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Bacteria are the oldest living organisms on the earth. [AI] 细菌是地球上最古老的生物。 They've been here for billions of years. [AI] 他们在这里已经有几十亿年了。 and what they are are single-celled microscopic organisms. [AI] 它们是单细胞微生物。 So they're one cell [AI] 所以他们是一个细胞 and they have this special property that they only have one piece of DNA. [AI] 他们有一个特殊的属性,他们只有一段DNA。 So they have very few genes and genetic information [AI] 所以他们只有很少的基因和遗传信息 to encode all of the traits that they carry out. [AI] 对他们表现出的所有特征进行编码。 And the way bacteria make a living is that they consume nutrients [AI] 细菌的生存方式是它们消耗营养 from the environment. [AI] 来自环境。 they grow to twice their size. they cut themselves down in the middle. [AI] 它们长到两倍大。他们在中间切了下来。 and one cell becomes two. and so on and so on. [AI] 一个细胞变成两个。等等等等。 They just grow and divide and grow and divide -- so a kind of boring life. [AI] 他们只是不断地成长,不断地成长,不断地分裂——这是一种无聊的生活。 except that what I would argue is that you have an amazing interaction with these critters. [AI] 除了我想说的是你和这些生物有着惊人的互动。 I know you guys think of yourself as humans. and this is sort of how I think of you. [AI] 我知道你们认为自己是人类。这就是我对你的看法。 This man is supposed to represent a generic human being. [AI] 这个人应该代表一个普通人。 and all of the circles in that man are all the cells that make up your body. [AI] 这个人的所有圆圈都是构成你身体的细胞。 There's about a trillion human cells that make each one of us who we are [AI] 大约有一万亿个人类细胞组成了我们每个人 and able to do all the things that we do. [AI] 能够做我们所做的一切。 But you have 10 trillion bacterial cells in you or on you [AI] 但你体内或身上有10万亿个细菌细胞 at any moment in your life. [AI] 在你生命中的任何时刻。 So. 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells on a human being. [AI] 所以人类身上的细菌细胞是人类细胞的10倍。 And. of course. it's the DNA that counts. [AI] 和当然重要的是DNA。 so here's all the A. T. Gs and Cs that make up your genetic code [AI] 这是构成你遗传密码的所有A.T.Gs和Cs and give you all your charming characteristics. [AI] 给你所有迷人的特征。 You have about 30.000 genes. [AI] 你有大约30000个基因。 Well. it turns out you have 100 times more bacterial genes [AI] 好事实证明,你的细菌基因是你的100倍 playing a role in you or on you all of your life. [AI] 在你的一生中扮演一个角色。 So at the best. you're 10 percent human; more likely. about one percent human. [AI] 最好是这样。你百分之十是人类;更有可能。大约百分之一是人类。 depending on which of these metrics you like. [AI] 取决于您喜欢这些指标中的哪一个。 I know you think of yourself as human beings. [AI] 我知道你认为自己是人。 but I think of you as 90 or 99 percent bacterial. [AI] 但我认为你是90%或99%的细菌。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And these bacteria are not passive riders. [AI] 这些细菌不是被动的骑士。 These are incredibly important; they keep us alive. [AI] 这些都非常重要;他们让我们活着。 They cover us in an invisible body armor [AI] 他们用隐形防弹衣掩护我们 that keeps environmental insults out so that we stay healthy. [AI] 这就避免了对环境的侮辱,让我们保持健康。 They digest our food. they make our vitamins. [AI] 他们消化我们的食物。他们制造我们的维生素。 they actually educate your immune system to keep bad microbes out. [AI] 它们实际上教育你的免疫系统将有害微生物拒之门外。 So they do all these amazing things [AI] 所以他们做了所有这些惊人的事情 that help us and are vital for keeping us alive. [AI] 这有助于我们,对我们的生存至关重要。 and they never get any press for that. [AI] 他们从来没有得到任何压力。 But they get a lot of press because they do a lot of terrible things as well. [AI] 但是他们也因为做了很多可怕的事情而受到了很多媒体的关注。 So there's all kinds of bacteria on the earth [AI] 地球上有各种各样的细菌 that have no business being in you or on you at any time. [AI] 在任何时候都与你无关。 and if they are. they make you incredibly sick. [AI] 如果是的话。它们让你恶心得要命。 And so the question for my lab is whether you want to think about all the good things that bacteria do [AI] 所以我实验室的问题是,你是否想思考细菌所做的一切好事 or all the bad things that bacteria do. [AI] 或者细菌做的所有坏事。 The question we had is: How could they do anything at all? [AI] 我们的问题是:他们怎么能做任何事情? I mean. they're incredibly small. [AI] 我是说。它们非常小。 You have to have a microscope to see one. [AI] 你必须用显微镜才能看到。 They live this sort of boring life where they grow and divide. [AI] 他们过着这种无聊的生活,在那里他们成长和分裂。 and they've always been considered to be these asocial. reclusive organisms. [AI] 他们一直被认为是不合群的。隐居的有机体。 And so it seemed to us that they're just too small [AI] 所以我们觉得它们太小了 to have an impact on the environment [AI] 对环境产生影响 if they simply act as individuals. [AI] 如果他们只是作为个体行动。 So we wanted to think if there couldn't be a different way that bacteria live. [AI] 所以我们想知道,细菌的生存方式是否能有所不同。 And the clue to this came from another marine bacterium. [AI] 这条线索来自另一种海洋细菌。 and it's a bacterium called "Vibrio fischeri." [AI] 这是一种叫做“费氏弧菌”的细菌 What you're looking at on this slide is just a person from my lab [AI] 你在这张幻灯片上看到的只是我实验室的一个人 holding a flask of a liquid culture of a bacterium. [AI] 盛有细菌液体培养物的烧瓶。 a harmless. beautiful bacterium that comes from the ocean. [AI] 无害的。来自海洋的美丽细菌。 named Vibrio fischeri. [AI] 名为费氏弧菌。 And this bacterium has the special property that it makes light. [AI] 这种细菌具有发光的特性。 so it makes bioluminescence. [AI] 所以它产生了生物发光。 like fireflies make light. [AI] 就像萤火虫发光一样。 We're not doing anything to the cells here. [AI] 我们没有对这里的细胞做任何事情。 we just took the picture by turning the lights off in the room. [AI] 我们只是关了房间里的灯照了张相。 and this is what we see. [AI] 这就是我们所看到的。 And what's actually interesting to us was not that the bacteria made light [AI] 我们真正感兴趣的不是细菌发光 but when the bacteria made light. [AI] 但是当细菌发光时。 What we noticed is when the bacteria were alone. [AI] 我们注意到的是当细菌单独存在时。 so when they were in dilute suspension. [AI] 所以当它们处于稀释悬浮液中时。 they made no light. [AI] 他们没有发光。 But when they grew to a certain cell number. [AI] 但当它们生长到一定数量时。 all the bacteria turned on light simultaneously. [AI] 所有的细菌同时发光。 So the question that we had is: How can bacteria. these primitive organisms. [AI] 因此,我们面临的问题是:细菌是如何生存的。这些原始生物。 tell the difference from times when they're alone [AI] 告诉他们独处时的不同 and times when they're in a community. [AI] 当他们在一个社区的时候。 and then all do something together? [AI] 然后大家一起做点什么? And what we figured out is that the way they do that is they talk to each other. [AI] 我们发现他们这样做的方式就是互相交谈。 and they talk with a chemical language. [AI] 他们用一种化学语言交谈。 So this is now supposed to be my bacterial cell. [AI] 这应该是我的细菌细胞。 When it's alone. it doesn't make any light. [AI] 当它孤独的时候。它不发光。 But what it does do is to make and secrete small molecules [AI] 但它的作用是制造和分泌小分子 that you can think of like hormones. [AI] 就像荷尔蒙一样。 and these are the red triangles. And when the bacteria are alone. [AI] 这些是红色三角形。当细菌单独存在时。 the molecules just float away. and so. no light. [AI] 分子就这样飘走了。等等。没有灯光。 But when the bacteria grow and double [AI] 但是当细菌生长并加倍时 and they're all participating in making these molecules. [AI] 他们都在参与制造这些分子。 the molecule. the extracellular amount of that molecule. [AI] 分子。细胞外分子的数量。 increases in proportion to cell number. [AI] 与细胞数量成比例增加。 And when the molecule hits a certain amount [AI] 当分子达到一定量时 that tells the bacteria how many neighbors there are. [AI] 这告诉细菌有多少邻居。 they recognize that molecule [AI] 他们认出了那个分子 and all of the bacteria turn on light in synchrony. [AI] 所有的细菌都同步发光。 And so that's how bioluminescence works -- [AI] 这就是生物发光的原理-- they're talking with these chemical words. [AI] 他们在用这些化学词说话。 The reason Vibrio fischeri is doing that comes from the biology -- [AI] 费氏弧菌这样做的原因来自生物学-- again. another plug for the animals in the ocean. [AI] 再一次海洋动物的另一个插头。 Vibrio fischeri lives in this squid. [AI] 费氏弧菌生活在这只乌贼体内。 What you're looking at is the Hawaiian bobtail squid. [AI] 你看到的是夏威夷短尾乌贼。 It's been turned on its back. [AI] 它被翻了个身。 and what I hope you can see are these two glowing lobes. [AI] 我希望你们能看到这两个发光的叶。 These house the Vibrio fischeri cells. [AI] 这些是费氏弧菌细胞的所在地。 They live in there. at high cell number. [AI] 他们住在那里。在高细胞数时。 That molecule is there. and they're making light. [AI] 那个分子在那里。它们在发光。 And the reason the squid is willing to put up with these shenanigans [AI] 而乌贼之所以愿意忍受这些恶作剧 is because it wants that light. [AI] 因为它想要那盏灯。 The way that this symbiosis works [AI] 这种共生关系的运作方式 is that this little squid lives just off the coast of Hawaii. [AI] 这只小乌贼就住在夏威夷海岸附近。 just in sort of shallow knee-deep water. [AI] 就在膝盖深的水里。 And the squid is nocturnal. [AI] 乌贼是夜间活动的。 so during the day. it buries itself in the sand and sleeps. [AI] 所以白天。它把自己埋在沙子里睡觉。 But then at night. it has to come out to hunt. [AI] 但是在晚上。它必须出来打猎。 So on bright nights [AI] 所以在晴朗的夜晚 when there's lots of starlight or moonlight. [AI] 当有很多星光或月光的时候。 that light can penetrate the depth of the water the squid lives in. [AI] 这种光线可以穿透鱿鱼生活的水深。 since it's just in those couple feet of water. [AI] 因为它就在那两英尺深的水里。 What the squid has developed is a shutter that can open and close over the specialized light organ housing the bacteria. [AI] 鱿鱼已经开发出一种快门,可以在容纳细菌的特殊光器官上打开和关闭。 And then it has detectors on its back [AI] 然后它的背部有探测器 so it can sense how much starlight or moonlight is hitting its back. [AI] 所以它能感觉到有多少星光或月光打在它的背上。 And it opens and closes the shutter [AI] 它打开和关闭快门 so the amount of light coming out of the bottom. [AI] 所以从底部出来的光的数量。 which is made by the bacterium. [AI] 这是由细菌产生的。 exactly matches how much light hits the squid's back. [AI] 和乌贼背上的光线完全匹配。 so the squid doesn't make a shadow. [AI] 所以乌贼不会产生阴影。 So it actually uses the light from the bacteria [AI] 所以它实际上利用了细菌发出的光 to counter-illuminate itself in an antipredation device. [AI] 在防辐射装置中反发光。 so predators can't see its shadow. [AI] 所以捕食者看不到它的影子。 calculate its trajectory and eat it. [AI] 计算它的轨迹并吃掉它。 So this is like the stealth bomber of the ocean. [AI] 这就像是海洋中的隐形轰炸机。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) But then if you think about it. this squid has this terrible problem. [AI] 但是如果你仔细想想。这只乌贼有个可怕的问题。 because it's got this dying. thick culture of bacteria. [AI] 因为它让这个快死了。细菌的浓培养。 and it can't sustain that. [AI] 但它无法维持这一点。 And so what happens is. every morning when the sun comes up. [AI] 所以发生的是。每天早晨当太阳升起的时候。 the squid goes back to sleep. it buries itself in the sand. [AI] 乌贼又睡着了。它埋在沙子里。 and it's got a pump that's attached to its circadian rhythm. [AI] 它有一个与昼夜节律相关的泵。 And when the sun comes up. it pumps out. like. 95 percent of the bacteria. [AI] 当太阳升起的时候。它泵出。喜欢95%的细菌。 So now the bacteria are dilute. that little hormone molecule is gone. [AI] 所以现在细菌被稀释了。那个小荷尔蒙分子消失了。 so they're not making light. [AI] 所以他们不会发光。 But. of course. the squid doesn't care. it's asleep in the sand. [AI] 但是当然乌贼不在乎。它在沙滩上睡着了。 And as the day goes by. the bacteria double. [AI] 随着时间的流逝。细菌加倍。 they release the molecule. and then light comes on at night. [AI] 它们释放分子。然后晚上灯就亮了。 exactly when the squid wants it. [AI] 就在乌贼想要的时候。 So first. we figured out how this bacterium does this. [AI] 所以首先。我们发现了这种细菌是如何做到这一点的。 but then we brought the tools of molecular biology to this [AI] 但后来我们把分子生物学的工具带到了这里 to figure out. really. what's the mechanism. [AI] 弄清楚。真正地机制是什么。 And what we found -- so this is now supposed to be my bacterial cell -- [AI] 我们发现的是,这应该是我的细菌细胞-- is that Vibrio fischeri has a protein. [AI] 费氏弧菌有一种蛋白质。 That's the red box -- [AI] 那是红色的盒子-- it's an enzyme that makes that little hormone molecule. the red triangle. [AI] 它是一种酶,能产生这种小激素分子。红色三角形。 And then as the cells grow. they're all releasing that molecule into the environment. [AI] 然后随着细胞的生长。它们都在向环境中释放这种分子。 so there's lots of molecule there. [AI] 所以那里有很多分子。 And the bacteria also have a receptor on their cell surface [AI] 细菌的细胞表面也有一个受体 that fits like a lock and key with that molecule. [AI] 这就像一把锁和一把钥匙一样与分子相匹配。 These are just like the receptors on the surfaces of your cells. [AI] 这些就像细胞表面的受体。 So when the molecule increases to a certain amount. [AI] 所以当分子增加到一定量时。 which says something about the number of cells. [AI] 这说明了细胞的数量。 it locks down into that receptor [AI] 它锁定在那个受体上 and information comes into the cells [AI] 信息进入细胞 that tells the cells to turn on this collective behavior of making light. [AI] 这告诉细胞开启这种集体的发光行为。 Why this is interesting is because in the past decade. [AI] 这之所以有趣是因为在过去的十年里。 we have found that this is not just some anomaly [AI] 我们发现,这不仅仅是某种反常现象 of this ridiculous. glow-in-the-dark bacterium that lives in the ocean -- [AI] 这太荒谬了。生活在海洋中的细菌在黑暗中发光-- all bacteria have systems like this. [AI] 所有细菌都有这样的系统。 So now what we understand is that all bacteria can talk to each other. [AI] 所以现在我们了解的是,所有的细菌都可以相互交谈。 They make chemical words. they recognize those words. [AI] 他们制造化学单词。他们认出了那些词。 and they turn on group behaviors [AI] 他们开启了群体行为 that are only successful when all of the cells participate in unison. [AI] 只有当所有细胞都一致参与时,这才是成功的。 So now we have a fancy name for this: we call it "quorum sensing." [AI] 所以现在我们有了一个别致的名字:我们称之为“群体感应” They vote with these chemical votes. [AI] 他们用这些化学投票。 the vote gets counted. and then everybody responds to the vote. [AI] 计票。然后每个人都对投票做出反应。 What's important for today's talk is we know there are hundreds of behaviors [AI] 今天的演讲重要的是我们知道有数百种行为 that bacteria carry out in these collective fashions. [AI] 细菌以这些集体的方式进行。 But the one that's probably the most important to you is virulence. [AI] 但对你来说最重要的可能是毒力。 It's not like a couple bacteria get in you and start secreting some toxins -- [AI] 这不像是一对细菌进入你体内并开始分泌一些毒素-- you're enormous; that would have no effect on you. you're huge. [AI] 你是巨大的;那对你没有影响。你太大了。 But what they do. we now understand. [AI] 但他们所做的。我们现在明白了。 is they get in you. they wait. they start growing. [AI] 是他们让你上当了。他们等着。它们开始生长。 they count themselves with these little molecules. [AI] 他们用这些小分子计算自己。 and they recognize when they have the right cell number [AI] 当他们有正确的手机号码时,他们就能识别 that if all of the bacteria launch their virulence attack together. [AI] 如果所有的细菌一起发动毒力攻击。 they're going to be successful at overcoming an enormous host. [AI] 他们将成功地战胜一个庞大的东道主。 So bacteria always control pathogenicity with quorum sensing. [AI] 因此,细菌总是通过群体感应来控制致病性。 So that's how it works. [AI] 这就是它的工作原理。 We also then went to look at what are these molecules. [AI] 然后我们也去看看这些分子是什么。 These were the red triangles on my slides before. [AI] 这些是我之前幻灯片上的红色三角形。 This is the Vibrio fischeri molecule. [AI] 这是费氏弧菌分子。 This is the word that it talks with. [AI] 这就是它所用的词。 And then we started to look at other bacteria. [AI] 然后我们开始研究其他细菌。 and these are just a smattering of the molecules that we've discovered. [AI] 这些只是我们发现的一小部分分子。 What I hope you can see is that the molecules are related. [AI] 我希望你们能看到的是,分子是相互关联的。 The left-hand part of the molecule is identical in every single species of bacteria. [AI] 分子的左侧部分在每一种细菌中都是相同的。 But the right-hand part of the molecule is a little bit different in every single species. [AI] 但是分子的右侧部分在每一个物种中都有一点不同。 What that does is to confer exquisite species specificities to these languages. [AI] 这样做的目的是赋予这些语言精致的物种特性。 So each molecule fits into its partner receptor and no other. [AI] 所以每个分子都与它的伙伴受体相匹配,而不是其他的。 So these are private. secret conversations. [AI] 所以这些都是私人的。秘密对话。 These conversations are for intraspecies communication. [AI] 这些对话是为了种内交流。 Each bacteria uses a particular molecule that's its language [AI] 每个细菌都使用一种特定的分子,这是它的语言 that allows it to count its own siblings. [AI] 这使得它可以计算自己的兄弟姐妹。 Once we got that far. [AI] 一旦我们走了那么远。 we thought we were starting to understand that bacteria have these social behaviors. [AI] 我们以为我们开始了解细菌有这些社会行为。 But what we were really thinking about is that most of the time. [AI] 但我们真正想的是,大多数时候。 bacteria don't live by themselves. they live in incredible mixtures. [AI] 细菌不是靠自己生存的。他们生活在令人难以置信的混合环境中。 with hundreds or thousands of other species of bacteria. [AI] 与成百上千的其他种类的细菌。 And that's depicted on this slide. This is your skin. [AI] 这张幻灯片上描述了这一点。这是你的皮肤。 So this is just a picture -- a micrograph of your skin. [AI] 这只是一张照片,一张你皮肤的显微照片。 Anywhere on your body. it looks pretty much like this. [AI] 你身体上的任何地方。看起来很像这样。 What I hope you can see is that there's all kinds of bacteria there. [AI] 我希望你能看到那里有各种各样的细菌。 And so we started to think. if this really is about communication in bacteria. [AI] 于是我们开始思考。如果这真的是关于细菌的交流。 and it's about counting your neighbors. [AI] 这是关于计算你的邻居。 it's not enough to be able to only talk within your species. [AI] 仅仅在你的种族内部说话是不够的。 There has to be a way to take a census [AI] 一定有办法进行人口普查 of the rest of the bacteria in the population. [AI] 人群中的其他细菌。 So we went back to molecular biology [AI] 所以我们回到分子生物学 and started studying different bacteria. [AI] 并开始研究不同的细菌。 And what we've found now is that. in fact. bacteria are multilingual. [AI] 我们现在发现的是。事实上细菌是多种语言的。 They all have a species-specific system. [AI] 它们都有一个物种特有的系统。 they have a molecule that says "me." [AI] 他们有一个分子,上面写着“我” But then running in parallel to that is a second system [AI] 但与之并行运行的是第二个系统 that we've discovered. that's generic. [AI] 我们已经发现了。这是通用的。 So they have a second enzyme that makes a second signal. [AI] 所以他们有第二种酶产生第二种信号。 and it has its own receptor. [AI] 它有自己的受体。 and this molecule is the trade language of bacteria. [AI] 这个分子是细菌的商业语言。 It's used by all different bacteria. [AI] 它被所有不同的细菌使用。 and it's the language of interspecies communication. [AI] 这是种间交流的语言。 What happens is that bacteria are able to count [AI] 结果是细菌能够计数 how many of "me" and how many of "you." [AI] 有多少“我”和多少“你” And they take that information inside. [AI] 他们把这些信息放在里面。 and they decide what tasks to carry out [AI] 他们决定执行什么任务 depending on who's in the minority and who's in the majority [AI] 取决于谁是少数派,谁是多数派 of any given population. [AI] 指任何给定的人口。 Then. again. we turned to chemistry. [AI] 然后再一次我们转向化学。 and we figured out what this generic molecule is -- [AI] 我们弄清楚了这个普通分子是什么-- that was the pink ovals on my last slide. this is it. [AI] 那是我最后一张幻灯片上的粉红色椭圆形。就是这样。 It's a very small. five-carbon molecule. [AI] 这是一个非常小的房间。五碳分子。 And what the important thing is that we learned [AI] 重要的是我们学到了什么 is that every bacterium has exactly the same enzyme [AI] 每个细菌都有完全相同的酶 and makes exactly the same molecule. [AI] 制造出完全相同的分子。 So they're all using this molecule for interspecies communication. [AI] 所以他们都在利用这个分子进行物种间的交流。 This is the bacterial Esperanto. [AI] 这是细菌世界语。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) So once we got that far. [AI] 所以一旦我们走到了那一步。 we started to learn that bacteria can talk to each other with this chemical language. [AI] 我们开始了解到细菌可以用这种化学语言相互交流。 But we started to think [AI] 但我们开始思考 that maybe there is something practical that we can do here as well. [AI] 也许我们在这里也可以做一些实际的事情。 I've told you that bacteria have all these social behaviors. [AI] 我告诉过你,细菌有所有这些社交行为。 that they communicate with these molecules. [AI] 它们与这些分子通讯。 Of course. I've also told you that one of the important things they do [AI] 当然我也告诉过你他们做的一件重要事情 is to initiate pathogenicity using quorum sensing. [AI] 是利用群体感应启动致病性。 So we thought: [AI] 所以我们想: What if we made these bacteria so they can't talk or they can't hear? [AI] 如果我们让这些细菌不能说话或听不见呢? Couldn't these be new kinds of antibiotics? [AI] 这些难道不是新型抗生素吗? And of course. you've just heard and you already know [AI] 当然了。你刚刚听说,你已经知道了 that we're running out of antibiotics. [AI] 抗生素快用完了。 Bacteria are incredibly multi-drug-resistant right now. [AI] 目前,细菌对多种药物具有难以置信的耐药性。 and that's because all of the antibiotics that we use kill bacteria. [AI] 这是因为我们使用的所有抗生素都能杀死细菌。 They either pop the bacterial membrane. [AI] 它们要么破坏细菌膜。 they make the bacterium so it can't replicate its DNA. [AI] 它们使细菌不能复制其DNA。 We kill bacteria with traditional antibiotics. [AI] 我们用传统的抗生素杀灭细菌。 and that selects for resistant mutants. [AI] 这就选择了抗性突变体。 And so now. of course. we have this global problem [AI] 现在也是如此。当然我们有这个全球性的问题 in infectious diseases. [AI] 在传染病方面。 So we thought. what if we could sort of do behavior modifications. [AI] 所以我们想。如果我们可以做一些行为改变呢。 just make these bacteria so they can't talk. they can't count. [AI] 让这些细菌不能说话。他们不会数数。 and they don't know to launch virulence? [AI] 他们不知道如何发射毒力? So that's exactly what we've done. and we've sort of taken two strategies. [AI] 这正是我们所做的。我们采取了两种策略。 The first one is. we've targeted the intraspecies communication system. [AI] 第一个是。我们瞄准了种内通讯系统。 So we made molecules that look kind of like the real molecules. which you saw. [AI] 所以我们制造了看起来有点像真实分子的分子。你看到了。 but they're a little bit different. [AI] 但是他们有点不同。 And so they lock into those receptors. [AI] 因此它们锁定了这些受体。 and they jam recognition of the real thing. [AI] 它们阻碍了对真实事物的识别。 So by targeting the red system. [AI] 因此,以红色系统为目标。 what we are able to do is make species-specific. or disease-specific. [AI] 我们所能做的就是使物种具有特异性。或疾病特异性。 anti-quorum-sensing molecules. [AI] 反群体感应分子。 We've also done the same thing with the pink system. [AI] 我们对粉色系统也做了同样的事情。 We've taken that universal molecule and turned it around a little bit [AI] 我们把这个宇宙分子扭转了一点 so that we've made antagonists of the interspecies communication system. [AI] 所以我们制造了种间通讯系统的对手。 The hope is that these will be used as broad-spectrum antibiotics [AI] 希望这些药物能被用作广谱抗生素 that work against all bacteria. [AI] 对所有细菌都有效。 And so to finish. I'll show you the strategy. [AI] 就这样结束了。我会告诉你策略。 In this one. I'm just using the interspecies molecule. [AI] 在这一个。我只是用了种间分子。 but the logic is exactly the same. [AI] 但逻辑是完全相同的。 So what you know is that when that bacterium gets into the animal -- [AI] 所以你知道的是当细菌进入动物体内-- in this case. a mouse -- [AI] 在这种情况下。老鼠-- it doesn't initiate virulence right away. [AI] 它不会马上产生毒力。 It gets in. it starts growing. [AI] 它进来了。它开始生长。 it starts secreting its quorum-sensing molecules. [AI] 它开始分泌其群体感应分子。 It recognizes when it has enough bacteria [AI] 当它有足够的细菌时,它就能识别 that now they're going to launch their attack. [AI] 现在他们要发动进攻了。 and the animal dies. [AI] 动物死了。 And so what we've been able to do is to give these virulent infections. [AI] 所以我们所能做的就是给这些致命的感染。 but we give them in conjunction with our anti-quorum-sensing molecules. [AI] 但是我们把它们和我们的反群体感应分子结合起来。 So these are molecules that look kind of like the real thing. [AI] 这些分子看起来有点像真的。 but they're a little different. which I've depicted on this slide. [AI] 但是他们有点不同。我在这张幻灯片上描述过。 What we now know is that if we treat the animal with a pathogenic bacterium -- [AI] 我们现在知道的是,如果我们用致病细菌治疗动物-- a multi-drug-resistant pathogenic bacterium -- [AI] 一株多药耐药的病原菌-- in the same time we give our anti-quorum-sensing molecule. [AI] 同时,我们给出了我们的反群体感应分子。 in fact. the animal lives. [AI] 事实上动物活着。 And so we think that this is the next generation of antibiotics. [AI] 所以我们认为这是下一代抗生素。 and it's going to get us around. at least initially. [AI] 它会让我们四处走动。至少最初是这样。 this big problem of resistance. [AI] 这是阻力的大问题。 What I hope you think is that bacteria can talk to each other. [AI] 我希望你认为细菌可以相互交流。 they use chemicals as their words. [AI] 他们用化学物质作为他们的语言。 they have an incredibly complicated chemical lexicon [AI] 他们有一个极其复杂的化学词汇 that we're just now starting to learn about. [AI] 我们现在才开始了解。 Of course. what that allows bacteria to do is to be multicellular. [AI] 当然细菌的功能是多细胞的。 So in the spirit of TED. [AI] 所以本着TED的精神。 they're doing things together because it makes a difference. [AI] 他们在一起做事,因为这会带来不同。 What happens is that bacteria have these collective behaviors. [AI] 发生的是细菌有这些集体行为。 and they can carry out tasks [AI] 他们可以执行任务 that they could never accomplish if they simply acted as individuals. [AI] 如果他们只是以个人的身份行事,就永远无法实现这一目标。 What I would hope that I could further argue to you [AI] 我希望我能进一步和你争论什么 is that this is the invention of multicellularity. [AI] 这是多细胞性的发明。 Bacteria have been on the earth for billions of years; [AI] 细菌在地球上已经存在了数十亿年; humans. couple hundred thousand. [AI] 人类。二十万。 So we think bacteria made the rules for how multicellular organization works. [AI] 所以我们认为细菌为多细胞组织的运作制定了规则。 And we think by studying bacteria. [AI] 我们通过研究细菌来思考。 we're going to be able to have insight about multicellularity in the human body. [AI] 我们将能够洞察人体的多细胞性。 So we know that the principles and the rules. [AI] 所以我们知道这些原则和规则。 if we can figure them out in these sort of primitive organisms. [AI] 如果我们能在这些原始生物中找到它们。 the hope is that they will be applied [AI] 希望它们能得到应用 to other human diseases and human behaviors as well. [AI] 对其他人类疾病和人类行为也是如此。 I hope that what you've learned [AI] 我希望你所学到的 is that bacteria can distinguish self from other. [AI] 细菌可以区分自我和他人。 So by using these two molecules. they can say "me" and they can say "you." [AI] 所以通过使用这两个分子。他们可以说“我”也可以说“你” And again. of course. that's what we do. [AI] 一次又一次。当然我们就是这么做的。 both in a molecular way. and also in an outward way. [AI] 两者都是以分子的方式。而且是以一种外在的方式。 but I think about the molecular stuff. [AI] 但是我想到了分子的东西。 This is exactly what happens in your body. [AI] 这正是你体内发生的事情。 It's not like your heart cells and kidney cells get all mixed up every day. [AI] 它不像你的心脏细胞和肾脏细胞每天都被搞混。 and that's because there's all of this chemistry going on. [AI] 那是因为所有的化学反应都在进行。 these molecules that say who each of these groups of cells is [AI] 这些分子表示这些细胞群中的每一个是谁 and what their tasks should be. [AI] 以及他们的任务应该是什么。 So again. we think bacteria invented that. [AI] 再说一遍。我们认为这是细菌发明的。 and you've just evolved a few more bells and whistles. [AI] 你刚刚进化出了更多的铃铛和口哨。 but all of the ideas are in these simple systems that we can study. [AI] 但是所有的想法都在这些简单的系统中,我们可以研究。 And the final thing is. just to reiterate that there's this practical part. [AI] 最后一件事是。只是重申一下,这是实际的一部分。 and so we've made these anti-quorum-sensing molecules [AI] 所以我们制造了这些反群体感应分子 that are being developed as new kinds of therapeutics. [AI] 作为一种新的治疗方法正在开发中。 But then. to finish with a plug for all the good and miraculous bacteria [AI] 但是后来。最后用一个塞子塞住所有好的和神奇的细菌 that live on the earth. [AI] 他们生活在地球上。 we've also made pro-quorum-sensing molecules. [AI] 我们还制造了亲群体感应分子。 So we've targeted those systems to make the molecules work better. [AI] 因此,我们针对这些系统,使分子更好地工作。 So remember. you have these 10 times or more bacterial cells [AI] 所以记住。你有10倍或更多的细菌细胞 in you or on you. keeping you healthy. [AI] 在你身上还是在你身上。让你保持健康。 What we're also trying to do is to beef up the conversation [AI] 我们还试图加强对话 of the bacteria that live as mutualists with you. [AI] 和你共同生活的细菌。 in the hopes of making you more healthy. [AI] 希望能让你更健康。 making those conversations better. [AI] 让这些对话变得更好。 so bacteria can do things that we want them to do [AI] 所以细菌可以做我们希望他们做的事情 better than they would be on their own. [AI] 比他们一个人好。 Finally. I wanted to show you -- [AI] 最后我想让你看看-- this is my gang at Princeton. New Jersey. [AI] 这是我在普林斯顿的帮派。新泽西州 Everything I told you about was discovered by someone in that picture. [AI] 我告诉你的一切都是那张照片里的人发现的。 And I hope when you learn things. like about how the natural world works -- [AI] 我希望当你学到东西的时候。比如自然世界是如何运作的-- I just want to say that whenever you read something in the newspaper [AI] 我只想说,每当你在报纸上看到一些东西 or you hear some talk about something ridiculous in the natural world. [AI] 或者你听到一些关于自然界中一些可笑的事情的谈论。 it was done by a child. [AI] 这是一个孩子做的。 So science is done by that demographic. [AI] 因此,科学是由人口统计学来完成的。 All of those people are between 20 and 30 years old. [AI] 所有这些人都在20到30岁之间。 and they are the engine that drives scientific discovery in this country. [AI] 他们是这个国家推动科学发现的引擎。 And it's a really lucky demographic to work with. (Applause) [AI] 这是一个非常幸运的群体。(掌声) I keep getting older and older. and they're always the same age. [AI] 我越来越老了。他们的年龄总是一样的。 And it's just a crazy. delightful job. [AI] 这简直是一场疯狂的比赛。令人愉快的工作。 And I want to thank you for inviting me here. [AI] 我要感谢你邀请我来这里。 it's a big treat for me to get to come to this conference. [AI] 能来参加这次会议对我来说是一大乐事。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声) Thanks. [AI] 谢谢 (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
