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No.601 你的未来取决于你自己!




  1. Who you are now is not who you will be 10 years from now, who you will be 10 years from now is up to you. 现在的你并非10年后的你,10年后你会变成什么样子取决于你自己。
  2. Believing yourself affects every aspect of your life. 相信你自己能影响你生活的方方面面。
  3. To remind yourself that you have potential to do everything you have ever dreamed of. 提醒你自己是有潜力去做你曾经梦想的一切。


  1. biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪk/ adj. 生物的;生物学的
  2. raise /reɪz/ vt. 提高;筹集;养育;升起;饲养,种植 vi. 上升 n. 高地;上升;加薪
  3. descent /dɪˈsent/ n. 下降;血统;袭击 vt. 除去…的气味;使…失去香味
  4. furious /ˈfjʊəriəs/ adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的

No.602 没有决心,你凭什么成功?




  1. Sometimes we can't say I can do that, but what we can say that is possible. 有时候我们不能打包票说我一定能完成,但我们可以说一切皆有可能。
  2. Only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible. 只有那些能看到别人所不能看到之处的人才能够完成不可能的事。
  3. We need to understand the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it can also be the most destructive. 我们要知道人的思想就是我们手握的最强大的工具,但也有可能是最有破坏性的。


  1. conquer /ˈkɒŋkər/ vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取 vi. 胜利;得胜
  2. align /əˈlaɪn/ vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配 vi. 排列;排成一行
  3. invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的
  4. willpower /ˈwɪlpaʊər/ n. 意志力;毅力

No.603 不要逃避,要迎难而上!




  1. Recycle your pain, get something from it. 好好利用你所经历的痛苦,从中汲取教训。
  2. This is time for you to get up and be the best version of you.` 是时候振作起来成为最好的自己了。
  3. What will you do with your pain, will you let it break you or will you let it redefine you1. ` 你会怎样处理你的痛苦呢,是让它将你击垮,还是让它重新定义你。


  1. tempt /tempt/ vt. 诱惑;引起;冒…的风险;使感兴趣
  2. vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的
  3. nostril /ˈnɒstrəl/ n. 鼻孔
  4. give in /ɡɪv ɪn/ v. 屈服;让步;交上

No.604 向优秀的人靠近,成为更优秀的人




  1. Greatness to me means that you went right to the edge of what you were capable of doing in this moment. 于我而言,优秀就是我自己可以达到我目前能力水平的极限边缘。
  2. I stopped worrying about who I was right now, and I began to paint a vision of how the person would act that I want to become. 我不为现在的自己感到焦虑,并且我会想:我想成为的人他会怎么做呢?
  3. Many of us never realize our greatness because we become sidetracked by secondary. 我们当中有很多人没有意识到自己的优秀所在,因为我们都容易被次要的事情带离正轨。


  1. scarcity /ˈskeəsəti/ n. 不足;缺乏
  2. sidetrack /ˈsaɪdtræk/ vt. 将(火车)[建] 转到侧线;转变(话题) n. (铁路)侧线;次要地位 vi. [建] 转到侧线;转变话题
  3. betrayal /bɪˈtreɪəl/ n. 背叛;辜负;暴露;违约
  4. hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/ adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的 n. 敌对

No.605 投降才是失败,放弃才算结束!




  1. The only way to overcome the challenges that you face is to start walking. 克服所面临的挑战的唯一方法是迈出第一步。
  2. Because the darkness only wins if you have let it. 因为只有你拱手相让时,黑暗才会赢得胜利。
  3. There is no gain without pain. 若无痛苦,何来收获。


  1. barely /ˈbeəli/ adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地
  2. extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ vt. 熄灭;压制;偿清
  3. surrender /səˈrendər/ vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任 vi. 投降;屈服;自首 n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服
  4. tribulation /ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 苦难;磨难;忧患

No.606 如何让自己每天元气满满




  1. Micro-goals represent a useful tool because they create small successes that will in a long term create bigger ones. 微目标就是一个有用的方法,因为它们会创造小成功,而这些在长期会创造更大的成功。
  2. They are able to hack into their minds so that they can control their own emotions. 他们能够调控自己的思想从而掌控自己的情绪。
  3. Working out is another useful tool that helps with learning to enjoy the hard stuff. 健身是另一个有用的方式能帮助你学会享受克服难题的乐趣。


  1. dopamine /ˈdəʊpəmiːn/ n. [生化] 多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物)
  2. neurotransmitter /ˈnjʊərəʊtrænzmɪtər/ n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素
  3. molecule /ˈmɒlɪkjuːl/ n. [化学] 分子;微小颗粒,微粒
  4. trailer /ˈtreɪlər/ n. 拖车;[电视] 预告片;追踪者 vi. 乘拖车式活动房屋旅行 vt. 用拖车载运

No.607 新的一年不要让自己失望!




  1. There is no worse feeling than that of letting yourself down. 让自己失望,这感觉糟糕透顶。
  2. That moment when you are so disgusted in yourself that you have to change. 当你厌恶自己到必须改变自己的那一刻。
  3. You have to drop the excuses and think: what can I do1. 你必须放下借口,好好想想:我可以做些什么?


  1. disgusted /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/ adj. 厌恶的;厌烦的 v. 使恶心;使讨厌(disgust的过去分词)
  2. continuously /kənˈtɪnjuəsli/ adv. 连续不断地
  3. standard /ˈstændəd/ n. 标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准 adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的
  4. deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ vt. 交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生 vi. 实现;传送;履行;投递 n. 投球

No.608 克服拖延症的九个建议!




  1. You know you could have woken up earlier and gone to the gym or read a book or meditated. 你知道你本可以起得更早,然后去健身房或是看一本书或是冥想。
  2. Before you go to bed at night, the most important thing you can do is to have a plan. 在前一晚你上床睡觉之前,你需要做的最重要的一件事就是制定计划。
  3. Are you going to get the assignment done by sitting in your pajamas again and working from home 你又要在家里穿着睡衣完成你的任务吗?


  1. meditate /ˈmedɪteɪt/ vt. 考虑;计划;企图 vi. 冥想;沉思
  2. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ vt. 耽搁,延迟 vi. 耽搁,延迟
  3. salvage /ˈsælvɪdʒ/ n. 打捞;海上救助;抢救财货;救难的奖金 vt. 抢救;海上救助
  4. haphazardly /hæpˈhæzədli/ adv. 偶然地,随意地;杂乱地

No.609 你有多自律就有多自由!




  1. If you wanna take the easy road, I promise you it's longer and more painful than the hard road. 如果你想走捷径,我可以告诉你,与辛苦的道路相比,这更是道阻且长。
  2. If you set out and you say you gonna do something, do yourself a favor and don't lie to yourself. 如果你定下目标,你说要做某件事情,行行好吧,不要再对自己说谎了。
  3. Make discipline be part of your daily life and your daily life will get better. 让自律成为你日常生活中的一部分,这样你的日常生活将会变得更加美好。


  1. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/ n. 捷径;被切短的东西
  2. mirror /ˈmɪrər/ n. 镜子;真实的写照;榜样 vt. 反射;反映
  3. humility /hjuːˈmɪləti/ n. 谦卑,谦逊
  4. ownership /ˈəʊnəʃɪp/ n. 所有权;物主身份

No.610 逆风的地方更适合飞翔!




  1. The heartbreak you are experiencing might be tough, but it will not determine your life. 经历那些伤心事或许很难,但那些经历无法决定你的人生。
  2. It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. 重要的不是发生了什么,而是你如何应对。
  3. What matters is who you decide to be now. 真正重要的是你当下决定成为怎样的人。


  1. destiny /ˈdestəni/ n. 命运,定数,天命
  2. crappy /ˈkræpi/ adj. 蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的
  3. heartache /ˈhɑːteɪk/ n. 心痛;悲叹
  4. shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ n. 阴影;影子;幽灵;庇护;隐蔽处 vt. 遮蔽;使朦胧;尾随;预示 vi. 变阴暗 adj. 影子内阁的

No.611 心如花木,向阳而生!




  1. Not only is it important that you believe, and begin to know that it's possible for you to live your dream, as you run toward it. 重要的是你不仅要相信自己,而且要清楚的知道,当你奔向梦想的时候,你是有可能实现梦想的。
  2. Why you are working so hard, why you are studying so hard, why you are so focused on that one specific thing. 你为什么要努力工作?你为什么要努力学习?你为什么要如此专注于某一个事物?
  3. The more pain we go through, the more it will change us. 我们经历的痛苦越多,得到的改变越大。


  1. stretching /ˈstretʃɪŋ/ n. 伸长;展宽 v. 拉伸(stretch的ing形式)
  2. drainer /'dreɪnə/ n. 排水器;下水道装置
  3. setback /ˈsetbæk/ n. 挫折;退步;逆流
  4. bitter /ˈbɪtər/ adj. 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的 n. 苦味;苦啤酒 adv. 激烈地;严寒刺骨地 vt. 使变苦

No.612 梦在彼岸,全力奔跑!




  1. What leaders do is they find a way to maximize whatever resources they have. 领导者们会找到一种方法来充分利用他们所拥有的资源。
  2. You are called to be an eagle, but sometimes we are acting like a chicken. 你被召唤成为雄鹰,但有时候我们表现得像只小鸡。
  3. You need view the negative things in your life as waste, you are not supposed to feed on it. 你需要把生活中消极的东西当成垃圾,你不应该以此为食。


  1. frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/

    n. 挫折

  2. intellectually /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/

    adv. 智力上;理智地;知性上

  3. discard /dɪˈskɑːd/

    vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃 vi. 放弃 n. 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人

  4. eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/

    vt. 消除;排除

No.613 你的梦想正在等待着你实现!




  1. The lion does not need anything external, that thing that it needs is inside of him. 狮子不需要任何外力,它所需要的东西已经存在于内心。
  2. I will do whatever I have to do to get to the other side, to make it over, to push through this. 为了到达成功的彼岸,完成目标,完成任务,我会做我必须做的事。
  3. Each and every one of us has something that this world needs, and only you can flip that switch. 我们每个人都拥有这个世界所需要的东西,然而只有你才能按动开关。


  1. gazelle /ɡəˈzel/ n. 瞪羚;小羚羊 vi. 似瞪羚般跳跃
  2. outrun /ˌaʊtˈrʌn/ vt. 超过;跑得比…快;从…逃脱
  3. self-motivated /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ 自我激励的
  4. timeframe /ˈtaɪmfreɪm/ n. 时间表

No.614 你尽管努力,剩下的交给天意




  1. The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are stronger in the broken place. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,在那之后,受过伤的地方会愈加坚强。
  2. You can have to push yourself harder than anyone has ever asked you to push yourself before. 你要强迫自己努力,比之前任何人要求你的还要更加刻苦。
  3. To understand the only difference between the possible and the impossible is your set of skills. 明白可能与不可能之间唯一的区别是你的本领。


  1. vomit /ˈvɒmɪt/ v. 呕吐;喷出;(火山)喷出岩浆;(使)呕吐 n. 呕吐;呕吐物;催吐剂
  2. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/ n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物
  3. trick /trɪk/ n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的
  4. restore /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ vt. 恢复;修复;归还 vi. 恢复;还原

No.615 我想要发光发热的人生!




  1. There is a Bible phrase that says: without dreams and visions people perish. 圣经里有一句话:没有梦想和远见,人就会消亡。
  2. You have got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul. 你要有能激发你内心和灵魂的东西。
  3. I will never cower before any master, not bend to any threat. 我绝不会在任何一位大师面前胆怯发抖,也不会屈服于任何恐惧。


  1. perish /ˈperɪʃ/ vt. 使麻木;毁坏 vi. 死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎
  2. determination /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 决心;果断;测定
  3. crumb /krʌm/ n. 面包屑,碎屑;少许 vt. 弄碎;捏碎
  4. cower /ˈkaʊər/ vi. 退缩;抖缩;蜷缩;弯腰屈膝

No.616 成长路上你尽管向前跑!




  1. You have got to understand that when you are turning the corner, there is an unique obstacle that is waiting for you. 你必须明白当你要转弯的时候,那有一个独一无二的难关在等着你。
  2. They run away instead of running forward something. 他们是逃跑而非朝着某个目标前行。
  3. You may have to take your time and just jog a little bit, but sooner or later, you have got to pick up the pace. 你可能需要慢慢来,只需要一点点慢跑,但是迟早你都要加快步伐。


  1. endurance /ɪnˈdjʊərəns/ n. 忍耐力;耐久性;持续时间
  2. gear /ɡɪər/ n. 齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置;排挡 vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作 vt. 开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好 adj. 好极了
  3. jog /dʒɒɡ/ vt. 慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;使颠簸 vi. 慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;颠簸着移动 n. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞
  4. finish line /ˈfɪnɪʃ laɪn/ 终点线,终航线

No.617 命运是不会辜负有心人的




  1. Wasting time feeling badly about yourself for failing does not make sense. 别浪费时间来为自己的失败感到难过,那是没有意义的。
  2. That everything you choose to believe will make up your entire world. 你选择相信的一切将会构成你的整个世界。
  3. Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. 我们的生活很大程度上受到我们看待事物的方式影响,而不是他们本身的样子。


  1. lowercase /,ləʊə'keɪs/ adj. 小写字体的 v. 用小写字体书写(或打印) n. 小写字母
  2. empty /ˈempti/ adj. 空的;无意义的;无知的;徒劳的 vt. 使失去;使......成为空的 vi. 成为空的;流空 n. 空车;空的东西
  3. superpower /suːpəpaʊər; ˈsjuːpəpaʊər/ n. 超级大国;超级强权
  4. trite /traɪt/ adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的

No.618 真正的改变源于你自己




  1. The things you do and don't do are far important than you think. 你所做过的和从未做过的事比你想象的要重要得多。
  2. Recreating you and you have the power to do that. You can decide that you are going to change. 你有能力重塑你自己,你能决定你能改变。
  3. You are not trying to get perfection right now, you are just trying to get a little bit better than you were yesterday or an hour ago. 你现在不需要追求完美,你只需要比昨天或者一小时前做得更好。


  1. threatened /'θretənd/ adj. 受到威胁的 v. 威胁(threaten的过去分词)
  2. collapse /kəˈlæps/ v. (突然)倒塌;(尤指因病重而)倒下,昏倒;(尤指工作劳累后)坐下;崩溃;(货币)贬值;折叠;(肺或血管)萎陷;套缩 n. 崩溃;(突然)倒塌;病倒;(货币)暴跌
  3. breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/ n. 突破;突破性进展
  4. run out of 用完

No.619 如何成为一个自律的人




  1. You don't get discipline from an external source, you have to get it from within you. 自律不会来源于任何一个外部因素,自律源于你的自身。
  2. When you are graduating with a 4.0 GPA, and your family are proud to show you off. 当你以绩点4.0优异的成绩毕业的时候,你的家人可以自豪地向别人炫耀。
  3. When you let the discipline fade away, when you are feeling depressed because you know you are falling behind the rest of the class. 当你不再自律,当你因为成绩落后于其他同学而感到沮丧时。


  1. undisciplined /ˌʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd/ adj. 无训练的;无纪律的;没规矩的
  2. envision /ɪnˈvɪʒn/ vt. 想象;预想
  3. terrified /ˈterɪfaɪd/ v. (使)害怕,惊恐;恐吓(terrify 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 非常害怕的,极度惊恐的
  4. designate /ˈdezɪɡneɪt/ vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为 adj. 指定的;选定的

No.620 你有多想成功,就要有多少努力!



1. `【佳句解读】

  1. Make this moment the moment of truth of about yourself. 让这一刻成为你自己的高光时刻。
  2. Many of you have been selling yourself short all of your life. 许多人一生都在贬低自己。
  3. There is definitely a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential. 在找到你的激情和发挥的潜力之间绝对有直接联系。


  1. resolve /rɪˈzɑːlv/ vt. 决定;溶解;使……分解;决心要做……;[主化]解析 vi. 解决;决心;分解 n. 坚决;决定要做的事
  2. environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/ adj. 环境的,周围的;有关环境的
  3. guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ adj. 有罪的;内疚的
  4. flap /flæp/ n. 拍打,拍打声;神经紧张;(飞机的)襟翼;风门,挡板;[医]皮瓣 vi. 拍动;神经紧张;鼓翼而飞;(帽边等)垂下 vt. 拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动

No.621 要是现在放弃也太可惜了!




  1. I have to be willing to allow my conviction to make me inconvenienced. 我愿意接受我的信念给我带来的不适。
  2. Why won't most people do it because it's scary and it's lonely. 为什么大多数人不这么做,因为这很可怕,很孤独。
  3. You have come too far to quit now, you have invested too much to quit now. 你已经走得太远了,现在不能放弃!你已经投入太多,现在不能放弃!


  1. abandon /əˈbændən/ v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入 n. 放任,狂热
  2. version [ˈvɜːʃn] n. 版本;译文;倒转术
  3. bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ n. 底部;末端;臀部;尽头 adj. 底部的 vt. 装底;测量深浅;查明真相 vi. 到达底部;建立基础
  4. rock /rɒk/ n. 岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁 vt. 摇动;使摇晃 vi. 摇动;摇晃

No.622 只要还有机会,就别轻易放弃!




  1. It's just so sad to see that moment when someone gives up on themselves. 每每看到有人放弃自己都会觉得非常惋惜。
  2. Other people might stop believing in you, but don't you ever stop believing in yourself. 别人可能不会再相信你,但是你必须相信你自己。
  3. It's no one else's responsibility to make you happy. 别人没有义务让你开心。


  1. guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证;担保
  2. integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/ n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正
  3. conquer /ˈkɒŋkər/ vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取 vi. 胜利;得胜
  4. responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ n. 责任,职责;义务

No.623 拒绝消极的自我暗示




  1. The difficult thing about being worried especially when you are a spiritual person, is sometimes you don't even want anybody to know that you are worried about it. 忧虑的麻烦之处尤其在于你是一个敏感的人,有时候你甚至不想让任何人知道你的忧虑。
  2. Worry is such a powerful thing, it can actually ultimately affect your physical well-being. 忧虑是一件如此有影响力的事情,实际上,它最终可以影响你的身体健康。
  3. Stop doing the things that you know are wrong, that you couldn't stop doing. 停止做那些你觉得错的事情,那些你无法停止的事情。


  1. indigestion /ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən/ n. 消化不良;不消化
  2. lethal /ˈliːθl/ adj. 致命的,致死的 n. 致死因子
  3. obligated /ˈɒblɪɡeɪtɪd/ adj. 有义务的;责无旁贷的
  4. facade /fəˈsɑːd/ n. 正面;表面;外观

No.624 我为自己而战,为梦想而战!




  1. You are basically imaging something that isn't real, but yet you are feeling these negative emotions. 你基本上是在想象一些不真实的东西,然而你却感受到了这些负面情绪。
  2. Live in the present, but look forward to the future. 活在当下,但展望未来。
  3. To me, the very fundamental purpose of life is to find out how many skills that I can acquire, that have utility. 对于我来说,人生最根本的目的是找出多少我能够得到且又实用的技能。


  1. mastery /ˈmæstəri/ n. 掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权
  2. empowering /ɪmˈpaʊərɪŋ/ v. 授权;允许(empower的ing形式)
  3. evanescent /ˌevəˈnesnt; ˌiːvəˈnesnt/ adj. 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的
  4. transitory /ˈtrænzətɔːri,ˈtrænsətɔːri/ adj. 短暂的,暂时的;瞬息的

No.625 总有一天我会向他们证明自己




  1. All these insecure people putting their insecurities on you, you got to flush it out. 没有安全感的人都把他们的不安强加在你身上,你得把它清除。
  2. But if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness. 但是如果你能完成你讨厌的事情,从另一方面来说,这也是一种成功了。
  3. You realise you don't want to be this weak, insecure person. 你意识到你不想成为这种软弱又没有安全感的人。


  1. spark /spɑːrk/ n. 火花;电火花;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电;闪光体;一丝强烈的感情;愉悦;(非正式)军队中对无线电报务员(或电工的)昵称;生龙活虎的小伙子;导火线;活力
  2. dysfunction /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn/ n. 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良 vi. 功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉
  3. praise /preɪz/ v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝) n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜
  4. criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n. 批评;考证;苛求

No.626 没有什么能够阻挡我前进!




  1. We all have these moments in time that the either make you or break you. 我们都会有这样的时刻,即成功和失败非此即彼的时候。
  2. Selling yourself on your ability to perform on a job. 展现自己能够做好本职工作的能力
  3. If it were in fact easy, everybody would do it. 如果这容易的话,那所有人就会蜂拥而至。


  1. iconic /aɪˈkɑːnɪk/ adj. 偶像的,图符的;与图像有关的,图像性的;以传统风格刻画得胜运动员的
  2. convince /kənˈvɪns]/ vt. 说服;使确信,使信服
  3. moan /məʊn/ vi. 抱怨,悲叹;呻吟 n. 呻吟声;悲叹 vt. 抱怨;呻吟着说
  4. stumble /ˈstʌmbl/ vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错 vt. 使…困惑;使…绊倒 n. 绊倒;蹒跚而行

No.627 没有目标的梦想就是个梦而已




  1. The secret to the success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time. 成功的秘诀就是日积月累坚持做小的事情。
  2. A moment of every single day has a massive impact on where you ultimately end up. 生命中的每时每刻都会对你最终何去何从产生巨大的影响。
  3. The way to improve lives is to continually improve yourself. 改善生活的方法就是不断改善自己。


  1. empty /ˈempt/] adj. 空的;无意义的;无知的;徒劳的 vt. 使失去;使......成为空的 vi. 成为空的;流空 n. 空车;空的东西
  2. spoon /spuːn/ n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量 vt. 用匙舀;使成匙状 vi. 轻轻向上击
  3. ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ adv. 最后;根本;基本上
  4. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/ n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

No.628 努力从来不会被辜负!




  1. What we have to do is we have to be our own sergeant, to hold the highest standards. 我们需要做的就是自我鞭策, 坚持最严格的标准。
  2. Not only do I climb that doggone mountain, I enjoy climbing the mountain. 我不止要问鼎巅峰,我更要享受攀登。
  3. It will be worth the sacrifice if you can grind your way through it. 如果你能克服困难,那你的牺牲就是值得的。


  1. slack /slæk/ adv. 松散地 adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的 n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠 v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰
  2. dime /daɪm/ n. (美国、加拿大的)十分硬币;少量的钱;小东西
  3. sergeant /ˈsɑːdʒənt/ n. 军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师
  4. butt /bʌt/ n. 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞

No.629 每个人都有让梦想成真的能力!




  1. What they do is wasting a great deal of their life because they have no sense of direction and they just settle for whatever comes their way. 他们所做的就是浪费生命中大量的时间,只因他们浑浑噩噩,毫无目标。
  2. I'm asking you to pull up your stakes, pack up your belongings, mediocrity is not your home. 我恳请你另觅去处,收拾行囊,平庸不是你的归宿。
  3. Yes, we should be content, but you shouldn't be satisfied with less than what you know in your heart. 的确,我们应该知足常乐,但你不应该安于现状,满足于心理预期以下的事情。


  1. mediocrity /ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti/ n. 平庸之才;平常
  2. overwhelmed /,əʊvə'welmd/ adj. 被压倒的,被淹没的;受宠若惊的,不知所措的 v. (情感)难以禁受;压倒,使受打击;使应接不暇;淹没,漫过
  3. leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率 v. 利用;举债经营
  4. be obsessed with 痴迷于

No.630 我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降!




  1. When your opportunity comes, you better be ready, when your opportunity hits, you better respond. 当机遇降临时,你最好做好准备,当机遇来临时,你最好全力应对。
  2. It's time to get your bounce back, build your business, build your future. 是时候绝地反击了,打造你的事业,构建你的未来。
  3. If nobody get sticks their hand out to pick you up, get yourself up and rise. 如果没有人出手在困难中拉你一把,那你就自己振作起来。


  1. abandonment /əˈbændənmənt/ n. 抛弃;放纵
  2. agony /ˈæɡəni/ n. 苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎
  3. anguish /ˈæŋɡwɪʃ/ n. 痛苦;苦恼 vt. 使极度痛苦 vi. 感到极度的痛苦
  4. deceitfulness /dɪˈsiːtflnəs/ n. 不诚实;欺诈

No.631 梦想就是要奋起直追呀!




  1. Lots of hierarchies to attempt to climb, and if you fail in one, go try in another. 跨越阶层的方法有很多种,如果一个方法失败了,你可以试试另一个。
  2. Self actualization is the idea that you grow for the sake of growth. 自我实现是指你为了更好的发展而成长。
  3. Self transcendence is the idea that you go beyond yourself. 自我超越是指超越你自己。


  1. whine /waɪn/ vi. 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声 vt. 哀诉 n. 抱怨;牢骚;哀鸣
  2. greed /ɡriːd/ n. 贪婪,贪心
  3. gorgeous /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/ adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的
  4. overwhelming /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ/ adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的 v. 压倒,淹没,制服(overwhelm 的现在分词)

No.632 只要你想,没有什么不可能!




  1. Some of your best inspirations came in an experience that you didn't ask for. 你的某些极妙的灵感可能来自一些意料之外的事。
  2. If I want to be great, it's all down to me. 如果我想要变得优秀,这都取决于我。
  3. But once you want something, now you plug into something very real. 但是你一旦有了想要的东西,从那一刻起,你就开始投入到一些非常现实的事情中去。


  1. fuel /ˈfjuːəl/ n. 燃料;刺激因素;(为身体提供能量的)食物 vt. 给……提供燃料;刺激,煽动;推动 vi. 得到燃料
  2. thorn /θɔːn/ n. 刺;[植] 荆棘
  3. ambition /æmˈbɪʃn/ n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向 vt. 追求;有…野心
  4. plug into 把(电器)插头插入;接通

No.633 你一定能成为你想成为的人!




  1. `When the path is uncertain, we seek out footprints from journeys that occurred long ago. 当你前路充满未知的时候,我们就开始寻找前人走过的脚印。
  2. We must retreat to the depths of vulnerability in order to come back stronger than we have ever been. 为了回来之后变成一个更强大的人,我们必须潜入到自己脆弱的最深处。
  3. When we realize that falling ten times brings us contentment on the 11th, falling is nothing to be ashamed of. 当我们意识到前10次失败是为第11次成功做准备,失败一点都不可耻。


  1. uncover /ʌnˈkʌvər/ vt. 发现;揭开;揭露 vi. 发现;揭示;揭去盖子
  2. contain /kənˈteɪn/ vt. 包含;控制;容纳;牵制(敌军) vi. 含有;自制
  3. vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ n. 易损性;弱点
  4. seek out /siːk aʊt/ 找出;搜出;想获得

No.634 时间会奖励最终的勇者!




  1. The pain is not there to stop you, it's there to prepare you. 痛苦不是绊脚石而是垫脚石。
  2. Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense. 有时候我们会经历人生中一些毫无意义的片段。
  3. Now how the pain changes you is up to you. 现如今困难如何改变你的决定权在你这。


  1. feather /ˈfeðər/ n. 羽毛 vt. 用羽毛装饰 vi. 长羽毛
  2. horn /hɔːn/ n. 喇叭,号角;角 vt. 装角于
  3. frantic /ˈfræntɪk/ adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的
  4. perish /ˈperɪʃ/ vt. 使麻木;毁坏 vi. 死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎

No.635 我的未来式由我做主!




  1. Yesterday has nothing to do with what I can become. 昨天与我的未来会变成怎样毫无关系。
  2. Destiny means that you separate the finite from the infinite. 命运意味着你成功在有限的人生中发掘出无限的潜力。
  3. What you used to call yourself has prepared you to move towards the horizon. 你以前对自己的评价是为你向前迈进的地平线准备的。


  1. autobiography /ˌɔːtəbaɪˈɒɡrəfi/ n. 自传;自传文学
  2. expire /ɪkˈspaɪə(r)/ vi. 期满;终止;死亡;呼气 vt. 呼出(空气)
  3. conflate /kənˈfleɪt/ vt. 合并;异文合并
  4. astronomic /,æstrə'nɔmikəl,-ik/ adj. 天文学的;星学的

No.636 胜者的字典里没有"放弃"两字



  1. You have to find a way to build your own dream, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.


  2. Self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. 自律是一座连接目标与成就的桥梁。

  3. You do have the power to create an amazing future. 你是有能力去创造一个美好未来的。


  1. resilient /rɪˈzɪliənt/ adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;能复原的;可迅速恢复的
  2. aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/ n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术
  3. unstoppable /ʌnˈstɒpəbl/ adj. 无法阻挡的,无法停止的
  4. take a break /teɪk ə breɪk/ 休息一下

No.637 努力只能及格,拼命才能优秀!




  1. It's time to unwrap the potential of what you can be. 是时候释放你自己的潜力了。
  2. Why not just commit one time in your life to something1. 为什么不试着在你生命中全身心地投入一次呢?
  3. The losers are the people that sit at the starting line and never initiate. 真正的失败者是坐在起点线不愿意做出改变的人。


  1. perseverance /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərəns/ n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠 n. 耐性;毅力
  2. initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ vt. 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解 n. 开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者 adj. 新加入的;接受初步知识的
  3. audition /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ n. (对演艺人员的)面试,试演;听觉,听能 v. 试演,试唱;对(某人)进行面试,让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)
  4. arrogant /ˈærəɡənt/ adj. 自大的,傲慢的

No.638 你的未来藏在你现在的努力里!




  1. We are designed to stay comfortable and safe. 我们天生就贪图安逸舒适。
  2. You can become the kind of person that is so in tune with the values that you have and actually what you want. 你可以成为那种很了解自己价值观并且知道自己真正想要什么的人。
  3. Even if you are annoyed with your spouse, you can still speak in a manner that's loving. 虽然对自己的伴侣很生气,你仍然可以用一种充满爱意的方式去说话。


  1. bankruptcy /ˈbæŋkrʌptsi/ n. 破产
  2. couch /kaʊtʃ/ n. 睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻 vi. 蹲伏,埋伏;躺着 vt. 使躺下;表达;弯下 n. (Couch)人名;(英)库奇
  3. screw /skru:/ vt. 旋,拧;压榨;强迫 n. 螺旋;螺丝钉;吝啬鬼 vi. 转动,拧
  4. despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. 即使,尽管 n. (诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨 vt. <废语>故意使烦恼,故意伤害;<古>蔑视,轻蔑

No.639 那些杀不死你的终将使你更强大!




  1. The eagle does not respond or fight with the crow, it simply opens up its wings and begins to rise higher and higher in the sky. 老鹰没有回应也没有与乌鸦缠斗,它只是张开翅膀在天空飞得越来越高。
  2. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it is for the crow to breathe. 老鹰飞得越高,乌鸦就越难呼吸。
  3. When the \"crow of life\" appear, they won't stay around for long because they will not be able to breathe at your level. 当”生活的乌鸦”出现时,它们不会在你身边停留很久,因为在你的高度上它们无法呼吸。


  1. moral /ˈmɒrəl/ adj. 道德的;精神上的;品性端正的 n. 道德;寓意 n. (Moral)人名;(德、法、西、葡、土)莫拉尔
  2. pod /pɒd/ n. 蚕茧;豆荚 vi. 结豆荚 vt. 从豆荚中剥出 n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德
  3. soar /sɔːr/ vi. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;(树木、建筑物等)高耸;(情绪)高涨 n. 高飞;高涨 n. (Soar)(英、葡)索尔(人名)
  4. come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

No.640 再黑暗的隧道也有出口!




  1. Behind every moment of adversity in your life, there is a blessing and a lesson. 在你人生困境中的每一刻背后存在着福报和教训。
  2. The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success. 你努力的程度将会决定你成功的高度。
  3. It takes a lots of guts to pick yourself up when you experience setbacks and people don't see the vision. 当你经历挫折且人们看不到前景时,你需要很多勇气来找回你自己。


  1. turbulence /ˈtɜːbjələns/ n. 骚乱,动荡;[流] 湍流;狂暴
  2. setback /ˈsetbæk/ n. 挫折;退步;逆流
  3. gut /ɡʌt/ n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠 vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部 adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的
  4. laugh at /læf æt/ 嘲笑;因…而发笑

No.641 人生没有白走的路,每一步都算!



1. `【佳句解读】

  1. Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness. 借口是无能的人用来建造通往无果的桥梁和虚无的纪念碑的。
  2. I realized that there are two ways to see the world: some people see the thing that they want, and some people see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want. 我意识到有两种看待世界的方法,有的人眼里是所求所想,有的人眼里是拦路虎阻碍他们获得所求所想。
  3. Once they hit their targets, they simply reset and go again. 一旦目标达成,他们就制定新的目的地,再次扬帆起航。


  1. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/ v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇;偶然碰见
  2. virtue /ˈvɜːtʃuː/
    n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效 n. (Virtue)人名;(英)弗丘
  3. incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ adj. 无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的 n. 无能力者
  4. a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆

No.642 相信自己,一切皆有可能!




  1. Humans lead with belief, that may be the single most important thing to understand. 人类以信念为主导,这可能是理解人类最重要的一件事。
  2. Some people aren't waiting to be cut, some people are moving on their own. 有些人不会坐以待毙,有些人会自我驱动。
  3. There is a believing that every red and yellow light turns green eventually in life. 人们相信生活中的每一个红灯和黄灯最终都会变成绿灯。


  1. sandpaper /ˈsændpeɪpər/ n. 砂纸 vt. 用砂纸擦光
  2. sticky /ˈstɪki/ adj. 粘的;粘性的
  3. hairy /ˈheəri/ adj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的 n. (Hairy)人名;(法)艾里
  4. execute /ˈeksɪkjuːt/ vt. 实行;执行;处死

No.643 对不起,这次我一定要赢!




  1. Start working and developing yourself now, and prepare yourself for what it is that you want because you expect to get it. 现在就开始工作,发展自己,为你想要的做好准备,因为你期望得到它。
  2. And you have got to learn how to tune out the critics outside and the critics inside. 你得学会如何不去理会外面的噪音和内心的挣扎。
  3. I wanna fight for my family, I want my mom and dad proud of me, I want my kids proud of me, I want me proud of me. 我想为我的家庭而战,我希望我的父母能以我为荣,我希望我的孩子以我为荣,我希望为自己感到骄傲。


  1. dude /duːd; djuːd/ n. 男人,小伙子 n. (Dude)人名;(德、塞)杜德 n. (非正式)花花公子;纨绔子弟
  2. harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/ n. 马具;背带,吊带;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作 v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;将(两只动物)拴在一起
  3. posture /ˈpɒstʃər/ n. 姿势;态度;情形 vi. 摆姿势 vt. 作…的姿势
  4. stack up 堆积;累计;加起来

No.644 敢于乘风破浪,方可风生水起!




  1. This can be easily avoided by noticing the peak rush hour periods and starting your commute a few hours prior to that. 如果留意高峰期的时间,这是容易避免的,然后提前几小时出发。
  2. This life that has been just given to you for temporary reasons has more meaning than you can ever imagine. 因为临时原因,你短期拥有的这种人生比你想象地更有意义。
  3. They repeat the same mistakes over and over again without taking a queue from their previous mistakes. 他们一遍又一遍重复着相同的错误,一点都不反省过去的错误。


  1. embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/ v. 上船(或飞机);(使)上船(或登记);从事
  2. turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ n. 混乱,骚动
  3. engulf /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ vt. 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽
  4. push back 把…向后推;推回

No.645 自律是你真正强大的开始!




  1. You really have to ask yourself what you want from life. 你确实需要问一下自己:你想要从生活中获得什么?
  2. Not many people are willing to sacrifice for years to live a better life in the future, but the great ones are. 不是所有人都愿意牺牲前几年的快乐来换取日后更好的生活,但是优秀的人愿意这么做。
  3. Self-discipline is not usually fun in the moment, but that self-discipline leads to a higher quality life later. 自律很多时候都不是当下的快乐,但是它可以让你以后的生活变得更好。


  1. consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/ adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地
  2. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉 vt. 牺牲;献祭;亏本出售 vi. 献祭;奉献
  3. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚 vt. 训练,训导;惩戒
  4. In terms of 依据;按照;在…方面;以…措词

No.646 没人能打败你,除非你自己!




  1. Failure teaches you your limits, it makes you realise what you did wrong. 失败让你了解到自己的极限,让你意识到自己做错了什么。
  2. Turning a want into a crushing need is one of the most useful processes that you can master. 把一个想法变成迫切的需求是你可以掌握的最有用的过程之一。
  3. If there is no value proposition at hand, then you have no meaning to justify the difficult conditions of your life. 如果手头上没有价值主张,那么去证明你生活中的困难是合理的就没有任何意义。


  1. duck /dʌk/ n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vi. 闪避;没入水中 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 n. (Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克
  2. brutally /ˈbruːtəli/ adv. 残忍地;野蛮地;兽性地
  3. unabashedly /ˌʌnəˈbæʃɪdli/ adv. 不害臊地;不怕羞地
  4. predicate /ˈprɛdɪˌkeɪt/ n. 谓语,述语 v. 使……基于;断言;暗示 adj. 谓语的,述语的

No.647 人生不设限,未来尤可期!




  1. We have negative thoughts running around our minds. 我们会产生负面想法。
  2. It's absolutely possible for you to jump at least two grade levels within the next 30 days. 你绝对有可能在接下来的30天内提高两个分数等级。
  3. A lot of us haven't tapped into our full potential yet, we are living in our own bubbles. 大部分的人还没有挖掘出所有的潜能,我们活在自己的舒适圈内。


  1. malleable /ˈmæliəbl/ adj. 可锻的;可塑的;有延展性的;易适应的
  2. capability /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ n. 才能,能力;性能,容量
  3. fraction /ˈfrækʃn/ n. 分数;部分;小部分;稍微
  4. shake off 摆脱;抖落

No.648 全力以赴,不留遗憾!




  1. I left everything and started doing it because I was fully committed, the world responded to that commitment. 我已经全力以赴了,我抛开了一切,开始做这件事情,因为我全身心地投入了,世界一定不会辜负这般付出。
  2. What you are trying to do is do what you have done on this level and get the next level. 你要做的就是努力并且做到最好。
  3. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful. 当你对成功的渴望就像你对呼吸的渴望一样强烈时,你就会成功。


  1. hustle /ˈhʌsl/ v. 推搡;强力将(某人往特定方向)赶;努力干;奋力前行;(非正式)(粗暴地)取得;兜售;偷窃;(非正式)拉客 n. 奔忙;(非正式)欺诈行为;努力
  2. lifeguard /ˈlaɪfɡɑːd/ n. 救生员;警卫 vt. 护卫,保护 vi. 当救生员
  3. scratch /skrætʃ/ n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的 vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂 vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛
  4. soundtrack /ˈsaʊndtræk/ n. 声带;声道;声迹;电影配音

No.649 愿一切努力终有收获!




  1. They are in bigger hurry to get to their destination. 他们更急于达到自己的目的.
  2. Time and focus are the most two valuable tools we have as people. 时间和专注是我们作为人最有价值的两件工具。
  3. You can be whatever you want to be as long as you want it bad enough. 你可以成为任何你想成为的人,只要你想。


  1. genetic /dʒəˈnetɪk/ adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的
  2. sprinter /ˈsprɪntər/ n. 短跑选手;短程赛选手;短跑运动员
  3. specimen /ˈspesɪmən/ n. 样品,样本;标本
  4. max out 得最高分;累惨了;绿灯时间完全使用之现象

No.650 挫折也许就是下一个转折




  1. Accepting the reality that we will never ever have things just on an even keel all the time. 接受我们无法永远让事情一直保持平稳的事实。
  2. When things go wrong, they always seem to happen at once and they just compound on top of each other and it's pretty easy sometimes to feel beaten. 当事情变得糟糕时,它们似乎总是同时发生并且接踵而来,而这很容易让你感到崩溃。
  3. These hard stress-filled, anxiety-filled moments that unexpectedly hit us. 这些沉重的压力和焦虑出人意料地打击了我们。


  1. compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词;有围栏(或围墙)的场地(内有工厂或其他建筑群) adj. 复合的;混合的 v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协
  2. circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运 vt. 处于某种情况
  3. warpath /ˈwɔːpɑːθ/ n. 敌对行动;征途;敌对情绪
  4. ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/ n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵 vt. 埋伏,伏击 vi. 埋伏

