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I want to talk to you about how to build and rebuild trust, 我想跟大家谈谈 如何建立和重建信任, because it's my belief that trust 因为我相信:信任 is the foundation for everything we do, 是我们做一切事情的基础, and that if we can learn to trust one another more, 如果我们学着彼此之间多一些信任, we can have unprecedented human progress. 人类将能取得前所未有的进步。 But what if trust is broken? 可如果人与人间信任破裂了呢? What if your CEO is caught on video, disparaging an employee? 假如你的CEO被拍到在贬低一名员工; What if your employees experience a culture of bias, exclusion and worse? 假如你的员工感受到的是一种 充满偏见、排挤或更糟糕的企业文化; What if there's a data breach, 假如发生了数据泄露, and it feels an awful lot like a cover-up than seriously addressing it? 但相应的处理更像在掩盖, 而不是认真想法解决; And most tragically, 而最不幸的是, what if a technological fail leads to the loss of human life? 假如技术上的失误最终致人死亡, 当上述情况发生,该怎么办? If I was giving this talk six months ago, 如果我是六个月前做这个演讲, I would have been wearing an Uber T-shirt. 我可能会穿着 优步(Uber)T恤站在这。 I'm a Harvard Business School professor, 我是哈佛商学院的教授, but I was super attracted to going to an organization 不过我超级想去一个组织, that was metaphorically and perhaps quite literally on fire. 可以比喻成,或许真的是 一个如火中烧的组织。 I had read everything that was written in the newspaper, 我读了所有的纸媒报道, and that was precisely what drew me to the organization. 正是那些报道驱使我来到这个组织。 This was an organization that had lost trust 这是一个已经失去了 with every constituent that mattered. 所有重要成员信任的组织。 But there's a word about me that I should share. 不过关于我自己, 有一个词必须得分享。 My favorite trait is redemption. 我最喜欢的个人特质是拯救。 I believe that there is a better version of us around every corner, 我相信,在每一个转角, 我们都能遇见更好的自己, and I have seen firsthand 我也曾亲眼目睹 how organizations and communities 机构、团体, and individuals change at breathtaking speed. 以及个人如何以惊人的速度改变。 I went to Uber with the hopes that a turnaround there 我满怀期待来到优步, 希望优步能扭转现状, could give license to the rest of us 得以缩小我们这些人 who might have narrower versions of their challenges. 可能面临的挑战范围。 But when I got to Uber, I made a really big mistake. 但到优步后, 我犯了一个大错误。 I publicly committed to wearing an Uber T-shirt every day 我公开承诺每天穿优步T恤, until every other employee was wearing an Uber T-shirt. 直到所有员工都穿上为止。 I had clearly not thought that through. 很显然我太冲动了。 (Laughter) (笑声) It was 250 days of wearing an Uber T-shirt. 足足穿了 250 天优步T恤。 Now I am liberated from that commitment, 现在我从那个承诺中解脱了, as I am back at HBS, 因为我又回到了哈佛商学院, and what I'd like to do is share with you 而我想跟各位分享的是 how far I have taken that liberty, 我带着这份自由走了多远, which, it's baby steps, 嗯,也就刚迈出几步吧, (Laughter) (笑声) but I would just say I'm on my way. 不过我只想说, 我总算恢复自由身了。 (Laughter) (笑声) Now, trust, if we're going to rebuild it, 现在来看信任, 如果我们想重建它, we have to understand its component parts. 我们得了解它的构成。 The component parts of trust are super well understood. 非常好理解。 There's three things about trust. 信任由三部分构成。 If you sense that I am being authentic, 第一,真实性。 如果你察觉到我是真实的, you are much more likely to trust me. 你就会更容易信任我。 If you sense that I have real rigor in my logic, 第二,逻辑。 如果你认为我的逻辑确实合理, you are far more likely to trust me. 你就会更容易信任我。 And if you believe that my empathy is directed towards you, 第三,同理心。 如果你相信我和你有共鸣, you are far more likely to trust me. 你就会更容易信任我。 When all three of these things are working, 当三部分都状态正常, we have great trust. 人与人之间会建立很深的信任。 But if any one of these three gets shaky, 但假如其中任何一部分不稳固, if any one of these three wobbles, 任何一部分松动了, trust is threatened. 信任就会受到威胁。 Now here's what I'd like to do. 接下来就是我想做的。 I want each of us to be able to engender more trust tomorrow, 我想让每一个人明天, literally tomorrow, than we do today. 没错,就是明天, 都能比今天创造更多信任。 And the way to do that is to understand where trust wobbles for ourselves 做法就是弄清自己的 信任三角哪里出现了松动, and have a ready-made prescription to overcome it. 再拿出实用的对策去解决它。 So that's what I would like to do together. 这正是我想和大家一起做的。 Would you give me some sense of whether or not you're here voluntarily? 方便让我知道下, 你们是自愿来这儿的吗? (Laughter) (笑声) Yeah. OK. Alright. Awesome. 哇哦,好,不错,非常好。 OK. So -- 所以,你们—— (Laughter) (笑声) it's just super helpful feedback. 你们的反馈太给力了。 (Laughter) (笑声) So the most common wobble is empathy. 那么,最常见的是同理心的松动。 The most common wobble 这种最常见的松动 is that people just don't believe that we're mostly in it for them, 是指人们总不相信 我们通常是跟他们站在一边的, and they believe that we're too self-distracted. 他们认为我们总是被自己扰乱。 And it's no wonder. 这不奇怪。 We are all so busy with so many demands on our time, 我们终日奔忙,分秒必争, it's easy to crowd out the time and space 很容易就挤掉同理心所需要的 that empathy requires. 时间和空间。 For Dylan to be Dylan, that takes real time. 迪伦成为迪伦需要花费时间, And for us, if we have too much to do, we may not have that time. 而如果我们有太多事要忙, 我们可能就没有那个时间。 But that puts us into a vicious cycle, 但那会令我们陷入一个恶性循环, because without revealing empathy, 因为没有表现出同理心, it makes everything harder. 每件事都更困难。 Without the benefit of the doubt of trust, it makes everything harder, 没有了“暂且信任你”, 每件事都更困难, and then we have less and less time for empathy, and so it goes. 然后留给同理心的时间 就愈发减少,这样周而复始。 So here's the prescription: 怎么办,方法在这里: identify where, when and to whom 确定在何时、何地、对谁 you are likely to offer your distraction. 你想要匀出自己的部分精力。 That should trace pretty perfectly 那一定能非常精确地跟踪到 to when, where and to whom you are likely to withhold your empathy. 你可能会在何时、何地、对谁 隐藏自己的同理心。 And if in those instances, 一旦遇到这些情况, 采用这个方法, we can come up with a trigger that gets us to look up, 我们就会像碰到触发器一样, 它促使我们抬起头, look at the people right in front of us, 看看面前的人, listen to them, 听听他们在说什么, deeply immerse ourselves in their perspectives, 认真换位思考, then we have a chance of having a sturdy leg of empathy. 这样我们就能获得信任三角中 牢固的一边:同理心。 And if you do nothing else, 如果你做不了别的, please put away your cell phone. 那请先把手机收起来。 It is the largest distraction magnet yet to be made, 手机是迄今为止制造出来的 最会使人们分心的东西, and it is super difficult to create empathy and trust in its presence. 它的存在使得同理心 和信任的产生异常困难。 That takes care of the empathy wobblers. 它控制住了那些同理心松动的人。 Logic wobbles can come in two forms. 逻辑松动有两种形式: It's either the quality of your logic 一种体现在逻辑能力上, or it's your ability to communicate the logic. 另一种体现在表达逻辑的能力上。 Now if the quality of your logic is at risk, 如果你的逻辑能力不行, I can't really help you with that. 那我真的无能为力。 (Laughter) (笑声) It's like, not in this much time. 至少在这么短时间内不行。 (Laughter) (笑声) But fortunately, it's often the case that our logic is sound, 不过幸运的是, 通常我们的逻辑都是正常的, but it's our ability to communicate the logic that is in jeopardy. 但是表达逻辑的能力有问题。 Super fortunately, there's a very easy fix to this. 万幸的是, 这有一个简单的解决方法。 If we consider that there are two ways to communicate in the world, 如果我们认为世界上有两种表达方式, and Harvard Business School professors are known for two-by-twos -- 而哈佛商学院教授 以2乘2方式闻名—— nonsense, it's the triangle that rocks. 瞎说,三角形才是最棒的。 (Laughter) (笑声) If we consider that there are two ways to communicate in the world, 如果我们认为世界上 有两种表达方式, and the first one is when you take us on a journey, 第一种就像你带我们去旅行, a magnificent journey that has twists and turns 一次华丽的旅行, 沿途有盘旋,有转弯 and mystery and drama, 有神秘莫测,有戏剧性的转变, until you ultimately get to the point, 终于你言归正传了, and some of the best communicators in the world 世界上一些最棒的交流者, communicate just like this. 就是这样与人交流的。 But if you have a logic wobble, 可如果你有逻辑松动, this can be super dangerous. 这样做就非常危险。 So instead, I implore you, 所以,相反,我恳请各位, start with your point in a crisp half-sentence, 一开始你就要用 干脆利落的半句话点明主题, and then give your supporting evidence. 接着再给出你的支持证据。 This means that people will be able to get access 这样做意味着别人能够接触到 to our awesome ideas, 我们那些超棒的点子, and just as importantly, 同样重要的是, if you get cut off before you're done ... 即使在结束前就被打断—— ladies -- 就像这样,女士们 (没说先生们)—— (Laughter) (笑声) (Applause) (鼓掌) If you get cut off before you're done, 即使还没结束你就被打断, you still get credit for the idea, 你仍会因为这个点子得到称赞, as opposed to someone else coming in and snatching it from you. 而不是有哪个人突然闯进来 抢走你的这个点子。 (Applause) (鼓掌) You just gave me goosebumps. 你们让我有点受宠若惊。 (Laughter) (笑声) The third wobble is authenticity, and I find it to be the most vexing. 第三种是真实性出现松动, 我发现这是最让人头疼的。 We as a human species can sniff out in a moment, 我们人类在一瞬间, literally in a moment, 真的就是一瞬间, whether or not someone is being their authentic true self. 就能判断出一个人 表现出的是否是真实的自我。 So in many ways, the prescription is clear. 既然这样,从很多方面来看, 解决方法也很明确。 You don't want to have an authenticity wobble? Be you. 你不想出现真实性松动,是不是? 那就“做自己”吧。 Great. 很好。 And that is super easy to do 当周围都是和你类似的人, when you're around people who are like you. “做自己”非常容易。 But if you represent any sort of difference, 但假如你表现出 任何一种与众不同, the prescription to "be you" can be super challenging. “做自己”就相当有难度。 I have been tempted at every step of my career, 在事业生涯的每一步, 我都曾经被诱惑, tempted personally and tempted by coaching of others, 被个人和他人的指导诱惑, to mute who I am in the world. 想要弱化自己的身份。 I'm a woman of super strong opinions, 我是一个相当有主见的女人, with really deep convictions, 信念坚定, direct speech. 说话直接了当。 I have a magnificent wife, 我有一位出色的妻子, and together, we have such crazy ambition. 在一起我们会有非常疯狂的追求。 I prefer men's clothes 我喜欢穿男式衣服 and comfortable shoes. 和舒适的鞋子。 Thank you, Allbirds. 谢谢 Allbirds(鞋品牌)。 (Laughter) (笑声) In some contexts, this makes me different. 在某些场合,这让我与众不同。 I hope that each person here 我希望在座每一位 has the beautiful luxury of representing difference 都能拥有在人生的某些时候 in some context in your life. 表现自己独特一面的奢侈享受。 But with that privilege 但是这种荣幸 comes a very sincere temptation to hold back who we are, 会带来一种非常实在的诱惑 并掩盖住我们的真实一面, and if we hold back who we are, 而如果我们隐藏真实的自己, we're less likely to be trusted. 我们就不容易被信任。 And if we're less likely to be trusted, 如果不容易被信任, we're less likely to be given stretch assignments. 我们也不大可能得到额外任务。 And without those stretch assignments, we're less likely to get promoted, 而没有那些额外任务, 我们也就不大可能得到晋升, and so on and so on until we are super depressed 如此反复, 直到高层领导的年龄分布趋势 by the demographic tendencies of our senior leadership. 让我们沮丧不已。 (Laughter) (笑声) And it all comes back to our being our authentic selves. 最后再回到“做真实的自己”。 So here's my advice. 那我的建议就是: Wear whatever makes you feel fabulous. 穿戴上任何让你感觉超棒的衣物。 Pay less attention to what you think people want to hear from you 少去在意你觉得 别人想从你这听到什么, and far more attention to what your authentic, awesome self needs to say. 更多的去关注真实的、超棒的自己 需要表达出的那些东西。 And to the leaders in the room, 还有这个屋里的领导者, it is your obligation 你们有义务去创造条件, to set the conditions that not only make it safe for us to be authentic 在这种条件下, “做真实的自己”不仅是安全的 but make it welcome, 也是受到欢迎 make it celebrated, 和可以庆祝的, cherish it for exactly what it is, 珍惜事物本来的样子, which is the key for us achieving greater excellence 这是我们成功的关键, 让我们有可能到达 than we have ever known is possible. 未曾了解的更高巅峰。 So let's go back to Uber. What happened at Uber? 让我们再回到优步。 优步发生了什么? When I got there, Uber was wobbling all over the place. 当我来到优步时, 它到处都在动荡不安。 Empathy, logic, authenticity were all wobbling like crazy. 同理心、逻辑、真实性 都在疯狂动摇。 But we were able to find super effective, super quick fixes for two of the wobbles. 不过对其中两种松动, 我们有能力找到极其快速有效的对策。 I'll give you an illustration of empathy. 先来说下同理心。 In the meetings at Uber, 在优步的内部会议上, it was not uncommon for people to be texting one another ... 常见到人们互相发短信—— about the meeting. 讨论会议内容。 (Laughter) (笑声) I had never seen anything like it. 我还从没见过这样的。 (Laughter) (笑声) It may have done many things, 这样做可能会完成很多工作, but it did not create a safe, empathetic environment. 但不能创造一种安全的、 有同理心的环境。 The solution though, super clear: 不过解决方案却是相当清楚明了: technology, off and away. 关掉手机,远离科技。 And that forced people to look up, 这会迫使人们抬头看, to look at the people in front of them, 看看眼前的人, to listen to them, 听听他们在说什么, to immerse themselves in their perspectives 认真的换位思考, and to collaborate in unprecedented ways. 用前所未有的方式共同协作。 Logic was equally wobbly, 逻辑也同样在松动, and this was because the hypergrowth of the organization 这是因为优步的飞速扩张 meant that people, managers were getting promoted 意味着员工和经理 能一次,一次,又一次的 again and again and again. 得到晋升。 Soon, they were put in positions that they had no business being in. 很快,他们被放到不相干的职位上。 Their positions outstripped their capability, 而他们的能力无法胜任所在的职位, and it was not their fault. 不过这不是他们的错。 The solution: a massive influx of executive education 解决方案:引入大量高管教育项目, that focused specifically on logic, 专门针对逻辑、 on strategy and leadership. 策略以及领导能力进行培训。 It gave people the rigor of the quality of their logic, 它会让人形成严谨的逻辑, and it turned a whole lot of triangles, right-side up, 并扭转许多倾斜的三角形, 让它们回归正位, so people were able to communicate effectively with one another. 这样人们就有能力实现 彼此间的有效沟通。 The last one, authenticity, I'll say it's still mighty wobbly, 最后一个,真实性, 我会说这部分还是松动的很厉害。 but honestly, that doesn't make Uber very different 不过说实话, 优步并没有因此 from all of the other companies I've seen in Silicon Valley and beyond. 与我见过的硅谷和硅谷之外的 其他公司产生太大差别。 It is still much easier to coach people to fit in. 相比之下,指导人们 去调整适应还是更容易些。 It is still much easier to reward people 当有人说出你想说的话, when they say something that you were going to say, 你去奖励他们, as opposed to rewarding people when they say something 这比当有人说出 与你想说的不一样的话 entirely different than what you were going to say. 你还要去奖励他们要容易多了。 But when we figure out this, 但是当我们弄清楚这些, when we figure out how to celebrate difference 弄清楚如何赞扬差异, and how to let people bring the best version of themselves forward, 如何让人们发掘出自己的最好一面, well holy cow, is that the world I want my sons to grow up in. 天呐,多希望我的孩子们 也能在这样的世界长大。 And with the collection of people here, 今天大家聚在这里, it would be a privilege to lock arms with you 很荣幸能与你们紧密携手, and go ahead and rebuild trust in every corner of the globe. 共同前进,在世界上 每一个角落重建信任。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 (Applause) (鼓掌)
