may be going through trials and tribulations. But I tell you once you get up you, you will be able to fight with strength you never had.


  2. When life knocks you down, and you don't see a way to get up, you have to find it deep down inside.



  1. trial /ˈtraɪəl/

    n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

  2. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/

    n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

  3. inside /ˌɪnˈsaɪd/

    n. 内侧;里面,内部;内心

    adj. 里面的,内部的;来自内部的

  4. knock down


No.661 不忘初心,方得始终




  1. When I was a kid, I was so captivated by imagination that I wouldn't even want to go to bed. 当我还是孩子的时候,幻想的世界让我着迷,我甚至不想睡觉。
  2. The excitement and mere possibility of the world around me kept me awake. 我周围世界的兴奋感和可能性让我清醒。
  3. I hadn't learned to settle down or go with flow, I hadn't yet learned to weigh the opinions of others or the pressure of the conformity. 我还不懂安顿或者顺其自然,不懂要权衡他人的意见或是遵从大众规则的压力。


  1. contemplate /ˈkɒntəmpleɪt/ vt. 沉思;注视;思忖;预期 vi. 冥思苦想;深思熟虑
  2. scenario /səˈnɑːriəʊ/ n. 方案;情节;剧本;设想
  3. detach /dɪˈtætʃ/ vt. 分离;派遣;使超然
  4. gravitate /ˈɡrævɪteɪt/ vi. 受引力作用;被吸引

No.662 不要让生活压垮了你




  1. Tragedy and trials come to everybody, only the strong survive. 每个人都会经历尝试和失败,只有强者才能生存。
  2. You have the opportunity to show the world what you are really made of. 你有机会向世界展示你的真本事。
  3. I need you to look at that sickness that’s going on in your life right now. 我需要你正视你正在经历的疾苦。


  1. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的
  2. grumble /ˈɡrʌmbl/ vi. 抱怨;嘟囔 n. 怨言 vt. 喃喃地说出 adv. 抱怨地表示;嘟囔地说
  3. retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ n. 撤退;休息寓所 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 vt. 退(棋);使后退
  4. fall apart 崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

No.663 当你想放弃的时候看看这个!




  1. The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. 斗争越艰难,胜利的果实越甜美。
  2. Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you ask God for. 所有你正在经历的都是在为你向上帝所求做准备。
  3. The beautiful things can come from your broken pieces when you give your broken pieces a chance. 只要你给你破碎的心一次机会,美好的事物就会从支离破碎中涌现出来。


  1. jack /dʒæk/ n. 千斤顶;[电] 插座;男人 vt. 增加;提醒;抬起;用千斤顶顶起某物 adj. 雄的
  2. rejection /rɪˈdʒekʃn/ n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽
  3. relentless /rɪˈlentləs/ adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的
  4. cut off 切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权

No.664 战胜单调,化努力为习惯!




  1. The actual pursuit of success begins with a principal that is so uncool and so unsexy, but so absolutely indispensable.


  2. You have to master the monotonous.



  1. principal /ˈprɪnsəpl/

    adj. 主要的;资本的

    n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人

  2. indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/

    adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的

  3. master /ˈmɑːstə(r)/

    n. 主人;大师;硕士;男教师;原件;院长;

    v. 精通;控制;征服;制作……母版

  4. mənɒtənəs /məˈnɒtənəs/

    adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的

No.665 携必胜的心态前行!




  1. Dreaming is good, having goals is good, but sooner or later there comes a time when you must act.


  2. Nothing can be achieved, conceived, until first it's believed.



  1. goal /ɡəʊl/

    n. 目标;球门,得分数;终点

  2. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/

    v. 取得;获得;实现;成功

  3. conceive /kənˈsiːv/

    v. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有

  4. sooner or later


No.666 一站到底,问鼎巅峰




  1. Many choose to turn around, They feel a little pain, then they run away. But there is a small number who decide that the pain is worth the prize.


  2. It got harder, and it got harder, and it seemed the further I climbed, the harder it got.



  1. seem /siːm/

    v. 似乎;像是;装作

  2. further /ˈfɜːðər/

    adv. 更远地;远非(如此);进一步地;

    adj. 更多的,附加的;更远的;进一步的,深一层的

    v. 促进,增进,助长

  3. run away


  4. `turn around

    转向反方向;(生意或经济) 好转;船只留港

No.667 假如生活欺骗了你




  1. Everybody in your life will have a turn back moment. 在你人生中的每个人都会有想转身放弃的那一刻。
  2. No matter who you are,you are gonna have such a period in your life where it seems like it's not working, you are gonna have doubts. 不论你是谁,你的人生中都会有这样一段时期-你似乎做什么都没用,产生自我怀疑。
  3. There is a power in you that can enable you to be stronger and better than anything that is out here. 你的潜能能够让你比外面世界的任何东西都要更坚强,更厉害。


  1. trial /ˈtraɪəl/ n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼 adj. 试验的;审讯的
  2. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 苦难;磨难;忧患
  3. devastate /ˈdevəsteɪt/ vt. 毁灭;毁坏
  4. shamble /ˈʃæmbl/ vi. 蹒跚地走;摇晃不稳;摇摇晃晃地走 n. 蹒跚;摇晃的脚步

No.668 做坚持到最后的那个人!




  1. Opportunity like a curtain that must be pulled back and an ocean that must be crossed or a toll that must be paid. 机会像一幅必须拉回来的窗帘,像一汪必须跨越的海洋或是一笔必须交的通行费。
  2. Because the difference between average and exceptional is the ability to make a single decision. 因为平凡与卓越的区别就是做出每一个决定的能力。
  3. Your job is not to make a finish line appear, it is to say yes to the step in front of you. 你要做的事情不是让终点线出现而是接受你脚下的每一步。


  1. faint /feɪnt/ adj. 模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;[医]衰弱的 vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力 n. [中医] 昏厥,昏倒
  2. inadequacy /ɪnˈædɪkwəsi/ n. 不足,不够好;能力不足;缺点,弱点;不适当;不完全
  3. spectacular /spekˈtækjələr/ adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的
  4. grandiose /ˈɡrændiəʊs/ adj. 宏伟的;堂皇的;浮夸的;宏大的

No.669 送给处在学习困境中的你!




  1. Because the idea isn't gonna execute itself and the book isn't gonna write itself and the weights out in the gym they're not gonna move themselves.


  2. Opportunities will come to you every day, it's either for you, you can remain scared of the opportunities or you can embrace them and take.



  1. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/

    v. 实行;执行;处死

  2. weight /weɪt/

    n. 重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性

    v. 加重量于,使变重

  3. scared /skeəd/

    adj. 害怕的

  4. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    v. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

No.670 时不我待,只争朝夕




  1. That's the thing, success and failure are generally slow processes.


  2. Either slowly building things up, or gradually tearing them down.



  1. generally /ˈdʒenrəli/

    adv. 通常;普遍地,一般地

  2. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;

  3. tear /ter/

    v. 撕掉,扯下;撕破;拔掉;拉伤;(非正式)狂奔

    n. 眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝, 撕扯

  4. either...or...


No.671 成功无捷径,只怕有心人




  1. Be true to yourself you know some people can be so superficial, you know there's no depth, you know it's so dense. 做真实的自己,你知道某些人是非常肤浅的,你知道他们看待事物没有什么深度。
  2. You got to be humble, you know and I think too many of us who've been blessed like we've been blessed people watch us and dont see. 你必须要谦虚,你知道吧,我觉得我们当中很多人,都受到上天的祝福,我们都受到祝福。


  1. superficial /ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃl/ adj. 表面的;肤浅的 ;表面文章的;外表的;(人)浅薄的
  2. dense /dens/ adj. 稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的
  3. humble /ˈhʌmbl/ adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的
  4. bless /bles/ v. 祝福;保佑;赞美

No.672 生而不同,莫成为“大多数”




  1. Why is being different frowned upon by the majority1. The majority aren't where they want to be. 为什么生而不同,那么多人对你皱着眉头,然而那些都变成不了他们想要变成的人。
  2. You have a mind of your own, to have the courage, to never follow a path that was paved for you, but instead choose to pave your own. 你有你自己的心,拥有足够的勇气,去选择一条不是别人为你准备好的路,相反,选择一条属于你自己的道路。


  1. majority /məˈdʒɒrəti/ n. 多数;成年
  2. pave /peɪv/ v. (用石板或砖)铺(路),铺砌,铺设;为某事物铺平道路,创造条件
  3. instead /ɪnˈsted/ adv. 代替;反而;相反
  4. frown upon 不悦;皱眉;不赞成

No.673 战胜逆境,告别平庸的自己




  1. Greatness is no joyride, greatness is full of adversity and obstacles. 伟大不是驾车游玩,伟大充满了逆境和挫折。
  2. They are going to throw sticks at you, they are going to try and pull you down and keep you on their level. 他们会给予你一些困难,他们会把你拉下来让你保持在他们的水平。


  1. joyride /ˈdʒɔɪraɪd/ n. 驾车游玩;兜风;追求享乐
  2. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/ n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸
  3. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/ n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物
  4. stick /stɪk/ v. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴 n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人

No.674 生命不息,探索不止




  1. It's time to rise and shine, it's time to be about that business, it's time to understand that if you want to get something out of your life. 是时候释放出你的小宇宙了,是时候干正经事了,是时候明白自己到底是不是想要在这段人生中得到什么?
  2. You've got to understand that it takes grit, passion and determination. 你必须要明白达到你的目标需要付出努力,热情自己坚定的决心。


  1. shine /ʃaɪn/ v. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;出类拔萃,表现突出;
  2. grit /ɡrɪt/ n. 砂砾;勇气,决心;粗砂岩
  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/ n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒
  4. determination/dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 决心;果断;测定

No.675 与时间赛跑,争做时间的主人




  1. You will be who knows, how much more efficient 10 times more efficient, 20 times more efficient, that's the Pareto distribution. 你可能变得非常高效率,效率可以达到之前的10倍,20倍,这就是柏拉图分布。
  2. When I was broke, if you look at my schedule you'll see that I woke up whenever I felt like waking up.` 在我一穷二白的时候,当你看着我的日程表,你会看见,不管什么时候我都会保持清醒的状态。


  1. efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的
  2. distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ n. 分布;分配;供应
  3. schedule /ˈʃedjuːl/ n. 计划(表);时间表;一览表; v. 安排,预定;
  4. wake up 醒来;开始警觉;开始了解真相

No.676 人生不能设限,一切皆可战胜




  1. Many of you probably know who the Wright brothers are. The Wright brothers were evolutionaries. They changed and revolutionised flight. 你们很多人可能都听说过莱特兄弟,莱特兄弟是两位革命家,他们改变了以及变革了人们的飞行生活。
  2. Your flops and your failures yesterday doesn't even matter. 你昨天经历的挫折和败北一点都不重要。


  1. evolutionary /ˌiːvəˈluːʃənri/ adj. 进化的;发展的;渐进的
  2. revolutionise /,revə'ljuːʃənaɪz/ v. 彻底改变
  3. flop /flɒp/ n. 彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作;扑通声;(非正式)廉价旅馆
  4. matter /ˈmætə(r)/ n. 物质;事件 vi. 有关系;要紧

No.677 你只是优秀,并不是卓越




  1. Then we keep on doing it and it's an easy trap to fall into, that's why it so important to not miss even one class, because it can quickly snowball into something more dangerous. 然后我们继续这样做,很容易落入陷阱,所以一节课都不要错过,这就像是滚雪球一样越滚越大,最终使你处于危险处境。
  2. And it's funny because the more obsessed you get with your studying, the louder the haters will get. 有趣的是你对学习越着迷,仇恨者的声音越大。


  1. snowball /ˈsnəʊbɔːl/ n. 雪球 vi. 掷雪球;滚雪球般增大
  2. obsessed /əbˈsest/ adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的
  3. louder /laʊdə/ adv. 大声一点
  4. fall into 落入,陷入

No.678 保持饥饿,保持愚蠢




  1. I've not been put on this planet to have an average education, an average income, an average family, average health. 我来到这个世界上,不是单纯为了享受普通教育,拥有普通的收入,组建普通的家庭,保持普通的健康。
  2. I'm here to make a dent in the universe, you will never hear me complain that it's someone else's fault. 我在这里是为了引起全宇宙的注意力,你永远都不会听到我抱怨,是谁谁谁的错。


  1. planet /ˈplænɪt/ n. 行星
  2. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ n. 平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;
  3. income /ˈɪnkʌm/ n. 收入,收益;所得
  4. make a dent 产生印象;引起注意

No.679 告别过去,让一切归零




  1. Humility is the most important thing you can have for change, if you really wanna have a big change, a lot of people come to hear what they already want to hear, codify this into five principles I can then apply to my life. 谦逊是你能改变的最重要的东西,如果你真的想作出很大改变的话。很多人来这听他们心中早就预想过想听的东西,把这编纂成可以应用于自己人生的五条原则。
  2. Action is the antidote for despair, action is the prescription for success. 行动是绝望的解药,行动是成功的处方。


  1. humility /hjuːˈmɪləti/ n. 谦卑,谦逊
  2. codify /ˈkəʊdɪfaɪ/ v. 编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典
  3. antidote /ˈæntidəʊt/ n. [药] 解毒剂;解药;矫正方法
  4. prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ n. 药方;指示;惯例

No.680 带着信仰的翅膀,翱翔于天际




  1. Success is a war over the invisible, it's having the faith and vision to see what could be, can be and will be. 成功是一场肉眼看不见的战争,它要求你拥有信仰和愿景,去看见你可以变成的模样。
  2. The language of those who are truly alive soaring on wings of faith. 那些真正活着的人的话语,带着信仰的翅膀翱翔于天际。


  1. invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的
  2. vision /ˈvɪʒn/ n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力;幻视
  3. soar /sɔː(r)/ v. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;
  4. wing /wɪŋ/ n. 翼;翅膀;飞翔;派别;侧厅,耳房,厢房

No.681 莫让他人的看法,成为羁绊




  1. Hundreds of years ago when we were on the savanna fighting the saber-toothed tiger and the cheetah, if we left the herd, we would be killed and eaten. 几百年前,当我们在草原上与剑齿虎和猎豹作战时,如果我们离开人群,我们会被杀死和吃掉。
  2. So very simply, please take the passion that is pouring out of my face right now and run with, and go do something. 请将我此刻脸上洋溢着的热情带走,尽情与之奔跑,去做点事情。


  1. savanna /sə'vænə/ n. [生态] 热带草原;热带的稀树大草原
  2. saber /ˈseɪbə(r)/ n. 军刀;佩剑;骑兵 v. 用马刀砍或杀
  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/ n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒
  4. pour /pɔː(r)/ v. 灌,倒;倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下;涌进,涌出;斟(饮料);纷至沓来

No.682 愿这黑夜,不负你攀爬的决心




  1. You just have not been able to work through the procrastinating, or putting it off, or justifying. 你只是没能克服拖延,耽搁,或者辩解。
  2. I'm struggling, and I'm scraping and kicking, and clawing at those weaknesses to change them. 我在抵抗,我在拼搏,猛击这些弱点,只为改变它们。


  1. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ v. 耽搁,延迟
  2. scrap /skræp/ n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量 v. 废弃;使解体;拆毁
  3. kick /kɪk/ v. 踢,踢腿;对(自己)生气;
  4. put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止

