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I grew up white. secular and middle class [AI] 我是白人。世俗和中产阶级 in 1950s America. [AI] 20世纪50年代的美国。 That meant watching fireworks on the Fourth of July. [AI] 这意味着在7月4日观看焰火表演。 trick-or-treating on Halloween [AI] 万圣节不给糖就捣蛋 and putting presents under a tree at Christmas. [AI] 圣诞节时把礼物放在树下。 But by the time those traditions got to me. [AI] 但是当这些传统影响到我的时候。 they were hollow. commercial enterprises. [AI] 它们是空心的。商业企业。 which just left me feeling empty. [AI] 这让我感到空虚。 So from a relatively young age. [AI] 所以从一个相对年轻的年龄。 I found myself looking to fill an existential hole. [AI] 我发现自己在寻找填补一个存在的漏洞。 to connect with something bigger than myself. [AI] 和比我更重要的人联系。 There hadn't been a bar mitzvah in my family in over a century. [AI] 我们家已经一个多世纪没有成人礼了。 so I thought I'd take a shot at that -- [AI] 所以我想我应该试一试-- (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) only to be devastated when my one encounter with the rabbi. [AI] 只有在我和拉比的一次邂逅中被摧毁。 a really tall. godlike figure with flowing white hair. [AI] a真的很高。神性的身材,飘逸的白发。 consisted of him asking me for my middle name [AI] 包括他问我的中间名 so we could fill out a form. [AI] 所以我们可以填一张表格。 Yep. that was it. [AI] 是的。就这样。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) So I got the fountain pen. [AI] 所以我拿到了自来水笔。 but I didn't get the sense of belonging and confidence [AI] 但我没有得到归属感和信心 I was searching for. [AI] 我在找。 Many years later. [AI] 许多年后。 I couldn't bear the thought of my son turning 13 [AI] 我无法忍受儿子13岁的想法 without some kind of rite of passage. [AI] 没有某种成年礼。 So I came up with the idea of a 13th birthday trip. [AI] 所以我想出了一个13岁生日旅行的主意。 and I offered to take Murphy anywhere in the world [AI] 我愿意带墨菲去世界上任何地方 that had meaning for him. [AI] 这对他有意义。 A budding young naturalist who loved turtles. [AI] 喜欢海龟的初露头角的年轻博物学家。 he immediately settled on the Galapagos. [AI] 他立即在加拉帕戈斯群岛定居下来。 And when my daughter. Katie. turned 13. [AI] 当我的女儿。凯蒂。13岁了。 she and I spent two weeks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. [AI] 我和她在大峡谷的底部呆了两个星期。 where Katie learned for the first time that she was powerful and brave. [AI] 在那里,凯蒂第一次认识到她是强大和勇敢的。 Since then. my partner. Ashton. and lots of our friends and relatives [AI] 从那时起我的搭档。阿什顿。还有很多我们的朋友和亲戚 have taken their kids on 13th birthday trips. [AI] 带着孩子去参加13岁生日的旅行。 with everyone finding it transformative for both the child and the parent. [AI] 每个人都发现这对孩子和父母都有改变。 I wasn't brought up saying grace. [AI] 我从小就不是说格雷斯的。 But for the last 20 years. [AI] 但是在过去的20年里。 we've been holding hands before every meal. [AI] 我们每顿饭前都手牵手。 It's a beautiful bit of shared silence [AI] 这是一段美好的沉默 that brings us all together in the moment. [AI] 这让我们在这一刻走到了一起。 Ashton tells everyone to "pass the squeeze." [AI] 阿什顿告诉每个人“不要挤。” while she assures them it's not religious. [AI] 虽然她向他们保证这不是宗教。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) So recently. when my family asked me [AI] 所以最近。当我的家人问我 if I could please do something with the more than 250 boxes of stuff [AI] 如果我能用超过250箱的东西做点什么的话 that I've collected over a lifetime. [AI] 这是我一生收集的。 my ritual-making impulse kicked in. [AI] 我的仪式制造冲动开始了。 I started wondering if I could go further than simple death cleaning. [AI] 我开始怀疑我是否能比简单的死亡清理更进一步。 "Death cleaning" is the Swedish term for clearing out your closets. [AI] “死亡清理”是瑞典语中用来清理你衣橱的术语。 your basement and your attic before you die. [AI] 在你死之前,你的地下室和阁楼。 so your kids don't have to do it later. [AI] 这样你的孩子以后就不用再做了。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) I pictured my children opening up box after box [AI] 我想象着我的孩子们打开一个又一个盒子 and wondering why I'd kept any of that stuff. [AI] 想知道我为什么要保留这些东西。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And then I imagined them looking at a specific picture [AI] 然后我想象他们在看一张特定的照片 of me with a beautiful young woman. [AI] 我和一个漂亮的年轻女人在一起。 and asking. "Who on earth is that with Dad?" [AI] 问。“跟爸爸在一起的到底是谁?” (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And that was the aha moment. [AI] 这就是啊哈的时刻。 It wasn't the things I'd saved that were important; [AI] 重要的不是我保存的东西; it was the stories that went with them that gave them meaning. [AI] 正是伴随着他们的故事赋予了他们意义。 Could using the objects to tell the stories [AI] 你能用这些东西讲故事吗 be the seed of a new ritual. [AI] 成为新仪式的种子。 a rite of passage -- not for a 13-year-old. [AI] 一个成人仪式——不适合13岁的孩子。 but for someone much further down the road? [AI] 但是对于一个更遥远的人来说? So I started experimenting. [AI] 所以我开始做实验。 I got a few dozen things out of the boxes. [AI] 我从箱子里拿了几十件东西。 I put them about in a room. [AI] 我把它们放在一个房间里。 and I invited people to come in [AI] 我邀请人们进来 and ask me about anything that they found interesting. [AI] 问我他们觉得有趣的事。 The results were terrific. [AI] 结果非常好。 A good story became a launching pad for a much deeper discussion. [AI] 一个好故事成为一个更深入讨论的出发点。 in which my visitors made meaningful connections [AI] 我的访客在其中建立了有意义的联系 to their own lives. [AI] 为了他们自己的生活。 Derrius [Quarles] asked me about a Leonard Peltier T-shirt [AI] 德里奥斯[夸尔斯]问我一件莱纳德·佩尔蒂埃的T恤 that I'd worn a lot in the '80s. [AI] 我在80年代穿了很多。 that. sadly. is still relevant today. [AI] 那个悲哀地今天仍然相关。 Our conversation moved quickly. [AI] 我们的谈话进行得很快。 from a large number of political prisoners in American jails. [AI] 从美国监狱里的大量政治犯那里。 to Derrius wondering about the legacy [AI] 去德里奥斯想知道遗产 of the Black Liberation Movement of the '60s. [AI] 60年代的黑人解放运动。 and how his life might be different if he'd come of age then. [AI] 如果他长大了,他的生活会有什么不同。 instead of 30-odd years later. [AI] 而不是30多年后。 At the end of our conversation. [AI] 在我们谈话的最后。 Derrius asked me if he could have the T-shirt. [AI] 德里奥斯问我他能不能要这件T恤。 And giving it to him felt just about perfect. [AI] 给他感觉非常完美。 As these conversations established common ground. [AI] 因为这些对话建立了共同点。 especially across generations. [AI] 特别是跨越几代人。 I realized I was opening a space [AI] 我意识到我在打开一个空间 for people to talk about things that really mattered to them. [AI] 让人们谈论对他们来说真正重要的事情。 And I started seeing myself with a renewed sense of purpose -- [AI] 我开始以一种新的使命感看待自己-- not as the old guy on the way out. [AI] 不像那个出去的老家伙。 but as someone with a role to play [AI] 但是作为一个可以扮演角色的人 going forward. [AI] 向前 When I was growing up. [AI] 当我长大的时候。 life ended for most people in their 70s. [AI] 大多数人的生命在70多岁时结束了。 People are living far longer now. [AI] 人们现在活得更长了。 and for the first time in human history. [AI] 这是人类历史上第一次。 it's common for four generations to be living side by side. [AI] 四代人并肩生活是很常见的。 I'm 71. [AI] 我71岁了。 and with a bit of luck. [AI] 还有一点运气。 I've got 20 or 30 more years ahead of me. [AI] 我还有二三十年的时间。 Giving away my stuff now [AI] 现在就把我的东西送人 and sharing it with friends. family. and I hope strangers. too. [AI] 并与朋友分享。家庭我希望是陌生人。也 seems like the perfect way to enter this next stage of my life. [AI] 似乎是进入我人生下一阶段的完美方式。 Turns out to be just what I was looking for: [AI] 结果证明这正是我想要的: a ritual that's less about dying [AI] 与死亡无关的仪式 and more about opening the door [AI] 还有更多关于开门的事 to whatever comes next. [AI] 无论接下来发生什么。 Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声) Onward! [AI] 向前的! (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
