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My best friend recently had a baby. 我的最好朋友最近生了一个孩子。 And when I met him, 当我遇到他时, I was in awe of witnessing this tiny, beautiful being enter into our lives. 我对目睹这个美丽的小人儿 进入我们的生活感到敬畏。 I also had this realization that he wasn't just entering our lives, 我也意识到, 他不只是进入我们的生活, he was entering the world -- 他正在进入这个世界—— this crazy world that, especially now, feels so incredibly challenging. 这个疯狂的世界,特别是现在, 让人感到难以置信的充满挑战。 I spend a lot time in my work talking to people about who we are, 我在工作上花费了很多时间 和人交流我们是谁, who we must be 我们必须是谁, and what our healing looks like. 和我们情感的愈合是什么样子。 So the first time I held him, 我第一次抱着他, I had my pep talk ready. 我已经准备好了该说什么。 You know, I wanted him to know that the way we find our strength 我想让他知道我们是通过挑战 is through our challenges. 才获得了力量。 I wanted him to know that we can all do something big 我想让他知道, 我们都可以做一些大事, when we start small. 积少成多。 I wanted him to know that each of us is more resilient 我想让他知道, 每个人都可以比自己想象的 than we could ever imagine. 更坚强,更有韧性。 So here I am holding little Thelonious. 图片是我抱着小小的特洛纽斯。 I look down at him, 我低头看着他, and it hits me: 心都要融化了: he's a baby. 他是一个婴儿。 (Laughter) (笑声) He's not going to understand a single word I say to him. 他不会理解我对他说的任何一个字。 So instead, I thought it would probably be a better idea 所以,如果我回家写下来 if I went home and wrote. 可能更好。 So, this is for grownups, 这是给成年人的, but it's also for Thelonious, 但也是给特洛纽斯的, when he's old enough to read it: 当他年纪大到可以阅读时: The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "Be a better person." “做一个更好的人。” Do not be afraid to say, "Yes." 不要害怕说“是的”。 Start by being a better listener. 从做一个更好的倾听者开始。 Start by being better at walking down the street. 从在街上走一走开始。 See people. 看看周围的人, Say, "Hello." 跟他们问好。 Ask how they are doing and listen to what they say. 问问他们在做什么, 听听他们说什么。 Start by being a better friend, 开始做一个更好的朋友, a better parent, a better child to your parents; 一个更好的家长,一个更好的孩子; a better sibling, a better lover, a better partner. 一个更好的兄弟姐妹, 一个更好的情人,一个更好的伴侣。 Start by being a better neighbor. 开始成为一个更好的邻居。 Meet someone you do not know, and get to know them. 认识一个你不认识的人,并了解他们。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "What are you going to do?" “你要做什么事?” Do not be afraid to say, 不要害怕说, "I know I can't do everything, “我知道我不能做所有事情, but I can do something." 但我可以做一点点。 ” Walk into more rooms saying, 走进更多的房间说, "I'm here to help." “我是来帮忙的。” Become intimate with generosity. 变得亲切慷慨。 Give what you can give, and do what you can do. 给你可以给的东西, 做你能做的事情。 Give dollars, give cents, give your time, 给美元,给美分,给你的时间, give your love, 给你的爱, give your heart, give your spirit. 奉献你的心,奉献你的精神。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "We need peace." “我们需要和平。” Find your peace within, 在内心找到你的和平, hold it sacred, 保持它神圣, bring it with you everywhere you go. 无论你走到哪里都要带着它。 Peace cannot be shared or created with others 和平只能从人的内心产生, if we cannot first generate it within. 不能与他人分享或创造。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "They are the enemy." “他们是敌人。” Love enough to know 爱会让你知道, that just because someone disagrees with you, 持有不同意见的人, it does not make them your enemy. 并不一定是你的敌人。 You may not win an argument, 你可能不会赢得争论, you may not change a mind, 你未必能改变别人的意向, but if you choose to, 但如果你选择这么做, you can always achieve the triumph of radical empathy -- 你总是可以获得 同理心的彻底胜利 —— an understanding of the heart. 对心的理解。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "We need justice." “我们需要公正。” Investigate. 调查一下。 Find truth beyond the stories you are told. 发现你所讲的故事之外的真相, Find truth beyond the way things seem. 发现事情似乎超出事实的真相。 Ask, "Why?" 问,“为什么?” Ask, "Is this fair?" 问:“这公平吗?” Ask, "How did we get here?" 问:“我们怎么到这里来的?” Do this with compassion. 用同情心来做这件事, Do this with forgiveness. 用宽恕心来做这件事。 Learn to forgive others. 学会原谅别人, Start by truly learning how to forgive yourself. 先开始正确地学习如何原谅自己。 We are all more than our mistakes. 我们不仅是我们的错误, We are all more than who we were yesterday. 也不仅是昨天的我们。 We are all deserving of our dignity. 我们都应该得到尊严。 See yourself in others. 通过别人看见你自己。 Recognize that your justice is my justice, 认识到你的公正就是我的公正, and mine is yours. 而我的也是你的。 There can be no liberation for one of us if the other is not free. 如果其他人得不到自由, 我们任何一个人都不能得到解放。 (Applause) (掌声) The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "I am violent." “我很暴力。” Respond by saying, 可以这样回应, "I am not. “我不是。 Not with my words and not with my actions." 我的话和我的行为都不暴力。 ” The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "We need to heal the planet." “我们需要治愈这个星球。” Start by saying, "No, thank you. I don't need a plastic bag." 回答说:“不,谢谢。 我不需要塑料袋。 ” Recycle, reuse. 回收,再利用。 Start by picking up one piece of trash on your block. 从你的街区拣起一块垃圾开始。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "There are too many problems." “问题太多了。” Do not be afraid to be a part of the solutions. 不要害怕成为解决方案的一部分。 Start by discussing the issues. 从讨论问题开始。 We cannot overcome what we ignore. 我们无法战胜我们忽视的东西。 The more we talk about things, 我们越谈论事情, the more we see that the issues are connected 我们看到的问题就越多, because we are connected. 因为我们相互联系着。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "We need to end racism." “我们需要结束种族歧视。” Start by healing it in your own family. 先从自己的家庭治愈开始。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "How do we speak to bias and bigotry?" “我们怎么解决偏见和偏执? Start by having the first conversation at your own kitchen table. 首先在自己的餐桌上 进行第一次谈话。 The world will say to you, 世界会对你说, "There is so much hate." “有太多的仇恨。” Devote yourself to love. 献身于爱。 Love yourself so much that you can love others 爱自己,才可以 without barriers and without judgment. 没有偏见,没有歧视的爱别人。 When the world asks us big questions that require big answers, 当世界向我们提出需要 重大答案的重大问题时, we have two options. 我们有两个选择。 One: to feel so overwhelmed or unqualified, we do nothing. 一:感到不知所措或者不能胜任, 我们什么都不做。 Two: to start with one small act and qualify ourselves. 二:从一个小小的行为 开始,并肯定自己。 I am the director of national security, 我是国家安全局局长, and so are you. 你也是。 Maybe no one appointed us and there were no senate confirmations, 也许没有人任命我们, 没有参议院的确认, but we can secure a nation. 但我们可以保护一个国家。 When you help just one person to be more secure, 当你帮助让一个人更安全时, a nation is more secure. 一个国家才会更安全。 With just one outstretched hand that says, "Are you OK? 只用伸出一只手说:“你还好吗? I am here for you," 我在这里, we can transform insecurity into security. 我们可以将不安全转化成为安全。” We find ourselves saying to the world, 我们发现自己对世界说, "What should I do?" "What should we do?" “我该怎么办?” “我们应该做什么?” The better question might be: 更好的问题可能是: "How am I showing up?" “我怎么现身?” I ask the world for peace, 我要求世界和平, but do I show up with peace when I see my family and friends? 但是当我看到家人和朋友 的时候是否平和? I ask the world to end hatred, 我要求世界结束仇恨, but do I show up with love not only for those I know, 但是我是否会携爱出现, 不仅仅是为我认识的人, but those I don't know? 还有那些我不认识的人? Do I show up with love for those whose ideas conflict with my own? 我是否能包容与我自己 的观点相冲突的人? I ask the world to end suffering, 我要求世界结束痛苦, but do I show up for those who are suffering on my street corner? 但我是否能帮助那些 在我的街角上受苦的人呢? We say to the world, 我们对世界说, "Please change; we need change." “请改变,我们需要改变。” But how do we show up to change our own lives? 但是,我们怎样才能 改变自己的生活呢? How do we show up to change the lives of the people in our communities? 我们如何改善 我们社区人民的生活呢? James Baldwin said, "Everything now, we must assume is in our own hands; 詹姆斯·鲍德温说:“现在的一切, 我们必须假设在我们自己的手中; we have no right to assume otherwise." 我们无权有另外的决择。 ” This has always been true. 这一直是真实的。 No one nominated Harriet Tubman to her purpose, 没有人告诉哈莉特·塔布曼 to her mission, to her courage. 她的勇气、目的和使命。 She did not say, "I'm not a congressman 她没有说:“我不是国会议员 or the president of the United States, 或者美国总统, so how could I possibly participate in the fight to abolish 那么我怎可能参与到 一个像奴隶制一样大的制度 a system as big as slavery?" 的废除斗争中呢?” She instead spent 10 years making 19 trips, 她花了十年的时间,出行十九次, freeing 300 people, 解放了300人, one group of people at a time. 一次只解放一小群人。 Think about the children of those 300 people, 想想这300个人的 the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren and beyond. 孙子孙女,曾孙子孙女等等。 Our righteous acts create immeasurable ripples 我们的正义行为 在无尽的正义之河中, in the endless river of justice. 激荡着层层波澜。 Whether it's Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, Irma or Maria, people did not say, 无论是卡特丽娜飓风,哈维, 厄玛还是玛丽亚,人们都没有说, "There is so much damage. What should I do?" “有太多的伤害。我该怎么办? ” They got to work on what they could do. 他们必须努力工作。 Those with boats got in their boats 那些有船的人进了他们的船, and started loading in every woman, man and child they came across. 并开始装载他们遇到 的每一个孩子,女人和男人。 Near and far, people gave their dollars, 无论远近,人们都给了他们美元, they gave their cents, 给了他们美分, they gave their hearts, 给了他们的心, they gave their spirit. 给了他们的精神。 We spend so much time 我们花了这么多时间, thinking we don't have the power to change the world. 认为我们没有改变世界的力量。 We forget that the power to change someone's life is always in our hands. 但我们忘记了改变别人生活 的力量总是在我们手中。 Change-making does not belong to one group of people; 变革并不属于一个群体, it belongs to all of us. 它属于我们所有人。 You don't have to wait on anyone to tell you 你不必等待任何人告诉你, that you are in this. 加入进来。 Begin. 开始吧。 Start by doing what you can with what you've got, 从做你所能做的事情开始, where you are 不论你在哪里, and in your own way. 用你自己的方式去做。 We don't have to be heroes, 我们不必成为英雄, wear a uniform, 穿制服, call ourselves activists 称自己是积极分子 or get elected to participate. 或者当选参加。 We just have to be brave enough to care. 我们必须有足够的勇气去关心别人。 Now, around the time Thelonious was born, 在特洛纽斯出生的时候, I went to the birthday party of a man named Gene Moretti. 我去参加过一个叫 基因‧莫雷蒂的人的生日派对。 It was his 100th birthday, 这是他的100岁生日, which means he lived in the United States through the Depression, World War II, 这意味着他经历过大萧条, 第二次世界大战, the struggle for workers' rights, 争取工人权利的斗争, the achievement of a woman's right to vote, 实现妇女的选举权, the Civil Rights Movement, 民权运动, a man on the moon, the Vietnam War 首次登月,越南战争, and the election of the first black president. 以及第一位黑人总统当选 的所有重大历史事件。 I sat with him, and I said, 我和他坐在一起,我说: "Gene, you have lived in America for 100 years. “基因,你已经在美国生活了100年。 Do you have any advice during these current times?" 你对现状有什么建议吗? ” He smiled and said to me simply, "Yes. 他笑了,简单地对我说:“是的。 Be good to as many people as possible." 尽可能对更多的人做更好的事。 ” And as he danced with my mother, 他和我母亲跳舞, who is, by the way, half his age, 顺便说一下,她的年龄是他的一半, in a room full of generations of his family and hundreds of people, 在一个充满了几代人 的家庭和数百人的房间里, many of whom traveled thousands of miles to be there to celebrate him, 他们中的许多人 从千里之外去为他庆祝。 I realized that he had not just given me advice, 我意识到,他不只是给了我建议, he had given me the first step 他给了我第一步, that every single one of us is capable of making 如果我们想要对我们周围的世界 if we want to create a real, wholehearted impact 产生真正的、全心全意的影响, 现在,我们每个人 on the world around us, right now. 都有能力迈出第一步。 "Be good to as many people as possible." “尽可能对更多的人做更好事。” Thank you. 谢谢。 (Applause) (掌声)
