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I have a confession to make. [AI] 我要坦白。 As a scientist and engineer. I've focused on efficiency for many years. [AI] 作为一名科学家和工程师。多年来我一直关注效率。 But efficiency can be a cult. [AI] 但效率可能是一种崇拜。 and today I'd like to tell you about a journey [AI] 今天我想告诉你一次旅行 that moved me out of the cult and back to a far richer reality. [AI] 这让我走出了邪教,回到了一个更加丰富的现实。 A few years ago. after finishing my Ph.D. in London. I moved to Boston. [AI] 几年前。在伦敦完成博士学位后。我搬到波士顿去了。 I lived in Boston and worked in Cambridge. [AI] 我住在波士顿,在剑桥工作。 I bought a racing bicycle that summer. [AI] 那年夏天我买了一辆赛车。 and I bicycled every day to work. [AI] 我每天骑自行车上班。 To find my way. I used my phone. [AI] 找到我的路。我用了我的电话。 It sent me over Mass. Ave.. Massachusetts Avenue. [AI] 它把我吓得半死。大道。。马萨诸塞大道。 the shortest route from Boston to Cambridge. [AI] 从波士顿到剑桥的最短路线。 But after a month [AI] 但是一个月后 that I was cycling every day on the car-packed Mass. Ave.. [AI] 我每天都在车上骑自行车。大道。。 I took a different route one day. [AI] 有一天我走了另一条路。 I'm not entirely sure why I took a different route that day. a detour. [AI] 我不太清楚那天为什么我选择了不同的路线。绕道。 I just remember a feeling of surprise; [AI] 我只记得一种惊讶的感觉; surprise at finding a street with no cars. [AI] 发现一条没有汽车的街道时感到惊讶。 as opposed to the nearby Mass. Ave. full of cars; [AI] 与附近的质量相反。满大街都是汽车; surprise at finding a street draped by leaves and surrounded by trees. [AI] 惊奇地发现一条被树叶覆盖、树木环绕的街道。 But after the feeling of surprise. I felt shame. [AI] 但是在感到惊讶之后。我感到羞愧。 How could I have been so blind? [AI] 我怎么会这么瞎? For an entire month. [AI] 整整一个月。 I was so trapped in my mobile app [AI] 我被困在我的手机应用程序里 that a journey to work became one thing only: [AI] 工作之旅成了一件事: the shortest path. [AI] 最短路径。 In this single journey. there was no thought [AI] 在这一次旅程中。没有想到 of enjoying the road. [AI] 享受旅途的乐趣。 no pleasure in connecting with nature. [AI] 与大自然联系没有乐趣。 no possibility of looking people in the eyes. [AI] 不可能直视别人的眼睛。 And why? [AI] 为什么? Because I was saving a minute out of my commute. [AI] 因为我节省了一分钟的通勤时间。 Now let me ask you: Am I alone here? [AI] 现在让我问你:我一个人在这里吗? How many of you have never used a mapping app for finding directions? [AI] 你们中有多少人从未使用过地图应用程序来寻找方向? Most of you. if not all. have. [AI] 你们大多数人。如果不是全部的话。有 And don't get me wrong -- mapping apps are the greatest game-changer [AI] 别误会,地图应用是最伟大的游戏改变者 for encouraging people to explore the city. [AI] 鼓励人们探索城市。 You take your phone out and you know immediately where to go. [AI] 你拿出手机,马上就知道该去哪里了。 However. the app also assumes [AI] 然而该应用程序还假设 there are only a handful of directions to the destination. [AI] 到目的地只有几个方向。 It has the power to make those handful of directions [AI] 它有能力制定这些方向 the definitive direction to that destination. [AI] 到达目的地的明确方向。 After that experience. I changed. [AI] 在那次经历之后。我变了。 I changed my research from traditional data-mining [AI] 我改变了我对传统数据挖掘的研究 to understanding how people experience the city. [AI] 了解人们对城市的体验。 I used computer science tools [AI] 我使用计算机科学工具 to replicate social science experiments at scale. at web scale. [AI] 大规模复制社会科学实验。网络规模。 I became captivated by the beauty and genius [AI] 我被美丽和天才迷住了 of traditional social science experiments [AI] 传统社会科学实验的创新 done by Jane Jacobs. Stanley Milgram. Kevin Lynch. [AI] 由简·雅各布斯完成。斯坦利·米尔格拉姆。凯文·林奇。 The result of that research has been the creation of new maps. [AI] 这项研究的结果是创造了新的地图。 maps where you don't only find the shortest path. the blue one. [AI] 在地图上,您不仅可以找到最短路径。蓝色的那个。 but also the most enjoyable path. [AI] 也是最愉快的一条路。 the red one. [AI] 红色的那个。 How was that possible? [AI] 这怎么可能? Einstein once said. [AI] 爱因斯坦曾经说过。 "Logic will get you from A to B. [AI] “逻辑会把你从A带到B。 Imagination will take you everywhere." [AI] 想象力会带你去任何地方。" So with a bit of imagination. [AI] 所以有点想象力。 we needed to understand [AI] 我们需要理解 which parts of the city people find beautiful. [AI] 城市的哪些地方人们觉得很美。 At the University of Cambridge. with colleagues. [AI] 在剑桥大学。和同事们一起。 we thought about this simple experiment. [AI] 我们考虑了这个简单的实验。 If I were to show you these two urban scenes. [AI] 如果我给你看这两个城市场景。 and I were to ask you which one is more beautiful. [AI] 我想问你哪一个更漂亮。 which one would you say? [AI] 你会说哪一个? Don't be shy. [AI] 别害羞。 Who says A? Who says B? [AI] 谁说的是A?谁说B? Brilliant. [AI] 明亮的 Based on that idea. [AI] 基于这个想法。 we built a crowdsourcing platform. [AI] 我们建立了一个众包平台。 a web game. [AI] 网络游戏。 Players are shown pairs of urban scenes. [AI] 向玩家展示成对的城市场景。 and they're asked to choose which one is more beautiful. quiet and happy. [AI] 他们被要求选择哪一个更漂亮。安静而快乐。 Based on thousands of user votes. [AI] 基于成千上万的用户投票。 then we are able to see where consensus emerges. [AI] 然后我们就能看到在哪里出现了共识。 We are able to see which are the urban scenes [AI] 我们可以看到哪些是城市场景 that make people happy. [AI] 让人们快乐。 After that work. I joined Yahoo Labs. [AI] 工作之后。我加入了雅虎实验室。 and I teamed up with Luca and Rossano. [AI] 我与卢卡和罗萨诺合作。 and together. we aggregated those winning locations in London [AI] 一起。我们汇总了伦敦的获奖地点 to build a new map of the city. [AI] 绘制一幅新的城市地图。 a cartography weighted for human emotions. [AI] 为人类情感加权的地图。 On this cartography. you're not only able to see and connect [AI] 在这张地图上。你不仅能够看到和连接 from point A to point B the shortest segments. [AI] 从点A到点B是最短的线段。 but you're also able to see the happy segment. [AI] 但你也能看到快乐的部分。 the beautiful path. the quiet path. [AI] 美丽的小径。安静的小路。 In tests. participants found the happy. the beautiful. the quiet path [AI] 在测试中。参与者们感到很高兴。这个城市很漂亮。幽静的小路 far more enjoyable than the shortest one. [AI] 比最短的要有趣得多。 and that just by adding a few minutes to travel time. [AI] 只需增加几分钟的旅行时间。 Participants also love to attach memories to places. [AI] 参与者也喜欢把记忆附在某个地方。 Shared memories -- that's where the old BBC building was; [AI] 共同的记忆——那就是旧BBC大楼所在的地方; and personal memories -- that's where I gave my first kiss. [AI] 还有我的个人记忆,那是我初吻的地方。 They also recalled how some paths smelled and sounded. [AI] 他们还回忆起一些小路的气味和声音。 So what if we had a mapping tool [AI] 那么,如果我们有一个映射工具呢 that would return the most enjoyable routes [AI] 这将返回最愉快的路线 based not only on aesthetics [AI] 不仅基于美学 but also based on smell. sound. and memories? [AI] 但也基于气味。声音还有记忆? That's where our research is going right now. [AI] 这就是我们现在研究的方向。 More generally. my research. [AI] 更一般地说。我的研究。 what it tries to do is avoid the danger of the single path. [AI] 它试图做的是避免单一路径的危险。 to avoid robbing people of fully experiencing the city in which they live. [AI] 避免剥夺人们对所居住城市的充分体验。 Walk the path through the park. not through the car park. [AI] 沿着小路穿过公园。不要穿过停车场。 and you have an entirely different path. [AI] 你有一条完全不同的道路。 Walk the path full of people you love [AI] 走满你爱的人的路 and not full of cars. [AI] 而且车不多。 and you have an entirely different path. [AI] 你有一条完全不同的道路。 It's that simple. [AI] 就这么简单。 I would like to end with this thought: [AI] 最后,我想提出以下想法: do you remember "The Truman Show?" [AI] 你还记得“杜鲁门秀”吗 It's a media satire in which a real person [AI] 这是一部媒体讽刺剧,里面有一个真实的人 doesn't know he's living in a fabricated world. [AI] 不知道他生活在一个虚构的世界里。 Perhaps we live in a world fabricated for efficiency. [AI] 也许我们生活在一个为效率而创造的世界里。 Look at some of your daily habits. [AI] 看看你的一些日常习惯。 and as Truman did in the movie. escape the fabricated world. [AI] 就像杜鲁门在电影里做的那样。逃离虚构的世界。 Why? [AI] 为什么? Well. if you think that adventure is dangerous. try routine. It's deadly. [AI] 好如果你认为冒险是危险的。试试常规。这是致命的。 Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
