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Good morning, everyone. 大家早上好。 When I was first asked to do a TED Talk, 当我首次受邀 到 TED 进行一场演讲时, I Googled to try and find out a little bit more about, 我事先上谷歌搜索了一些相关信息, you know, how it felt to be giving one. 关于受邀演讲有什么感受。 And one of the first things I read was a speaker in the States 而我最先看到的 是一个美国的演讲者, saying that she felt fine until she came onstage, 她说她上台之前自我感觉良好, 但是等她刚上台, and then she saw the timer ticking down. 她就看见了计时器滴答作响。 (Laughter) (笑声) And it reminded her of a bomb. 这让她想到了定时炸弹。 I was thinking, "That's the last thing I need." 我当时在想, “这可不是我想要看到的事情。” (Laughter) (笑声) (Applause) (掌声) Anyway, it's a great privilege to be here. 无论如何, 我对能来这里而倍感荣幸。 I think it's a bit of a joke 不过我觉得, for an editor of a paper to choose a photographer to open a speaking event. 让一个文字编辑者来选择摄影师 到这里作演讲实在有点滑稽。 (Laughter) (笑声) We're not renowned for our words, 我们不会因为我们的言论而出名, and I spent the last 40 years hiding behind a camera 我在过去四十年当中, 一直都是隐藏在相机的后面, so I didn't have to speak. 所以我不用开口说话。 But I'm here today, and what I want to talk about are stories 但是既然今天我在这里, 那么我想分享一些故事, and the importance of stories to me 以及这些故事于我的重要性。 and, I think, the importance of stories to everybody. 我想这些故事同样值得大家重视。 I'm sure today you'll hear a lot of stories 我确定今天大家会听到许多故事, and, by listening to other people's stories, 通过倾听他人故事的方式, I think we can learn about the world, about other people 我相信,我们将会更好地 了解这个世界, and get a better understanding. 以及他人。 So I want to talk about three stories that I've done as a photographer, 所以我想以一名摄影师 的身份讲三个故事, and how they've inspired me, 以及它们是如何激励我的, and how, in my life, I've become a part of the stories 以及在我的人生中, 我是如何变成我所拍摄的故事 that I document myself. 当中的一部分的。 As John said, I was a fashion photographer 如约翰所说,我当了十年的摄影师 and music photographer for 10 years. 和音乐摄影师。 I enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun, 我十分享受工作的过程, 也从中收获了许多。 but always wanted to do something more with my work. 但我还是想做更多的事情。 And storytelling was always something I wanted to do. 而故事叙述就是我想做的。 So 10 years ago, I set out to travel the world, 十年前我开始环游世界, to go and photograph other people in their situations 去拍摄其他人的生活, and to record their stories, to bring them back, 把他们的故事记录下来并带回去, so that other people might understand. 这样也许便于人们了解。 But this didn't happen overnight. 然而,这不是一蹴而就的事情。 When I worked as a music photographer and a fashion photographer, 在我当音乐摄影师 和时尚摄影师的时候, I always had this nagging feeling that there was something missing, 我总是为似乎缺少了 一些灵感而感到烦躁, that I wasn't quite using my skills productively. 从而导致我没有更好地 发挥我的才能。 And it may seem very obvious, the link, now, 而现在的一切 在当时看来已然很明显了, but at the time, I couldn't really work out 但我那时并没有意识到, how could I use my photography to do something useful. 如何使我的才能发挥得更有意义。 So I gave up photography. 所以我辞职了, I walked away from it completely and decided to do care work. 决定要当一名护工。 As a care worker, I started looking after a young guy called Nick. 在我当护工期间, 照顾了一个叫尼克的小孩。 Nick has autism, very severe autism. 尼克有自闭症,而且十分严重。 But over the years of looking after him, we became very close friends. 但是多年以后, 我们成为了极其亲密的朋友。 I would give him a 24-hour care, 我 24 小时都照顾他, we would go off and do things from swimming, going for walks ... 我们一起出去游泳、散步…… all sorts. 各种各样的事情。 Bit by bit, though, as I got to know him better, 但是渐渐地, 当我加深对他的了解, I realized that his story wasn't being told. 我感觉到他有些事在瞒着我。 He self-harmed, he would punch himself quite a lot in the face. 他有自残行为, 严重时他会多次捶打自己的脸。 And nobody really got to see that. 但没有人看到过他这样的行为, So this is Nick. 这就是尼克。 He used to describe his life as living downstairs at a party. 他曾把他的生活形容成, 住在一个派对的楼下。 He said he could hear the party in the kitchen, 他说他能听见厨房中派对的声音, but he felt like he was always trapped in the basement, 但他感到自己总是被困在地下室里, in his own little world, 在他自己的世界中, wanting to be part of the party but not able to walk upstairs. 他想要成为派对的一部分, 却无法走上楼梯。 So I documented his life. 所以我记录了他的生活。 I started to photograph it, 我开始对他进行拍摄, not really with any intention of doing anything with the pictures, 并不刻意, 也不对照片进行任何处理, but just as a way of recording. 只是一种记录的方式。 And as I started doing that, I realized that I could tell somebody's story 而当我开始那样做的时候, 我意识到我可以通过我的照片 through my photographs. 来讲述一个人的故事。 As I said, Nick would self-harm. 就像我说的那样,尼克会自残, He would punch himself in the face. 他会用拳头打自己的脸, And nobody really got to see that. 而没有人能真正看到。 As we built up a kind of closer friendship, 当我们建立了更加紧密的友谊后, he finally would allow me to actually see him doing this 他终于同意我看着他这么做, and to document it. 并且记录下来。 It was a moment of trust. 这是信任的一刻。 The social services were not particularly good at helping Nick, 社会服务并不能很好地帮助尼克, and they said that he wouldn't be self-harming as bad as we said. 而他们说,尼克的自残 不会有我们描述的那么严重。 So one day, I took a photograph of when he'd really been self-harming. 所以有一天,我拍了张尼克 真正自残时的照片。 We took that to the social services, 我们把它带到了社会公益服务部门, and their reaction was immediately incredibly different, 而他们的反应顿时变得完全不同, and they managed to get a lot of help. 他们设法得到了很多帮助。 And I'm glad to say now, eight years later, 而现在,八年后,我很高兴地说, I actually spoke to Nick last night, 我昨天晚上和尼克说了话, and he wanted to let me know that he was feeling a lot better, 他想让我知道,他感觉好多了, and he doesn't do the self-harming anymore. 也不再想自残了。 And in some small way, I hope that the photographs 在某种程度上,我希望这些照片 was a part of that process. 是这个过程的一部分。 The main thing it did is it inspired me to go out with my camera 重要的是,它激励了我 带着自己的相机走出去, and to tell other people's stories. 讲述其他人的故事。 One of the stories I did was in Kutupalong, 我做的其中一个故事在库图巴朗, on the border of Burma and Bangladesh. 在缅甸和孟加拉国的边境上。 Here, the Rohingyas refugees have been left, 在这里,罗辛亚族的难民被遗弃, pretty much to rot, 了超过二十年, for over 20 years. 等于是让他们自生自灭, This is a picture of the unofficial camp. 这是非官方建立的难民营的照片。 At the top, you can see the official UN camp. 在顶部,你能看见 联合国官方难民营。 All these huts are the unofficial camps. 所有这些草屋都是非官方的营地。 Literally, the raw sewage runs through the camp. 事实上,有未经处理的污水 流过整个营地。 The people there have been forgotten, 那里的人们被忘却了, so I thought it was important to go and document their stories. 所以我认为 去记录他们的故事很重要。 So I arranged with the village elder; 所以我和村中的长老进行协商; the people would come along the next day, 人们会在第二天过来, and I would take portraits of all these people 而我会拍下所有人的肖像, and record their stories. 并记录下他们的故事。 So as the time went on, I turned up in the morning, 随着时间推移, 我在早上开工, I put a big, white sheet up, and I started to photograph these people. 我挂起了一张大白布, 开始给这些人拍照。 Suddenly, though, everything got a bit out of control, 但是,突然间, 事情似乎变得失控了。 and, although it was still dawn, 并且,虽然那时天还没亮, we were filled in this small little compound we had made 我们就已经挤在这个 我们搭建的小小的围地里, with literally hundreds of people turning up with ailments and diseases 毫不夸张地说, 和上百个患有各种疾病的人, and just ... a hopeless situation. 大家都处在一个绝望的境地。 And that's exactly what their situation is -- helpless. 而那真的就是他们 所处的境况——无助。 A child with a tumor that nobody helped, who was slowly suffocating. 一个无人帮助的患有肿瘤的孩子, 缓慢地,困难地呼吸着。 I got in a bit of a panic, 我感觉到了一丝恐慌, because these people were coming up to me, desperate, 因为这些人在靠近我, 想要抓住最后的救命稻草, and I was trying to explain to the village elder 然后我尝试对村中的长老解释, that I was not a doctor, and I couldn't help these people. 我不是一名医生, 我没办法帮助这些人。 And the village elder turned to me and he said, 然后长老告诉我, "No, it's really important; these people know you're not a doctor, “不,这不重要; 这些人知道你不是一名医生, but at least somebody is now telling their story, 但至少现在有人 在诉说他们的故事了, and somebody is recording what is happening to them." 有人正在记录着 他们身上发生的事情。” And it was a good moment for me. 对我来说, 这是一个美好的时刻。 It was a realization that maybe it was worthwhile 我意识到,或许 going off and doing these things. 值得开始做这些事。 Another story that inspired me was in Odessa, in Ukraine. 另外一个启发我的故事 发生在乌克兰的敖德萨。 I was documenting a bunch of street kids. 我当时正在记录一群街头的孩子。 I ended up actually living with them in a squat, 实际上,我最终 和他们在一个空屋子里住下了, which I can say was an experience. 这对我来说是一种经历。 Many late nights of vodka-fueled violence 很多个深夜,我用伏特加把自己灌醉, with me sitting in the corner with my bag, 带着我的包坐在角落里, just going, "When was this a good idea?" 在想,“这算什么事儿?” (Laughter) (笑声) I would say it's moments like that when I think, 我想过很多次, "Why did I leave the fashion world?" 比如“为什么我要离开时尚界?” But they were great kids, 但他们是好孩子, and on the last day, they took me down to the sea 在最后一天, 他们带我去了海边, for a sort of trip, a sort of farewell. 他们把这当作一次短暂的告别旅行。 There they are, drinking vodka. 图片中是他们在喝伏特加, And then Serge, who was the oldest and the most violent -- 然后瑟奇, 那个最年长也最暴力的孩子—— he'd just got out of the prison for stabbing somebody -- ——他刚刚被释放, 因为刺伤别人进的监狱—— comes and puts his arm around me and says, "We go swimming." 他走过来,用手圈住我的肩膀, 说着,“去游泳吧。” Now, I have to say, I had a "Lonely Planet" guide to Ukraine 现在我必须承认,我当时有本 去乌克兰的《孤独星球》指南, and in it, it gave some advice. 在里边, 它给了我一些建议。 And in that advice was, "Do not talk to the street kids, 其中有一条是, “别和街头的孩子说话, at no point leave your baggage unattended 绝对不要让你的行李无人照看, and in all counts, do not go swimming." 并且无论如何,不要去游泳。” (Laughter) (笑声) So I was like, "I don't know if this is a good idea." 所以我当时的反应是, ”我不知道这是不是个好点子。“ Serge has got his arm around me. 瑟奇正把胳膊这样搭在我的肩膀上。 I'm like, "OK." So there I am. 我说,“好吧”,然后我就去了。 (Laughter) (笑声) I literally handed all my cameras, all my equipment, to these street kids. 我把所有的摄像机和设备, 都交给了这些街头的孩子, And they took it. 他们接了过去。 It's kind of funny to know, if you look in the background, 有趣的是, 如果你看这张照片的背景, you can see the other street kids who didn't get in the water go, 你可以看到那些 没有下水的街头孩子,他们说, "Why would you get in that water?" ”你们为什么要在这里游泳?“ (笑声) But one of the little kids, Lilic, 但他们中的其中一个, 里里克, he was the one who had taken my camera, 他拿着我的摄像机, and he started taking photographs. 开始照相。 He was really excited by this camera. 把玩相机让他很兴奋。 And we talked a lot about how I was going to get him a camera 然后我们聊了很多, 关于我打算给他弄一个相机, and would return and we could start to teach him photography. 关于我会回来, 然后我们会开始教他摄影。 He had a real eye for things. 他有一双善于观察事物的眼睛。 That's him, there. 那就是他,在那儿。 That was taken on the last evening I was there. 那是在我离开前 最后一个晚上拍摄的。 I'd been staying there, but that night, I left to go and collect my things. 我本来要呆在那里的,但是那晚, 我收拾东西离开了。 And when I came back in the morning, he was dead. 而当我第二天回来的时候,他死了。 He had taken a lot of pills and a lot of vodka. 他服用了很多药物, 又喝了很多伏特加酒, And he had passed out in the night and didn’t recover. 在夜晚昏睡过去后就再也没有醒来。 Again, it was another reminder 这再一次提醒了我, of maybe why I should record these people's stories: 应该记录这些人的故事: because their lives are important, 因为他们的人生很重要, and it's important for me to document them. 记录他们的人生也很重要。 Then in February of last year, when I was on patrol in Afghanistan, 第二年的二月, 那时我在阿富汗巡逻, I stepped on an IED. 我踩到了一个简易爆炸装置。 That's me down there, somewhere. 我就站在那里的某个地方。 I became part of the story. 我自己变成了故事的一部分。 At first, I was devastated by what had happened, obviously. 一开始,显然, 我被发生的事情压垮了。 I thought my work was over, 我想我的职业生涯结束了。 I thought -- everything didn't make sense to me. 我觉得——所有事情都失去了意义。 And then I realized: I never set out to Congo, 然后我意识到, 我从来没有去过刚果, to Angola, to Bangladesh 安哥拉,孟加拉国, to take photographs. 拍下照片。 I went to those places because I wanted to make some kind of change, 后来我去了这些地方, 因为我想要做一些改变, and photography happened to be my tool. 而摄影在偶然间成为了我的依靠。 And then I became aware that my body was, in many ways, 然后我开始意识到, 我的身体在很多方面 a living example of what war does to somebody. 都是一个活生生的例子, 述说了战争对人的影响。 And I realized I could use my own experience, my own body, 然后我意识到, 我可以用自己的经验和身体, to tell that story. 来诉说这个故事。 And it was also by looking back at the other people I've documented. 而且也正因为回顾那些 我记录过的人们的生活, I thought of Nick, and I thought of his resilience. 我想到了尼克, 想到了他的顽强。 I thought of the Rohingyas and the fact that they have no hope. 我想到了罗兴亚人, 以及他们绝望的事实。 I thought of Lilic and a lost life. 我想到了里里克, 以及他失去的生命。 And in fact, it was the stories that I've documented 而事实上, 正是这些我记录的故事, that inspired me to get through the last year, 激励着我撑过了去年的灾难, to survive, 活下来, to get back up on my new legs 依靠我的新腿自力更生, and to be able to come and tell their stories, 病来来到这里说出他们的故事, but also my own story. 还有我自己的故事。 So I did a self-portrait, 所以我给自己拍了一幅肖像, because I wanted to show everybody what a bomb does to somebody, 因为我想要向大家展示, 一个炸弹对一个人意味着什么, but also to show that losing your limbs doesn't end your life; 以及失去四肢不会结束你们的生命; that you can have what people say is disability, 你可以是一个别人眼中的残疾人, but not be disabled; 但却依然有力量; that you can be able to do anything 你可以做任何事情, if you put your mind to it 如果你专心去做, and have belief in it. 并且坚信地去做。 It's strange, 这很奇怪, but in many ways I look at where I was a year ago, 但我从很多方面回顾一年前, 我所处的位置, and I look at where I am now, 再看看我现在所在的位置, and I realize that I have a lot of things I didn't have then. 然后我意识到,我拥有了 很多我那时没有的东西。 I wouldn't be sitting here right now if this hadn't happened. 如果这个意外没有发生, 我将不会坐在这里, I wouldn't have been able to show you those photographs 也没有机会给你们展示这些照片, and tell you those stories. 给你们讲这些故事。 I was lucky 10 years ago, when I sat down and I tried to work out 十年前我很幸运, 当我努力想要搞清楚 what I could do to make a difference in this world. 能够做些什么来对世界施加影响。 I realized that my photography was a tool and a way to do it. 我意识到,摄影是一个 可以达成这个目的的工具。 I think that's what's really key. 我觉得这是真正的关键所在。 It's that we all can be part of that wheel. 我们都可以成为这个车轮的一部分, We can all be cogs in a wheel of change. 我们都可以成为 改革车轮中的一个齿轮。 We can all make a difference. 我们都可以做出改变。 Everybody here has an ability to use something 在座的所有人都有能力, 去用一些东西 to make a difference to the world. 来对这个世界做出改变。 We can all sit in front of the TV and go, 我们都可以坐在电视前说, "I don't know what to do about it," and forget about it. “我不知道要怎么做。” 然后就把它放在一边了。 But the reality is that we can all do something. 但事实是, 我们都可以做点什么。 It might be just writing a letter. 可能只是写一封信。 It might be standing on a soapbox and talking. 可能是站在街头的临时讲台上演讲, It might be just recording somebody's story 也可能只是记录某个人的故事, and telling it to somebody else. 并讲给其他人听。 But every single one of us here, 但对我们每个人来说, if we want to make a difference, we can, an there is nothing to stop us. 如果我们想要做出什么改变, 没有什么能阻挡我们。 And we all have our own experiences that we can use as well. 而且我们都能够运用 自己的亲身经历。 So really, that's all I wanted to talk about today. 所以这就是我今天想说的。 I just wanted to say that life goes on all around the world. 我想说,在这个世界上, 每个生命都在继续。 People are going through terrible things. 很多人生活在水深火热之中, Everyone of us is going through our own terrible experience. 我们每一个人, 都在承受着自己的苦难。 But if we share those and we talk about stories, 但如果我们分享并讲述这些故事, then we can inspire each other 就可以激励对方, to get through our own bad experiences. 撑过最难熬的时光。 I know that the people I've recorded have gotten me to this point. 我知道我所记录的人们激励了我。 And I hope in some small way, the stories I've been able to tell you 我希望,我今天讲述的这些故事, will help you get through things. 也能或多或少帮助你们渡过难关。 And in turn, I hope you will use your experiences to help others. 作为回报,我希望你们也能 用自己的经历来帮助别人。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 (Applause) (掌声)
