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(Sings) (歌声) Water 送水的那个 Boy 男孩呀! (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) where are you hidin'? 你躲到哪儿去了? (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) If you don't come right here, 如果你不出来的话, I'm gonna tell 我就要去告诉 your pa on you. 你老爸。 (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) There ain't no hammer -- 这山上—— (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) that's on this mountain 没有一把榔头—— (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) That ring like mine, boy -- 敲得比我的响呀,头儿—— (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) that ring like mine. 敲得比我的响。 (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) I'm gonna bust this rock, boy -- 我在凿石开路呀,头儿—— (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) from here to Macon. 从脚下到Macon。 (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) All the way to the jail, boy -- 马不停蹄到监狱呀,头儿—— (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) all the way to the jail. 马不停蹄到监狱。 (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) You jack of diamonds -- 你这方片 J 呀—— (扑克牌用语,也意为钻石大盗) (Music) (音乐) you jack of diamonds 方片 J, I know you of old boy, 我可是知道你老兄, I know you of old. 知道你老兄。 You done robbed my pocket, 金银财宝呀, you done robbed my pocket 金银财宝, of silver and gold, boy, 全被你掠夺呀, of silver and gold. 全被你掠夺。 Water Boy, 送水的小子, where are you hidin'? 你藏到哪里去了? If you don't come right here, 如果你还不过来这儿的话, I'm gonna tell your pa on you. 我就告诉你老爸。 There ain't no hammer 这山上 that's on this mountain 没有一把榔头 that ring like mine, boy, 敲得比我的响呀,头儿, that ring like mine. 敲得比我的响。 I'm gonna bust this rock, boy, 我在凿石开路呀,头儿, from here to Macon. 从脚下到Macon。 All the way to the jail, boy, 马不停蹄到监狱呀,头儿, all the way to the jail. 马不停蹄到监狱。 Water 送水的那个 Boy 小子啊, (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) where are you hidin'? 你藏到哪里去了? (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) If you don't come right here, 如果你还不出来的话, if you don't come right here, 如果你还不出来的话, if you don't come right here, 如果你还不出来的话, I'm gonna tell 我就要去 your pa 告诉 on you. 你老爸。 (Guitar strum) (吉他扫弦) (Applause) (掌声) Thank you. 谢谢。 That was a song based on numerous work songs, 这首歌基于无数的劳动歌曲, and it was arranged by Odetta, 是由奥德塔整理而成的, a hero of mine. 他是我的英雄。 And this next song, well, 而接下来的这首歌呢, I do a lot of historical music, 我演唱过许多有历史的歌曲, starting with the Carolina Chocolate Drops 始于Carolina Chocolate Drops乐队, and continuing on in my solo endeavors. 仍然会出现在我的独唱表演中。 And I believe that knowing your history as a musician 我坚信对于音乐人来说, 了解音乐背景 is super important -- 是非常重要的—— it's important as a person, 这对于我们个人很重要, it's important as a country, 对于一个国家很重要, it's important as a people. 对于我们人类来说也是非常重要的。 So I read a lot about where the music comes from 所以我研究了许多音乐的出处 and where this country comes from. 以及其国家的历史。 I've been reading a lot about the Civil War 我读了许多关于美国内战的书籍, and about slavery. 还有关于奴隶制的书籍。 And it's really tough. 众所周知, You know? 这一切都很悲惨。 It's really tough reading. 读这些东西并不轻松。 And so as an artist, what I do with all that emotion, 而作为一个艺术家 , 通过阅读历史故事 reading these people's stories, 我将感情都融入我的表演, not just, "Oh, slavery was terrible." 对奴隶制不是仅仅说 “太糟糕了”就算了。 Yes, it was. 这当然很糟糕。 But it's reading individual narratives of how it was for these people. 但也要通过这些故事来了解 历史对每个人有什么影响。 You know? 能理解吧? Then it's like, "Yeah, that could've been me." 这就像告诉自己 “这些事情可能发生在自己身上” And it is people now. You know? 这是关乎到全人类的事情。 So what you do with all that emotion 而有了这些情感之后, is you've got to do something with it. 就会真正地去做一些事情。 As an artist, I write. 作为一个艺术家,我就会去创作。 So I wrote a song based on some of those narratives that I read, 所以我基于看过的 这些故事写了一首歌, and it's called, "Come Love Come." 它叫做 “来吧,爱,来吧”。 We're going to do it for you now. 下面就为大家表演这首歌。 (Claps) (拍掌) (Sings) Come love come, (歌唱)来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 (Music) (音乐) (Sings) When I was four, (歌唱)我四岁的时候, my loving mam was cornered by the boss's man. 我亲爱的妈妈被 头儿的走狗逼到墙角。 She turned her head and got struck down, 她昂起头,但被继续殴打, they buried her in the cold, cold ground. 他们将她埋在了冰冷的地下。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 (Music) (音乐) When I was 12, 我12岁的时候, my father dear 我亲爱的爸爸 was strong of arm and free of fear 强壮无比,从不恐惧, until the day he raised his hand, 直到那天, 他举起了手臂, then he was sold to Alabama. 被卖到了阿拉巴马。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 (Music) (音乐) When I was 16, found my bloom 我16岁的时候 , 青春正茂, and found my man, 遇到了我的男人, we jumped the broom. 决定喜结连理。 We pledged each other the rest of our lives 我们将余生托付给对方, and on Saturday nights we were man and wife. 星期六的晚上, 我们成了夫妻。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 (Music) (音乐) When I was 18, 我18岁的时候, bugles called 哨声响起, and boys in blue came o'er the wall. 一群警察堵住了家门口。 I took my chance and followed free, 我找了个机会逃跑, 去追寻我的自由, they led the way to Tennessee. 一路去到了田纳西。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 (Music) (音乐) Now here I sit in a tiny shack 如今我坐在阴暗的小屋, with 13 others at my back. 与 13 个囚犯一起。 I've sent you word, 我已给你发了话, so all I can do 我能做的仅仅是 is wait and wait and wait and wait 等待,等待,等待,等待, and wait 继续等待, and wait for you. 等待着你。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies low, 前路遥遥, the way is long and hard, I know. 漫长而艰险。 Come love come, 来吧,爱,来吧, the road lies free, 前路自由, I'll wait for you in Tennessee. 我会在田纳西等你。 Oh, 噢... oh, 噢... oh. 噢... Whoa ... oh I'll wait for you. 哇噢... 我会等着你。 I'll wait for you. 我会等着你。 I'll wait for you 我会等着你。 I'll wait for you. 我会等着你。 (Applause) (掌声) Thank you. 谢谢。 So, with the dark you have to have the light. 所以,在黑暗之中 , 你必须要找到光明。 And in the African-American community, 而在非洲裔美国人的群体中, it's been the work of many hundreds of years 已经经历了数百年的斗争, to find a way to lift ourselves up. 只为点燃他们的希望之火。 So I'm going to end with a couple of tunes from Sister Rosetta Tharpe, 所以我打算用罗塞塔 · 萨普修女的 音乐来结束这次表演, one of the more influential American music figures 她是美国音乐历史中 很有影响力的人物之一, that most of you probably never heard of. 你们大多数人可能都 没有听说过她。 If you have, I'm so happy. 如果有人听说过的话,我很高兴。 She's one of the innovators of rock 'n' roll guitar, 她是摇滚吉他史上的先驱者之一, and one of the first crossover artists from gospel to secular. 也是最早将福音与通俗音乐 结合起来的跨界艺术家之一。 She's an incredibly important figure, 毋容置疑,她是一个重要的人物, and I'm going to talk about her whenever I can. 如果有机会的话我一定会 好好地介绍一下她。 So these are a couple of her tunes. 接下来要带给大家的 就是她写的一些曲子。 And don't worry -- you're going to get your chance to sing. 不要担心——你们有机会跟我一起唱。 (Music) (音乐) (Sings) Look down, look down (歌唱)看看你的脚下 , 看看你的脚下, that lonesome road 是你即将要踏上的 before you travel on. 荒无人烟的道路。 Look up, look up 看看你的头顶, 看看你的头顶, and greet your maker, 向创造万物的上帝致敬, for Gabriel blows his horn. 就在加百利吹响号角之时。 Weary totin' such a load, 身上带着一大堆繁重的行李, goin' down that lonesome road. 就要踏上那荒无人烟的道路。 Look down that lonesome road, 看看你的脚下,你即将要踏上 before you travel on. 那人迹罕至的道路。 Look down, look down 看看你的脚下, 看看你的脚下, that lonesome road 是你即将要踏上的 before you travel on. 荒无人烟的道路。 Look up, look up 看看你的头顶, 看看你的头顶, and greet your maker, 向创造万物的上帝致敬, for Gabriel blows his horn. 就在加百利吹响号角之时。 Weary totin' such a load, 身上带着一大堆繁重的行李, goin' down that lonesome road. 就要踏上那荒无人烟的道路。 Look down, look down, look down, look down 看看你的脚下, 看看你的脚下, that lonesome road 你即将要踏上 before you travel on. 那人迹罕至的道路。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear music in the air 传来了音乐的声音, music in the air. 传来了音乐的声音。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear music in the air 传来了音乐的声音, I hear music in the air. 传来了音乐的声音。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear music in the air 传来了音乐的声音, music in the air 传来了音乐的声音, and I really do believe 我真的坚信, I really do believe 我真的坚信, there's a Heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶上, up above my head 就在我的头顶上, I hear singin' in the air 我听到了歌声, singin' in the air. 听到了歌声。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear singin' in the air 我听到了歌声, I hear singin' in the air. 听到了歌声。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear singin' in the air 我听到了歌声, singin' in the air 听到了歌声, and I really do believe 我真的坚信, I really do believe 我真的坚信, there's a Heaven somewhere. 真的有天堂的存在。 (Speaks) All right now, guitar man! (说话)好的,吉他手! (Guitar music) (吉他音乐) That's Hubby Jenkins, y'all. 各位,这是哈比 · 詹金斯! (Sings) Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear shoutin' in the air 我听到了有人在呼喊, shoutin' in the air. 有人在呼喊。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear shoutin' in the air 我听到了有人在呼喊, I hear shoutin' in the air. 有人在呼喊。 Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, I hear shoutin' in the air, that's right, 我听到了有人在呼喊,没错, and I really do believe I really do believe 我真的坚信,我无比坚信, there's a heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在。 (Speaks) All right now, give me some of that bass. (说话)好的,来点贝斯吧! (Bass solo) (贝斯独奏) Yeah! 耶! Woo! 喔! Jason Sypher on the bass. 杰森 · 赛佛,我们的贝斯手! Jamie Dick on those drums. 杰米 · 迪克,我们的鼓手! All right now, 好的, I'm running out of time. 时间快到了。 So it's time for y'all to sing. 轮到你们来唱了。 This is the call-and-response. 一起来吧。 I call, you respond. 我唱一句,你们唱一句。 There are so many songs like this, y'all know how it goes, don't you? 很多歌都像这首一样脍炙人口, 我相信你们知道怎么唱。 You're going to sing along? 你们要一起来唱吗? I said, are you going to sing along? 说好的,你们要一起唱吗? Audience members: Yes! 观众:要! Rhiannon Giddens: Here we go! 准备好了! (Sings) Up above my head (歌唱)就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: music in the air 莉翰娜:传来了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air. 观众:传来了音乐的声音, RG: up above my head 莉翰娜:就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: music in the air 莉翰娜:传来了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air 观众:传来了音乐的声音, RG: up above my head 莉翰娜:就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: music in the air 莉翰娜:传来了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air 观众:传来了音乐的声音, RG: and I really do believe I really do believe 莉翰娜:我真的坚信,我无比坚信, there's a heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在。 One more time! 再来一次! Up above my head 就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: I hear music in the air 莉翰娜:我听到了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air. 观众:听到了音乐的声音, RG: Up above my head 莉翰娜:就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: I hear music in the air 莉翰娜:我听到了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air. 观众:听到了音乐的声音, RG: Up above my head 莉翰娜:就在我的头顶之上, AM: up above my head 观众:就在我的头顶之上, RG: I hear music in the air 莉翰娜:我听到了音乐的声音, AM: music in the air 观众:听到了音乐的声音, RG: and I really do believe I really do believe 莉翰娜:我真的坚信,我无比坚信, there's a heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在。 I said I really do believe I really do believe 我说,我真的真的相信, there's a heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在, Heaven somewhere. 有天堂的存在。 (Holds note) 啊... (Applause and cheers) (掌声与欢呼) (Music ends) (音乐停止) (Applause) (鼓掌)
