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【TED】David Gallo 揭露海底惊奇


We're going to go on a dive to the deep sea. [AI] 我们要去深海潜水。 and anyone that's had that lovely opportunity [AI] 任何一个有机会的人 knows that for about two and half hours on the way down. [AI] 在下山的路上,我知道了大约两个半小时。 it's a perfectly positively pitch-black world. [AI] 这是一个完全漆黑的世界。 And we used to see the most mysterious animals out the window [AI] 我们过去常常看到窗外最神秘的动物 that you couldn't describe: [AI] 你无法描述的: these blinking lights -- a world of bioluminescence. like fireflies. [AI] 这些闪烁的灯光——一个生物发光的世界。像萤火虫一样。 Dr. Edith Widder -- she's now at the Ocean Research and Conservation Association -- [AI] 伊迪丝·维德博士——她现在在海洋研究和保护协会工作-- was able to come up with a camera that could capture some of these incredible animals. [AI] 他发明了一台摄像机,可以捕捉到这些不可思议的动物。 and that's what you're seeing here on the screen. [AI] 这就是你在屏幕上看到的。 That's all bioluminescence. Like I said: just like fireflies. [AI] 这都是生物发光。就像我说的:就像萤火虫一样。 There's a flying turkey under a tree. (Laughter) [AI] 树下有只会飞的火鸡。(众笑) I'm a geologist by training. But I love that. [AI] 我是一名受过训练的地质学家。但我喜欢这样。 And you see. some of the bioluminescence they use to avoid being eaten. [AI] 你看。它们用来避免被吃掉的一些生物发光。 some they use to attract prey. [AI] 有些是用来吸引猎物的。 but all of it. from an artistic point of view. is just positively amazing. [AI] 但这一切。从艺术的角度来看。真是太神奇了。 And a lot of what goes on inside -- [AI] 里面发生了很多事情-- There's a fish with glowing eyes. pulsating eyes. [AI] 有一条鱼眼睛发光。跳动的眼睛。 Some of the colors are designed to hypnotize. [AI] 有些颜色是用来催眠的。 these lovely patterns. [AI] 这些可爱的图案。 And then this last one. [AI] 然后是最后一个。 one of my favorites. this pinwheel design. [AI] 我的最爱之一。这是风车的设计。 Just absolutely amazing. every single dive. [AI] 简直太神奇了。每一次潜水。 That's the unknown world. and today we've only explored [AI] 那是未知的世界。今天我们只探索了 about 3 percent of what's out there in the ocean. [AI] 大约3%的海洋生物。 Already we've found the world's highest mountains. [AI] 我们已经发现了世界上最高的山脉。 the world's deepest valleys. [AI] 世界上最深的山谷。 underwater lakes. underwater waterfalls -- [AI] 水下湖泊。水下瀑布-- a lot of that we shared with you from the stage. [AI] 我们在舞台上与你分享了很多。 And in a place where we thought no life at all. [AI] 在一个我们认为没有生命的地方。 we find more life. we think. and diversity and density [AI] 我们发现了更多的生命。我们认为。以及多样性和密度 than the tropical rainforest. [AI] 而不是热带雨林。 which tells us that we don't know much about this planet at all. [AI] 这告诉我们,我们对这个星球的了解并不多。 There's still 97 percent. [AI] 还有97%。 and either that 97 percent is empty or just full of surprises. [AI] 这97%要么是空的,要么就是充满了惊喜。 But I want to jump up to shallow water now [AI] 但我现在想跳到浅水区 and look at some creatures that are positively amazing. [AI] 看看那些令人惊叹的生物。 Cephalopods -- head-foots. As a kid I knew them as calamari. mostly. (Laughter) [AI] 头足类——头足类。小时候我就知道他们是卡拉马里人。主要地(众笑) This is an octopus. [AI] 这是一只章鱼。 This is the work of Dr. Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab. [AI] 这是海洋生物实验室罗杰·汉隆博士的工作。 and it's just fascinating how cephalopods can. [AI] 头足类动物的能力真是太神奇了。 with their incredible eyes. sense their surroundings. [AI] 用他们难以置信的眼睛。感知他们周围的环境。 look at light. look at patterns. [AI] 看看灯。看看模式。 Here's an octopus moving across the reef. [AI] 这里有一只章鱼正在穿过礁石。 finds a spot to settle down. curls up and then disappears into the background. [AI] 找个地方安顿下来。卷曲,然后消失在背景中。 Tough thing to do. [AI] 很难做的事。 In the next bit. we're going to see a couple squid. [AI] 在下一位。我们要去看几只乌贼。 Now males. when they fight. [AI] 现在是男性。当他们打架的时候。 if they're really aggressive. they turn white. [AI] 如果他们真的好斗。它们变白了。 And these two males are fighting. [AI] 这两个男人在打架。 They do it by bouncing their butts together. [AI] 他们通过把屁股弹跳在一起来实现。 which is an interesting concept. [AI] 这是一个有趣的概念。 Now. here's a male on the left and a female on the right. [AI] 现在左边是一只雄性,右边是一只雌性。 and the male has managed to split his coloration [AI] 而这只雄性已经成功地分裂了他的肤色 so the female only always sees the kinder. gentler squid in him. (Laughter) [AI] 所以女性总是看到更善良的人。他是个温柔的乌贼。(众笑) Let's take a look at it again. Watch the coloration: [AI] 让我们再看一看。观看色彩: white on the right. brown on the left. [AI] 右边是白色。左边是布朗。 He takes a step back. he's keeping off the other males by splitting his body. [AI] 他后退了一步。他把自己的身体劈开以避开其他雄性。 and comes up on the other side -- [AI] 从另一边上来-- Bingo! [AI] 答对 了 Now. I'm told that's not not just a squid phenomenon with males. but I don't know. [AI] 现在我听说这不仅仅是雄性乌贼的现象。但我不知道。 (Laughter) [AI] (众笑) Cuttlefish. I love cuttlefish. [AI] 乌贼我喜欢墨鱼。 This is a Giant Australian Cuttlefish. [AI] 这是一只巨大的澳大利亚乌贼。 And there he is. his droopy little eyes up here. [AI] 他就在那里。他那下垂的小眼睛。 But they can do pretty amazing things. too. [AI] 但是他们可以做很多令人惊奇的事情。也 Here we're going to see one backing into a crevice. [AI] 在这里,我们将看到一个倒退到裂缝中。 and watch his tentacles -- [AI] 看着他的触手-- he just pulls them in. makes them look just like algae. [AI] 他只是把他们拉进来。使它们看起来像藻类。 Disappears right into the background. [AI] 消失在背景中。 Positively amazing. Here's two males fighting. [AI] 真是太棒了。这里有两个男人在打架。 Once again. they're smart enough. these cephalopods; [AI] 再一次他们足够聪明。这些头足类; they know not to hurt each other. [AI] 他们知道不要互相伤害。 But look at the patterns that they can do with their skin. [AI] 但是看看他们的皮肤可以做什么。 That's an amazing thing. [AI] 这是一件了不起的事情。 Here's an octopus. [AI] 这是一只章鱼。 Sometimes they don't want to be seen when they move. [AI] 有时他们不想在移动时被人看见。 because predators can see them. [AI] 因为捕食者可以看到它们。 This guy can make himself look like a rock. [AI] 这家伙可以让自己看起来像块石头。 and. looking at his environment. [AI] 和看看他的环境。 can actually slide across the bottom. [AI] 实际上可以在底部滑动。 using the waves and the shadows so he can't be seen. [AI] 利用波浪和阴影让他看不见。 His motion blends right into the background -- [AI] 他的动作与背景融为一体-- the moving rock trick. [AI] 移动的岩石技巧。 So. we're learning lots new from the shallow water. [AI] 所以我们从浅水区学到了很多新东西。 Still exploring the deep. but learning lots from the shallow water. [AI] 仍在探索深海。但是从浅水中学习了很多。 There's a good reason why: [AI] 这有一个很好的理由: the shallow water's full of predators -- here's a barracuda -- [AI] 浅水区到处都是捕食者这是梭鱼-- and if you're an octopus or a cephalopod. [AI] 如果你是章鱼或头足类动物。 you need to really understand how to use your surroundings to hide. [AI] 你需要真正了解如何利用周围环境来隐藏自己。 In the next scene. you're going to see a nice coral bottom. [AI] 在下一个场景中。你会看到一个漂亮的珊瑚底。 And you see that an octopus would stand out [AI] 你看,章鱼会脱颖而出 very easily there if you couldn't use your camouflage. [AI] 如果你不能用你的伪装,在那里很容易。 use your skin to change color and texture. [AI] 使用你的皮肤来改变颜色和纹理。 Here's some algae in the foreground -- [AI] 前景中有一些藻类-- and an octopus. [AI] 还有一只章鱼。 Ain't that amazing? [AI] 这不是很神奇吗? Now. Roger spooked him. so he took off in a cloud of ink. [AI] 现在罗杰吓了他一跳。于是他在一团墨水中离开了。 and when he lands. the octopus says. "Oh. I've been seen. [AI] 当他着陆时。章鱼说。“哦,有人看见我了。 The best thing to do is to get as big as I can get." [AI] 最好的办法就是尽我所能地变大。" That big brown makes his eyespot very big. [AI] 那个大棕色使他的眼点很大。 So. he's bluffing. Let's do it backwards. [AI] 所以他在虚张声势。让我们倒着做吧。 I thought he was joking when he first showed it to me. [AI] 他第一次给我看的时候我还以为他在开玩笑呢。 I thought it was all graphics. So here it is in reverse. [AI] 我以为都是图形。所以这里是相反的。 Watch the skin color; watch the skin texture. [AI] 注意肤色;观察皮肤纹理。 Just an amazing animal. it can change color and texture [AI] 只是一只神奇的动物。它可以改变颜色和纹理 to match the surroundings. [AI] 与周围环境相匹配。 Watch him blend right into this algae. [AI] 看着他融入这海藻。 One. two. three. [AI] 一二三 And now he's gone. and so am I. Thank you very much. (Applause) [AI] 现在他走了。我也是。非常感谢。(掌声)
