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No.151 强大从不靠赋予,而是靠争取




  1. In life we have two choices, we either step forward, expose ourselves to risk and evolve; or we play it safe and we step backwards into the shadows.


  2. The true secret of success is to accept the truth that the only path is the path of hard work and productivity.



  1. obstacle /ˈɒbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  2. tackle /ˈtækl/

    v. 应付,处理(难题或局面);与某人交涉;(足球、曲棍球等)抢球

    n. (足球等中的)抢断球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒

  3. buckle /ˈbʌkl/

    n. 带扣,搭钩;(尤指鞋的)扣形饰物

    v. 扣住,用搭扣装饰;屈服,退让;使弯曲变形;(人)精神崩溃

  4. consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/

    n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性

  5. persevere /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪə(r)/

    vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中)

No.152 正面失败,才能迎接成功




  1. Even if you've walked out of something and you feel like you failed at it, your preparation is so strong that you're gonna take that failure and turn it into the outcome you desire; and most people stop at failure. We've all failed at things, I'm gonna continue to fail at stuff, it's the most powerful tool you can use, but it all depends on how you use it.



  1. frat /fræt/

    n. 兄弟会

  2. sorority /səˈrɒrəti/

    n. 妇女联谊会;女学生联谊会

  3. extract /ˈekstrækt/

    v. 提取;索取;选取;取出;推断出

    n. 摘录,引文;榨出物,汁

  4. phase /feɪz/

    n. 月相;时期,阶段

    vt. 分阶段进行;使定相

  5. evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/

    vt. 发展;进化;使逐步形成;推断出

    vi. 发展,进展;进化;逐步形成

No.153 人生如戏,你就是这个故事里的英雄




  1. You see the characters, taking on something that in many cases almost defeats them, but then they go into training. They learn skills they didn't even know that they had. They then face the adversity that they faced before and this time they conquer and they go back stronger than they were before and they pass on what they learned and give it to other people. It's called the hero's journey.



  1. circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns; ˈsɜːkəmstɑːns; ˈsɜːkəmstæns/

    n. 环境;状况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运

    vt. 处于某种情况

  2. alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/

    adj. 供选择的;选择性的;交替的

    n. 二中择一;供替代的选择

  3. resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/

    vt. 共鸣;共振

    vi. 共鸣;共振

  4. conform /kənˈfɔːm/

    vi. 符合;遵照;适应环境

    vt. 使遵守;使一致;使顺从

    adj. 一致的;顺从的

  5. epic /ˈepɪk/

    n. 叙事诗;史诗;史诗体裁;壮举;(非正式)特别耗时费力的事情

    adj. 史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;宏大的;英雄的

  6. conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/

    vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取

    vi. 胜利;得胜

No.154 沃伦·巴菲特的亿万富翁之路




  1. You are the average of people you spend the most time with. By spending time with more successful people you will develop an urge, a passion to improve yourself and strive for greatness.It will motivate you and inspire you to make a positive change. So surround yourself with people who are better than you.


  2. The best investment you can make is in yourself. ——Warren Buffett



  1. persistent /pəˈsɪstənt/

    adj. 执着的;持续的;存留的

  2. philanthropist /fɪˈlænθrəpɪst/

    n. 慈善家;乐善好施的人

  3. untapped /ˌʌnˈtæpt/

    adj. 未开发的;未使用的;塞子未开的

  4. staggering /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/

    adj. 惊人的;令人震惊的

  5. associate /əˈsəʊsieɪt; əˈsəʊʃieɪt/

    v. 联想;(使)关联;将...与...联系起来

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

No.155 相信自己,相信所有的不可能皆为可能




  1. These times that we are living in right now are challenging for a lot of people today, but someone has to take a stand; someone has to be strong; someone has to have the idea; someone has to believe. Why can't it be you?


  2. People in the world right now will find ways to try to tear you down and keep you down, you have got to realize there is so much more to you than what you could ever imagine. So you've got to make impossible possible.



  1. despair /dɪˈspeə(r)/

    n. 绝望

    vi. 绝望,丧失信心

  2. rope /rəʊp/

    n. 绳,绳索

    vt. 捆,绑

    vi. 拧成绳状

  3. mentality /menˈtæləti/

    n. 心态;智力;精神力;头脑作用

  4. submit /səbˈmɪt/

    vt. 使服从;主张;呈递;提交

    vi. 服从,顺从

  5. negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/

    n. 否定性,消极性

No.156 活在当下,学会享受眼前的美好




  1. We all know we are dying. We all know there is a chance there won't be a tomorrow...yet none of us really live like we know that. Too few of us really appreciate each moment like we know that we are here for a short time only. Too few of us live a life we want to live...a life we are proud to live. Too few of us live with purpose and meaning.


  2. People say walking on water is a miracle, but to me, walking peacefully on earth is the real miracle.



  1. frantic /ˈfræntɪk/

    adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的

  2. hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/

    adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的

    n. 敌对

  3. affirmation /ˌæfəˈmeɪʃn/

    n. 主张,肯定;断言

  4. blessing /ˈblesɪŋ/

    n. 祝福;赐福;祷告

    v. 使幸福(bless的ing形式);为...祈神赐福

  5. optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/

    n. 乐观;乐观主义

No.157 有所不为,而后可以有为




  1. So many people spend their lives waiting for things to start instead of consistantly making the decision to end the things that aren't moving them forward. It is your right to quit everything that is holding you back so that you can make room for everything that will move you towards the thing that you want. 很多人一生都在等待事情的开始而不是始终如一地决定结束那些不能推动他们前进的事情。你有权放弃阻碍你前进的一切,这样你就可以为能够让你朝着你想要的方向前进的东西去腾出空间。
  2. It is on us to create a life that we can be proud of, a life that inspire others, a life that is an example of what is possible, a life that motivates people to change their own life just because they are looking at what's possible. 我们要创造一种值得骄傲的生活;激励他人的生活;成为他人榜样的生活,证明一切皆有可能;激励他人改变自己的生活,因为他们在考虑什么是可能的。


  1. validation /ˌvælɪˈdeɪʃn/

    n. 确认;批准;生效

  2. paycheck /'peɪtʃek/

    n. 付薪水的支票,薪水

  3. crave /kreɪv/

    vt. 渴望;恳求

    vi. 渴望;恳求

  4. priority /praɪˈɒrəti/

    n. 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事

  5. aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 渴望;抱负;送气

No.158 一小步超越,一大步成功




  1. If you're someone who's always doing things other people aren't willing to do, you always max out, you always go to the next level, you convince yourself you deserve to win. You can take low self-esteem, low identity, low confidence, and change it over time by building this habitual, addiction to doing one more, this obsession of one more. All the greats do one more, and all the average don't.



  1. outwork /ˈaʊtwɜːk/

    n. (在家中完成的)外包工作;

    v. 比...更努力工作;完成

  2. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;有资格的

  3. treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/

    n. 踏步,跑步机;单调的工作

  4. habitual /həˈbɪtʃuəl/

    adj. 习惯的;惯常的;习以为常的

  5. flinch /flɪntʃ/

    vi. 退缩;畏惧

    n. 退缩;畏惧

  6. repetitious /ˌrepəˈtɪʃəs/

    adj. 重复的;唠唠叨叨的

No.159 想成功,那就放下犹豫前进吧




  1. There's 86,400 seconds in a day. The separator between you and me and people that win and lose is what we do with those seconds.


  2. Successful people stop negotiating the price in their life. You know what's stripping all your success? You keep negotiating the price you're paying. "Man, all the work I'm putting in, it's not paying off, I don't see my family as much, I gotta do all this." You start negotiating it all the time and it's zapping all your damn energy. Successful people don't negotiate price, they negotiate worth.

    成功的人不讨价还价。你知道你难以成功的原因是什么吗?你一直在讨价还价 希望减少自己付出的代价。“我付出的所有努力都没有回报,我很少见到我的家人,我有太多事情要做了”,你一直在讨价还价,这耗费了你几乎所有的精力。成功的人是不会讨价还价的,他们考虑的是价值。


  1. separator /ˈsepəreɪtə(r)/

    n. 分离器;分隔符

  2. casual /ˈkæʒuəl/

    adj. 随便的;偶然的

    n. 便装;临时工人

  3. implement /'ɪmplɪm(ə)nt/

    vt. 实施;执行

    n. 工具;手段

  4. massive /ˈmæsɪv/

    adj. 大量的;巨大的

  5. negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/

    vt. 谈判;转让;越过

    vi. 谈判,交涉

No.160 逐梦之路虽布满荆棘,但值得一战




  1. It's hard, but it's worth fighting; It's worth believing; It's worth mustering yourself up, standing up inside yourself, it's worth fighting relentlessly, never giving up.


  2. The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass. Don't say I'm having a bad day, say I'm having a character building day.



  1. muster /ˈmʌstə(r)/

    n. 集合;检阅;点名册

    vt. 使振作;对...进行点名

  2. relentlessly /rɪˈlentləsli/

    adv. 残酷地,无情地

  3. defeat /dɪˈfiːt/

    v. 击败;挫败(某人);阻止达成(目的)

    n. 失败;战胜

  4. twist /twɪst/

    v. 使弯曲;拧;蜿蜒前行

    n. 转动;扭曲;转折

  5. phenomenally /fəˈnɒmɪnəli/

    adv. 明白地;现象上地;从感官意识到

No.161 每个“后浪”都应该听听这个!




  1. Popularity dose not mean quality, because some people are loved for being fake, and others are judged for being real.


  2. You may not be popular now, but one day you will be worth knowing. So keep focusing on you, and don’t worry about what these people think. Mainly because most people don’t think, most people will judge you based on an opinion from somebody else.



  1. popularity /ˌpɑːpjuˈlærəti/

    n. 普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎

  2. quality /ˈkwɑːləti/

    n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能

    adj. 优质的;高品质的

  3. focus /ˈfoʊkəs/

    n. 焦点;中心;清晰;焦距

    v. 集中;聚焦

  4. judge /dʒʌdʒ/

    v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决

    n. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人

  5. opinion /əˈpɪnjən/

    n. 意见;主张

No.162 希望是永恒的欢喜,有希望便有光明




  1. So we pray and we remember that, yes, there is fear. But there does not have to be hate. Yes, there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness. Yes, there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness. Yes, there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul. Yes, there is even death. But there can always be a rebirth of love.



  1. pray /preɪ/

    vi. 祈祷;请;恳求

    vt. 祈祷;恳求;央求

  2. isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/

    n. 隔离;孤立;绝缘;

  3. panic /ˈpænɪk/

    n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌

    adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的

    vt. 使恐慌

  4. meanness /ˈmiːnnəs/

    n. 卑鄙;吝啬

No.163 你该如何解读自己的负面情绪




  1. Awful feeling you associate with fear, that's actually not fear, that's our resistance to fear, that' s the awful feeling not the fear itself, because you get rid of the resistance, the true nature of fear becomes revealed shows up as energy.


  2. The sun’s always out, but often it's covered with the clouds, and that’s us, we've just been covered, and they cloud our identity, they cloud our perception, so you should clear out the clouds.

    太阳总是在外面,但它经常被乌云掩盖着,就像我们,我们只是暂时被遮挡住了。乌云掩盖了我们的身份 它们掩盖了我们的感知,所以我们要努力清理这些乌云。


  1. associate /əˈsoʊsieɪt/

    v. 联想,联系;

    n. (生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工

    adj. (与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

  2. resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/

    n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

  3. reveal /rɪˈviːl/

    n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧

    vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

  4. identity /aɪˈdentəti/

    n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式

  5. perception /pərˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

No.164 不要给你的软弱找借口




  1. It is easy to feel beaten when you're faced with all those problems at once, but let me tell you, that does not mean give up fighting. In fact, it means the opposite. It is time for you to fight harder, to dig in, to go on the war path.


No.165 如果不用力奔跑,梦想就会把你甩在身后




  1. When the sun comes up you’d better be running, because stagnation is losing, because wishing is a sealed fate,because immobility is regret.


  2. As David Goggins says, you are either getting better, or you are getting worse.



  1. stagnation /stæɡˈneɪʃn/

    n. 停滞;滞止

  2. sealed /sild/

    adj. 密封的;未知的

  3. immobility /ˌɪməˈbɪləti/

    n. 不动,固定

  4. regret /rɪˈɡret/

    vt. 后悔;对……感到遗憾;礼貌或正式地表示惋惜或抱歉;对(损失或缺乏)感到痛惜

    vi. 遗憾

    n. 遗憾,歉意

No.166 自律来源于你的决心,而不是他人的监督




  1. If you do what it's easy, your life will be hard. But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.


  2. People that are hungry are willing to do the things that others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow other won’t have. People that are hungry believe always strive to get on top in life, because it is the bottom that's overcrowded.



  1. hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/

    adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的

  2. strive to


  3. overcrowded /ˌoʊvərˈkraʊdɪd/

    adj. 过度拥挤的

No.167 别让自己的不足决定自己的人生




  1. He stopped looking at everything he didn’t have, and felt grateful for the many things he already had. In that moment he decided that his disability won’t dictate his life. he promised himself that he will never give up again.


  2. If you cant get a miracle, become one.



  1. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/

    n. 残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件

  2. dictate /ˈdɪkteɪt/

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  3. give up


  4. miracle /ˈmɪrəkl/

    n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例

No.168 你无法选择你的出身,但你能改变你的人生




  1. Real greatness isn’t determined by some birthright or fate, real greatness is determined by what you do with the hand you're dealt.


  2. When you're in the middle of a struggle, the only way out is through. Rather than running away from **obstacles** or trying to figure out some kind of way around them. Go right through them. Brace yourself, steady your nerves, and tackle whatever you face head on.



  1. birthright /'bə:θreit/

    n. 与生俱来的权利;长子继承权

  2. struggle /ˈstrʌɡl/

    v. 奋斗;艰难地行进;斗争;搏斗;争夺;挣扎成名

    n. 斗争;冲突;使劲;奋斗;难事

  3. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  4. figure out


  5. steady /ˈstedi/

    adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的

No.169 挣脱生命的无形束缚,这种力量你早已拥有




  1. What types of parameters have you made for yourself? Are you living in just because that's what you’ve always done? What is your metaphorical rope? Is it a job, is it a relationship, is it a routines, or is it the courage to start something? What is holding you back?


  2. Things only stop when you do life stops when you decide to stop.



  1. parameter /pəˈræmɪtər/

    n. 参数;系数;参量

  2. metaphorical /ˌmetəˈfɔːrɪkl/

    adj. 比喻性的,隐喻性的

  3. routine /ruːˈtiːn/

    n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套动作;(计算机)例行程序

    adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的;乏味的

    v. 按惯例安排

No.170 困难的一面是痛苦,而另一面则是努力与胜利




  1. The most successful people on the planet have had to overcome catastrophic obstacles, and they came out on the other side stronger and wiser. Bill Gates’ first business failed miserable; Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was 4 years old; Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before creating the lightbulb; Franklin Roosevelt became partially paralysed at the age of 39 for the rest of his life, he went on to lead the United States, as one of the most respected presidents in history. So it's not only you that is facing obstacles, it happens to everyone, but how you deal with them is what will set you apart from everyone else.



  1. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk/

    adj. 灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的

  2. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  3. miserable /ˈmɪzrəbl/

    adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的

  4. paralysed /'pærəlaɪzd/

    adj. 瘫痪的;麻痹的;惊呆的

No.171 困难是成长的机会,别将它让给借口




  1. We get inspired by people who reach heights, against the odds. We praise the heroes whorise to glory from the slums, not those who came from a trust fund to start with.


  2. Your day consists of 1000 little decisions, every day, but one day you decided to hit the snooze on your alarm, to skip a workout, to order a cheat meal... No big deal, until one day you lose your power, you lose your will, and you lose your life.



  1. inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/

    vt. 激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感

  2. odd /ɑːd/

    n. 奇数;怪人;奇特的事物

    adj. 奇数的;古怪的;剩余的;临时的;零散的

  3. praise /preɪz/

    v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝)

    n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜

  4. glory /ˈɡlɔːri/

    n. 光荣,荣誉;赞颂

    vi. 自豪,骄傲;狂喜

  5. slum /slʌm/

    n. 贫民窟;(不宜居住的)房屋;脏乱的地方

  6. snooze /snuːz/

    n. 小睡;打盹儿

    vi. 小睡;打盹

No.172 永不言弃直到目标实现,这是自信的力量




  1. Obstacles will simply prompt you to ask, “How?” How can I get through this and that’s a small discrepancy that changes everything. Because very few people get to the “how” question. They all stopped at “if”. I wonder if I can do this. I wonder if I’m capable. But they’ll never know.



  1. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  2. prompt /prɑːmpt/

    v. 提示,鼓励;促进;激起;导致;(给演员)提白

  3. discrepancy /dɪˈskrepənsi/

    n. 不符;矛盾;相差

  4. wonder /ˈwʌndər/

    v. 想知道;(用于询问时)不知道;感到疑惑;感到诧异;感到惊叹

    n. 惊讶;奇迹;能人;有特效的东西

  5. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;有资格的

No.173 再给自己一次机会




  1. So fall in love with the process of becoming successful, with every good and bad side.


  2. When you hit that wall of desperation, when you are ready to give up on your dream, ask yourself, why did I start in the first place? Try again.



  1. process /prəˈses/

    n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;进展;

  2. desperation /ˌdespəˈreɪʃn/

    n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命;

  3. fall in love with


  4. give up on


No.174 生命只有走出来的精彩,没有等待出来的辉煌




  1. My ego is too big, but at the same time my mind is too small, and it’s trapped inside itself.


  2. A person’s strengths are often their biggest weakness. And so that also means that their weaknesses can be their strength.



  1. ego /ˈiːɡoʊ/

    n. 自我;自负;自我意识

  2. trap /træp/

    v. 使……陷入险境或困境;捕捉,收集;使陷入圈套,使上当;

    n. 陷阱,捕捉器;圈套,伏击;牢笼,困境;

  3. strength /streŋkθ/

    n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处

  4. weakness /ˈwiːknəs/

    n. 弱点;软弱;嗜好

No.175 现在放弃为时过早,下一次尝试也许就是成功




  1. Maybe you’re worried about what people think of you, what people say about you. Just that fear paralyses you.


  2. I will try 100 times to get up, and if I fail 100 times, if I fail and I try again, again and again, for as long as I try there’s always that chance of getting up.



  1. worry about


  2. fear /fɪr/

    n. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心

    v. 害怕;敬畏;为…担心

  3. paralyses /'pærəlaɪzɪz/

    n. 麻痹;瘫痪(paralysis的复数)

No.176 在困难中成为最好的自己




  1. It was Kobe Bryant that said everything negative, pressure and challenges is all an opportunity for me to rise. It’s crisis that reveals what we are comprised of.


  2. For many of you, you have been so traumatized by the past that your expectations are so diminished. You feel like if I don’t expect anything, then you can’t hurt me, you can’t disappoint me. But if you are going to win the fight for the future, you must have a high expectation.



  1. crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/

    n. 危机;危险期;决定性时刻

    adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的

  2. comprise /kəmˈpraɪz/

    vt. 包含;由…组成

  3. traumatize /ˈtrɔːmətaɪz/

    vt. 使……受损伤;使……受精神创伤

  4. diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/

    vt. 使减少;使变小

    vi. 减少,缩小;变小

  5. disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/

    vt. 使失望

No.177 你相信什么,便会成为什么




  1. If you allow the negative power to enter your body and stay there, the longer it stays there, it will be the demise of your willpower, the demise of your belief, the demise of your grades.


  2. Remember what is achievable, remember what you are capable of, because it will put your problems into perspective. When you’re feeling fatigue and weak, that will be the spark that keeps you going on that journey.



  1. demise /dɪˈmaɪz/

    n. 死亡,终止;转让;传位

    vt. 遗赠;禅让

  2. willpower /ˈwɪlpaʊər/

    n. 意志力;毅力

  3. capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

    adj. 有能力的;有才干的;容许……的;可以做(某事)的;综合性的;有资格的

  4. perspective /pərˈspektɪv/

    n. 观点;远景;透视图

    adj. 透视的

  5. fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/

    n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役

    adj. 疲劳的

    vt. 使疲劳

No.178 音乐天后泰勒·斯威夫特是如何摆脱偏见的?




  1. When you’re living for the approval of strangers, one bad thing can make everything crumble. --- Taylor Swift


  2. You will never be able to stop people from judging you, but you can stop it from affecting you.



  1. approval /əˈpruːvl/

    n. 批准;认可;赞成

  2. stranger /ˈstreɪndʒər/

    n. 陌生人;外地人;局外人

  3. crumble /ˈkrʌmbl/

    n. 面包屑

    v. 崩溃;破碎,粉碎

  4. judge /dʒʌdʒ/

    v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决

    n. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人

No.179 这是成功者的心态




  1. It’s super simple let your actions dictate, instead of sitting there and feeling like you’re not in control.


  2. When you do something because you love it, it’s being an amateur. And if you’re a professional, you have to do it regardless of whether you love it or whether you feel like it.



  1. dictate /ˈdɪkteɪt/

    n. 命令;指示

    vt. 命令;口述;使听写

    vi. 口述;听写

  2. instead of


  3. amateur /ˈæmətər/

    n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行

    adj. 业余爱好的;业余的;外行的;不熟练的

  4. professional /prəˈfeʃənl/

    n. 专业人员;职业运动员

    adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的

  5. feel like sth/ding sth


No.180 别让借口阻挡了你前进的脚步




  1. If you can dream it, then you can be it; if you believe it, then you can achieve it.


  2. And it might not happen straight away, it might take you longer than you expect. An F-grade student doesn’t transition to an A-grade student overnight, but if you’re committed, and maintain belief that in the end you will achieve the results you are chasing, then there’s absolutely nothing getting in your way.



  1. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/

    vt. 取得;获得;实现;成功

    vi. 达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿

  2. straight away


  3. transition /trænˈzɪʃn/

    n. 过渡;转变

  4. overnight /ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt/

    adv. 在夜间;突然;一夜之间

    adj. 晚上的,只供一夜的;突然的

  5. committed /kəˈmɪtɪd/

    adj. 坚定的;效忠的;承担义务的

No.181 焦虑是生活的反馈,提醒我们去改变思维方式




  1. Anxiety is actually a symptom of a buildup of unsolved problems bubbling beneath the surface in your subconscious mind. Your brain is designed to complete life experiences, and it’s trying to bring these unresolved problems to the surface through the emotion of anxiety.



  1. symptom /ˈsɪmptəm/

    n. [临床] 症状;征兆

  2. beneath /bɪˈniːθ/

    prep. 在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于

    n. 在下方,在底下

  3. surface /ˈsɜːrfɪs/

    n. 表面;表层;外观

    adj. 表面的,肤浅的

    vt. 使浮出水面;使成平面

  4. subconscious /ˌsʌbˈkɑːnʃəs/

    n. 下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)

    adj. 潜意识的,下意识的

  5. design /dɪˈzaɪn/

    v. 设计,构思;计划;制造,意欲

    n. 设计;构思;设计图样;装饰图案;打算

No.182 进步不是一蹴而就,而是一点一滴的积累




  1. The small things we do open the door to the big things in life. Mountains are made of single rocks, oceans are single waves, symphonies are individual notes, conversations are individual words. Progress is nothing more than the ability to break big things down into small things.



  1. symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/

    n. 交响乐;谐声,和声

  2. individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/

    n. 个人,个体

    adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的

  3. conversation /ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃn/

    n. 交谈,会话;社交;交往,交际;会谈

  4. progress /ˈprəʊɡres/

    n. 进步,发展;前进

    vi. 前进,进步;进行

No.183 改变,从行动开始




  1. It’s time you get off the pity potty. You just have to wake up. You just have to break that negative spirit.


  2. Stop thinking about it, stop dreaming about it, stop researching every aspect of it, and debating the pros and cons of it. Start doing it. Take that first step, and make it happen. It takes courage, it takes commitment, it takes discipline.



  1. pity /ˈpɪti/

    n. 怜悯,同情;遗憾

    vt. 对……表示怜悯;对……感到同情

  2. negative /ˈneɡətɪv/

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  3. aspect /ˈæspekt/

    n. 方面;方向;形势;外貌

  4. debate /dɪˈbeɪt/

    n. 辩论;(正式的)讨论

    v. (尤指正式)讨论,辩论;仔细考虑

  5. pros and cons


No.184 去证明自己,别让他人对你的怀疑成为现实




  1. Never let someone’s perception of you, never let what someone else says about you become your reality, become who you are!


  2. If you fall down 2051 times, you get back up 2052, because you’re rare like that rose that grew in concrete! When they say you can’t do it, prove them wrong and do it anyway!



  1. perception /pərˈsepʃn/

    n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力;看法;获取

  2. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  3. fall down


  4. concrete /ˈkɑːnkriːt/

    n. 具体物;凝结物

    adj. 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的

    vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑

    vi. 凝结

No.185 看看这个关于生命意义的视频,然后开始做出改变




  1. We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully.


  2. For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and ask myself “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.



  1. reaper/ˈriːpər/

    n. 收割者;收割机;收获者;死神

  2. in a row


  3. passion /ˈpæʃn/

    n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

  4. convince /kənˈvɪns/

    vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

  5. settle /ˈsetl/

    n. 有背长椅

    vi. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷

    vt. 解决;安排;使…定居

No.186 接连失败的华特·迪士尼是如何成为米老鼠之父的?




  1. Just having big dreams is not always enough, unless you’re persistent and you’re working hard to bring your ideas to life. That’s the key to overcome every failure and obstacle that comes your way.


  2. The reality is you will fail, we all fail. So dare to make mistakes. If you spend your whole life avoiding anything risky, you might avoid failure, yes. But you will also avoid success.



  1. persistent /pərˈsɪstənt/

    adj. 执着的,坚持不懈的;持续的,反复出现的;(动植物某部位,如角、叶等)存留的,不落的

  2. overcome /ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/

    vt. 克服;胜过

    vi. 克服;得胜

  3. obstacle /ˈɑːbstəkl/

    n. 障碍,干扰,妨碍;障碍物

  4. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

  5. avoid /əˈvɔɪd/

    vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除

No.187 抱怨太多而行动太少,你也如此吗?




  1. You have to realize that you don’t have any other opportunities waiting for you, if you are not willing to work for the first opportunity.


  2. Sometimes people tent to get a little lazy. Sometimes people like to put themselves in this little bitty box and just say that they are okay with where they are. There can never just be an okay to anything when it comes to that life. There should never just be a complacent mindset.



  1. opportunity /ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti/

    n. 时机,机会

  2. tend to do sth

    倾向于; 往往会……

  3. bitty /ˈbɪti/

    adj. 片断的,零碎的;细短的

  4. complacent /kəmˈpleɪsnt/

    adj. 自满的;得意的;满足的

  5. mindset /ˈmaɪndset/

    n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

No.188 优秀的人都具有什么样的品质?




  1. Aristotle said, “You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore excellence out to be a habit, not an act”.


  2. Everyone can do average work, everyone can be average. Everyone can be lazy and live life without thinking about the long term consequences. But not many people are able to shoot for stars.



  1. repeatedly /rɪˈpiːtɪdli/

    adv. 反复地;再三地;屡次地

  2. excellence /ˈeksələns/

    n. 优秀;美德;长处

  3. average /ˈævərɪdʒ/

    adj. 平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的

  4. consequence /ˈkɑːnsɪkwens/

    n. 结果;重要性;推论

  5. shoot for starts


No.189 学会这三种方法,你就能正确应对危机




  1. The crisis was not the plan. But somebody is going to emerge from this crisis better than they walked in. Out of the ashes, someone is going to rise up.


  2. Here’s what winners do, they ASSESS, ADAPT, ADVANCE. In the words of the great Ray Lewis, you’ve got to be a different creature now, than you were 3 months ago.



  1. emerge /ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/

    vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露

  2. rise up

    上升; 升起

  3. assess /əˈses/

    vt. 评定;估价;对…征税

  4. adapt /əˈdæpt/

    vi. 适应

    vt. 使适应;改编

  5. advance /ədˈvæns/

    n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款

    adj. 预先的;先行的

    vt. 提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前

    vi. 前进;进展;上涨

No.190 风雨过后,总有希望和最澄澈的天空




  1. The dark skies block out the light, so we forget the warmth of the sun. And the wind and the rain, it forces us inside, so we forget the perfection that is simply breathing in the cool air, we forget that all storms have one thing in common: they come, and they go, they are temporary. And what they leave is hope, answers, the clearest, brightest of skies.



  1. block out /blɑːk/


  2. perfection /pərˈfekʃn/

    n. 完善;完美

  3. common /ˈkɑːmən/

    n. 普通;平民;公有地

    adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的

  4. temporary /ˈtempəreri/

    n. 临时工,临时雇员

    adj. 暂时的,临时的

No.191 这样做,你就能逐步突破自己的极限




  1. People are waiting for the right time to make a move, take a chance, make a change, or break a bad habit.Yet that right time never seems to appear. Each of us have plenty of excuses as to why we’re stuck in the metaphor called the mud of life. The truth is, it’s easy to blame others for our lack of happiness.



  1. appear /əˈpɪr/

    vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场

  2. plenty of /ˈplenti/


  3. stuck /stʌk/

    adj. 卡住的,动不了的;被困住的; 陷入的;停滞不前的;无法摆脱困境的;被难倒的,(因困难)无法继续的

  4. metaphor /ˈmetəfər,ˈmetəfɔːr/

    n. 暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法

  5. lack of sth /læk/


No.192 相信自己,他人眼光皆是浮云




  1. Turn your wounds into wisdom.You will be wounded many times in your life. You make mistakes, some people will call them failures. But I have learned that failure is really God’s way of saying “Excuse me. You’re moving in the wrong direction”. It’s just an experience.


  2. If you worry about whether people think about you, you will always be their prisoner.



  1. wound /wund/

    n. 创伤,伤口

    vt. 使受伤

    vi. 受伤,伤害

  2. wisdom /ˈwɪzdəm/

    n. 智慧,才智;明智;学识;至理名言

  3. direction /dəˈrekʃn,daɪˈrekʃn/

    n. 方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

  4. think about/of sb/sth


No.193 世界上不缺夸夸其谈的人,而缺付诸行动的人




  1. Put your time, your focus and the energy on the objectives that you want to create for your life, and go and get it and I don’t care about anybody’s negativity around you, drown them out, be the shark that around that prey.


  2. Everyone were born to not just exist, but to experience life.



  1. objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/

    adj. 客观的;客观存在的;(疾病症状)客观的,他觉的;目标的;宾格的

    n. 目的;目标;(军事行动的)攻击目标;物镜;宾格

  2. negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/

    n. 否定性;消极性

  3. drown sb/sth out


  4. prey /preɪ/

    v. 捕食;伤害;折磨,困扰

    n. 猎物;受害者,牺牲品;(情绪易受伤的)脆弱的人;掠夺品

No.194 黑暗是一座桥,将我们引向希望




  1. It’s interesting that the things we cherish most are the same things we walk right by.


  2. While our darkest moments test our strength, they push our boundaries, even transform our reality. They can also be a bridge that leads us exactly where we need to be.



  1. cherish /ˈtʃerɪʃ/

    vt. 珍爱;怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)

  2. boundary /ˈbaʊndri/

    n. 边界;范围;分界线

  3. transform /trænsˈfɔːrm/

    vt. 改变,使…变形;转换

    vi. 变换,改变;转化

  4. reality /riˈæləti/

    n. 现实;实际;真实

No.195 是时候该做出改变了




  1. At the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline.


  2. You can not win the war against the world, if you can’t win the war against your own mind.


  3. It’s not easy when you are being pressured in life to do things that you don’t want to do, but that’s what’s gonna make you great, that’s what’s gonna take you to the next level.



  1. fruition /fruˈɪʃn/

    n. 完成,成就;结果实

  2. discipline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

    n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

    vt. 训练,训导;惩戒

  3. pressure /ˈpreʃər/

    n. 压力;压迫,压强

    vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压

  4. win against sth


No.196 当你想逃避时,问问自己这些问题




  1. If you are not willing to risk, you can’t grow; if you cannot grow, you cannot become your best; and if you cannot become your best, then you can’t be happy; and if you can’t be happy, then what else is there? Now, you can see the link between your studying and happiness.


  2. But not only is it important that you believe and begin to know that it’s possible to live your dreams as you run towards it. But it’s necessary that you work on yourself, that you develop yourself. It’s necessary that you get the energy drainers out of your life.



  1. link /lɪŋk/

    n. [计] 链环,环节;联系,关系

    vt. 连接,连结;联合,结合

    vi. 连接起来;联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来

  2. necessary /ˈnesəseri/

    n. 必需品

    adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的

  3. develop /dɪˈveləp/

    vi. 发育;生长;进化;显露

    vt. 开发;进步;使成长;使显影

  4. drain /dreɪn/

    n. 排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗

    v. 排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴

No.197 世上无捷径,一切需努力




  1. Those moments that you think you don’t want to do something, when you want to procrastinate, when you think, “I’ll do it tomorrow” That’s exactly when you have to go for it.


  2. When things get hard, don’t ask, “why me?” Dig deep down, and say, “try me! because I’m stronger than anything you can throw at me!”


  3. You have two choices, you can make excuses or you can study. Excuses are what separates you from owning the life that you want. You got to make a decision to stop making excuses and get it down.



  1. moment /ˈmoʊmənt/

    n. 片刻,瞬间,时刻;重要,契机

  2. procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/

    v. 耽搁,延迟

  3. separate /ˈseprət/

    adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;不受影响的

    v. (使)分离,分开;隔开;分手;(使)分居;(使)区别(于)

  4. dig deep (into sth)


  5. throw sth at sth/sb


No.198 明白这个道理,你就能克服懒惰




  1. In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk. Most people do a lot of talking, and most people don’t put in the effort. There is nothing you can’t accomplish in life, with the right amount of work. The challenge is you know are you willing to do the work, and the reality is most people aren’t, but that’s the opportunity.



  1. accomplish /əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  2. challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/

    n. 挑战;怀疑

    vt. 向…挑战;对…质疑

  3. opportunity /ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti/

    n. 时机,机会

  4. risk /rɪsk/

    n. 风险;危险;冒险

    vt. 冒…的危险

    常见搭配:take risk

No.199 坚持不下去,想放弃怎么办?




  1. Don’t negotiate with the negative thoughts that spring up when you’re at your weakness. You’re in charge, don;t let them control you. If you give in now, what is it gong to mean later? We need to make choices in our lives where even though the decisions we make right now may not be the most comfortable. We know that it will help produce great results in the future.



  1. negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/

    vi. 谈判,交涉

    vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过

  2. negative /ˈneɡətɪv/

    n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

    adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

    vt. 否定;拒绝

  3. spring up

    v. 冒出; 涌出

  4. comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl,ˈkʌmfərtəbl/

    n. 盖被

    adj. 舒适的,舒服的

No.200 做到这几点,你就能不断进步




  1. And if you outwork everybody in your class; if you’re better **prepared** than them; if you use your time more wisely than them, then you are on your way.


  2. The term work hard and work smart is thrown around quite often. But the answer is only both. You have to work hard and smart based on your ambition. And at the end of the day, the people that you’re going to surpass, you are not necessarily going to have more talent than them. But it’s going to be the people that you are willing to outwork.



  1. outwork /ˈaʊtwɜːrk/

    n. (在家中完成的)外包工作;外围工事;在工厂外完成的本单位工作

    v. 比……更努力工作;完成,找到(解决办法)

  2. prepare /prɪˈper/

    vt. 准备;使适合;装备;起草

    vi. 预备;做好思想准备

  3. wise /waɪz/

    adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的

    vt. 使知道;教导

    vi. 了解

  4. surpass /sərˈpæs/

    vt. 超越;胜过,优于;非…所能办到或理解

  5. talent /ˈtælənt/

    n. 才能;天才;天资

