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So when you think about a child. a close friend. or a romantic partner. [AI] 所以当你想到一个孩子的时候。密友。或者是一个浪漫的伴侣。 the word "love" probably comes to mind. [AI] “爱”这个词可能会出现在我的脑海中。 and instantly other emotions rush in: [AI] 其他情绪也会立刻涌上心头: joy and hope. [AI] 快乐和希望。 excitement. trust and security. [AI] 激动信任和安全。 and yes. sometimes sadness and disappointment. [AI] 是的。有时是悲伤和失望。 There might not be a word in the dictionary [AI] 字典里可能一个字也没有 that more of us are connected to than love. [AI] 我们中更多的人与爱联系在一起。 Yet. given its central importance in our lives. [AI] 然而考虑到它在我们生活中的核心重要性。 isn't it interesting that we're never explicitly taught how to love? [AI] 我们从未被明确地教导如何去爱,这不是很有趣吗? We build friendships. [AI] 我们建立友谊。 navigate early romantic relationships. [AI] 浏览早期的浪漫关系。 get married and bring babies home from the hospital [AI] 结婚,把孩子从医院带回家 with the expectation that we'll figure it out. [AI] 希望我们能解决这个问题。 But the truth is. we often harm and disrespect the ones we love. [AI] 但事实是。我们经常伤害和不尊重我们所爱的人。 It can be subtle things [AI] 它可以是微妙的事情 like guilting a friend into spending time with you [AI] 就像诱使一个朋友花时间和你在一起 or sneaking a peak at your partner's texts [AI] 或者偷看对方的短信 or shaming a child for their lack of effort at school. [AI] 或者因为孩子在学校不努力而羞辱他们。 100 percent of us will be on the receiving end [AI] 我们100%的人都会在接收端 of unhealthy relationship behaviors [AI] 不良关系行为的预防 and 100 percent of us will do unhealthy things. [AI] 我们100%的人都会做不健康的事情。 It's part of being human. [AI] 这是人类的一部分。 In its worst form. the harm we inflict on loved ones [AI] 以最糟糕的形式。我们对所爱的人造成的伤害 shows up as abuse and violence. [AI] 表现为虐待和暴力。 and relationship abuse [AI] 和关系虐待 is something that one in three women and one in four men [AI] 三分之一的女性和四分之一的男性 will experience in their lifetime. [AI] 将在他们的一生中经历。 Now. if you're like most people. when you hear those stats. [AI] 现在如果你和大多数人一样。当你听到这些数据时。 you'll go. "Oh. no. no. no. that would never happen to me." [AI] 你会去的。“哦,不,不,不,那不会发生在我身上。” It's instinctual to move away from the words "abuse" and "violence." [AI] 人们本能地会避开“虐待”和“暴力”这两个词 to think that they happen to someone else somewhere else. [AI] 认为他们发生在别人身上。 But the truth is. unhealthy relationships and abuse are all around us. [AI] 但事实是。不健康的关系和虐待无处不在。 We just call them different things and ignore the connection. [AI] 我们只是称它们为不同的东西,而忽略了它们之间的联系。 Abuse sneaks up on us disguised in unhealthy love. [AI] 虐待在不健康的爱情中悄悄地向我们袭来。 I work for an organization called One Love [AI] 我为一个叫“爱一”的组织工作 started by a family whose daughter Yeardley was killed by her ex-boyfriend. [AI] 由一个家庭发起,她的女儿Yeardley被前男友杀害。 This was a tragedy no one saw coming. [AI] 这是一场没有人预见到的悲剧。 but when they looked back. they realized the warning signs were there [AI] 但是当他们回头看的时候。他们意识到警告信号就在那里 just no one understood what they were seeing. [AI] 只是没人知道他们看到了什么。 Called crazy or drama or too much drinking. [AI] 被称为疯狂、戏剧或酗酒。 his actions weren't understood to be what they really were. [AI] 他的行为没有被理解为真正的行为。 which was clear signs of danger. [AI] 这是明显的危险迹象。 Her family realized that if anyone had been educated about these signs. [AI] 她的家人意识到,如果有人接受过关于这些迹象的教育。 her death could have been prevented. [AI] 她的死本来是可以避免的。 So today we're on a mission to make sure [AI] 所以今天我们的任务是确保 that others have the information that Yeardley and her friends didn't. [AI] 其他人有Yeardley和她的朋友没有的信息。 We have three main goals: [AI] 我们有三个主要目标: give all of us a language for talking about a subject [AI] 给我们所有人一种谈论某一主题的语言 that's quite awkward and uncomfortable to discuss; [AI] 这是非常尴尬和不舒服的讨论; empower a whole front line. namely friends. to help; [AI] 授权整个前线。就是朋友。帮助; and. in the process. improve all of our ability to love better. [AI] 和在这个过程中。提高我们的爱的能力。 To do this. it's always important to start by illuminating [AI] 这样做。从照明开始总是很重要的 the unhealthy signs that we frequently miss. [AI] 我们经常忽略的不健康迹象。 and our work really focuses on creating content [AI] 我们的工作重点是创建内容 to start conversations with young people. [AI] 开始与年轻人对话。 As you'd expect. most of our content is pretty serious. [AI] 如你所料。我们的大部分内容都很严肃。 given the subject at hand. [AI] 考虑到眼前的主题。 but today I'm going to use one of our more light-hearted [AI] 但今天我要用一种更轻松的方式 yet still thought-provoking pieces. [AI] 但仍然是发人深省的作品。 "The Couplets." [AI] “对联。” to illuminate five markers of unhealthy love. [AI] 照亮五个不健康爱情的标记。 The first is intensity. [AI] 首先是强度。 (Video) Blue: I haven't seen you in a couple days. I've missed you. [AI] (视频)布鲁:我已经好几天没见到你了。我失去你了 Orange: I've missed you too. (#thatslove) [AI] 奥兰治:我也很想你。(#thatslove) Blue: I haven't seen you in five minutes. It feels like a lifetime. [AI] 布鲁:我已经五分钟没见到你了。感觉像是一辈子。 What have you been doing without me for five whole minutes? [AI] 整整五分钟没有我你在干什么? Orange: It's been three minutes. (#thatsnotlove) [AI] 橙色:已经三分钟了。(#那不是爱) Katie Hood: Anybody recognize that? I don't know. I do. [AI] 凯蒂·胡德:有人认识吗?我不知道。我愿意。 Abusive relationships don't start out abusive. [AI] 虐待的关系不是从虐待开始的。 They start out exciting and exhilarating. [AI] 他们开始时既兴奋又兴奋。 There's an intensity of affection and emotion. a rush. [AI] 有强烈的感情和情感。匆忙。 It feels really good. [AI] 感觉真的很好。 You feel so lucky. like you've hit the jackpot. [AI] 你觉得很幸运。就像你中了头彩一样。 But in unhealthy love. these feelings shift over time [AI] 但是在不健康的爱情中。这些感觉会随着时间的推移而改变 from exciting to overwhelming and maybe a little bit suffocating. [AI] 从兴奋到压倒性,也许有点令人窒息。 You feel it in your gut. [AI] 你感觉到了。 Maybe it's when your new boyfriend or girlfriend [AI] 也许是你的新男朋友或女朋友 says "I love you" faster than you were ready for [AI] 说“我爱你”的速度比你准备的要快 or starts showing up everywhere. texting and calling a lot. [AI] 或者开始到处出现。经常发短信和打电话。 Maybe they're impatient when you're slow to respond. [AI] 当你反应迟钝时,他们可能会不耐烦。 even though they know you had other things going on that day. [AI] 即使他们知道你那天还有其他事情。 It's important to remember that it's not how a relationship starts that matters. [AI] 重要的是要记住,重要的不是一段关系如何开始。 it's how it evolves. [AI] 这就是它的发展过程。 It's important in the early days of a new relationship [AI] 在新关系的初期,这很重要 to pay attention to how you're feeling. [AI] 注意你的感受。 Are you comfortable with the pace of intimacy? [AI] 你对亲密的节奏感到舒服吗? Do you feel like you have space and room to breathe? [AI] 你觉得你有空间和空间呼吸吗? It's also really important to start practicing using your voice [AI] 开始练习使用你的声音也是非常重要的 to talk about your own needs. [AI] 谈谈你自己的需要。 Are your requests respected? [AI] 你的要求得到尊重了吗? A second marker is isolation. [AI] 第二个标志是隔离。 (Video) Orange 2: Want to hang out? [AI] (视频)橙色2:想出去玩吗? Orange 1: Me and my boyfriend always have Monday Funday. [AI] 橙色1:我和我男朋友总是在星期一放假。 Orange 2: Want to hang out? [AI] 橙色2:想出去玩吗? Orange 1: Me and my boyfriend always have Monday Funday. [AI] 橙色1:我和我男朋友总是在星期一放假。 Orange 2: Tomorrow? Orange 1: It's our Tuesday Snooze Day. [AI] 橙色2:明天?橙色1:这是我们周二的打盹日。 Orange 2: Wednesday? Orange 1: No Friends Day. [AI] 橙色2:星期三?橙色1:没有朋友节。 KH: If you ask me. isolation is one of the most frequently missed [AI] 如果你问我的话。孤立是最常被忽视的问题之一 and misunderstood signs of unhealthy love. [AI] 以及被误解的不健康爱情的迹象。 Why? [AI] 为什么? Because every new relationship starts out with this intense desire [AI] 因为每一段新的关系都是从这种强烈的欲望开始的 to spend time together. [AI] 花时间在一起。 it's easy to miss when something shifts. [AI] 当某些东西移动时,很容易错过。 Isolation creeps in when your new boyfriend or girlfriend [AI] 当你的新男朋友或女朋友出现时,你会感到孤独 starts pulling you away from your friends and family. [AI] 开始让你远离你的朋友和家人。 your support system. [AI] 你的支持系统。 and tethering you more tightly to them. [AI] 把你和他们绑得更紧。 They might say things like. [AI] 他们可能会这样说。 "Why do you hang out with them? They're such losers" [AI] “你为什么要和他们在一起?他们都是失败者” about your best friends. [AI] 关于你最好的朋友。 or. "They want us to break up. They're totally against us" [AI] 或“他们要我们分手,他们完全反对我们” about your family. [AI] 关于你的家庭。 Isolation is about sowing seeds of doubt [AI] 隔离就是播下怀疑的种子 about everyone from your prerelationship life. [AI] 关于你婚前生活中的每一个人。 Healthy love includes independence. [AI] 健康的爱情包括独立。 two people who love spending time together [AI] 两个喜欢在一起的人 but who stay connected to the people and activities they cared about before. [AI] 但是他们与以前关心的人和活动保持联系。 While at first you might spend every waking minute together. [AI] 起初你们可能会在一起度过醒着的每一分钟。 over time maintaining independence is key. [AI] 随着时间的推移,保持独立性是关键。 You do this by making plans with friends and sticking to them [AI] 你可以通过与朋友制定计划并坚持下去来做到这一点 and encouraging your partner to do the same. [AI] 鼓励你的伴侣也这样做。 A third marker of unhealthy love is extreme jealousy. [AI] 不健康爱情的第三个标志是极度嫉妒。 (Video) Blue 2: What are you so happy about? [AI] (视频)蓝色2:你为什么这么高兴? Blue 1: She just started following me on Instagram! [AI] 蓝色1:她刚开始在Instagram上跟踪我! Blue 2: What are you so nervous about? [AI] 蓝色2:你为什么这么紧张? Blue 1: She. she just started following me. like. everywhere. [AI] 蓝色1:她。她刚开始跟踪我。喜欢处处 (#thatsnotlove) [AI] (#那不是爱) KH: As the honeymoon period begins to fade. [AI] 随着蜜月期开始消退。 extreme jealousy can creep in. [AI] 极度的嫉妒会悄悄地出现。 Your partner might become more demanding. [AI] 你的伴侣可能会变得更苛刻。 needing to know where you are and who you're with all the time. [AI] 需要知道你在哪里,和谁在一起。 or they might start following you everywhere. online and off. [AI] 或者他们可能开始到处跟着你。在线和离线。 Extreme jealousy also brings with it possessiveness and mistrust. [AI] 极度嫉妒也会带来占有欲和不信任。 frequent accusations of flirting with other people or cheating. [AI] 经常被指控与他人调情或欺骗。 and refusal to listen to you when you tell them [AI] 当你告诉他们的时候,他们拒绝听你的 they have nothing to worry about and that you only love them. [AI] 他们没有什么可担心的,你只爱他们。 Jealousy is a part of any human relationship. [AI] 嫉妒是任何人际关系的一部分。 but extreme jealousy is different. [AI] 但极端嫉妒则不同。 There's a threatening. desperate and angry edge to it. [AI] 有一个威胁。绝望和愤怒的边缘。 Love shouldn't feel like this. [AI] 爱不应该有这种感觉。 A fourth marker is belittling. [AI] 第四个标记是贬低。 (Video) Blue: Wanna hang out? Orange: I gotta study. [AI] (视频)蓝色:想出去玩吗?奥兰治:我要学习。 Blue: You'll get an A anyway. A for amazing. (#thatslove) [AI] 蓝:不管怎样,你都会得到A。这是一个令人惊奇的故事。(#thatslove) Blue: Wanna hang out? Orange: I gotta study. [AI] 蓝:想出去玩吗?奥兰治:我要学习。 Blue: You'll get an F anyway. [AI] 蓝:不管怎样,你都会得到F。 F for. F for... stupid. (#thatsnotlove) [AI] F代表。F代表。。。愚蠢的(#那不是爱) KH: Yeah. hmm. [AI] 是的。隐马尔可夫模型。 In unhealthy love. words are used as weapons. [AI] 在不健康的爱情中。语言被用作武器。 Conversations that used to be fun and lighthearted [AI] 曾经是有趣和轻松的对话 turn mean and embarrassing. [AI] 变得卑鄙和尴尬。 Maybe your partner makes fun of you in a way that hurts. [AI] 也许你的伴侣以一种伤害你的方式取笑你。 or maybe they tell stories and jokes for laughs at your expense. [AI] 或者他们会讲故事和笑话取笑你。 When you try to explain that your feelings have been hurt. [AI] 当你试图解释你的感情受到伤害时。 they shut you down and accuse you of overreacting. [AI] 他们让你闭嘴,指责你反应过度。 "Why are you so sensitive? What's your problem. Give me a break." [AI] “你为什么这么敏感?你有什么问题。饶了我吧。” You are silenced by these words. [AI] 这些话让你哑口无言。 It seems pretty obvious. but your partner should have your back. [AI] 这似乎很明显。但你的伴侣应该支持你。 Their words should build you up. not break you down. [AI] 他们的话会让你振作起来。不会让你崩溃的。 They should keep your secrets and be loyal. [AI] 他们应该保守你的秘密并忠诚。 They should make you feel more confident. [AI] 他们应该让你感觉更自信。 not less. [AI] 不少。 Finally. a fifth marker: volatility. [AI] 最后第五个标志:波动性。 (Video) Orange 1: I'd be sad if we broke up. [AI] (视频)橙色1:如果我们分手了,我会很难过。 Orange 2: I'd be sad too. (#thatslove) [AI] 橙色2:我也会难过的。(#thatslove) Orange 1: I'd so depressed if we ever broke up. [AI] 橙色1:如果我们分手,我会很沮丧。 I'd throw myself off this step. [AI] 我会跳下这一步。 I would! Don't try to stop me! [AI] 我会的!别想阻止我! (#thatsnotlove) [AI] (#那不是爱) KH: Frequent breakups and makeups. high highs and low lows: [AI] KH:经常分手和化妆。高高和低低: as tension rises. so does volatility. [AI] 随着紧张局势的加剧。波动性也是如此。 Tearful. frustrated fights followed by emotional makeups. [AI] 含泪的。失意的争吵之后是情绪化的化妆。 hateful and hurtful comments like. [AI] 像这样可恨和有害的评论。 "You're worthless. I'm not even sure why I'm with you!" [AI] “你一文不值。我甚至不知道我为什么和你在一起!” followed quickly by apologies and promises it will never happen again. [AI] 紧接着是道歉和承诺,这种事永远不会再发生。 By this point. you've been so conditioned to this relationship roller coaster [AI] 至此。你已经习惯了这种关系的过山车 that you may not realize how unhealthy and maybe even dangerous [AI] 你可能没有意识到有多不健康,甚至有多危险 your relationship has become. [AI] 你们的关系变得很好。 It can be really hard to see [AI] 这真的很难看到 when unhealthy love turns towards abuse. [AI] 当不健康的爱变成虐待。 but it's fair to say that the more of these markers [AI] 但可以公平地说,这些标记越多 your relationship might have. [AI] 你们的关系可能有问题。 the more unhealthy and maybe dangerous your relationship could be. [AI] 你们的关系可能越不健康,也可能越危险。 And if your instinct is to break up and leave. [AI] 如果你的本能是分手然后离开。 which is advice so many of us give our friends [AI] 这就是我们很多人给朋友的建议 when they're in unhealthy relationships. [AI] 当他们处于不健康的关系中时。 that's not always the best advice. [AI] 这并不总是最好的建议。 Time of breakup can be a real trigger for violence. [AI] 分手的时间可能是引发暴力的真正原因。 If you fear you might be headed towards abuse or in abuse. [AI] 如果你担心你可能会被虐待或被虐待。 you need to consult with experts to get the advice on how to leave safely. [AI] 你需要咨询专家以获得如何安全离开的建议。 But it's not just about romantic relationships [AI] 但这不仅仅是关于浪漫关系 and it's not just about violence. [AI] 这不仅仅是暴力。 Understanding the signs of unhealthy love [AI] 了解不健康爱情的迹象 can help you audit and understand nearly every relationship in your life. [AI] 可以帮助你审核和理解生活中几乎每一段关系。 For the first time. you might understand why you're disappointed in a friendship [AI] 这是第一次。你可能理解为什么你对友谊感到失望 or why every interaction with a certain family member [AI] 或者为什么每次与某个家庭成员的互动 leaves you discouraged and anxious. [AI] 让你感到沮丧和焦虑。 You might even begin to see how your own intensity and jealousy [AI] 你甚至可能开始看到你自己的紧张和嫉妒 is causing problems with colleagues at work. [AI] 导致同事在工作中出现问题。 Understanding is the first step to improving. [AI] 理解是改进的第一步。 and while you can't make every unhealthy relationship healthy -- [AI] 虽然你不能让每一段不健康的关系都健康-- some you're going to have to leave behind -- [AI] 有些你将不得不留下-- you can do your part every day to do relationships better. [AI] 你可以每天尽自己的一份力来改善人际关系。 And here's the exciting news: [AI] 下面是令人兴奋的消息: it's actually not rocket science. [AI] 这其实不是火箭科学。 Open communication. mutual respect. [AI] 开放式沟通。相互尊重。 kindness. patience -- [AI] 仁慈忍耐-- we can practice these things every day. [AI] 我们可以每天练习这些东西。 And while practice will definitely make you better. [AI] 而练习肯定会让你变得更好。 I have to promise you it's also not going to make you perfect. [AI] 我必须向你保证这也不会让你变得完美。 I do this for a living [AI] 我是靠这个谋生的 and every day I think and talk about healthy relationships. [AI] 每天我都在思考和谈论健康的人际关系。 and still I do unhealthy things. [AI] 我仍然做不健康的事情。 Just the other day as I was trying to shuttle my four kids out the door [AI] 就在前几天,我正试图把我的四个孩子送出门 amidst quarreling. squabbling and complaints about breakfast. [AI] 在争吵中。关于早餐的争吵和抱怨。 I completely lost it. [AI] 我完全失去了它。 With an intentionally angry edge. [AI] 故意带着愤怒的表情。 I screamed. [AI] 我尖叫着。 "Everybody just shut up and do what I say! [AI] “大家都闭嘴,照我说的做! You are the worst! [AI] 你是最坏的! I am going to take away screen time and dessert [AI] 我要取消放映时间和甜点 and anything else you could possibly ever enjoy in life!" [AI] 还有你在生活中可能享受到的任何东西!" (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) Anybody been there? [AI] 有人去过吗? (Applause) [AI] (掌声) Volatility. belittling. [AI] 波动。贬低。 My oldest son turned around and looked at me. and said. [AI] 我的大儿子转过身来看着我。然后说。 "Mom. that's not love." [AI] “妈妈,那不是爱。” (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) For a minute. I really wanted to kill him for calling me out. [AI] 一会儿。我真的很想杀了他,因为他叫我出来。 Trust me. [AI] 相信我。 But then I gathered myself [AI] 但后来我振作起来 and I thought. you know what. I'm actually proud. [AI] 我想。你知道吗。我真的很自豪。 I'm proud that he has a language to make me pause. [AI] 我很自豪他有一种语言能让我停下来。 I want all of my kids to understand what the bar should be [AI] 我想让我所有的孩子都明白酒吧应该是什么 for how they're treated [AI] 因为他们是如何被对待的 and to have a language and a voice to use when that bar is not met [AI] 在不符合标准的情况下使用语言和声音 versus just accepting it. [AI] 而不是仅仅接受它。 For too long. we've treated relationships as a soft topic. [AI] 太久了。我们把人际关系当作一个软话题。 when relationship skills are one of the most important [AI] 当人际关系技巧是最重要的 and hard to build things in life. [AI] 而且很难在生活中建造东西。 Not only can understanding unhealthy signs [AI] 不仅可以理解不健康的迹象 help you avoid the rabbit hole that leads to unhealthy love. [AI] 帮助你避免导致不健康爱情的兔子洞。 but understanding and practicing the art of being healthy [AI] 但是理解和实践健康的艺术 can improve nearly every aspect of your life. [AI] 几乎可以改善你生活的方方面面。 I'm completely convinced [AI] 我完全相信 that while love is an instinct and an emotion. [AI] 爱是一种本能和情感。 the ability to love better is a skill we can all build [AI] 爱得更好的能力是我们都可以培养的一种技能 and improve on over time. [AI] 并随着时间的推移不断改进。 Thank you. [AI] 非常感谢。 (Applause) [AI] (掌声)
