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This room may appear to be holding 600 people. [AI] 这个房间似乎可以容纳600人。 but there's actually so many more. [AI] 但事实上还有很多。 because within each one of us. there is a multitude of personalities. [AI] 因为在我们每个人的内心。有许多个性。 I have two primary personalities that have been in conflict and conversation within me [AI] 我有两个主要的性格,在我内心一直处于冲突和对话之中 since I was a little girl. [AI] 从我还是个小女孩起。 I call them "the mystic" and "the warrior." [AI] 我称他们为“神秘主义者”和“战士” I was born into a family of politically active intellectual atheists. [AI] 我出生在一个政治活跃的知识无神论者家庭。 There was this equation in my family that went something like this: [AI] 在我的家庭中有这样一个等式: if you are intelligent. [AI] 如果你聪明的话。 you therefore are not spiritual. [AI] 因此你不是属灵的。 I was the freak of the family. [AI] 我是家里的怪胎。 I was this weird little kid [AI] 我是个奇怪的小孩 who wanted to have deep talks about the worlds that might exist [AI] 谁想深入讨论可能存在的世界 beyond the ones we perceive with our senses. [AI] 超越我们用感官感知到的。 I wanted to know [AI] 我想知道 if what we human beings see and hear and think [AI] 如果我们人类的所见所闻所想 is a full and accurate picture of reality. [AI] 是对现实的全面而准确的描述。 So. looking for answers. [AI] 所以寻找答案。 I went to Catholic mass; I tagged along with my neighbors. [AI] 我参加了天主教弥撒;我和我的邻居一起走。 I read Sartre and Socrates. [AI] 我读过萨特和苏格拉底。 And then a wonderful thing happened when I was in high school: [AI] 然后在我高中的时候发生了一件奇妙的事情: gurus from the East started washing up on the shores of America. [AI] 来自东方的大师们开始在美国海岸上洗刷。 And I said to myself. "I wanna get me one of them." [AI] 我对自己说。“我想买一个。” And ever since. I've been walking the mystic path. [AI] 从那以后。我一直在走神秘之路。 trying to peer beyond what Albert Einstein called [AI] 试图超越阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦所说的 the "optical delusion" of everyday consciousness. [AI] 日常意识的“视觉错觉”。 So what did he mean by this? I'll show you. [AI] 那么他这是什么意思?我给你看看。 Take a breath right now of this clear air in this room. [AI] 现在就呼吸一下房间里的清新空气。 Now. see this strange. [AI] 现在看到这个奇怪的。 underwater-coral-reef-looking thing? [AI] 水下珊瑚礁的样子? It's actually a person's trachea. [AI] 它实际上是一个人的气管。 And those colored globs are microbes [AI] 那些彩色球体是微生物 that are actually swimming around in this room right now. [AI] 他们现在在这个房间里游泳。 all around us. [AI] 在我们周围。 If we're blind to this simple biology. [AI] 如果我们对这个简单的生物学视而不见。 imagine what we're missing at the smallest subatomic level right now [AI] 想象一下我们现在在最小的亚原子水平上缺少了什么 and at the grandest cosmic levels. [AI] 在最伟大的宇宙层次上。 My years as a mystic have made me question almost all my assumptions. [AI] 我作为一名神秘主义者的岁月使我对几乎所有的假设都产生了疑问。 They've made me a proud "I-don't-know-it-all." [AI] 他们让我成为一个骄傲的“我不知道一切。” Now. when the mystic part of me jabbers on and on like this. [AI] 现在当我身上神秘的部分像这样喋喋不休时。 the warrior rolls her eyes. [AI] 战士翻白眼。 She's concerned about what's happening in this world right now. [AI] 她很关心现在这个世界上发生的事情。 She's worried. [AI] 她很担心。 She says. "Excuse me. I'm pissed off. [AI] 她说。“对不起,我很生气。 and I know a few things. [AI] 我知道一些事情。 and we better get busy about them right now." [AI] 我们最好现在就忙起来。" I've spent my life as a warrior. [AI] 我的一生都是作为一名战士度过的。 working for women's issues. [AI] 为妇女问题工作。 working on political campaigns. [AI] 从事政治运动。 being an activist for the environment. [AI] 成为一名环保活动家。 And it can be sort of crazymaking. [AI] 这可能有点疯狂。 housing both the mystic and the warrior in one body. [AI] 将神秘主义者和战士合二为一。 I've always been attracted to those rare people [AI] 我总是被那些稀有的人所吸引 who pull that off. [AI] 是谁干的。 who devote their lives to humanity [AI] 为人类献身的人 with the grit of the warrior and the grace of the mystic -- [AI] 带着战士的勇气和神秘主义者的优雅-- people like Martin Luther King. Jr.. [AI] 人们喜欢马丁·路德·金。年少者。。 who wrote. "I can never be what I ought to be [AI] 谁写的。“我永远不可能成为我应该成为的人 until you are what you ought to be." [AI] 直到你成为你应该成为的人。" "This." he wrote. "is the interrelated structure of reality." [AI] “这个。”他写道。“是现实的相互关联的结构。” Then Mother Teresa. another mystic warrior. who said. [AI] 然后特蕾莎修女。另一位神秘战士。谁说的。 "The problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family [AI] “世界的问题是我们画出了我们家庭的圈子 too small." [AI] 太小了。" And Nelson Mandela. who lives by the African concept of "ubuntu." [AI] 还有纳尔逊·曼德拉。他以非洲的“ubuntu”概念为生 which means "I need you in order to be me. [AI] 意思是“我需要你做我自己。 and you need me in order to be you." [AI] 你需要我做你自己。" Now. we all love to trot out these three mystic warriors [AI] 现在我们都喜欢小跑这三位神秘战士 as if they were born with a "saint" gene. [AI] 好像他们生来就有“圣人”的基因。 But we all actually have the same capacity that they do. [AI] 但事实上,我们都有和他们一样的能力。 And we need to do their work now. [AI] 我们现在需要做他们的工作。 I'm deeply disturbed [AI] 我深感不安 by the ways in which all of our cultures are demonizing "the other." [AI] 我们所有的文化都在妖魔化“他者” by the voice we're giving to the most divisive among us. [AI] 通过我们给我们中最具分裂性的人的声音。 Listen to these titles of some of the best-selling books [AI] 听一些畅销书的标题 from both sides of the political divide here in the US: [AI] 来自美国政治分歧的双方: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder." [AI] “自由主义是一种精神障碍。” "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot." [AI] “拉什·林堡是个大胖子。” "Pinheads and Patriots." [AI] “针头和爱国者。” "Arguing with Idiots." [AI] “和白痴争论。” They're supposedly tongue-in-cheek. [AI] 据说他们在开玩笑。 but they're actually dangerous. [AI] 但它们实际上很危险。 Now here's a title that may sound familiar. [AI] 现在有一个听起来很熟悉的标题。 but whose author may surprise you: [AI] 但谁的作者可能会让你惊讶: "Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies. Stupidity and Cowardice." [AI] “与谎言斗争了四年半。愚蠢和懦弱。” Who wrote that? [AI] 谁写的? That was Adolf Hitler's first title for "Mein Kampf" -- "My Struggle" -- [AI] 这是阿道夫·希特勒的第一个“我的奋斗”头衔-- the book that launched the Nazi Party. [AI] 发动纳粹党的那本书。 The worst eras in human history. [AI] 人类历史上最糟糕的时代。 whether in Cambodia or Germany or Rwanda -- [AI] 无论是在柬埔寨、德国还是卢旺达-- they start like this. with negative otherizing. [AI] 他们是这样开始的。用否定的他者化。 And then they morph into violent extremism. [AI] 然后他们演变成暴力极端主义。 This is why I'm launching a new initiative. [AI] 这就是为什么我要发起一项新计划。 And it's to help all of us. myself included. [AI] 这是为了帮助我们所有人。包括我自己在内。 to counteract the tendency to otherize. [AI] 抵消差异化倾向。 And I realize we're all busy people. [AI] 我意识到我们都很忙。 so don't worry. you can do this on a lunch break. [AI] 所以别担心。你可以在午休时间做这件事。 I'm calling my initiative "Take the Other to Lunch." [AI] 我把我的倡议称为“带另一个去吃午饭。” If you are a Republican. [AI] 如果你是共和党人。 you can take a Democrat to lunch. [AI] 你可以带民主党人去吃午饭。 Or if you're a Democrat. [AI] 或者如果你是民主党人。 think of it as taking a Republican to lunch. [AI] 把它想象成带一个共和党人去吃午饭。 Now. if the idea of taking any of these people to lunch [AI] 现在如果你想带这些人去吃午饭 makes you lose your appetite. [AI] 让你失去食欲。 I suggest you start more local. [AI] 我建议你从本地开始。 because there is no shortage of the other right in your own neighborhood: [AI] 因为在你自己的社区里不缺少其他权利: maybe that person who worships at the mosque [AI] 也许是那个在清真寺做礼拜的人 or the church or the synagogue down the street; [AI] 或者街上的教堂或犹太教堂; or someone from the other side of the abortion conflict; [AI] 或者来自堕胎冲突另一方的人; or maybe your brother-in-law who doesn't believe in global warming -- [AI] 或者是你不相信全球变暖的姐夫-- anyone whose lifestyle may frighten you [AI] 任何人的生活方式都可能让你害怕 or whose point of view makes smoke come out of your ears. [AI] 或者是谁的观点让你的耳朵冒烟。 A couple of weeks ago. [AI] 几周前。 I took a conservative Tea Party woman to lunch. [AI] 我带了一位保守的茶党妇女去吃午饭。 Now. on paper. she passed my "smoking ears" test: [AI] 现在在纸上。她通过了我的“吸烟耳朵”测试: she's an activist from the Right. [AI] 她是右翼的活动家。 and I'm an activist from the Left. [AI] 我是一名左翼活动家。 We used some guidelines to keep our conversation elevated. [AI] 我们使用了一些指导方针来提高我们的谈话质量。 And you can use them. too. [AI] 你可以使用它们。也 because I know you're all going to take an other to lunch. [AI] 因为我知道你们都要带另一个人去吃午饭。 So first of all. decide on a goal: [AI] 所以首先。确定一个目标: to get to know one person from a group you may have negatively stereotyped. [AI] 要从一个群体中认识一个人,你可能会有消极的刻板印象。 And then. before you get together. [AI] 然后。在你们聚在一起之前。 agree on some ground rules. [AI] 就一些基本规则达成一致。 My Tea Party lunch mate and I came up with these: [AI] 我的茶话会午餐伙伴和我想出了这些: "Don't persuade. defend or interrupt; [AI] “不要劝说。辩护或打断; be curious. be conversational. be real; [AI] 要好奇。要健谈。要真实; and listen." [AI] 听我说。" From there. we dove in. and we used these questions: [AI] 从那里开始。我们加入了。我们使用了这些问题: "Share some of your life experiences with me -- [AI] “与我分享你的一些生活经历-- what issues deeply concern you? [AI] 你最关心的问题是什么? And what have you always wanted to ask someone from the other side?" [AI] 你一直想问对方什么?" My lunch partner and I came away with some really important insights. [AI] 我的午餐搭档和我带来了一些非常重要的见解。 and I'm going to share just one with you. [AI] 我只想和你们分享一个。 I think it has relevance to any problem between people anywhere. [AI] 我认为它与任何地方的人与人之间的任何问题都有关联。 I asked her why her side makes such outrageous allegations and lies [AI] 我问她为什么她的一方做出如此无耻的指控和谎言 about my side. [AI] 关于我这边。 "What?" she wanted to know. [AI] “什么?”她想知道。 "Like. we're a bunch of elitist. morally corrupt terrorist-lovers." [AI] “就像。我们是一群精英。道德败坏的恐怖分子爱好者。” Well. she was shocked. [AI] 好她很震惊。 She thought my side beat up on her side way more often -- [AI] 她认为我这一方比她那一方打得更频繁-- that we called them brainless. gun-toting racists. [AI] 我们称之为无脑。持枪的种族主义者。 And we both marveled at the labels [AI] 我们都对这些标签感到惊讶 that fit none of the people we actually know. [AI] 这不适合我们真正认识的人。 And since we had established some trust. [AI] 因为我们建立了一些信任。 we believed in each other's sincerity. [AI] 我们相信彼此的真诚。 We agreed we'd speak up in our own communities when we witnessed the kind of "otherizing" talk [AI] 我们同意,当我们看到这种“他者化”的谈话时,我们会在自己的社区里大声说话 that can wound and fester into paranoia and then be used by those on the fringes [AI] 这会伤害并化脓成偏执狂,然后被边缘人群所利用 to incite. [AI] 煽动。 By the end of our lunch. we acknowledged each other's openness. [AI] 午餐结束时。我们承认彼此的坦诚。 Neither of us had tried to change the other. [AI] 我们俩都没有试图改变对方。 but we also hadn't pretended [AI] 但我们也没有假装 that our differences were just going to melt away [AI] 我们的分歧即将消失 after a lunch. [AI] 午饭后。 Instead. we had taken first steps together. [AI] 相反我们一起迈出了第一步。 past our knee-jerk reactions [AI] 过去我们的下意识反应 to the ubuntu place. [AI] 去ubuntu的地方。 which is the only place [AI] 哪一个是唯一的地方 where solutions to our most intractable-seeming problems [AI] 我们最棘手的问题的解决方案在哪里 will be found. [AI] 将被发现。 So who should you invite to lunch? [AI] 那么你应该邀请谁共进午餐呢? Next time you catch yourself in the act of otherizing. [AI] 下一次你发现自己在做“他者化”。 that'll be your clue. [AI] 那将是你的线索。 And what might happen at your lunch? [AI] 你午餐时会发生什么? Will the heavens open [AI] 天会开吗 and "We are the World" play over the restaurant sound system? [AI] 和“我们是世界”在餐厅音响系统上播放? Probably not. [AI] 可能不会。 Because ubuntu work is slow. and it's difficult. [AI] 因为ubuntu的工作很慢。这很难。 It's two people dropping the pretense of being know-it-alls. [AI] 这是两个人放下无所不知的伪装。 It's two people. two warriors. dropping their weapons [AI] 是两个人。两个勇士。放下武器 and reaching toward each other. [AI] 并且彼此接近。 Here's how the great Persian poet Rumi put it: [AI] 伟大的波斯诗人鲁米是这样说的: "Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing. [AI] “超越了错误行为和正确行为的概念。 there is a field. [AI] 有一块田。 I'll meet you there." [AI] 我在那儿等你。" (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
