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【TED】Amy Smith 与您分享简便又能救人的设想


As an artist, 作为一名艺术家, connection is very important to me. 联系对我来说是非常重要的 。 Through my work I'm trying to articulate 通过我的艺术作品我试着阐明 that humans are not separate from nature 人类不是与自然分隔开 and that everything is interconnected. 而是每一件事都是互相联系的。 I first went to Antarctica almost 10 years ago, 大约10年前我第一次去了南极洲, where I saw my first icebergs. 我也第一次看到了冰山。 I was in awe. 我感到敬畏。 My heart beat fast, my head was dizzy, 我的心快速地砰动,头晕目眩, trying to comprehend what it was that stood in front of me. 试着理解在我面前的这到底是什么。 The icebergs around me 在我身边的冰山 were almost 200 feet out of the water, 浮出水面几乎200英尺。 and I could only help but wonder 我只能感到很奇怪 that this was one snowflake 这就是一片雪花 on top of another snowflake, 覆盖在另一片雪花, year after year. 年复一年形成的。 Icebergs are born 冰山的形成是 when they calve off of glaciers 当它们从冰川断裂开 or break off of ice shelves. 或者从冰架上断裂开。 Each iceberg has its own individual personality. 每个冰山都有它们自己的独特个性。 They have a distinct way 它们 of interacting with their environment 与其周边的环境 and their experiences. 和其情况的互动具有一个鲜明的方式。 Some refuse to give up 有些冰山拒绝妥协 and hold on to the bitter end, 坚持到底, while others can't take it anymore 而另一些冰山就不能忍受 and crumble in a fit of dramatic passion. 在一时剧烈激情喷涌下就水崩冰裂。 It's easy to think, when you look at an iceberg, 当你看到冰山,很容易就想到 that they're isolated, 它们都是孤立的, that they're separate and alone, 它们是独立的,单独一体的, much like we as humans sometimes view ourselves. 更像是我们人类有时候对自身的看法。 But the reality is far from it. 但现实远不止这个。 As an iceberg melts, 随着冰山融化, I am breathing in 我呼吸到 its ancient atmosphere. 它古老的气味。 As the iceberg melts, 随着冰山融化, it is releasing mineral-rich fresh water 它释放了富有矿物质的鲜水 that nourishes many forms of life. 它们滋养了万物。 I approach photographing these icebergs 我着手拍摄这些冰山 as if I'm making portraits of my ancestors, 好似我在拍摄我祖先的肖像, knowing that in these individual moments 了解到在这些个别的时刻 they exist in that way 冰山原是以那样方式存在 and will never exist that way again. 但再也不会像那样存在了。 It is not a death when they melt; 当它们融化时,这绝不是死亡; it is not an end, 也绝不是一个终结, but a continuation 而是 of their path through the cycle of life. 通往生生不息之路的一个延续。 Some of the ice in the icebergs that I photograph is very young -- 我拍摄过的冰山,有些冰是非常年轻-- a couple thousand years old. 几千年年龄。 And some of the ice 有些冰 is over 100,000 years old. 超过十万年。 The last pictures I'd like to show you 我想给大家展示的最后图片 are of an iceberg that I photographed 是我在格陵兰岛的 in Qeqetarsuaq, Greenland. Kekertsuatsiak上拍摄的一个冰山。 It's a very rare occasion 这是一个非常难得的机会 that you get to actually witness 大家实际上得以见证 an iceberg rolling. 一个冰山翻滚。 So here it is. 所以这就如图所示。 You can see on the left side a small boat. 在左边你能看到一个小船。 That's about a 15-foot boat. 这是一个约15英尺的船。 And I'd like you to pay attention 我想让你注意 to the shape of the iceberg 冰山的形状 and where it is at the waterline. 它在水面上的变形。 You can see here, it begins to roll, 在这儿你看到它开始翻滚, and the boat has moved to the other side, and the man is standing there. 小船移动到另一边,一个男人站在那里。 This is an average-size Greenlandic iceberg. 这是一个平均尺寸的格陵兰冰山。 It's about 120 feet above the water, 它浮出水面大约有120英尺高 or 40 meters. 或者40米高。 And this video is real time. 这视频是实时拍摄的。 (Music) (音乐) And just like that, 就像这冰山, the iceberg shows you a different side of its personality. 它们展示给大家的是其个性的不同方面。 Thank you. 谢谢。 (Applause) (掌声)
