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No.101 你恐惧的,终将使你充满力量




  1. But let me tell you this, if you don't ever jump, your parachute will never open, you will never soar.


  2. The hesitation is the thing that really messes up the chance at having your dreams.



  1. parachute /ˈpærəʃuːt/

    n. 降落伞

  2. soar /sɔː(r)/

    v. 急升,激增;高飞;升空;翱翔;

  3. hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/

    n. 犹豫

  4. mess up


No.102 成为自己的英雄!



  1. The mind of a champion, the relentless pursuit of always winning, always conquering, always thinking what to do next is instilled in all of us.


  2. The dream is the most valuable delicate gift you could ever have given to you.



  1. relentless /rɪˈlentləs/

    adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的

  2. pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/

    n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作

  3. conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/

    v. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

  4. delicate /ˈdelɪkət/

    adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;

No.103 打破消极思想,掌握积极情绪




  1. We all have people in our lives that believe that the whole world is against them. Something is always coming crashing down in their lives.


  2. When they call you, you know exactly what you're in for venting, complaining, comparing, criticizing - but they never even stop to ask about you.



  1. vent /vent/

    v. 表达,发泄(强烈感情感情,尤指愤怒);

  2. complain /kəmˈpleɪn/

    v. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说

  3. criticize /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/

    v. 批评;评论;非难

  4. crash down


No.104 没有尝试,怎能轻易否认自己




  1. Fear is unacceptable, success never starts out impeccable.


  2. See what I need you to do for me today, it's come up out of your shell and unveil that champion that you keep buried deep in your soul.



  1. impeccable /ɪmˈpekəbl/

    adj. 无瑕疵的,没有缺点的,完美的;不会犯罪过的

  2. shell /ʃel/

    n. 壳,贝壳;炮弹;外形

  3. unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/

    v. 使公之于众,揭开;揭幕

  4. champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/

    n. 冠军;拥护者;战士

No.105 专注——通往成功的捷径




  1. Those are distractions that are going to come at you, but you get your goals, you can't go out partying every night.


  2. If you stick with it, stay with it, become obsessed without it, feed it everyday. I guarantee you, possibilities are going to just keep showing up.



  1. distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/

    n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

  2. obsessed /əbˈsest/

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  3. come at


  4. show up


No.106 靡不有初,鲜克有终




  1. How often do we procrastinate? How often do we say stuff like, "Yeah I really should do that, I don't know, I guess I'm just lazy."


  2. Although you may not end up in the profession, or in the area that you're starting out, you don't wanna go halfway.



  1. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  2. stuff /stʌf/

    n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料

  3. halfway /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/

    adv. 到一半;在中途

    adj. 中途的;不彻底的

  4. end up


No.107 用行动打破对现状的不满!




  1. And when you continue to move forward through hell, and move forward past your fear, and your insecurity, and continue to push through this wall, your brain becomes really calloused.


  2. I guarantee you if you finish that journey, and you don't fear and waiver, and go places that are very easy, the other end of that journey, it is a peaceful end.



  1. insecurity /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊərəti/

    n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

  2. calloused /ˈkæləst/

    adj. 变得无情的;变硬的;长了老茧的

  3. waiver /ˈweɪvə(r)/

    n. 弃权,放弃;弃权证书

  4. move forward


No.108 决心是一种无穷的力量




  1. Decision comes from Latin and it means, like incision, to cut off from, decision is when you cut off any possibility except the thing you've committed to.


  2. I'm talking about a real decision where you will not go back. You wanna take the island? burn the fricking boats.



  1. incision /ɪnˈsɪʒn/

    n. 切口;雕刻,切割;切开

  2. commit /kəˈmɪt/

    v. 犯罪;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;(公开地)表示意见

  3. burn /bɜːn/

    v. 燃烧;烧毁,灼伤

  4. cut off


No.109 自律即自由




  1. And it's doing just that little bit extra, putting that extra work in every day that snowballs into much greater things.


  2. As Jack Willing says, discipline equals freedom. Now think about that for a minute, discipline equals freedom, the more discipline you have to get your head down and study, the easier it becomes.



  1. extra /ˈekstrə/

    adj. 额外的;另外收费的;特大的

  2. snowball /ˈsnəʊbɔːl/

    n. 雪球

  3. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    adj. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

  4. equal /ˈiːkwəl/

    adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的

    vt. 等于;比得上

    n. 对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物

No.110 成功会迟到,但不会缺席




  1. You don't just suddenly become successful, or suddenly have this cataclysmic event that makes you fail.


  2. I don't view aggression as an outward attitude. I view aggression as an internal character trait.



  1. cataclysmic /ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk/

    adj. 灾难性的;极不成功的;大变动的

  2. aggression /əˈɡreʃn/

    n. 侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害

  3. internal /ɪnˈtɜːnl/

    adj. 内部的;体内的;

  4. trait /treɪt/

    n. 特性,特点;品质;少许

No.111 安于现状,是一种辜负




  1. Complacency is a sleepy, steadfast contentment with the status quo, it is based on past success.


  2. They say an alligator is so ferocious it'll kill a lion. But I can kill an alligator with my bare hands.



  1. complacency /kəmˈpleɪsnsi/

    n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意

  2. steadfast /ˈstedfɑːst/

    adj. 坚定的;不变的

  3. alligator /ˈælɪɡeɪtə(r)/

    n. 短吻鳄(产于美国及中国);短吻鳄皮革;

    v. 皱裂;裂开

  4. ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs/

    adj. 残忍的;惊人的

No.112 生活给你压力,你还之以奇迹




  1. Your happiness will never last as long as it's got expectation behind it.


  2. About two years ago, we were having a conversation and he said you don't even teach seek the life this peak state versus lousy state, or being an energy-rich versus energy-poor that a relationship you can love somebody but if the energy is low.



  1. expectation /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/

    n. 期待;预期;指望

  2. versus /ˈvɜːsəs/

    prep. 对,对抗;与……相对,与……相比

  3. lousy /ˈlaʊzi/

    adj. 讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏的

  4. peak /piːk/

    n. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌

No.113 潜心努力,拒绝外界影响!




  1. That's extraordinary, in athletics, in education, in technology, with the human body, there is always a trail! Because genius leaves clues!


  2. You'll get a boost of confidence, and pride instantly, because it's the most incredible.



  1. extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/

    adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;特派的

  2. athletics /æθˈletɪks/

    n. 竞技;体育运动;田径运动

  3. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/

    n. 天才,天赋;精神

  4. incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/

    adj. 不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

No.114 既然无处可躲,那就迎难而上




  1. It's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't want to do, so you can be everything that you're supposed to be.


  2. That's how you start to callus your mind, It's gonna suck, It's not gonna be fun. Do something that sucks every single day of your life, That's how you grow. Embrace the suck.



  1. crap /kræp/

    n. 废话;废物;

    v. 掷骰子;

  2. callus /ˈkæləs/

    v. 使生老茧;使变硬;使结痂

  3. suck /sʌk/

    v. 吸吮;吸取

  4. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

    v. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

No.115 变优秀的路,需要自己走




  1. I wanna be a better father, I gotta learn to be more patient. I gotta be a better spouse, I gotta learn to be more humble, stop being so stubborn.


  2. In order for you to live the life of luxury, of health, of wealth, of happiness, you gotta make sacrifice.



  1. spouse /spaʊs/

    n. 配偶

  2. stubborn /ˈstʌbən/

    adj. 顽固的;顽强的;难处理的

  3. luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/

    n. 奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受

  4. sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

    n. 牺牲;祭品;供奉

No.116 梦想之光永不熄灭




  1. No more waiting, no more putting it off, or waiting for the right time, or the right people, or the right alignment of things in the world, no more of that.


  2. One day you have to become the subject matter expert, others try to emulate and take notes on. You must pass gauntlet.



  1. alignment /əˈlaɪnmənt/

    n. 队列,成直线;校准;结盟

  2. emulate /ˈemjuleɪt/

    v. 仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争

  3. gauntlet /ˈɡɔːntlət/

    n. 夹道鞭笞的刑罚;交叉射击;严酷考验

  4. put off


No.117 你缺少的是专注,而不是能力




  1. I’m ever going to bet on in this world is myself, because I know that's the one thing that I can control, my attitude and my mentality. Stop doing what you're doing every single day, unless you're dedicated to being great.


  2. If you're going to dream that big, you have to have the hustle, and the grind that matches.



  1. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

  2. dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/

    adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的

  3. hustle /ˈhʌsl/

    n. 奔忙;努力

  4. bet on


No.118 成就非凡,脱颖而出




  1. You can’t skip steps, you've got to put one food in front or the other. Things take time. There are no shortcuts but you need to take those steps with passion and ferocity.


  2. You will stand out from the crowd, and your classmates will look at you differently and your friends will look at you differently. Your parents and teachers will look at you differently



  1. skip /skɪp/

    v. 跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读

  2. shortcut /ˈʃɔːtkʌt/

    n. 捷径;被切短的东西

  3. ferocity /fəˈrɒsəti/

    n. 凶猛;残忍;暴行

  4. stand out


No.119 苦难之于人生乃财富




  1. I truly believe those people, without maybe realizing it, are insulting you because they don't think that your fragile little ego can take headache of disappointment.


  2. I was not a motivated high school student, I was not a super achiever in school, I wasn't voted most likely to succeed.



  1. insult /ɪn'sʌlt/

    v. 侮辱;辱骂;损害

  2. fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl/

    adj. 脆的;易碎的

  3. ego /ˈiːɡəʊ/

    n. 自我;自负;自我意识

  4. achiever /əˈtʃiːvə(r)/

    n. 获得成功的人

No.120 失望,不过是人生一瞥




  1. If you hold on to the hurt, you go around dwelling on the offense, thinking why did they say that about me, why did I lose my loved one, why did that friend walk away, then you're opening the door to bitterness.


  2. When you face opposition, things don't go your way, recognize that it's not permanent, that's not your final destination, quit worrying about things, that are only temporary.



  1. dwell /dwel/

    v. 居住;存在于;细想某事

  2. permanent /ˈpɜːmənənt/

    adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

  3. temporary /ˈtemprəri/

    v. 暂时的,临时的

  4. hold on to


No.121 成功没有捷径可言




  1. As Derek Jeter said, there may be people who have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for you for anyone to work harder than you do.

    正如Derek Jeter所说,也许有人比你更有天赋,到你不能为自己找借口,将别人的成就归功于她们的勤奋。

  2. In the last 90 days, how many books have you read, and the last year, what new skill or knowledge have you acquired, what kind of investment have you made in use.



  1. talent /ˈtælənt/

    n. 才能;天才;天资

  2. excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/

    n. 借口;理由;拙劣样品;假条

  3. acquire /əˈkwaɪə(r)/

    v. 获得;取得;学到;捕获

  4. investment /ɪnˈvestmənt/

    n. 投资;投入;封锁

No.122 爱因斯坦的传奇一生




  1. When he was very young, his parents thought he might be intellectually disabled, because he was very slow to learn to talk and did not speak until he was 4 years old. At that time he often formed full sentences in his thoughts but did not speak he used to practice this time.


  2. When Einstein was only 10 years old, he started educating himself, by the age of 12 Einstein taught himself euclidean geometry and by the age of 15, he mastered calculus, but he hated discipline and rigid style of the teachers so he dropped out of school at the age of 15 and left Germany to avoid military service.



  1. intellectually /ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/

    adv. 智力上;理智地;知性上

  2. euclidean /ju:'klidiən/

    adj. 欧几里德几何学的;欧几里德的

  3. calculus /ˈkælkjələs/

    n. 微积分学

  4. dropped out


No.123 认识自我,是最顶级的智慧




  1. All this comes from developing our philosophy, philosophy helps us to process what's available. Well, when we get here, we got seed and we got soil and we got some rain and we've got some what?


  2. An ordinary human awareness is just the recognition or the belief system that I am a human being. Maybe I'm having a spiritual experience, I'm not quite sure.



  1. philosophy /fəˈlɒsəfi/

    n. 哲学;哲理;人生观

  2. available /əˈveɪləbl/

    adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;

  3. recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/

    n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

  4. spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl/

    adj. 精神的,心灵的;宗教的;(人)高尚的

No.124 让努力成为“持续的力量”




  1. How many of your 24 do you spend mindlessly scrolling through social media, or on the phone to friends, or watching aimless videos on YouTube.


  2. You're only going to rise above average by working hard, by grinding, by hustling, by believing in yourself when no one else does, by becoming obsessed with reaching success, by sacrificing in today for a better tomorrow.



  1. mindlessly /ˈmaɪndləsli/

    v. 不费心思地;愚蠢地

  2. aimless /ˈeɪmləs/

    adj. 没有目标的;无目的的

  3. obsessed /əb'sest/

    adj. 着迷的;无法摆脱的,受困扰的

  4. scroll through


No.125 去靠近拥有正能量的人




  1. I always emphasize to you guys that you really do need to pick and choose who you're friends with and that different people are going to serve different purposes in your life and that's okay guys, don't underestimate to serve energy you can get from other people, it really really dose spread.


  2. If you're hanging around people who don't really understand what you're trying to do that dampens your energy.



  1. emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/

    v. 强调,着重

  2. underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/

    v. 低估;看轻

  3. dampen /ˈdæmpən/

    v. 抑制;使…沮丧;使…潮湿

  4. hang around


No.126 送给正处逆境中的你




  1. When you are between the ages of 0&5, a word is formulated in your heart. That word is yes or that word is no, that vision of yourself, those circumstances, those conversations, those things that you observe, they begin to create the lenses from which you see the world.


  2. I believe that we can begin to decrease crime and the violence is taking place all across this country because evil prevails when good men and women do nothing.



  1. formulate /ˈfɔːmjuleɪt/

    v. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达

  2. lenses /'lensɪz/

    n. 柔性焦距透镜组

  3. violence /ˈvaɪələns/

    n. 暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲

  4. prevail /prɪˈveɪl/

    v. 盛行,流行;战胜,获胜

No.127 不积跬步无以至千里




  1. It’s time to get your grades in check, to start putting the effort into your studying, to achieve the grades that you know you can achieve.


  2. It becomes a routine, a set of daily habits that I carry out religiously and I love every minute of it.



  1. routine /ruːˈtiːn/

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;

  2. religiously /rɪˈlɪdʒəsli/

    adv. 认真地,审慎地;虔诚地

  3. in check


  4. carry out


No.128 人生在于为自己创造价值




  1. I'm going to meet a multibillionaire and with this multi-billionaire, we're going to become the best of friends, and he's going to say to me, Tyrese, I got all the money in the world, but I don't have your visions or your ideas.


  2. Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste.



  1. multibillionaire /ˌmʌltibɪljəˈneə(r)/

    n. 亿万富翁

  2. greatness /ˈɡreɪtnəs/

    n. 伟大;巨大

  3. esoteric /ˌiːsəˈterɪk/

    adj. 只有内行才懂的;难领略的,深奥难懂的

  4. illusive /ɪˈluːsɪv/

    adj. 错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

No.129 拥有乘风破浪的勇气!




  1. As long as we have breath in our lungs, there is hope for us to overcome, to persevere and to push through any object any adversity in our lifes.


  2. It is time for you to wrap it up what you're going after, because without restrain, without struggle, without resistance there is no growth.



  1. persevere /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/

    v. 坚持;不屈不挠

  2. restrain /rɪˈstreɪn/

    v. 抑制,控制;约束

  3. resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致

  4. wrap up


No.130 你要让自己变得更强大!




  1. You can allow yourself to go through whatever you're going through right now to reemerge on the right timetable as a stronger version to yourself.


  2. Habits are the way that you embody an identity, right so like each time you make your bed, you embody the identity of someone who is clean and organized.



  1. reemerge /,riːɪ'mɜːdʒ/

    v. 再度出现

  2. timetable /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/

    n. 时间表;时刻表;课程表

  3. identity /aɪˈdentəti/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致

  4. embody /ɪmˈbɒdi/

    v. 体现,使具体化

No.131 黑暗的尽头是光明




  1. Everyone is going to build their self-esteem around something and being able to identify what you build your self-esteem around is critical.


  2. My days are a furnace of distress and anxiety. If I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without any pain.



  1. self-esteem /ˌself ɪˈstiːm/

    n. 自尊;自负;自大

  2. critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/

    adj. 决定性的;评论的

  3. furnace /ˈfɜːnɪs/

    n. 火炉,熔炉

  4. distress /dɪˈstres/

    n. 危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛

No.132 这五条箴言会帮你度过困境!




  1. Whenever things don't go yo plan, whenever life throws us challenges and hardship, there's always a hidden blessing and always a strong lesson.


  2. Those who practice daily gratitude are in a better place to resist the surge of negative energy flowing around them, those who have done the work to learn and develop are far better positioned to make stronger moves in hard times.



  1. hardship /ˈhɑːdʃɪp/

    n. 困苦;苦难;艰难险阻

  2. blessing /ˈblesɪŋ/

    n. 祝福;赐福;祷告

  3. gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/

    n. 感谢(的心情);感激

  4. surge /sɜːdʒ/

    n. 汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌

No.133 能力不是唯一,态度决定一切




  1. When you see someone who's the best in the world at what they do, they're being rewarded in public for what they've practiced millions of times in private.


  2. If what you have in here is contempt, if what you have in here is anger, if you haven't here is fear, then these are the things you're going to be giving away in your life.



  1. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

    v. 奖励;奖赏

  2. contempt /kənˈtempt/

    n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱

  3. in private


  4. give away


No.134 直面逆境,不言放弃




  1. You must look opposition in it's face, you must face fear, you must face anxiety, you must face the day, because if you do not face the day, then the things that you are supposed to facec, you start to become.


  2. There's gonna be times in your life where you're gonna come face-to-face with adversity, there's gonna be times in your life where you're gonna encounter difficulties and misfortunes, adversity is inevitable.



  1. anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/

    n. 焦虑;渴望;

  2. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  3. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/

    v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到

  4. misfortune /ˌmɪsˈfɔːtʃuːn/

    n. 不幸;灾祸,灾难

No.135 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人




  1. You see if you don't have a vision of where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere, it's like you can have the best ship in the world, you can have the best airplane in the world, if the pilot or the captain doesn't know where to go, it would just drift around.


  2. Muhammad Ali worked his butt off and I saw it firsthand, now remember that there was a sports rider that was there in the gym.



  1. pilot /ˈpaɪlət/

    n. 飞行员;领航员

    adj. 试点的

    v. 驾驶;领航;试用

  2. captain /ˈkæptɪn/

    n. 队长,首领;船长;上尉;

  3. firsthand /'fɜːst'hænd/

    adj. 直接的;直接采购的;直接得来的

  4. drift around


No.136 用成功去反驳所有人的质疑




  1. In my life there have been lots of doors that close, there are homeless that was struggling, then I was hungry trying to get this play off the ground.


  2. If the doors are closing there are times when it's God clsoing doors like a maze so that you're forced to go one way, and only look to him to know that it was him that light in your life.



  1. homeless /ˈhəʊmləs/

    adj. 无家可归的

  2. struggle /ˈstrʌɡl/

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;

  3. maze /meɪz/

    n. 迷宫;迷惑;糊涂

  4. be forced to


No.137 看“寡姐”如何从0到1




  1. Her parents relied on the government to help provide meals for the family. They struggled to survive and lived on welfare and food stamps.


  2. It's time to make a decision, will you curl up in a ball from fear and stay right where you are for the rest of your life, or will you take that leap and re-defined your future.



  1. survive /səˈvaɪv/

    v. 幸存;生还;

  2. welfare /ˈwelfeə(r)/

    n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;

  3. rely on


  4. curl up


No.138 去跟随自己内心的声音吧!




  1. Success is not going to wait for you, even when you get to a point, where you feel like you've made it.


  2. You got to have the mentality to show up every day, no matter what life throws at you, it is our responsibility to show up to the colosseum of life, preparing for battle.



  1. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;精神力;

  2. colosseum /,kɔlə'siəm/

    n. 罗马圆形大剧场

  3. wait for


  4. prepare for


No.139 走出舒适圈,才能逆风翻盘




  1. The reality is reading a book or going to a conference or having a great conversation where you get this golden information, that's all fantastic, but what makes mastery is execution on the ideas, not the ideas.


  2. When they got on the track, they knew it had been down and because I know it had been down, there was a new belief about this barrier, about this goal that was unreachable.



  1. fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/

    adj. 极好的,极出色的;

  2. execution /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn/

    n. 执行,实行;完成;

  3. track /træk/

    n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;

  4. barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/

    n. 障碍物,屏障;界线

No.140 “侃爷”的励志音乐之路




  1. Most people are slowed down by the perception of themselves, if you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything.


  2. If you have the opportunity to play this game or life, you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don't appreciate the moment until it's passed.



  1. perception /pəˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;

  2. appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/

    v. 欣赏;感激;领会;

  3. moment /ˈməʊmənt/

    n. 片刻,瞬间,时刻;

  4. slow down


No.141 以梦为马,永不止步




  1. It was the effort that I knew would get me the best job after graduation. It was the effort that I knew would take care of my family financially. It was the effort that was between me and success.


  2. Ed Mylett, one of the top peak performance experts on the planet explains it like this, failure and setbacks, students quitting, failing this exams, having retakes, dropping out, it's all going to happen, don't give in to that stuff.



  1. graduation /ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn/

    n. 毕业;毕业典礼;

  2. performance /pəˈfɔːməns/

    n. 表演;执行;表现

  3. setback /ˈsetbæk/

    n. 挫折;退步;逆流

  4. drop out


No.142 专注自己,做人生赢家




  1. If you want to learn and grow, you must observe, pay attention and take decisive action to ensure these laws work in your favor and not against you.


  2. As Bruce Lee said: "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. "



  1. observe /əbˈzɜːv/

    v. 观察;遵守;

  2. ensure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/

    v. 保证,确保;使安全

  3. apply /əˈplaɪ/

    v. 申请;应用

  4. pay attention


No.143 倾听内心之声,做命运的主宰




  1. Do you know how many people have had visions, ideas, and huge career moves that they were about to make, and they allowed the word "no" to stop them.


  2. But I say stand up with yourself boldly and say, this is my life, I'm controlling my destiny.



  1. vision /ˈvɪʒn/

    n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;

  2. career /kəˈrɪə(r)/

    n. 生涯;职业;事业;

  3. boldly /ˈbəʊldli/

    adv. 大胆地;

  4. destiny /ˈdestəni/

    n. 命运,定数,天命

No.144 至暗之后,光明永存




  1. But at the end of the day guys, when you start feeling that massive frustration, that massive anger, the massive irritation and massive stress, you are about to have a breakthrough.

    但是最后的最后,当你觉得非常失望, 非常不忿,非常恼火,感觉到巨大压力,那就是你开始突破的时候。

  2. You know, it's hard to remember that things are gonna get better, but they are and this is part of the process and all of us go through these little curves.



  1. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的;厚重的;

  2. frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/

    n. 挫折

  3. irritation /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn/

    n. 刺激;激怒,恼怒,生气;

  4. go through


No.145 人生,有点挫折也不错




  1. And maybe you've been knocked down in your life, and it seems like hey, the fight is over, it is not over unless you quit.


  2. Growth is faster and deeper, during your darkest days. Through that separation, through that unemployment, through that tragedy, through that loss.



  1. quit /kwɪt/

    v. 离开;放弃;停止;

  2. separation /ˌsepəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 分离,分开;间隔,距离;

  3. unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/

    n. 失业;失业率;

  4. knock down


No.146 忍耐虽痛苦,果实最香甜




  1. Life can throw you some curves, and it's not just the things that you see coming, but sometimes it's the things you didn't see coming that hits you out of nowhere.


  2. And if you can work through your pain, I'm guaranteeing you, on the orther side is a reward.



  1. curve /kɜːv/

    n. 曲线;弯曲;

  2. guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/

    v. 保证;担保

  3. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

    n. 报酬;报答;酬谢

  4. work through


No.147 屡屡碰壁时就再多试一次吧!




  1. So fall in love with the process of becoming successful, with every good and bad side.


  2. When you hit that wall of desperation, when you are ready to give up on your dream, ask yourself, why did I start in the first place? Try again.



  1. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;进展;

  2. desperation /ˌdespəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命;

  3. fall in love with


  4. give up on


No.148 山穷或遇柳暗,苦尽终有甘来




  1. Pain is temporary but quitting is forever.


  2. Rise above what's uncomfortable and see the big picture. Ride it out. Because when all is said and done, the guy who gives more when it hurts gets more when it's over.



  1. essential /ɪˈsenʃl/

    adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的

    n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品

  2. triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/

    n. 胜利,凯旋;欢欣

    vi. 获得胜利,成功

  3. endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/

    vt. 忍耐;容忍

    vi. 忍耐;持续

  4. adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/

    n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸

  5. consciously /ˈkɒnʃəsli/

    adv. 自觉地;有意识地

No.149 音乐人Sia由灰暗走向光明的心路历程




  1. At what point is it too late to be successful? Never.


  2. The mind is the most powerful force in the universe and you have the power to be the person you want to be and there are no limit. So whoever you are, keep you head up and stay strong.



  1. tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/

    n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案

  2. depression /dɪˈpreʃn/

    n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

  3. diagnose /ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz; ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊz/

    vt. 诊断;断定

    vi. 诊断;判断

  4. panic /ˈpænɪk/

    n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌

    adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的

    vt. 使恐慌

    vi. 十分惊慌

  5. force /fɔːs/

    n. 力量;武力;军队;魄力

    vt. 促使,推动;强迫;强加

No.150 心若磐石,砥砺前行




  1. The more you walk from accountability, the weaker you become. Find yourself in the grip of life, you can't find yourself by doing nothing. That's the mindset that we all need to have for the rest of our lives.


  2. You have to be uncommon, amongst uncommon in your world. And it's not for everybody, it takes everything. And when you think you've given everthing, you've just begun.



  1. flip /flɪp/

    vt. 掷;轻击

    vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳

    adj. 无礼的;轻率的

    n. 弹;筋斗

  2. align /əˈlaɪn/

    vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配

    vi. 排列;排成一行

  3. grip /ɡrɪp/

    n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带

    vt. 紧握;夹紧

    vi. 抓住

  4. accountability /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪləti/

    n. 有义务;有责任;可说明性

  5. hollow /ˈhɒləʊ/

    adj. 空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的

    n. 洞;山谷;窟窿

    vt. 使成为空洞

    vi. 形成空洞

    adv. 彻底地;无用地

