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As a kid I always loved information [AI] 作为一个孩子,我一直喜欢信息 that I could get from data [AI] 我可以从数据中得到 and the stories that could be told with numbers. [AI] 还有那些可以用数字讲述的故事。 I remember. growing up. I'd be frustrated at [AI] 我记得。成长。我会对你失望的 how my own parents would lie to me using numbers. [AI] 我自己的父母怎么会用数字对我撒谎。 "Talithia. if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times." [AI] “塔利西亚,如果我告诉你一次,我就告诉你一千次。” No dad. you've only told me 17 times [AI] 没有,爸爸。你只告诉我17次 and twice it wasn't my fault. (Laughter) [AI] 两次都不是我的错。(众笑) I think that is one of the reasons I got a Ph.D. in statistics. [AI] 我想这是我获得统计学博士学位的原因之一。 I always wanted to know. [AI] 我一直想知道。 what are people trying to hide with numbers? [AI] 人们试图用数字隐藏什么? As a statistician. [AI] 作为一名统计学家。 I want people to show me the data [AI] 我希望人们给我看数据 so I can decide for myself. [AI] 所以我可以自己决定。 Donald and I were pregnant with our third child [AI] 唐纳德和我怀上了我们的第三个孩子 and we were at about 41 and a half weeks. [AI] 我们那时大约41个半星期。 what some of you may refer to as being overdue. [AI] 你们中的一些人可能会称之为逾期。 Statisticians. we call that [AI] 统计学家。我们称之为 being within the 95 percent confidence interval. [AI] 在95%的置信区间内。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And at this point in the process [AI] 在这个过程中 we had to come in every couple of days [AI] 我们每隔几天就得来 to do a stress test on the baby. [AI] 给婴儿做压力测试。 and this is just routine. [AI] 这只是例行公事。 it tests whether or not the baby is feeling any type of undue stress. [AI] 它测试婴儿是否感觉到任何类型的过度压力。 And you are rarely. if ever. seen by your actual doctor. [AI] 而你很少这样做。如果有的话。看你的医生。 just whoever happens to be working at the hospital that day. [AI] 只是那天在医院工作的人。 So we go in for a stress test and after 20 minutes [AI] 所以我们进行了一次压力测试,20分钟后 the doctor comes out and he says. [AI] 医生出来说。 "Your baby is under stress. we need to induce you." [AI] “你的孩子有压力。我们需要诱导你。” Now. as a statistician. what's my response? [AI] 现在作为一名统计学家。我的回答是什么? Show me the data! [AI] 给我看看数据! So then he proceeds to tell us [AI] 然后他继续告诉我们 the baby's heart rate trace went from 18 minutes. [AI] 婴儿的心率从18分钟开始。 the baby's heart rate was in the normal zone [AI] 婴儿的心率在正常范围内 and for two minutes it was in what appeared to be [AI] 在两分钟内,它似乎是在 my heart rate zone and I said. [AI] 我的心率区和我说。 "Is it possible that maybe this was my heart rate? [AI] “这可能是我的心率吗? I was moving around a little bit. [AI] 我在四处走动。 it's hard to lay still on your back. [AI] 你很难躺着不动。 41 weeks pregnant for 20 minutes. [AI] 怀孕41周20分钟。 Maybe it was shifting around." [AI] 也许它在移动。" He said. "Well. we don't want to take any chances." [AI] 他说。“嗯,我们不想冒险。” I said okay. [AI] 我说可以。 I said. "What if I was at 36 weeks [AI] 我说。“如果我已经36周了呢 with this same data? [AI] 用同样的数据? Would your decision be to induce?" [AI] 你的决定是诱导吗?" "Well. no. I would wait until you were at least [AI] “嗯,不,我至少要等到你 38 weeks. but you are almost 42. [AI] 38周。但你快42岁了。 there is no reason to leave that baby inside. [AI] 没有理由把孩子留在里面。 let's get you a room." [AI] 我们给你弄个房间吧。" I said. "Well. why don't we just do it again? [AI] 我说。“好吧,我们何不再来一次呢? We can collect more data. [AI] 我们可以收集更多的数据。 I can try to be really still for 20 minutes. [AI] 我可以试着安静20分钟。 We can average the two and see [AI] 我们可以将两者平均起来,看看结果 what that means. (Laughter) [AI] 这意味着什么。(众笑) And he goes. [AI] 他走了。 "Ma'am. I just don't want you to have a miscarriage." [AI] “夫人,我只是不想让你流产。” That makes three of us. [AI] 那就是我们三个人。 And then he says. [AI] 然后他说。 "Your chances of having a miscarriage double [AI] “你流产的几率加倍 when you go past your due date. Let's get you a room." [AI] 当你过了到期日。我们给你弄个房间吧。" Wow. So now as a statistician. what's my response? [AI] 哇!所以现在作为一名统计学家。我的回答是什么? Show me the data! [AI] 给我看看数据! Dude. you're talking chances. [AI] 伙计。你说的是机会。 I do chances all day long. tell me all about chances. [AI] 我整天都在寻找机会。告诉我所有的机会。 Let's talk chances. (Laughter) [AI] 让我们谈谈机会。(众笑) Let's talk chances. [AI] 让我们谈谈机会。 So I say. "Okay. great. [AI] 所以我说。“好的,太好了。 Do I go from a 30-percent chance to a 60-percent chance? [AI] 我有没有从30%的机会变成60%的机会? Where are we here with this miscarriage thing? [AI] 我们在哪里处理流产的事? And he goes. "Not quite. but it doubles. [AI] 他走了。“不完全是,但它是双倍的。 and we really just want what's best for the baby." [AI] 我们真的只想要对孩子最好的。" Undaunted. I try a different angle. [AI] 未被吓倒的我试着换一个角度。 I said. "Okay. out of 1.000 full-term pregnant women. [AI] 我说。“好吧,在1000名足月孕妇中。 how many of them are going to miscarry [AI] 他们中有多少人要流产 just before their due date? [AI] 就在他们的到期日之前? And then he looks at me and looks at Donald. [AI] 然后他看着我,看着唐纳德。 and he goes. about one in 1.000. [AI] 他走了。大约千分之一。 I said. "Okay. so of those 1.000 women. how many [AI] 我说。“好吧,那1000个女人中有多少 are going to miscarry just after their due date?" [AI] 就在他们到期后就要流产了吗?" "About two." (Laughter) [AI] “大约两个。”(众笑) I said. "Okay. so you are telling me that my chances [AI] 我说。“好吧,你是说我的机会 go from a 0.1-percent chance [AI] 从0.1%的概率开始 to a 0.2-percent chance." [AI] 只有0.2%的几率。" Okay. so at this point the data is not convincing us [AI] 可以所以在这一点上,数据并不能让我们信服 that we need to be induced. [AI] 我们需要被诱导。 and so then we proceed to have a conversation [AI] 然后我们开始对话 about how inductions lead to a higher rate [AI] 关于诱导如何导致更高的比率 of Cesarean sections. and if at all possible we'd like to avoid that. [AI] 剖宫产术的并发症。如果可能的话,我们希望避免这种情况。 And then I said. [AI] 然后我说。 "And I really don't think my due date is accurate." [AI] “我真的认为我的预产期不准确。” (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And so this really stunned him [AI] 所以这真的让他大吃一惊 and he looked sort of puzzled [AI] 他看起来有点困惑 and I said. "You may not know this. [AI] 我说。“你可能不知道。 but pregnancy due dates are calculated [AI] 但怀孕日期是经过计算的 assuming that you have a standard 28-day cycle. [AI] 假设您有一个标准的28天周期。 and my cycle ranges — [AI] 还有我的自行车里程- sometimes it's 27. sometimes it's up to 38 — [AI] 有时是27。有时高达38- and I have been collecting the data to prove it. [AI] 我一直在收集数据来证明这一点。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And so we ended up leaving the hospital that day without being induced. [AI] 所以那天我们没有被诱导就离开了医院。 We actually had to sign a waiver to walk out of the hospital. [AI] 事实上,我们必须签署一份弃权书才能出院。 And I'm not advocating that you not listen to your doctors. [AI] 我并不是要你不听医生的话。 because even with our first child. [AI] 因为即使是我们的第一个孩子。 we were induced at 38 weeks; cervical fluid was low. [AI] 38周时诱导;宫颈液低。 I'm not anti-medical intervention. [AI] 我不是反对医疗干预。 But why were confident to leave that day? [AI] 但为什么我们有信心在那天离开呢? Well. we had data that told a different story. [AI] 好我们有数据告诉我们一个不同的故事。 We had been collecting data for six years. [AI] 我们收集数据已经六年了。 I had this temperature data. [AI] 我有这个温度数据。 and it told a different story. [AI] 它讲述了一个不同的故事。 In fact. we could probably pretty accurately estimate conception. [AI] 事实上我们大概可以相当准确地估计出这个概念。 Yeah. that's a story you want to tell [AI] 是 啊这是你想讲的故事 at your kid's wedding reception. (Laughter) [AI] 在你孩子的婚宴上。(众笑) I remember like it was yesterday. [AI] 我记得就像昨天一样。 My temperature was a sizzling 97.8 degrees [AI] 我的体温是华氏97.8度 as I stared into your father's eyes. (Laughter) [AI] 当我凝视着你父亲的眼睛。(众笑) Oh. yeah. Twenty-two more years. we're telling that story. [AI] 哦是 啊二十二年了。我们正在讲那个故事。 But we were confident to leave because we had been collecting data. [AI] 但我们有信心离开,因为我们一直在收集数据。 Now. what does that data look like? [AI] 现在这些数据看起来像什么? Here's a standard chart [AI] 这是一张标准图表 of a woman's waking body temperature [AI] 一个女人醒着时的体温 during the course of a cycle. [AI] 在循环过程中。 So from the beginning of the menstrual cycle [AI] 所以从月经周期开始 till the beginning of the next. [AI] 直到下个月初。 You'll see that the temperature is not random. [AI] 你会发现温度不是随机的。 Clearly there is a low pattern [AI] 显然,这是一个低模式 at the beginning of her cycle [AI] 在她的周期开始时 and then you see this jump and then a higher [AI] 然后你看到这个跳跃,然后是一个更高的跳跃 set of temperatures at the end of her cycle. [AI] 循环结束时的一组温度。 So what's happening here? [AI] 那么这里发生了什么? What is that data telling you? [AI] 这些数据告诉你什么? Well. ladies. at the beginning of our cycle. [AI] 好女士。在我们周期的开始。 the hormone estrogen is dominant and that estrogen [AI] 雌激素占主导地位,而雌激素 causes a suppression of your body temperature. [AI] 会抑制你的体温。 And at ovulation. your body releases an egg [AI] 在排卵期。你的身体会释放一个卵子 and progesterone takes over. pro-gestation. [AI] 黄体酮起作用。亲妊娠。 And so your body heats up in anticipation [AI] 所以你的身体在期待中升温 of housing this new little fertilized egg. [AI] 用来装下这个新的受精卵。 So why this temperature jump? [AI] 那么,为什么温度会上升呢? Well. think about when a bird sits on her eggs. [AI] 好想想当一只鸟坐在她的蛋上。 Why is she sitting on them? [AI] 她为什么坐在上面? She wants to keep them warm. [AI] 她想让它们保暖。 protect them and keep them warm. [AI] 保护它们,让它们保持温暖。 Ladies. this is exactly what our bodies do every month. [AI] 女士。这正是我们身体每个月所做的。 they heat up in anticipation [AI] 他们在期待中升温 of keeping a new little life warm. [AI] 保持新的生活温暖。 And if nothing happens. if you are not pregnant. [AI] 如果什么都没发生。如果你没有怀孕。 then estrogen takes back over and that cycle starts all over again. [AI] 然后雌激素又回来了,这个周期又重新开始了。 But if you do get pregnant. sometimes you [AI] 但是如果你真的怀孕了。有时候你 actually see another shift in your temperatures [AI] 事实上,你的体温会发生另一个变化 and it stays elevated for those whole nine months. [AI] 在整整九个月里,它一直保持高位。 That's why you see those pregnant women just sweating and hot. [AI] 这就是为什么你看到那些孕妇只是出汗和热。 because their temperatures are high. [AI] 因为它们的温度很高。 Here's a chart that we had about three or four years ago. [AI] 这是一张三、四年前的图表。 We were really very excited about this chart. [AI] 我们对这张图表非常兴奋。 You'll see the low temperature level [AI] 你会看到低温水平 and then a shift and for about five days. [AI] 然后轮班,大约五天。 that's about the time it takes for the egg to travel [AI] 这大约是鸡蛋旅行所需的时间 down the fallopian tube and implant. [AI] 顺着输卵管植入。 and then you see those temperatures start to go up a little bit. [AI] 然后你会看到温度开始上升。 And in fact. we had a second temperature shift. [AI] 事实上。我们经历了第二次温度变化。 confirmed with a pregnancy test that were indeed pregnant [AI] 通过怀孕测试确认确实怀孕了 with our first child. very exciting. [AI] 和我们的第一个孩子。非常激动人心。 Until a couple of days later [AI] 直到几天后 I saw some spotting and then I noticed heavy blood flow. [AI] 我看到一些斑点,然后我注意到大量的血液流动。 and we had in fact had an early stage miscarriage. [AI] 事实上,我们有过早期流产。 Had I not been taking my temperature [AI] 我不是在量体温吗 I really would have just thought my period was late that month. [AI] 我真的以为我的月经在那个月晚些时候。 but we actually had data to show [AI] 但我们确实有数据要显示 that we had miscarried this baby. [AI] 我们流产了这个孩子。 and even though this data revealed a really [AI] 尽管这些数据揭示了 unfortunate event in our lives. [AI] 我们生活中的不幸事件。 it was information that we could then take to our doctor. [AI] 这是我们可以带去看医生的信息。 So if there was a fertility issue or some problem. [AI] 因此,如果有生育问题或某些问题。 I had data to show: [AI] 我有数据显示: Look. we got pregnant. our temperature shifted. [AI] 看我们怀孕了。我们的体温发生了变化。 we somehow lost this baby. [AI] 我们不知怎么失去了这个孩子。 What is it that we can do to help prevent this problem? [AI] 我们能做些什么来帮助预防这个问题? And it's not just about temperatures [AI] 这不仅仅是温度的问题 and it's not just about fertility; [AI] 这不仅仅是生育能力的问题; we can use data about our bodies to tell us a lot of things. [AI] 我们可以利用我们身体的数据告诉我们很多事情。 For instance. did you know that taking your temperature can tell you a lot [AI] 例如。你知道吗,量体温可以告诉你很多事情 about the condition of your thyroid? [AI] 你的甲状腺状况如何? So. your thyroid works a lot like the thermostat in your house. [AI] 所以你的甲状腺功能很像你家里的恒温器。 There is an optimal temperature that you want in your house; [AI] 在你的房子里有一个你想要的最佳温度; you set your thermostat. [AI] 你把恒温器调好。 When it gets too cold in the house. your thermostat kicks in [AI] 当屋里太冷的时候。你的恒温器启动了 and says. "Hey. we need to blow some heat around." [AI] 然后说。“嘿,我们需要吹点热气。” Or if it gets too hot. your thermostat [AI] 或者如果天气太热。你的恒温器 registers. "Turn the A.C. on. Cool us off." [AI] 登记册。“打开空调,让我们冷静下来。” That's exactly how your thyroid works in your body. [AI] 这正是甲状腺在体内的工作方式。 Your thyroid tries to keep an optimal temperature [AI] 你的甲状腺试图保持最佳温度 for your body. [AI] 为了你的身体。 If it gets too cold. your thyroid says. "Hey. we need to heat up." [AI] 如果天气太冷。你的甲状腺说。“嘿,我们需要热身。” If it gets too hot. your thyroid cools you down. [AI] 如果天气太热。你的甲状腺让你冷静下来。 But what happens when your thyroid is not functioning well? [AI] 但是当你的甲状腺功能不正常时会发生什么呢? When it doesn't function. then it shows up [AI] 当它不起作用时。然后它出现了 in your body temperatures. [AI] 在你的体温。 they tend to be lower than normal or very erratic. [AI] 它们往往低于正常值或非常不稳定。 And so by collecting this data [AI] 所以通过收集这些数据 you can find out information about your thyroid. [AI] 你可以找到关于你的甲状腺的信息。 Now. what is it. if you had a thyroid problem and you went to the doctor. [AI] 现在它是什么。如果你有甲状腺问题,你去看医生。 your doctor would actually test the amount of [AI] 你的医生实际上会测试这些药物的量 thyroid stimulating hormone in your blood. [AI] 血液中的促甲状腺激素。 Fine. But the problem with that test is [AI] 好的但是这个测试的问题是 it doesn't tell you how active the hormone is in your body. [AI] 它不会告诉你体内的荷尔蒙有多活跃。 So you might have a lot of hormone present. [AI] 所以你可能有很多荷尔蒙。 but it might not be actively working to regulate [AI] 但它可能不会积极地进行监管 your body temperature. [AI] 你的体温。 So just by collecting your temperature every day. [AI] 所以只要每天采集体温就可以了。 you get information about the condition of your thyroid. [AI] 你可以得到甲状腺状况的信息。 So. what if you don't want to take your temperature every day? [AI] 所以如果你不想每天量体温怎么办? I advocate that you do. [AI] 我主张你这样做。 but there are tons of other things you could take. [AI] 但是还有很多其他的东西你可以拿。 You could take your blood pressure. you could take your weight — [AI] 你可以量血压。你可以减肥- yeah. who's excited about [AI] 是 啊谁对这件事感到兴奋 taking their weight every day? (Laughter) [AI] 每天减肥?(众笑) Early on in our marriage. Donald had a stuffy nose [AI] 在我们婚姻的早期。唐纳德鼻子不通 and he had been taking a slew of medications [AI] 他一直在服用大量药物 to try to relieve his stuffy nose. to no avail. [AI] 试图缓解他鼻塞的症状。无济于事。 And so. that night he comes and he wakes me up and he says. [AI] 等等。那天晚上他来了,把我叫醒,然后说。 "Honey. I can't breath out of my nose." [AI] “亲爱的,我的鼻子喘不过气来。” And I roll over and I look. and I said. "Well. can you breath out of your mouth?" [AI] 我翻了个身,看了看。我说。“嗯,你能用嘴呼吸吗?” (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) And he goes. "Yes. but I can't breath out of my nose!" [AI] 他走了。“是的,但是我不能从鼻子里呼气!” And so like any good wife. I rush him [AI] 就像任何好妻子一样。我催他 to the emergency room [AI] 去急诊室 at 2 o'clock in the morning. [AI] 凌晨两点。 And the whole time I'm driving and I'm thinking. [AI] 我一直在开车和思考。 you can't die on me now. [AI] 你现在不能死在我身上。 We just got married. [AI] 我们刚结婚。 people will think I killed you! (Laughter) [AI] 人们会认为我杀了你!(众笑) And so. we get to the emergency room. and the nurse sees us. [AI] 等等。我们到了急诊室。护士看到了我们。 and he can't breath out of his nose. and so [AI] 他不能从鼻子里呼气。诸如此类 she brings us to the back and the doctor says. [AI] 她把我们带到后面,医生说。 "What seems to be the problem?" and he goes. "I can't breath out of my nose." [AI] “有什么问题吗?”他走了。“我的鼻子喘不过气来。” And he said. "You can't breath out of your nose? [AI] 他说。“你不能用鼻子呼吸吗? No. but he can breath out of his mouth. (Laughter) [AI] 不,但他可以用嘴呼吸。(众笑) He takes a step back and he looks at both of us [AI] 他后退一步,看着我们俩 and he says "Sir. I think I know the problem. [AI] 他说:“先生,我想我知道问题所在。 You're having a heart attack. [AI] 你心脏病发作了。 I'm going to order an EKG and a CAT scan [AI] 我要做心电图和CAT扫描 for you immediately." [AI] 马上给你。" And we are thinking. [AI] 我们正在思考。 no. no. no. It's not a heart attack. He can breathe. [AI] 不,不,不,不是心脏病发作。他能呼吸。 just out of his mouth. No. no. no. no. no. [AI] 刚从他嘴里说出来。不,不,不,不,不。 And so we go back and forth with this doctor [AI] 所以我们和这位医生来回交谈 because we think this is the incorrect diagnosis. [AI] 因为我们认为这是错误的诊断。 and he's like. "No really. it'll be fine. just calm down." [AI] 他就像。“不,真的。没事的。冷静点。” And I'm thinking. how do you calm down? But I don't think he's having a heart attack. [AI] 我在想。你怎么冷静下来?但我认为他没有心脏病发作。 And so fortunately for us. this doctor was at the end of the shift. [AI] 我们很幸运。这位医生在轮班结束时。 So this new doctor comes in. he sees us clearly [AI] 所以这位新医生来了。他看得很清楚 distraught. with a husband who can't breath [AI] 心烦意乱的和一个不能呼吸的丈夫在一起 out of his nose. (Laughter) [AI] 从他鼻子里出来。(众笑) And he starts asking us questions. [AI] 他开始问我们问题。 He says. "Well. do you two exercise?" [AI] 他说。“嗯,你们两个锻炼身体吗?” We ride our bikes. we go to the gym occasionally. [AI] 我们骑自行车。我们偶尔去健身房。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) We move around. [AI] 我们四处走动。 And he says. "What were you doing just before you came here?" [AI] 他说。“你来这儿之前在干什么?” I'm thinking. I was sleeping. honestly. [AI] 我在想。我在睡觉。真的 But okay. what was Donald doing just before? [AI] 但是好吧。唐纳德刚才在干什么? So Donald goes into this slew of medications he was taking. [AI] 所以唐纳德开始服用一系列药物。 He lists. "I took this decongestant and then I took this nasal spray." [AI] 他列出了一份清单。“我服用了这种减充血剂,然后服用了这种鼻喷雾剂。” and then all of a sudden a lightbulb goes off and he says. [AI] 然后突然一个灯泡熄灭了,他说。 "Oh! You should never mix this decongestant with this nasal spray. [AI] “哦!你不应该把这种减充血剂和这种鼻喷雾剂混在一起。 Clogs you up every time. Here. take this one instead." [AI] 每次都会把你堵上。在这里就拿这个吧。" He gives us a prescription. [AI] 他给我们开了处方。 We're looking at each other. and I looked at the doctor. [AI] 我们互相看着对方。我看了看医生。 and I said. "Why is it that it seems like you [AI] 我说。“为什么看起来像你 were able to accurately diagnose his condition. [AI] 我们能够准确地诊断出他的病情。 but this previous doctor wanted to order [AI] 但是这位以前的医生想点菜 an EKG and a CAT scan?" [AI] 心电图和CAT扫描?" And he looks at us and says. [AI] 他看着我们说。 "Well. when a 350-pound man walks in the emergency room and says he can't breath. [AI] “嗯,当一个350磅重的男人走进急诊室说他不能呼吸时。 you assume he's having a heart attack [AI] 你认为他心脏病发作了 and you ask questions later." [AI] 然后你再问问题。" Now. emergency room doctors are trained to make decisions quickly. [AI] 现在急诊室的医生接受过快速做出决定的培训。 but not always accurately. [AI] 但并不总是准确的。 And so had we had some information [AI] 我们也得到了一些信息 about our heart health to share with him. [AI] 关于我们的心脏健康,请与他分享。 maybe we would have gotten a better diagnosis the first time. [AI] 也许我们第一次就能得到更好的诊断。 I want you to consider the following chart. [AI] 我想让你考虑一下下面的图表。 of systolic blood pressure measurements [AI] 收缩压测量的应用 from October 2010 to July 2012. [AI] 2010年10月至2012年7月。 You'll see that these measurements start [AI] 您将看到这些测量开始 in the prehypertension/hypertension zone. [AI] 在高血压前期/高血压区。 but over about the course of a year and a half [AI] 但在一年半的时间里 they move into the normal zone. [AI] 它们进入正常区域。 This is about the heart rate of a healthy 16-year-old. [AI] 这是一个16岁健康孩子的心率。 What story is this data telling you? [AI] 这些数据告诉了你什么故事? Obviously it's the data from someone [AI] 显然,这是某人提供的数据 who's made a drastic transformation. [AI] 他做出了巨大的转变。 and fortunately for us. that person happens to be here today. [AI] 我们很幸运。那个人今天正好在这里。 So that 350-pound guy that walked into the emergency room with me [AI] 那个和我一起走进急诊室的350磅的家伙 is now an even sexier and healthier [AI] 现在是一个更性感、更健康的世界 225-pound guy. and that's his blood pressure trace. [AI] 225磅的家伙。这是他的血压记录。 So over the course of that year and a half [AI] 所以在那一年半的时间里 Donald's eating changed [AI] 唐纳德的饮食改变了 and our exercise regimen changed. [AI] 我们的锻炼方式也改变了。 and his heart rate responded. [AI] 他的心率也有反应。 his blood pressure responded to that change [AI] 他的血压对这种变化有反应 that he made in his body. [AI] 他在身体里做的。 So what's the take-home message [AI] 那么,带回家的信息是什么 that I want you to leave with today? [AI] 我想让你今天离开? By taking ownership of your data just like we've done. [AI] 通过像我们一样拥有您的数据。 just by taking this daily measurements about yourself. [AI] 只要每天测量一下你自己。 you become the expert on your body. [AI] 你成为你身体的专家。 You become the authority. [AI] 你成为权威。 It's not hard to do. [AI] 这不难做到。 You don't have to have a Ph.D. in statistics [AI] 你不必拥有统计学博士学位 to be an expert in yourself. [AI] 成为自己的专家。 You don't have to have a medical degree [AI] 你不必有医学学位 to be your body's expert. [AI] 成为你身体的专家。 Medical doctors. they're experts on the population. [AI] 医生。他们是人口方面的专家。 but you are the expert on yourself. [AI] 但你是自己的专家。 And so when two of you come together. [AI] 所以当你们两个走到一起的时候。 when two experts come together. [AI] 当两位专家走到一起。 the two of you are able to make a better decision [AI] 你们两个可以做出更好的决定 than just your doctor alone. [AI] 不仅仅是你的医生。 Now that you understand the power of information [AI] 现在你明白了信息的力量 that you can get through personal data collection. [AI] 您可以通过个人数据收集获得。 I'd like you all to stand and raise your right hand. [AI] 我希望你们都站起来,举起右手。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) Yes. get it up. [AI] 对起来。 I challenge you to take ownership of your data. [AI] 我要求您拥有您的数据。 And today. I hereby confer upon you [AI] 今天。我特此授予你 a TEDx associate's degree in elementary statistics [AI] TEDx初级统计副学士学位 with a concentration in time-dependent data analysis [AI] 专注于时间相关数据分析 with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto. [AI] 享有与此相关的所有权利和特权。 And so the next time you are in your doctor's office. [AI] 所以下次你在医生办公室的时候。 as newly inducted statisticians. [AI] 作为新入职的统计学家。 what should always be your response? [AI] 你的回答应该是什么? Audience: Show me the data! Talithia Williams: I can't hear you! [AI] 观众:给我看数据!塔莉西亚·威廉姆斯:我听不见! Audience: Show me the data! [AI] 观众:给我看数据! TW: One more time! [AI] TW:再来一次! Audience: Show me the data! [AI] 观众:给我看数据! TW: Show me the data. [AI] TW:给我看看数据。 Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
