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I am a plant geneticist. [AI] 我是一名植物遗传学家。 I study genes that make plants resistant to disease [AI] 我研究使植物抗病的基因 and tolerant of stress. [AI] 能承受压力。 In recent years. [AI] 近年来,。 millions of people around the world have come to believe [AI] 全世界数百万人开始相信 that there's something sinister about genetic modification. [AI] 基因改造有点邪恶。 Today. I am going to provide a different perspective. [AI] 今天我将提供一个不同的视角。 First. let me introduce my husband. Raoul. [AI] 第一让我介绍一下我的丈夫。拉乌尔。 He's an organic farmer. [AI] 他是个有机农场主。 On his farm. he plants a variety of different crops. [AI] 在他的农场。他种了各种各样的作物。 This is one of the many ecological farming practices [AI] 这是许多生态农业实践之一 he uses to keep his farm healthy. [AI] 他经常保持他的农场健康。 Imagine some of the reactions we get: [AI] 想象一下我们得到的一些反应: "Really? An organic farmer and a plant geneticist? [AI] “真的吗?一个有机农场主和一个植物遗传学家? Can you agree on anything?" [AI] 你能同意什么吗?" Well. we can. and it's not difficult. because we have the same goal. [AI] 好我们可以。这并不难。因为我们有相同的目标。 We want to help nourish the growing population [AI] 我们想帮助养活不断增长的人口 without further destroying the environment. [AI] 不会进一步破坏环境。 I believe this is the greatest challenge of our time. [AI] 我相信这是我们这个时代最大的挑战。 Now. genetic modification is not new; [AI] 现在基因改造并不新鲜; virtually everything we eat has been genetically modified in some manner. [AI] 事实上,我们吃的每一样东西都经过某种方式的基因改造。 Let me give you a few examples. [AI] 让我举几个例子。 On the left is an image of the ancient ancestor of modern corn. [AI] 左边是现代玉米的远古祖先的图像。 You see a single roll of grain that's covered in a hard case. [AI] 你可以看到一卷谷物,包裹在一个坚硬的箱子里。 Unless you have a hammer. [AI] 除非你有锤子。 teosinte isn't good for making tortillas. [AI] Teosite不适合做玉米饼。 Now. take a look at the ancient ancestor of banana. [AI] 现在看看香蕉的古老祖先吧。 You can see the large seeds. [AI] 你可以看到大的种子。 And unappetizing brussel sprouts. [AI] 还有不好吃的布鲁塞尔豆芽。 and eggplant. so beautiful. [AI] 还有茄子。如此美丽。 Now. to create these varieties. [AI] 现在创造这些品种。 breeders have used many different genetic techniques over the years. [AI] 多年来,育种家使用了许多不同的基因技术。 Some of them are quite creative. [AI] 其中一些很有创意。 like mixing two different species together [AI] 就像把两种不同的物种混合在一起 using a process called grafting [AI] 使用一种叫做嫁接的方法 to create this variety that's half tomato and half potato. [AI] 创造一个一半是西红柿一半是土豆的品种。 Breeders have also used other types of genetic techniques. [AI] 育种家也使用了其他类型的基因技术。 such as random mutagenesis. [AI] 如随机突变。 which induces uncharacterized mutations into the plants. [AI] 导致植物发生非特征性突变。 The rice in the cereal that many of us fed our babies [AI] 我们许多人喂给婴儿的谷类食物中的大米 was developed using this approach. [AI] 是使用这种方法开发的。 Now. today. breeders have even more options to choose from. [AI] 现在今天育种者有更多的选择。 Some of them are extraordinarily precise. [AI] 其中有些非常精确。 I want to give you a couple examples from my own work. [AI] 我想给大家举几个我自己作品中的例子。 I work on rice. which is a staple food for more than half the world's people. [AI] 我做米饭。这是世界上一半以上人口的主食。 Each year. 40 percent of the potential harvest [AI] 每年。40%的潜在收获 is lost to pest and disease. [AI] 因为虫害和疾病而消失。 For this reason. farmers plant rice varieties that carry genes for resistance. [AI] 因此,。农民种植携带抗药性基因的水稻品种。 This approach has been used for nearly 100 years. [AI] 这种方法已经使用了近100年。 Yet. when I started graduate school. [AI] 然而当我开始读研究生时。 no one knew what these genes were. [AI] 没有人知道这些基因是什么。 It wasn't until the 1990s that scientists finally uncovered the genetic basis of resistance. [AI] 直到20世纪90年代,科学家才最终发现了抗性的基因基础。 In my laboratory. we isolated a gene for immunity to a very serious [AI] 在我的实验室里。我们分离出一种对一种非常严重的疾病具有免疫力的基因 bacterial disease in Asia and Africa. [AI] 亚洲和非洲的细菌性疾病。 We found we could engineer the gene into a conventional rice variety [AI] 我们发现我们可以将这种基因改造成一种传统的水稻品种 that's normally susceptible. [AI] 这通常是敏感的。 and you can see the two leaves on the bottom here are highly resistant to infection. [AI] 你可以看到底部的两片叶子对感染有很强的抵抗力。 Now. the same month that my laboratory published [AI] 现在就在我的实验室出版的同一个月 our discovery on the rice immunity gene. [AI] 水稻免疫基因的发现。 my friend and colleague Dave Mackill stopped by my office. [AI] 我的朋友兼同事戴夫·麦基尔(Dave Mackill)路过我的办公室。 He said. "Seventy million rice farmers are having trouble growing rice." [AI] 他说。“7000万稻农种植水稻遇到困难。” That's because their fields are flooded. [AI] 那是因为他们的田地被淹了。 and these rice farmers are living on less than two dollars a day. [AI] 这些稻农每天的生活费不到两美元。 Although rice grows well in standing water. [AI] 尽管水稻在静水中长得很好。 most rice varieties will die if they're submerged for more than three days. [AI] 大多数水稻品种如果浸泡超过三天就会死亡。 Flooding is expected to be increasingly problematic as the climate changes. [AI] 随着气候变化,洪水问题预计会越来越严重。 He told me that his graduate student Kenong Xu and himself [AI] 他告诉我他的研究生徐克农和他自己 were studying an ancient variety of rice that had an amazing property. [AI] 我们正在研究一种具有惊人特性的古老水稻品种。 It could withstand two weeks of complete submergence. [AI] 它可以承受两周的完全淹没。 He asked if I would be willing to help them isolate this gene. [AI] 他问我是否愿意帮助他们分离这个基因。 I said yes -- I was very excited. because I knew if we were successful. [AI] 我说是的,我非常激动。因为我知道如果我们成功了。 we could potentially help millions of farmers grow rice [AI] 我们有可能帮助数百万农民种植水稻 even when their fields were flooded. [AI] 甚至在他们的田地被洪水淹没的时候。 Kenong spent 10 years looking for this gene. [AI] 科农花了10年时间寻找这种基因。 Then one day. he said. [AI] 然后有一天。他说。 "Come look at this experiment. You've got to see it." [AI] “来看看这个实验,你一定要看到它。” I went to the greenhouse and I saw [AI] 我去了温室,看到了 that the conventional variety that was flooded for 18 days had died. [AI] 被淹水18天的传统品种已经死亡。 but the rice variety that we had genetically engineered [AI] 但是我们基因改造的水稻品种 with a new gene we had discovered. called Sub1. was alive. [AI] 我们发现了一种新基因。称为Sub1。他还活着。 Kenong and I were amazed and excited [AI] 克农和我都感到惊讶和兴奋 that a single gene could have this dramatic effect. [AI] 一个单一的基因就能产生如此巨大的效果。 But this is just a greenhouse experiment. [AI] 但这只是一个温室实验。 Would this work in the field? [AI] 这在野外行得通吗? Now. I'm going to show you a four-month time lapse video [AI] 现在我要给你们看一个四个月的延时录像 taken at the International Rice Research Institute. [AI] 在国际水稻研究所拍摄。 Breeders there developed a rice variety carrying the Sub1 gene [AI] 那里的育种家培育出了一种携带Sub1基因的水稻品种 using another genetic technique called precision breeding. [AI] 使用另一种称为精确育种的基因技术。 On the left. you can see the Sub1 variety. [AI] 在左边。你可以看到Sub1的变种。 and on the right is the conventional variety. [AI] 右边是传统的品种。 Both varieties do very well at first. [AI] 两个品种一开始都做得很好。 but then the field is flooded for 17 days. [AI] 但随后,田地被淹没了17天。 You can see the Sub1 variety does great. [AI] 你可以看到Sub1的品种做得很好。 In fact. it produces three and a half times more grain [AI] 事实上它生产的粮食是原来的三倍半 than the conventional variety. [AI] 比传统的品种。 I love this video [AI] 我喜欢这个视频 because it shows the power of plant genetics to help farmers. [AI] 因为它显示了植物基因对农民的帮助。 Last year. with the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. [AI] 去年。在比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会的帮助下。 three and a half million farmers grew Sub1 rice. [AI] 350万农民种植1号以下的水稻。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声) Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 Now. many people don't mind genetic modification [AI] 现在许多人不介意基因改造 when it comes to moving rice genes around. [AI] 当涉及到水稻基因的转移时。 rice genes in rice plants. [AI] 水稻植物中的水稻基因。 or even when it comes to mixing species together [AI] 甚至当涉及到混合物种时 through grafting or random mutagenesis. [AI] 通过嫁接或随机突变。 But when it comes to taking genes from viruses and bacteria [AI] 但当涉及到从病毒和细菌中提取基因时 and putting them into plants. [AI] 把它们放进植物里。 a lot of people say. "Yuck." [AI] 很多人说。“恶心。” Why would you do that? [AI] 你为什么要那样做? The reason is that sometimes it's the cheapest. safest. [AI] 原因是有时候它是最便宜的。最安全的。 and most effective technology [AI] 而且是最有效的技术 for enhancing food security and advancing sustainable agriculture. [AI] 加强粮食安全和推进可持续农业。 I'm going to give you three examples. [AI] 我将给你们三个例子。 First. take a look at papaya. It's delicious. right? [AI] 第一看看木瓜。很好吃。正当 But now. look at this papaya. [AI] 但是现在。看看这个木瓜。 This papaya is infected with papaya ringspot virus. [AI] 这只番木瓜感染了番木瓜环斑病毒。 In the 1950s. this virus nearly wiped out the entire production of papaya on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. [AI] 20世纪50年代。这种病毒几乎摧毁了夏威夷瓦胡岛木瓜的全部生产。 Many people thought that the Hawaiian papaya was doomed. [AI] 许多人认为夏威夷木瓜是命中注定的。 but then. a local Hawaiian. [AI] 但是后来。当地的夏威夷人。 a plant pathologist named Dennis Gonsalves. [AI] 一位名叫丹尼斯·冈萨尔维斯的植物病理学家。 decided to try to fight this disease using genetic engineering. [AI] 决定尝试用基因工程来对抗这种疾病。 He took a snippet of viral DNA and he inserted it [AI] 他提取了一段病毒DNA并插入其中 into the papaya genome. [AI] 进入番木瓜基因组。 This is kind of like a human getting a vaccination. [AI] 这有点像人类接种疫苗。 Now. take a look at his field trial. [AI] 现在看看他的现场试验。 You can see the genetically engineered papaya in the center. [AI] 你可以在中心看到转基因木瓜。 It's immune to infection. [AI] 它对感染有免疫力。 The conventional papaya around the outside is severely infected with the virus. [AI] 外面的传统木瓜严重感染了病毒。 Dennis' pioneering work is credited with rescuing the papaya industry. [AI] 丹尼斯的开创性工作被认为是拯救木瓜产业的功劳。 Today. 20 years later. there's still no other method to control this disease. [AI] 今天20年后。目前还没有其他方法来控制这种疾病。 There's no organic method. There's no conventional method. [AI] 没有有机的方法。没有常规的方法。 Eighty percent of Hawaiian papaya is genetically engineered. [AI] 百分之八十的夏威夷木瓜是转基因的。 Now. some of you may still feel a little queasy about viral genes in your food. [AI] 现在你们中的一些人可能仍然对食物中的病毒基因感到不安。 but consider this: [AI] 但是考虑一下: The genetically engineered papaya carries just a trace amount of the virus. [AI] 基因工程木瓜只携带微量病毒。 If you bite into an organic or conventional papaya that is infected with the virus. [AI] 如果你咬了一个感染了病毒的有机或传统木瓜。 you will be chewing on tenfold more viral protein. [AI] 你将咀嚼10倍以上的病毒蛋白。 Now. take a look at this pest feasting on an eggplant. [AI] 现在看看这个吃茄子的害虫。 The brown you see is frass. [AI] 你看到的棕色是弗劳斯。 what comes out the back end of the insect. [AI] 什么从昆虫的后端出来。 To control this serious pest. [AI] 控制这种严重的害虫。 which can devastate the entire eggplant crop in Bangladesh. [AI] 这会毁掉孟加拉国的整个茄子作物。 Bangladeshi farmers spray insecticides two to three times a week. [AI] 孟加拉国农民每周喷洒杀虫剂两到三次。 sometimes twice a day. when pest pressure is high. [AI] 有时一天两次。当害虫压力高时。 But we know that some insecticides are very harmful to human health. [AI] 但是我们知道有些杀虫剂对人类健康非常有害。 especially when farmers and their families [AI] 尤其是当农民和他们的家庭 cannot afford proper protection. like these children. [AI] 无法提供适当的保护。像这些孩子。 In less developed countries. it's estimated that 300.000 people [AI] 在欠发达国家。据估计有30万人 die every year because of insecticide misuse and exposure. [AI] 每年都因滥用杀虫剂和接触杀虫剂而死亡。 Cornell and Bangladeshi scientists decided to fight this disease [AI] 康奈尔大学和孟加拉国科学家决定与这种疾病作斗争 using a genetic technique that builds on an organic farming approach. [AI] 使用基于有机耕作方法的基因技术。 Organic farmers like my husband Raoul spray an insecticide called B.T.. [AI] 像我丈夫拉乌尔这样的有机农民喷洒一种叫做B.T.的杀虫剂。。 which is based on a bacteria. [AI] 这是基于细菌的。 This pesticide is very specific to caterpillar pests. [AI] 这种杀虫剂对毛虫害虫非常专一。 and in fact. it's nontoxic to humans. fish and birds. [AI] 事实上。它对人类无毒。鱼和鸟。 It's less toxic than table salt. [AI] 它的毒性比食盐小。 But this approach does not work well in Bangladesh. [AI] 但这种方法在孟加拉国并不奏效。 That's because these insecticide sprays [AI] 那是因为这些杀虫剂喷雾剂 are difficult to find. they're expensive. [AI] 很难找到。它们很贵。 and they don't prevent the insect from getting inside the plants. [AI] 它们也不能阻止昆虫进入植物内部。 In the genetic approach. scientists cut the gene out of the bacteria [AI] 在遗传方法中。科学家们从细菌中去除了这种基因 and insert it directly into the eggplant genome. [AI] 并将其直接插入茄子基因组。 Will this work to reduce insecticide sprays in Bangladesh? [AI] 这将有助于减少孟加拉国的杀虫剂喷洒量吗? Definitely. [AI] 肯定 Last season. farmers reported they were able to reduce their insecticide use [AI] 上一季。农民报告说他们能够减少杀虫剂的使用 by a huge amount. almost down to zero. [AI] 数量巨大。几乎降到零。 They're able to harvest and replant for the next season. [AI] 他们能够为下一个季节收割和重新种植。 Now. I've given you a couple examples of how genetic engineering can be used [AI] 现在我给你们举了几个例子,说明基因工程是如何被应用的 to fight pests and disease [AI] 防治病虫害 and to reduce the amount of insecticides. [AI] 以及减少杀虫剂的用量。 My final example is an example [AI] 我的最后一个例子就是一个例子 where genetic engineering can be used to reduce malnutrition. [AI] 基因工程可以用来减少营养不良。 In less developed countries. [AI] 在欠发达国家。 500.000 children go blind every year because of lack of Vitamin A. [AI] 每年有50万儿童因缺乏维生素A而失明。 More than half will die. [AI] 超过一半的人将死亡。 For this reason. scientists supported by the Rockefeller Foundation [AI] 因此,。洛克菲勒基金会资助的科学家 genetically engineered a golden rice [AI] 转基因金米 to produce beta-carotene. which is the precursor of Vitamin A. [AI] 产生β-胡萝卜素。它是维生素A的前体。 This is the same pigment that we find in carrots. [AI] 这是我们在胡萝卜中发现的同一种色素。 Researchers estimate that just one cup of golden rice per day [AI] 研究人员估计,每天只有一杯金米 will save the lives of thousands of children. [AI] 将拯救成千上万儿童的生命。 But golden rice is virulently opposed by activists who are against genetic modification. [AI] 但反对基因改造的活动家强烈反对金大米。 Just last year. [AI] 就在去年。 activists invaded and destroyed a field trial in the Philippines. [AI] 激进分子入侵并摧毁了菲律宾的一次实地审判。 When I heard about the destruction. [AI] 当我听到毁灭的消息时。 I wondered if they knew that they were destroying much more [AI] 我想知道他们是否知道他们正在摧毁更多的东西 than a scientific research project. [AI] 而不是一个科学研究项目。 that they were destroying medicines that children desperately needed [AI] 他们正在销毁儿童急需的药物 to save their sight and their lives. [AI] 拯救他们的视力和生命。 Some of my friends and family still worry: [AI] 我的一些朋友和家人仍然担心: How do you know genes in the food are safe to eat? [AI] 你怎么知道食物中的基因可以安全食用? I explained the genetic engineering. [AI] 我解释了基因工程。 the process of moving genes between species. [AI] 在物种之间移动基因的过程。 has been used for more than 40 years [AI] 已经使用了40多年 in wines. in medicine. in plants. in cheeses. [AI] 在葡萄酒中。在医学方面。在植物中。在奶酪里。 In all that time. there hasn't been a single case of harm to human health or the environment. [AI] 一直以来。迄今为止,还没有一个案例对人类健康或环境造成危害。 But I say. look. I'm not asking you to believe me. [AI] 但是我说。看我不是要你相信我。 Science is not a belief system. [AI] 科学不是一个信仰体系。 My opinion doesn't matter. [AI] 我的意见无关紧要。 Let's look at the evidence. [AI] 让我们看看证据。 After 20 years of careful study and rigorous peer review [AI] 经过20年的仔细研究和严格的同行评审 by thousands of independent scientists. [AI] 由数千名独立的科学家。 every major scientific organization in the world has concluded [AI] 世界上每一个主要的科学组织都已经得出结论 that the crops currently on the market are safe to eat [AI] 目前市场上出售的农作物可以安全食用 and that the process of genetic engineering [AI] 这就是基因工程的过程 is no more risky than older methods of genetic modification. [AI] 它的风险并不比旧的基因改造方法高。 These are precisely the same organizations that most of us trust [AI] 这些正是我们大多数人信任的组织 when it comes to other important scientific issues [AI] 当涉及到其他重要的科学问题时 such as global climate change or the safety of vaccines. [AI] 比如全球气候变化或者疫苗的安全性。 Raoul and I believe that. instead of worrying about the genes in our food. [AI] 拉乌尔和我相信这一点。而不是担心我们食物中的基因。 we must focus on how we can help children grow up healthy. [AI] 我们必须关注如何帮助儿童健康成长。 We must ask if farmers in rural communities can thrive. [AI] 我们必须问问农村社区的农民是否能够茁壮成长。 and if everyone can afford the food. [AI] 如果每个人都能买得起食物。 We must try to minimize environmental degradation. [AI] 我们必须尽量减少环境退化。 What scares me most about the loud arguments and misinformation about plant genetics [AI] 关于植物遗传学的激烈争论和错误信息最让我害怕的是什么 is that the poorest people who most need the technology [AI] 这是最需要技术的最贫穷的人吗 may be denied access because of the vague fears and prejudices of those who have enough to eat. [AI] 可能因为那些有足够食物的人的模糊恐惧和偏见而被拒绝进入。 We have a huge challenge in front of us. [AI] 我们面临着巨大的挑战。 Let's celebrate scientific innovation and use it. [AI] 让我们庆祝并利用科学创新。 It's our responsibility [AI] 这是我们的责任 to do everything we can to help alleviate human suffering [AI] 尽我们所能帮助减轻人类痛苦 and safeguard the environment. [AI] 保护环境。 Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声) Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 Chris Anderson: Powerfully argued. [AI] 克里斯·安德森:有力地争辩。 The people who argue against GMOs. [AI] 反对转基因生物的人。 as I understand it. the core piece comes from two things. [AI] 据我所知。核心部分来自两个方面。 One. complexity and unintended consequence. [AI] 一复杂性和意外后果。 Nature is this incredibly complex machine. [AI] 大自然就是这台极其复杂的机器。 If we put out these brand new genes that we've created. [AI] 如果我们把这些我们创造出来的全新基因放出来。 that haven't been challenged by years of evolution. [AI] 这并没有受到多年进化的挑战。 and they started mixing up with the rest of what's going on. [AI] 他们开始和其他的事情混在一起。 couldn't that trigger some kind of cataclysm or problem. [AI] 难道这不会引发某种灾难或问题吗。 especially when you add in the commercial incentive [AI] 特别是当你加入商业激励时 that some companies have to put them out there? [AI] 一些公司不得不把它们放在那里? The fear is that those incentives [AI] 令人担忧的是,这些激励措施 mean that the decision is not made on purely scientific grounds. [AI] 这意味着决策不是基于纯粹的科学依据。 and even if it was. that there would be unintended consequences. [AI] 即使是这样。会有意料之外的后果。 How do we know that there isn't a big risk of some unintended consequence? [AI] 我们怎么知道没有发生意外后果的大风险? Often our tinkerings with nature do lead to big. unintended consequences [AI] 我们对大自然的修修补补常常会导致巨大的灾难。意外后果 and chain reactions. [AI] 以及连锁反应。 Pamela Ronald: Okay. so on the commercial aspects. [AI] 帕梅拉·罗纳德:好的。商业方面也是如此。 one thing that's really important to understand is that. [AI] 有一点非常重要,那就是要理解。 in the developed world. farmers in the United States. [AI] 在发达国家。美国的农民。 almost all farmers. whether they're organic or conventional. [AI] 几乎所有的农民。不管是有机的还是传统的。 they buy seed produced by seed companies. [AI] 他们购买种子公司生产的种子。 So there's definitely a commercial interest to sell a lot of seed. [AI] 所以出售大量种子肯定有商业利益。 but hopefully they're selling seed that the farmers want to buy. [AI] 但希望他们卖的是农民想买的种子。 It's different in the less developed world. [AI] 这在欠发达国家是不同的。 Farmers there cannot afford the seed. [AI] 那里的农民买不起种子。 These seeds are not being sold. [AI] 这些种子没有出售。 These seeds are being distributed freely through traditional kinds of certification groups. [AI] 这些种子通过传统的认证团体自由分发。 so it is very important in less developed countries [AI] 因此,这在欠发达国家非常重要 that the seed be freely available. [AI] 种子可以免费获得。 CA: Wouldn't some activists say that this is actually part of the conspiracy? [AI] CA:难道一些活动人士不会说这实际上是阴谋的一部分吗? This is the heroin strategy. [AI] 这就是海洛因策略。 You seed the stuff. and people have no choice [AI] 你播下种子。人们别无选择 but to be hooked on these seeds forever? [AI] 但是永远被这些种子所吸引? PR: There are a lot of conspiracy theories for sure. but it doesn't work that way. [AI] 公关:有很多阴谋论是肯定的。但不是这样的。 For example. the seed that's being distributed. the flood-tolerant rice. [AI] 例如正在分发的种子。耐洪水的水稻。 this is distributed freely [AI] 这是免费分发的 through Indian and Bangladeshi seed certification agencies. [AI] 通过印度和孟加拉国种子认证机构。 so there's no commercial interest at all. [AI] 所以根本没有商业利益。 The golden rice was developed through support of the Rockefeller Foundation. [AI] 金稻是通过洛克菲勒基金会的支持而发展起来的。 Again. it's being freely distributed. [AI] 再一次它正在免费分发。 There are no commercial profits in this situation. [AI] 在这种情况下没有商业利润。 And now to address your other question about. well. mixing genes. [AI] 现在来回答你的另一个问题。好混合基因。 aren't there some unintended consequences? [AI] 难道没有一些意想不到的后果吗? Absolutely -- every time we do something different. [AI] 当然,每次我们做不同的事情。 there's an unintended consequence. [AI] 这是一个意想不到的后果。 but one of the points I was trying to make [AI] 但我想说的一点是 is that we've been doing kind of crazy things to our plants. [AI] 我们一直在对我们的工厂做一些疯狂的事情。 mutagenesis using radiation or chemical mutagenesis. [AI] 使用辐射或化学诱变的诱变。 This induces thousands of uncharacterized mutations. [AI] 这导致了成千上万的非特征突变。 and this is even a higher risk of unintended consequence [AI] 这是一个更高的意外后果风险 than many of the modern methods. [AI] 比许多现代方法都好。 And so it's really important not to use the term GMO [AI] 因此,不使用“转基因”一词非常重要 because it's scientifically meaningless. [AI] 因为它在科学上毫无意义。 I feel it's very important to talk about a specific crop [AI] 我觉得谈论一种特定的作物非常重要 and a specific product. and think about the needs of the consumer. [AI] 和特定的产品。并考虑消费者的需求。 CA: So part of what's happening here is that there's a mental model [AI] CA:所以这里发生的部分事情是有一个心理模型 in a lot of people that nature is nature. and it's pure and pristine. [AI] 在很多人看来,自然就是自然。它是纯净的,原始的。 and to tinker with it is Frankensteinian. [AI] 修补它是科学怪人。 It's making something that's pure dangerous in some way. [AI] 它在制造一些在某种程度上纯粹危险的东西。 and I think you're saying that that whole model [AI] 我想你是说整个模型 just misunderstands how nature is. [AI] 只是误解了自然是怎样的。 Nature is a much more chaotic interplay of genetic changes [AI] 自然界是基因变化的一个更加混乱的相互作用 that have been happening all the time anyway. [AI] 无论如何,这种情况一直在发生。 PR: That's absolutely true. and there's no such thing as pure food. [AI] 公关:这是绝对正确的。没有纯食物这回事。 I mean. you could not spray eggplant with insecticides [AI] 我是说。你不能用杀虫剂喷洒茄子 or not genetically engineer it. but then you'd be stuck eating frass. [AI] 或者不是基因工程。但你会被困在吃弗劳斯。 So there's no purity there. [AI] 所以这里没有纯度。 CA: Pam Ronald. thank you. That was powerfully argued. [AI] CA:帕姆·罗纳德。非常感谢。这是强有力的辩论。 PR: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. [AI] 公关:非常感谢。我很感激。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
